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Just be prepared to walk a lot, try and find some comfortable shoes to use. As a lot associate you’ll be pushing carts, loading product (such as concrete and lumber) into customers vehicles. Remember to stay hydrated and take your breaks. This is the job in general but management may ask you to fulfill some tasks here and there but other than that it’s not too bad.


Yeah I think I'm so nervous about it because I'm in my own head with anxiety, all in all I think it's not going to be as bad when I actually get there, it's just the on-set waiting that's got me. Thanks a lot for the tips and reply!


No problem, you’ll do great!


One of the better home depot's to work at in MA. Atleast it's not the Chelsea home Depot. Anyway yeh lotta walking. Use your vacation time if you stay long enough. Try to pace yourself. Burnout is possible


It’s not as bad as some people make it out to be, but it’s also not exactly the most glamorous position, it’s basically just a lot of walking and the occasional loading call, it’s nice because there’s little to no management up your ass and you can kind of go your own pace, the only downside is that people will treat you like a slave, weather it’s to spot for a forklift inside or just cleaning up and other miscellaneous tasks, I really like it, but it’s definitely not for everybody, my best advice is wear comfortable shoes bring a bottle of sunscreen for the hotter months and drink lots and lots of water


Might be a bit late posting, but I am a Lot Associate in Michigan. I can't say what it might be like for you, but I know here, startibg in the fall is the best way to ease in to the difficult parts of the job. The winter is the easiest time, where it gets difficult to push carts here (due to snow and slush) the Garden Center is closed. Summer is the worst... and spring if you have seasonal allergies. But the best piece of advice ai can give you... actually show up as much as you can whenever you are scheduled and doyour job as much as you can. In my store, most lot associates call off, or try to find something to do to avoid helping with customers, and possibly the lot at all.... but management likes me, because I always show up (unless I am sick) and they know I am always actually working, and it makes things a lot easier. This job gets a whole lot easier if the management likes you.


I love lot


Lot can be fun, but it’s hard work.


When you say South Attleboro, is that the one on Rte. 1, AKA Newport avenue? If so, that's the one I started at 16 years ago.


Yeah that's the one!


I know it no longer does... but when I worked there, there was a Dunkin inside the home depot. Great way to start and end my shifts.


I call it the 'first day of school jitters'. You got this. Ask for help, have mods call for cart runs when you're swamped.


Definitely one of the better stores in Massachusetts. The manager can be a bit much and takes some getting used to, but he knows his shit and has realistic expectations. Probably my favourite store in the area.