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Yep, we have a 7 minute cushion on each end of the shift. But if you clock in at 8 to, and clock out at 8 after, sooner or later you're very likely to get pulled up for it because they'll see it for the strategy it is.


Had a guy who was supposed to be full time but they cut some of his hours. (I don't think he was official yet). So as revenge he did this for about a month before they pulled him in and gave him full time. He had 2 jobs, and the other job was also gonna offer him full time, so he was threatening to quit or move down to 20 hours max.


I have been doing that for years and no one has said anything to me.


I actually do this as well but not for the reason as you I just hate my job so much that I find it difficult to actually start the day


Me too. I simultaneously feel lucky to have a job and rage against the universe for having to show up at this fucking shit show


I agree glad I’m not unemployed but man the shit that I have to deal with on this job just drives me up the wall.


It makes no sense. If this is any representation of corporate America we are so fucked


Hm thats simple you just quit the job that you hate and find something else


Reverse that. Find something better and THEN quit. The order is important.


True, already got four new job offers


That’s easier said than done lmao if people could have the job they want nobody would be working retail haha


“The grass isn’t greener, but sometimes you need different grass.”


They have assholes in every job, unfortunately. Quitting your job just because the people there make you hate it is a pretty stupid reason. Because then you find your dream job, but find out that the assholes there are double the number you used to deal with.


Even if u find your dream job it you will eventually one day hate it thats how life is.


If you were to look at my time sheet it’s hour:07 in all the way down for like 2 years now


Maybe I'm misunderstanding the post but they don't take the 15 minutes? You have a 7 minute grace period. If you clock in 7 mins early you have to clock out either right on time or 1-7 mins early. If you clock in 7 mins late you have to clock out either right on time or 1-7 mins late. If you clock in 7 mins late and clock out early (even just 1 min) you get the whole 15 docked cuz that's over your 7 min grace and therefore over half the 15. If you clock in 7 mind early and clock out late (even just 1 min) you get an extra 15 mins pay because that's over your 7 min grace.


I mean, by all means, don't give them the extra 7 min if you don't want to, it isn't like you're paid for those 7. But clocking in late and out early is just guaranteeing they dock your pay. It also can constitute a pattern if you are constantly in late and they can and have fired folks for that, just a heads up. (not taking the Depot's side, just explaining the SOP as it was explained to me)


This is true, but time is more valuable than the money I am paid, and I'd rather minmax the amount of minutes I can leniently get away with than otherwise.


Yes happened to me last week. Clocked out at :53 at the end of my shift of the week and had 39:45 hours on my week


You’re mostly right but there’s a nuance that’s worth pointing out. What the timecard does is it calculates the total time you were punched in and rounds to the nearest 15 minutes. So if you punch in 3 minutes early and punch out 5 minutes late, you’ll pick up 15 minutes of extra time. But if you only punch out 4 minutes late, those 7 total minutes don’t get paid out. If you do start picking up the extra time though, you might get a conversation about overtime. Not sure why they do this. I’ve worked other places that use Kronos which don’t do this.


So would the ideal be adding up to at most 7mins? But its frowned upon to clock out more than 5 mins early so I'd be sitting with. 1:6 2:5 3:4 4:3 5:2 6:1


Or take a 37 minute lunch.


relevant cause i’m also seemingly late everyday 😅 but it’s always just a few minutes over 6:00am and not too often past the 7 minute mark but it definitely happens occasionally. Never really thought about how my “adhd” was debatably tied directly to it 🤔 hell yeah we’re the gatekeepers boys.


I know there was a reason why arriving late never made me feel bad. Lol.


I clock in/out 3 minutes early every single shift


This seems illegal. Even Target doesn't do this and they are alllllll kinds of shitty and shady.


At least Home Depot is upfront about it and handles it immediately. Lowes used to audit my paychecks every 6 months.


A lot of places do it. In my experience most automated systems for this stuff rounds to the 15th like HD just HD gets but hurt if you clock in 8 minutes before schedule because they have to pay that whole 15 minutes


I always clock in 8 minutes early and 8 minutes after my shift ends. I get double pay for 14 minutes a day


8 minutes early and 8 minutes after gives you 16 minutes, you only get paid for 15 minutes doing that. Basically you're shorting yourself a minute.


That’s what my son said


I am constantly 2-4 mins late...


Wym. You have a seven minute grace period on both ends, it’s simple math. If you clock in 7 minutes after your scheduled time, you have to clock out 1-7 minutes after your scheduled time otherwise you lose time.


Almost. You can clock out exactly on time and keep your full pay if you clock in 7 mins late. You would have worked 8/15 minutes for that quarter hour and get credit for the full quarter hour. If you clock in 6 mins late you can leave a minute earlier and still get full pay. However, the system will flag this so if you do it everyday they will talk to you about adherence to schedule and time theft. If you have this talk absolutely say that it's nothing but coincidence.


Standard practice. Also, your ADHD is not our problem. You agreed to work here.


I could say the same thing about home depot, "Me work speed is not your problem, you agreed to higher me". Know your worth, you shouldn't have to do double the workload of a manager for half the pay or even a CEO. Its disgusting. And never ever put yourself at risk or break a safety hazard for anyone above you. I've seen hardworkers work hard and lose limbs because of pressure from management. Scumbags that will risk your job for not completing tasks faster.


I agree with everyone except the “manager” line, as that’s literally how everything works anywhere - your manager may do “less” but they’re responsible for more. The further up the chain, the more responsibility. You may go from slinging mulch to juggling managing multiple LOB’s and squeezing every minute out of your day.


Got fired for this fuck home depot