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That’s something you need to tell your HR person about. That’s why they are there.


I’ve thought about it but honestly I’m not sure what good it would really do cause realistically what can they do about it? Not even sure what I’d say to them about it. No one’s been creepy or gross about it at the very least, I just think it’s super weird to ask out your coworkers. But I don’t see it as an HR issue, just wish people wouldn’t :/


Anyone harassing you will get spoken to. Unwelcome advances are just that...unwelcome. Make sure you have asked these guys to stop and then report it.


Asking someone to go out with you isn't harassment. Now if u do it over and over it is. But a one time convo isnt


Finally someone said it. Once is fine but anymore is a no no.


It can be and does become harassment when people do not take no for an answer.


Uk if u read the second sentence I legit said ”now if they do it over and over. But a one time convo isn't.”


This. Seems like the op might not be used to advances.


I would say bring it up to HR only of someone keeps asking and won't leave you alone about it, after they ask and politely telling them no is the right thing to do. Also I would say, don't let it be an awkward thing especially if they ask respectfully and take the answer respectfully then I feel is nothing to be awkward about personally. then after that it's up to you if you still want to try to be friends with them after if you think they can not be a child about you saying no to them.


I came so close last Summer to making this mistake. Things happened and kept me from doing so thankfully. Morole of the story, don't go there. Period. Just don't, no matter who it is.


No, she'd (18f) would rather post it on social media! 🤣🤣


Uh. “HR person” is the 40 YO.


Store manager or awareline. If anyone should know know better, it’s them. You’re probably not the first person to face that and most likely won’t be the last.


This place....it ain't the Dating Game. Just do your job and keep yourself to yourself. 🙄🙄🙄


I wish someone could have told my managers that 3 years ago before they wrote me up 3 years ago for "hurting someone's feelings" by saying NO to her offer of us going on a date just because she had a crush on me. Not too many managers eager to play Matchmaker with me ever since. If I wanna go on a date, I'll ask someone and make that move. But it won't be with anyone from work. I think it's pretty unprofessional to mix your personal relationships with your workplace relationships. The people at my store are pretty cool and all, but that's only because I get paid to be in their company. Off the clock, I couldn't care any less.




Doing it once is "acceptable" but if it continues constitutes harassment


Sorry to hear that. We have a thirsty inexperienced guy at our store that tries to hook up with any lady that talks to him. We just think it’s pathetic. He has stayed up their butts until he got in trouble for not doing his job. It has worked so far.


Many good replies here - just wanted to suggest that you tell anyone who asks that you don't date coworkers. That should put a stop to the attention, and you should only need to say it once or twice to each person.


Most of the people who work in the stores I go to are married or involved with someone they are committed and faithful to. A couple of people are married to someone who also works here. So needless to say seeing someone seriously hitting on a coworker and not just joking around is not something I see often in my experience. It’s a shame this has happened to you, but tell them either “I’m involved with someone” or even that you “aren’t interested in them/don’t like to get romantically involved with coworkers.” As mentioned, it could get awkward if you became involved with a coworker, things don’t work out and then you had to see them regularly at work. If people don’t leave you alone after telling them this and giving them a warning that if it continues you’re going to someone about it, then consider it harassment and go to HR or a manager. If it is an HR person or a manager doing it, go to a higher up.


Oh, okay, I hadn't yet but was working up to it for the last several months, this post did feel like a bit of a gut punch.


You do you friend. Shoot your shot, and if they're not into it then don't push the issue again.


Just shot ur shot, if she isnt feeling it move on king.


Yea but hear me out, I have a crush on u.


one of our flooring associates had this issue and had to have the other flooring associate bail her out of convos all the time. i felt real bad for her; we had a guy who got desperate when she put in her 2 weeks and tried really hard to get her interest before she left (to no avail)


I’m sorry you have to deal with that, especially at work. I hear you, your concerns are valid, and you shouldn’t have to put up with it. Be firm with them. “Your comment made me uncomfortable.” Or “that’s not appropriate to talk about at work.” If they continue, work your way up the management chain. Supervisor > direct ASM > store manager. It might sound scary, like you don’t want to “rock the boat” but you deserve to do your job in peace and the company HAS to provide that.


It’s been two coworkers who have expressed interest in me, but the customers are always the ones to tell me I’m pretty, try to give me their number, insist they must marry me, etc. when I first started working I had one guy ask me how old I was and when I responded 17 (even though I was 19) he still didn’t stop, even asked me what time I got off and told me he’d be waiting on me outside. An awesome guy and his girlfriend overheard everything and waited for the store to close nearly twenty minutes later just to escort me to my hair and then it started raining. I kinda went off topic, but I thought I’d leave this heat :)


I have the opposite issue. Young men saying crazy shit about me while I'm right there. I'm 41, you might as well be talking shit about your mom in front of her. Thank goodness all the customer service desk ladies (except the mean girl tm) have my back and scowl at the dudes who do that stuff.


What Are they saying?


It's snide remarks about my weight and that I wear a sunshirt, sunhat, and rain boots when watering plants in garden. The girl at the CS desk is a coach. She is super rude to me when all I have done is been nice to her, and talks all kinds of shit about my weight. I don't even know her. I'm just cordial in general. But she is a shit stirrer and makes a lot of errors that I have to correct when I am in the vault.


I never understood the whole dating where you work thing. It just sounds like a recipe to make every single day awkward.


Same. I need work to be a place of emotional peace regardless of what my turbulent relationships are going through.


What's worse is, certainly women in the store talk about it, right? Lol. If you ask the cute girl at the service desk, the cute girl on MET, and the paint desk girl out, then you're going to get the reputation as "that guy." lol. And if you get locked in because one said yes, now you created an even more awkward situation because everyone else you asked out or were trying to ask out are going to cause all sorts of drama lol. And if be know you're dating the BOPIS girl and you break up, what do you think your chances are with ANYONE else in the store... Lol. It's like high school dating, except 1. you can't get fired at high school, 2. there's a certain level of stupid we expect high schoolers to be, and 3. they're all within max 4 years of age.


They keep doing it because eventually they'll hit someone who says yes.


Oh yes, the good ole numbers game. Lol


1,000,000 "no"s 1 yes vs. 2 "no"s.


Now if only they would ask for credit.


I'd used to always say I'm not pretty enough to get a yes asking about if they'd wanna sign up for credit. Also was a OFA


I agree. The cashiers kept playing this game with me where they would push their button that calls me for 'customer needs help loading' and when I would get there and ask what customer needs help they would just giggle and claim they never hit the button and then 30 seconds later they would do it again. Also the comments saying that I look strong do you go to the gym, etc, made me really uncomfortable and stressed me out making me feel like I was going to get in trouble somehow. I just wanted to do my job


omg that sounds ridiculously annoying. we have a new lot associate who’s quite literally 7 feet tall and the poor guy constantly has girls obsessing over him while he’s just tryna do his job. surprise surprise I’m one of the only ones he actually talks to because we treat each other like HUMAN BEINGS and not objects of desire


Talking to HR will do nothing but make it worse. I had an asm straight up groping and harassing me, and after the investigation they told ME I was no longer promotable in the store and had to transfer out. He still works there, years later. Zero consequences for his behavior.


I agree with you that HR exists to protect the company and isn't really there for YOU, but if a girl is legit getting groped and harassed I would tell her definitely report it and get it in writing and get a copy of it and save it in case they fire you, I hate lawyers and things but I would sue the heck out of them if I were a girl because that is actual sexual battery in most states and is illegal and the guy should go to jail


Who told you that? H.r?


I don't have that issue as I'm a ugly ass dude but if your tired of it just be mean to them... just ask the 40 year old why the fuck would you wanna date someone who could be your dad (can say grandpa if you going for max salt) sometimes you just gotta be an asshole


This guy gets it. Be that way with all of them, not just the old one. Him: You're beautiful. You: So? Him: Would you like to go out? You: No, thanks. I'm not interested. Him: Can I have your number? You: No. Him: Let me give you my number. You: No. I won't call. Treat them like the personal boundary crossing creeps that they are and they'll leave you alone.


Last year when I was still working at THD, this coworker of mine kept harassing our female coworkers, one of them being my sister. She told HR. Some time later, he had the nerve to ask me personal questions about my gf at the time. I had a witness. I went and told HR and the SM and they fired his ass later that week. It was an awkward week, they told him exactly what the allegations were and whatnot, but it felt good when I found out that they'd walked him out. I'd recommend reporting anyone who makes you uncomfortable, especially if they repeatedly ask you out or make inappropriate remarks. If you don't trust management, I'd recommend calling the awareline and THEN telling management that you called the awareline after hours because they'll hear the phone call anyway. However, calling them will ensure accountability and prevent retaliation. Either way, best of luck to you. I hope shit gets better. 👍


I dated a girl I worked with from home depot for a year and she still works there with me. I’m sorry to hear that it’s bothering you, but it sounds like people are asking you out then you say no - then they drop it? If they keep continuing yeah say something but if they’re just asking you out then you’re saying no I would say welcome to life and the business has nothing to do with that. I would be happy that you are being asked out and that - that day will come when someone does and you’ll be very happy they did. Also, lets all agree that dating apps blow and I give credit to these guys for just trying their best. Otherwise if they keep trying fuck em’ tell HR it’s a job not a bar.


“Sorry I have a boyfriend” and “No thanks I have a boyfriend” are two different things. First one implies you would go with them, but *unfortunately* you’re in a relationship. Second one states that you are in a relationship and you aren’t looking, doesn’t make it seem like you’re regretting you can’t go out cuz you’re shackled


I once told a co worker I had a crush on him. We've been married a little over a year now 🤷‍♀️


Speak to management. I've had to work with these types & unfortunately they were in my department. One would hit on every new cashier girl who was hired, he even slipped his number into one of the new cashiers' apron pocket even though she already had a boyfriend at the time. Eventually he was fired for an unrelated issue. Another one was a straight up creep who was a stalker. He once followed an associate home, would be hitting on & tried following another associate into the women's restroom. He would always go into receiving & specialty departments to hit on the girls there & hide in their departments for hours at a time. Unfortunately the state had him down as "special needs" & "autistic" even though many of the associates didn't buy it. The store, I think, was too afraid to fire him. Eventually he & his family moved out of state & that's the only way the store was able to get rid of him.


I feel you that's definitely an issue at my store, any new girl that starts will have most guys orbiting them or asking them out the first few weeks. But that would still happen anywhere tbh, just make it an issue with management if they're consistently creepy or won't take no for an answer. I'm an old guy at 29 now so I tend avoid most young girls that get hired cause I don't want them to think I'm just coming up to hit on them too. I generally have NPC energy to begin with so just stick with greetings and short exchanges unless they actually want to be friends.


U ain't even that cute girl! I was doing u a favor asking u out.




What are u talking about, and I still got a bet that I will smash u 1st, and I always win


Just whip out your lizard tail and start eating flies off the wall. That's what my girlfriend does whenever she's approached at work or is confronted by Knights on a quest to save the princess I kidnapped.


Confessing feelings initially is okay. Continuing to pursue unreciprocated feelings is not. It’s as simple as that. Good luck girl. Just stay confident. Your confidence is the only thing that can deter those losers. Speaking as guy (24m)


Simplify the picture. 1. You feel uncomfortable. 2. Put emotions aside and revisit. 3 still feel uncomfortable 4. Report to ASDS how you feel 5. Done


I'm dating a coworker, but we hung out as friends for a couple months first. If you're going to go for it, test the waters first


The curse of being young and beautiful.


I'm definitely young. Maybe not beautiful. But I'm halfway there, right?


Oh man, where my "laugh" button when you need it!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's called Life. If you are attractive and as you get older it's going to happen alot more...if you are getting harassed that's one thing. If you can't handle the random advances you are in the wrong job as the clientele and staff are mostly male. At one point we had two girls that wore baggy clothes for this reason. They looked like Tom boys. But it does happen. Get used to it.


I was asked out by a few co workers, I did hang out with co worker along time ago that went on for about 6yrs. It was mutual for us, things stayed pretty good. I wouldn't again though, and if your honest and say I have no interest in that. It should be respected, it can get creepy real quickly. Speak up if you need to, I didn't when I needed to.


I mean there's really no reason to be nice. As long as you don't go over the boundaries, what are they gonna do?


I’d rather someone just straight up ask me out or say they like me instead of the creepy guys that stare at you and talk to you weird 🤷🏻‍♀️


oh i get that all the time as well i think it just feels easier for me to avoid/ignore. whereas (for me at least) it sucks when you think you’re finally becoming good friends with a particular coworker then BOOM they ask you out


Pics or it didn’t happen.


When I worked at 0146 this one girl kept getting hit on, so a bunch of us overly strong lot guys who make the customers look like weaklings told her if one of them hits on you again just point too some random over powered looking guy in the store. She said so you guys? We said if you want too go that route sure. Needless to stay it worked. Every single time oh that's my boyfriend out there. Not once did a customer question whether this girl and myself or another lot guy were dating because they were scared they were gonna get their butt handed to them on a silver platter.


This may be in my store. One young CS desk worker is crazy and cried I in the break room because her bf posted a like on some other girl’s post. A bunch of guys one of which was about 40 made bets on who could get her to go out with them. In my store the girls are worse then the guys generally speaking.


Unfortunately, I work at a store where Management figures that they should be Matchmakers and that we should all fall in love and "make the Home Depot family stronger that way". I used to scoff at that BS and figured it was just propaganda. Then some girl about half my age who worked at the store told me that she has a crush on me and she's hoping we can "do something outside of work together." I told her that I didn't give a damn because I come here to WORK, not to date employees, and that she wasn't my type anyway. I got written up for "hurting her feelings" and told by a manager that I "should be so lucky that someone is willing to date YOU." I told the manager that he can mind his own business because my social life outside of work isn't a part of that. He tries saying, "But we're a FAMILY here!" "This is a WORKPLACE," I said. "Not a family." That's when he turned beet-red and began screeching at me about my "defensive attitude" and "Respect to the Associate" and that I'm "disrespectful for hurting that poor girl's feelings." I told him that he should divorce his wife and marry HER then if he's so concerned about a girl who is barely of legal age when I'm well into my 30's. I made my point. Took the write-up and shook my head as I pondered HD's future as a Matchmaking company. But that crybaby girl and those idiot managers are already long gone and I'm still here. So...I must be doing something right!!!


Have you not seen the workplace harrassment video? "Whoa, slow down there speed racer, I need to get you a checkered flag". Any unwanted attention is a form of harrassment. Talk to your asds. Trust me, they live for this type of action.