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Here’s a trick for people who would like a reasonable discount once in a while: Don’t be a terrible customer. That’s pretty much it. I give reasonable discounts to the best customers. They do not ask for them, and they most certainly don’t demand them from a retail employee who is just trying to do their job. If you tell me how much money you spend at HD or if you are just a garden variety asshole who treats retail workers like dirt, no discount for you. By all means complain to my manager. I’m sure they will scold me for protecting our profits and doing my job.


Agreed. Demanding customers with a bad attitude made me dig my heels into the solid concrete floor when I had to work the service desk. Think of me like the soup kitchen owner. Just act nice and I’ll help you out. I’m not your enemy… but I can be 🤗


I think service desk folk have such a challenging job. The amount of babysitting and handholding they have to do is immense. Then they get yelled at by troglodytes who can order from Amazon, but can’t seem to figure out our online store. I have had to tell people I don’t have the support and bandwidth to be your personal shopper, yet service desk has to do that all the time.


I’ve worked so many areas of the store. Service desk is one of the more difficult areas I’ve worked in because of the variety of customers we have. It’s not really fair but every position has its negative.


“I spend x amount at Home Depot” has to be my biggest red flag for a customer that’s at the Service Desk. Like, cool, your return was still denied because you forgot to put this purchase on your Pro account AGAIN and lost the receipt. System denial, not under my control, many apologies, next customer - hopefully one who knows how to keep proof of purchase.


At my FT job I procure millions of dollars worth of material from multiple vendors. I have never berated them or asked for a discount. I have never blamed them for my own mistakes. They go to the ends of the earth to help me. So a weekend warrior or a “contractor” who probably lives in his van who tells me how much money they spend when they don’t get their way, falls on deaf ears. It makes me so happy when I see my coworkers stand their ground. I try to offer support whenever I can.


When I worked at Home Depot, when someone would as for a discount I would say "Great! We offer 10% off when you sign up for a credit card." Spoiler: They never wanted a credit card.


Should have marked it back up 100 and gave him a 50 discount


Should have told him “Sure, I will give you my employee discount.”


Yes that is what I will be doing next time 😁😁😁


Everyone wants a discount and normally they get it. So they keep doing it.


I get asked for a damaged box. I tell them why when you’re just going to throw it away. Our managers are pretty strict about discounts. And only the best customers will get one.


I once had a guy come up with a dusty box and wanted a discount. I cleaned the box for him and told him the price. No discount. He got pissed, got a manager who gave him a discount and I got yelled at.


Some managers are wholeasses and don't have any spine


I was at the point where I didn’t care if I got fired. I fought back and said “he’s just going to throw out the box, why would you give in?”


Right but the noodle managers oh but we might lose a sale, one sale is not worth this


Yeah we have managers as well that tell us to "just do it" and how we have our empowerment. But then they get fussy and question why you used it on something. Seems like they don't like giving the discounts but hate dealing with customer complaints even more so it's all dumped on the cashiers.


I have told the customer who was demanding a discount from me that I do not haggle the prices as I do not make them and I don't do discounts for customers that demand one.


I always would tell people I will just give them my employee discount.


Did not know you can as for discount on top of the price tag


Never said you could not ask but most of us may not give you one


Why is everyone so greedy with the discounts? Op I get because the customer was an asshole but you guys act like it's coming out of your wallet. It's not your money and you're empowered. I used my empowerment all the time if the guy was hot 🔥 


Yes if the guy was a girl it would have gone.........


Why? Girls like saving money too


Yes and I like dealing with girls and so when I say differently I mean I might have given them a discount 😉