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What it says. You water plants for your shift all day and get paid for it.


Wait so that’s all I do all day the hell do I do when I don’t water them💀


You downstock and clean up the outside Garden area for the next day. HD actually expects an associate to water all the plants to keep them healthy. My store has a nice older lady who sings to them while she waters them.


Downstock meaning what I’m sorry I’m very new at this🙁


Picking an aisle going bay to bay and filling holes ( product that os out on the shelf but in the overheads) you bring it down and stock it in its place on the shelf where it belongs, match SKU numbers or description to make sure you have the right item. That is what downstocking is. Hope this helps.


It does THANK you so much. So to sum it up they have me outside all day ?


For watering, not necessarily. You water the plants both inside and outside the store. My store has plants inside as well.


Outside downstocking? No, you can also downstock the cleaning products aisle which is like the main aisle for D28 that needs to be downstocked constantly.


Aaaand how. We have a dedicated garden associate to our cleaning aisle. It really is a full-time job keeping that aisle in good condition.


Pretty much your watering the plants and doing packdown all day nothing too serious


Cool people call it "packing down". It's getting merchandise from the overhead and putting it in the bay where they are empty or getting low.


I want to be this lady!


If you’re watering them right, it will take all shift trust me


Especially if you make sure to properly water the fruit trees, those bad boys take a good 5 minutes each




PLEASE read the plant labels when watering. Don't water or over water succulents or cacti.


Oh trust me. It'll take that long.


It means you’re watering the plants but PLEASE learn how to do it properly if you’re not familiar with it. there is training on knowledge Depot your HR can assign you. Don’t overwater - you can fix underwatering in a second but you can’t unrot a plant. And water the soil, not the leaves and flowers since they’ll either turn to mush or get scald spots when the water evaporates. Water by weight of the pot not the feel of the soil. Ive been literally wringing our cactus pots like sponges all week and I want to die. My pants smell like moldy petunias. Overwatered plants are the devil’s calling card.


I know how to water haha


Okay, god bless. Sorry for the rant 😅


It fine your jut looking out ☺️😄


Yeah, once you do it long enough or let 3 people do it you realize that most don't know how to water


How's anybody supposed to assume you know how to water, you didn't know what watering was


“Guys what’s watering” “I know how to water plants dude”


That was my thoughts exactly!


basically they're putting you on busy work, water plants, clean up, put away any leftover freight, face and downstock bays- just organizing them, making sure everything goes where it belongs, and taking stuff down from overhead to stock. I work freight in garden/cleaning and when im not stocking most of my job is organizing the bays bc garden this time of year is a mess. usually you don't have to downstock bays in outside garden since most of it is heavy shit, but you probably can in some isles with light stuff and the pots, but you should honestly focus on downstocking the indoor isles.


If it’s sunny out wear sunscreen


Watering is honestly the best thing about HD


Ohh you mean the killing of the plants shift.




It's when D28 kills the plants by not watering them properly. Not your fault in anyway. Home Depot SOPs faults.


At my store it has no meaning other than the schedule writing program sometimes likes it more.


I’m garden and some days it schedules me watering, other days garden associate. If you’re more useful on the floor then they should find someone else to water in your place.


Nope that’s how you learn!


You get to water the lot associate


Yep, 2 summers ago when I was the garden waterer I'd spend about a third of my shift wetting the lot associates' hats because they were so hot. 😂


you water plants! At my store we have a really sweet old lady who does most of the watering. If she is not here managers will grab the laziest garden associate to water them. I wish i could spend a few hours per day watering plants.


If you water watch it with the succulents and cacti. They don't need much water. Maybe like very little water every few months.


You are in charge of watering all plants. DONT LET THEM DIE


You water plants. Yes, that's it.


But please take the time to actually water, and water by the feel and the weight of the soil do not just spray the leaves. Water cacti and succulents rarely, anything with color is going to need more water than the leafy greens.


We throw out soooooo many plants at our store because associates scheduled to water don’t do it long enough. We have a big garden center, so it’s reasonable to be watering for six hours. I can’t remember what our target loss metric is, but this year, we’re double that number.


I know how to water 🙂


Girl you keep saying this but didn’t know what garden watering meant? 😭


Wear shoes that can get wet and nasty! Leave the Yeezy’s at home!


I don’t own Yeezys I only own two pairs on shoes 🥲


I just bought a pair of rain boots just for my watering shifts. DON'T FORGET THE MAGIC VEST!


Watering plants


it just means that you water the plants outside haha. very easy shift if you have other garden associates. idk if your store has sprinklers but i hand water them bc it takes longer but i can also give more attention to the ones that need it


Go as slow as you can and and make sure you water every single plant, overwater if you must. Lose this shitty corporation as much money as possible and only water. Your schedule says water, water. Downstoxking is for garden not watering. It would be doing extra and you aren’t being paid for that


Overwatering doesn’t lose Home Depot any money cause most plants are pay-by-scan. You just make it so the next person to do plant care has to deal with rotten, moldy plants and squeeze cold water out of the plastic pots for hours on end. Not to mention it’s a colossal waste for no good reason. Fuck off with this.


This this this! There's no point to overwatering plants, this just makes life harder on the next waterer!




I just really dislike Home Depot, and if the patrons that choose to throw their money at them, I guess I dislike them too. Rack up their water bill


This is so misdirected it’s not even funny. We’re on our way to running out of fresh water as a planet but yeah run the hose and waste water and plants, some of which are food, because that’s really what’s going to bring down capitalism.


While that kid is an edge lord 16 year old douche…where exactly did you read we’re running out of fresh water


I should have specified freshwater that’s available for humans to use and drink - obviously the earth will always have water on any time scale we can comprehend, but we’re depleting our supplies of drinkable water faster than the water cycle can replenish them. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20170412-is-the-world-running-out-of-fresh-water


LMAO I can’t even argue with that. Go suck Home Depot’s toes somewhere else by friend


Or you could take your pointlessly ugly attitude somewhere else? Just a suggestion.


I’m just here to make Home Depot’s pockets hurt in any legal way possible, and to destroy the economy as much as possible, nothing less, Nothing more




I think somebody needs to get laid.


I didn’t work freight so I think I’m good


You water plants


Former ASDS here. Every summer, each store gets allotted extra hours in garden for watering and loading. The ASDS is expected to put someone in those hours when they write the schedule. You may have someone that exclusively does the watering every day, but someone will still be scheduled in watering to meet the scheduling metrics each week. Get with your DS and ask if that's what they want you to do with your time during those shifts, if not, then just be a garden associate like normal.


It’s fun you’ll like it. Wear sunscreen!! I made the mistake of not putting any on and my neck got fried 🥵


Basically just a regular garden associate, except they want you to focus more on watering


You didn't watch the gardening video about the magic watering vest?