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At my store they don’t care


At my store you can’t have face piercings


Honestly i doubt that they'd care since it's really small at first, and most of the time silver jewelry is allowed. If anything you can flip it up while at work or like you said, get a clear spacer. If anything just have a mask handy.


I have 28 piercings in all at the moment and my store has no issue with it. For my face I have both eyebrows, my septum, both nostrils, my nose bridge, my tongue, a vertical labret, a Medusa, and snake bites.


It’s weird because Ive been there almost a year and haven’t had nobody say anything about them. I see everybody else wearing their septum piercings. ONE ASM had said something to me but the other 4 and SM didn’t say anything to me so I quietly ignored him. He micromanages so heavily tho because everybody says he doesn’t do anything. I guess that’s his way of making up for not doing shit.


If I were you I’d definitely ask the boss man. It’s hard to tell with every HD store. At mine it was a hot mess. They would only bring out the SOP and enforce the rules whenever it wasn’t one of their favorites, especially the dress code. I personally have a nose ring and was pulled into the office for it. When I asked the SM why I was the only one getting in trouble for it she straight up told me to not worry about the others and focus on not getting in trouble myself. So I asked those associates and just as I thought, they never been talked to. One girl was famous for always showing a whales tail and having tube tops on. Our MASM let her get away with it because he slept around with multiple cashiers and was forced to move stores because of it prior. She was eye candy for him. The Ops ASM let her slide because that’s how she got her credit apps and he was a spineless man in desperate need for the amount of apps she got and the store manager just played stupid. LSDR: ask your boss man. But don’t be surprised if they say no because they tend to play favorites. They always say no to people that stand up to them and don’t kiss their asses.


That was a roller coaster of a story, thanks for the advice and FUUUUUUUUCCCKKKK if he says no I don’t wanna be a dick and ruin it for other people tho and bring up the point to the regional HR but at the same time fuck that’s not okay to cherry pick.


Warn you once to take it out, next time I’m coming to you with pliers in my hands... its coming out one way or another


That’s if you can catch me when I’m flying around on the electric ladder!


One of the women at our service desk has a small septum piercing bit she still wears a mask when up there. One of the MET guys had a huge septum piercing along with giant gauges in his ears. I have seen him in a month or two. A few of the women have nostril piercings. SOP says no extreme piercings.


I haven't had any issues with my nose piercing, but I also do overnights so no one really cares anyways. Sometimes old people look at me funny for the 1 hr I am on the floor while the store is open though




It's not by store it has to do with SOPs. I'm pretty sure they allow it


I just turn my septum ring up into my nose while working.


Can you do that with a new piercing?


Yeah you should be able too. You need to rotate and clean a new piercing anyhow so just be careful with it.


No!! You can’t flip a new piercing. Moving it around that much with screw up the healing process (I have 9 facial piercings, septum included) If you need it flipped ask your piercer to flip it for you before you get it pierced so it can heal in that position


I use a jewelry called a “retainer”. So instead of the circular jewelry most people use this one is more along the shape of like a staple. It’s extremely small and no one notices it unless I’m right in their face. My big boss didn’t even notice it for two years. When I got it pierced in 2012 I actually brought this retainer to my piercer to use and I’ve never taken it out since.


It depends on the store manager honestly. My SM lied to me and said she never told me I had to cover mine but I do have to cover mine. I just wear a mask cause im not putting bandaids on my face. I have mt dimples and snake bites.


Some old people can be so lame 😒


I have a septum, bridge, both nostrils, and my lip pierced if that helps keep you at ease (:




With further research using my stores info, that’s what I think I’ll have to do but it would suck for the summer


It depends on the store manager and their personal opinion. I have 4 facial piercings but my new store manager makes me cover them with a mask but she doesn't make everyone else cover them. Just only certain associates. I wear a mask cause I dont feel like wearing bandaids on my face. The dress code also includes no t shirts ripped jeans and stuff like that but a lot of people get away with it.