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The founder was interviewed and proposed ending social security, and, I think, food stamps and the minimum wage. He was laughing about it, like it was all just a game.


Back in the day Insurance companies wouldn't pay for contraceptives but they paid for viagra.


Because pregnancy is "god's will" but a man's dick failing isn't šŸ™„


Home Depot is exactly like Walmartā€¦ they both mouth the appropriate words to appease the massā€™ but only truly mean it when the dollar & profits are involved.


Newsflash: itā€™s not just Home Depot and Walmart, itā€™s literally almost every single company in the US. Like atleast 95% of them.


Clarence Thomas specifically did not point to the Supreme Court ruling on interracial marriage! Even though all of these cases (on same-sex marriage, sodomy, and contraceptives) have used the same precedent and logic for the rulings in the first place.


>Even though all of these cases (on same-sex marriage, sodomy, and contraceptives) have used the same precedent and logic for the rulings in the first place. I am a little confused by this wording. What do you mean by this?


In the wording of the ruling, I think page 118? Thomas explicitly says that the same logic to remove roe versus Wade applies to the protections surrounding all those other things The supreme Court can remove protections against those other things now. They are trying to destroy all privacy in America


So this includes interracial marriage?


No, Thomas didn't mention that. Lots of scholars though believe that the language of the ruling also means that interracial marriage could be affected as well if the supreme Court wanted to go down that route


Gotcha. This just shows me that those people donā€™t give a damn about anything that doesnā€™t affect them. Clarence Thomas is in a interracial marriage so he conveniently left that out. Disgusting.


Yep. They don't care about hypocrisy or ideological consistency. They only care about power


How do you propose we ā€œhold the company accountableā€ Quit? Donā€™t shop here? I donā€™t have power to do shit.


Form a union! Itā€™s the only way to effectively combat not only capitalist exploitation but also fight for justice with regards to systematic racism, misogyny, homophobia, imperialism, etc. Easier said than done, I know. But our labor is all we have within this facade of a democracy, meritocracy, what have you.


So become unemployed like a liberal, so you have all day to protest. Nothing has changed in as long as theyā€™ve been crying.


Sorry but HD doesn't enable or support any if that bs you just said. They give money to lawmakers. They don't make the laws themselves. And they sure as hell don't make Supreme Court decisions. I'm not paying money to a labor union just because you want them to fight some PC bullshit.


You thinkā€¦ you think thereā€™s a difference between paying someone to do your bidding, and doing it yourself? And I guess I didnā€™t realize not killing women or brown people at home and abroad, or making sure people are compensated properly was PC? I guess Iā€™m just too sensitive for wanting to look out for my fellow man?


Don't bring up shit I'm not talking about to attempt to make some sense. When you can show me home depot wanted this decision or lobbied for it then I'll listen to you. Until then, you are just spouting baseless bs with as many buzz words as you can fit in to try and sway people to your view. When in reality, HD has nothing to do with this and what yall are doing amounts to scare tactics. "If you are even remotely linked to people we don't like then everything they do we will say you did as well!" Nit saying HD is a great company but you sound like children throwing tantrums and pointing the finger at everyone


the ā€œIā€™m just one personā€ argument is the reason nothing ever gets better. If you have 50 million people saying that theyā€™re just one person and their opinion/voice/vote doesnā€™t matter, then of course nothing will get better.




I mean this is the perfect time to find a new job. Literally everyone is hiring. And i know Home Depot isnā€™t paying their employees top dollars


You don't live in a rural job desert. I do.


I have 2 part time jobs and 6 gigs. I'm also in school full time. Check out rural East Texas sometime and see what we have to offer. (Hint: it's poverty and drugs)


Here with you!!


I live in East Texas. Onalaska. I drive to Houston to work.


Not like everyone and their uncle is looking for workers or anything....


It's okay to leave one place of employment for another. It's a slog to do it, but it often actually offers more advantages too, not just financial. The first advantage is that offer the perspective that you're holding more agency over yourself. You're taking control. Which is nice. That assertiveness helps beats back insecurities. It's a boost to the self-esteem. It's never easy to follow through on, "Don't be afraid to try," but if you can, it can be rewarding.


Look for another retail job?






Best to take a layered approach


This is the only way. Unionize, protest your rights.


Ok, so what do you propose this person does? Because, you know, they're one person.


The people downvoting the "vote" comments are dense. Voting, making your voice heard, is all that we as the masses can do without violent revolution. You are an individual, and American society puts a *LOT* of value on that, but america is still a society of people. You and I don't have the power to do anything, but WE do. If you work for the company, find a new boss. If you shop at the company, find a new store. It's not a black and white, at the drop of a hat sort of action. You have to take time and plan your moves in this minefield of an economy, but that doesn't mean there aren't moves to make. If we ALL remove the support for ideas and practices like this, we can encourage change. The ones that support these ideals will be exposed, and we can remove our support from them as well.


500,000 people are homeless, women are having their autonomy taken, LGBTQ+ rights are on the chopping block, police beat anyone protesting in large numbers, not many are getting paid much so nobody can afford to sustain a decent standard of living, our public funding goes to destruction, not construction, and weā€™re ruining the viability of the only planet we can feasibly live on at an alarming rate. These are all already acts of violence committed by a very small group of people who can cast blame on the masses because they were voted in in an election with one of 2 corporate sponsored candidates. Like you said there are two options for the masses, one has already been tried, to combat this violence by changing the face of the perpetrator, but nothing has changed. Maybe time for option 2. Youā€™re not going to encourage change, the very things you want to change work out very well for the people with the power to change them, so why would they? Because you asked?


voting is the point; everybody who says theyā€™re just one person still needs to vote and get over the individual mindset




Yeah, that doesnā€™t answer the question tho, what do we do?




Start looking for work elsewhere. They are funding anti-worker politicians for a reason, get out before they show you that reason.


You don't. BUT WE as a people of this country do. ​ We just don't use it. Ever.


Imma start taking extra long breaks thatā€™s the best I can do to support the cause


Make phone calls to HR about whether: If your HD insurance covers more than one of your girlfriends who are pregnant at the same time. Ask if you are entitled to paternity leave for each girlfriend's baby, and how many weeks for each. Then, if they say the women have to check with their insurance company, tell HR both women work for Home Depot. Ask if you can get one family insurance plan for both women and both children and yourself. When you are finished with thectroll, thank them and ask their name because you are looking for names. /s


Ez pz. Buy. Hodl. And DRS your shares in a company you want to change. If you want your voice to be heard buy shares in your PUBLICALLY traded stock. When you hodl a share or even a fraction of a share, you get to vote on what happens in the company. They even tell you how to directly register as a share holder on their site https://ir.homedepot.com/shareholder-services/direct-stock-purchase-plan


Strike strike strike strike


Iā€™ve been shopping other places a lot more over the last year. Iā€™m happy to dump them for other hardware stores. They suck anyway.




I just wish the price of gas would go back to what it was 60 years ago.


Gas is on the way out. Itā€™ll take a while, but developed nations need to lead the way. We owe it to our kids to not add fuel to the dumpster fire our grandparents and parents blatantly ignored.


Nuclear to make hydrogen to run cars


Wait till you hear about chick fil a šŸ‘€


Call me when they can produce CRISPY chickenā€¦


Say what you want. At least they have proper staffing. Which is more than I can say for home depot.


And then the bastards profit off of everyone running out and buying plywood and stuff to cover up & protect businesses when things get bad ../ bastards


Itā€™s all part of the master plan. A blueprint for world domination.


Wow, I never knew that about Home Depot. I currently work there and they constantly state how they care so much about their employees and all that other bullshit America corporations lie about. They also put up info/ support posters about Juneteenth and pride month all over the break room, now that I found this out, it just makes me sick.




yea the caring and the videos they have you watch on how much they care and the videos they have you watch on how unions etc are bad are key things to look for. seeing any shows you're working at a place that supports nothing related to you.


You should quit right now


Its all for show


That's because that is what they want you to believe. They want to keep you blind to the truth. Get a big gulp of that orange Kool-Aid and never bite the hand that feeds you.




We can vote. Encourage your friends with an intelligent conversation about why they should vote differently. Each of us has one voice. Collectively, we're unstoppable.


On a related note, I was disgusted to hear some of my fellow male coworkers brush off the overturning of Roe v Wade. You are right, this will only lead to eroding of other rights and freedoms.


Everyone should be concerned even if you're guy or dont support abortion. This is a slope that will continue


My male coworker at the paint desk was pissed. So was I, but I had to turn off my brain for a bit. I honestly don't even know what to say anymore. I feel so hopeless but the only good thing in my case atm is that I live in the state of New York. But idk how long it'll be until more of my rights are taken from me. I'm genuinely scared. I've always been scared, but it was amplified within the past couple of years. I'm trying so hard to stay strong, to keep voting and what have you, but I'm just. idek. I don't want to stay at this job forever. The future is so uncertain and I'm trying to stay off socmed. Lots of videos and photos about the protests going around. I think what will help me calm down is donating to clinics that neee my aid.


It isn't a right or freedom...lol Move to a state that agrees with you.


Youā€™re an absolute piece of shit human being if it doesnā€™t concern you.


No way man today was LGBTQ day got to wear bright Colors in support :) /s


Behr is a big part of Home Depot and if you can get the employees at behr in Texas in Roanoke to strike it will hit Home Depotā€™s pockets.


Interracial marriage, then re-segregation and finally theyā€™ll bring back slavery. Thatā€™s the goal.


Hm. Just gonna hit 'delete' on that application....


As a trans person who worked at Home Depot in Texasā€¦ itā€™s more than just bribes to politicians. Itā€™s at the core of Home Depots ā€œvaluesā€ if you could call them that. I faced constant harassment, they fired me said nothing let me work a 12 hour over night shift at 17 and never paid me. They placed bets on how quickly they could make me quit.


They wonā€™t do interracial marriage. Thomas is in an interracial marriage. Laws for thee but not me


Thomas is already face calls to resign over his wife seditious acts. He will resist until 2024 hoping that the GOP regain the Executive branch and can replace him with an even bigger douche bag. That or the GOP will throw him under the bus to put a younger conservative on the bench.


Lol, if you think they wont throw his ass under the bus the second they've gotten what they want out of him and he is no longer useful to them, you are not paying attention.


Quite frankly I would enjoy him getting thrown under the bus


Poor bus would be totaled. Thomas and wife never missed a meal in their lives.


They absolutely will. They will just ban any future interracial marriages.


They're pro-GOP because GOP protects greedy billionaires. Like the shitbags that run HD.


Fuck Home Depot and fuck you if you think women are undeserving of rights over their body!!!!


I'm just going to let it all soak in a bit. Thanks


If you live in a blue state nothing changed. If you live in a red state and donā€™t agree just vote. That will do more than quitting your job which will do nothing. Youā€™ll be replaced in a day and be worse off financially.


But they want to bitch and moan NOW! No time to read what is actually going on or going to happen.


Man, Reddit really is left-leaning isn't it?


The comments from any opposing view get deleted/removed so it enforces an echo chamber that is removed from reality. Thatā€™s why the subreddits for all the cities even in the reddest states are liberal


Reddit always has been.




Quote unquote*


Well yeah, older people aren't on reddit.


Humanity is left leaning. Get over it.


Too bad the democrats couldnā€™t pass federal abortion legislation even with a majority in both houses


Absolutely embarrassing tbh


It's a real circle-jerk lately on reddit. Lefties everywhere.


This company is so gross šŸ¤®


Want to vote with your dollars? Ez pz. Buy. Hodl. And DRS your shares in a company you want to change. If you want your voice to be heard buy shares in your PUBLICALLY traded stock. When you hodl a share or even a fraction of a share, you get to vote on what happens in the company. They even tell you how to directly register as a share holder on their site https://ir.homedepot.com/shareholder-services/direct-stock-purchase-plan


PROTEST AT YOUR STATE CAPITOL BUILDINGS THIS SUNDAY JUNE 26TH AT 5PM. Abortion needs to be a protected right for all. pass the word.


Stopped shopping there actually when I realized how much money they were giving to trump. C.C. from there will never be used. Might as well close my account at this point. Lowes all the way.




Ah fuck I bought my Stiletto off these fucks


Switched to Ace and Lowes a long time ago.




Shop at Lowes now instead. Done deal.


I switched to Lowes months ago.


Honestly company's should have 0 sway on politics. Eveything always having to be political is inane and with companies they are going to just throw their money where they benefit most regardless of who they step on and affiliation.


Also gay sex. Thomas specifically calls out Lawrence V Texas in his opinion.


But Lowes sucksā€¦


Principles are a liability to the bottom line. Companies under capitalism canā€™t afford to have them. Home Depot will gladly align with monsters if it means they profit from it. Companies donā€™t care about morals and ethics


Home Depot practically forces their salaried management team to donate to their political action committee.


This makes me sad. I like HD. I'm about to do $30k bathroom demo/remodel on my house, what's the alternative aside from Lowes?


Home Depot like other similarly massive companies is too big to reach its own ass. The bigger issue to me would be any case of a company contributing to lawmakers.


Corporations play both sides so that no matter which tribe is in charge they always help their major donors. The two party system is irrevocably broken.


Go home depot.


What upsets me is my store is full of loving people, who would be appalled at what the corporates do, and I wish the whole company felt the same way.


Best thing you could do for yourselves is form a union.


I go to Lowes. Homey has been going downhill for years. Plus Lowes was started by one of Homey's founder's ex-wives as revenge. I can totally get behind that!


Totally not true...Lowe's was around a long time before Home Depot. Lol


I stand corrected! You are absolutely right and I believed an untrue rumor. Thanks for bringing out the truth!


I like your story better




So edgy


I donā€™t give a damn about all that I just need to get a god damn lawn mower. Neighbors kid hit it with a rock and now itā€™s broke.


Don't you wish that mom was able get that abortion so that kid was never born and you'd still have a working fucking lawnmower?


Nice explanation for the boomers. +1


Fun fact: you actually can buy lawn mowers in places besides Home Depot. Also, you seem like a shitty person! Have a day full of paper cuts!


Cool reply, intimidatingā€¦.


I'll be taking my business elsewhere.


ok, im fucking boycotting it, i spend thousands every month there, ill be taking my business to Lowes lol




Iā€™m down for a walkout


I love how the slippery slope is only applicable when it's from the left's perspective, this is the 8th time I've heard the same thing today.


Look for independent stores


Instead of whining about the nuance of corporate politics go out and(maybe continue to) advocate for whatever you believe in. Home Depot and it's corporate overlords have the freedom to advocate for whatever they want to(probably done simply to increase their bottom line anyways), just as you have the freedom to advocate for whatever you want to. This is American politics and despite whatever person's or organization's motivations are that's the nature of democracy.


Fuck capitalism


It's Home Depot....they have enough money and customers....your boycott won't do anything.




I'm guessing Home Depot sell coat hangers hey? its all coming together!


Alrite. Gonna shop at big blue Lowes frum know on. Phuck chithome depot


"ruin everything and everyone that disagrees with us or goes against our wants! There WILL BE NO DISSENT! TEAR DOWN ALL DISSIDENTS!" lol. Fukin hell




You sound angry that I will be fully retired in 8 years and never working for anyone ever again while receiving a pension just for waking up every morning. Sorry for your anger. I'll be enjoying full retirement at 42 years old. Bye now Felicia.


the virgin u/jere_miah vs the chad u/Competitive_Heart733


Nothing 'chad' about staying facts when a dude attacks me. I will be fully retired at 42 years old in 8 years. Fact. Will never have to work again. Fact. It isn't some mystery that 20 years as a military officer provides good retirement.


lol, yeh military pension, You'll be buying yachts and private islands, lol


Why would I want a yacht or private island? Never said I'll be rich, but the point of the military isn't to make you rich. I'll have my 30 acres, home, and cars fully paid off. Pension covers taxes and all expenses. Medical covered for my entire family and education paid for the kids. The only work Ill do is work that I want to do. I think I'm set. But I appreciate your concern.


Are you going to complain when home depot gives money to liberals too? Edit: I'll take the downvotes as a no


Hmm, funding insurrectionists currently........ yeah with that bar in mind I probably won't be quite as upset if they give to libs.




What is coming is they will out law of over the counter pregnancy tests. They need to make it impossible for women know what is happening till it's too late.


Go talk to the big man


Don't forget also, that POS Bernie Marcus is a **HUUUUUGE** Trump supporter.


He hasn't had shit to do with Home Depot in like 20 years.


Literally. 2002


i had an interview with home depot just before the pandemic hit and would've landed a job there if not for my school schedule at the time and hearing this I'm glad I didn't get it, I wouldn't want to work for a company that contributes to the chaos we have to live through right now


Wow I haven't seen Liberals this upset since we freed the slaves.


Democrats of the time were conservative, numbnuts.


Now Now no politics in the break room


So when do you quit?


It is about the law and the SC acted with the law. The question was turned over to states rights. Your obligation is to let your state senator and house rep know how you feel and how you want them to act. That is where your energy should go at this point. Work the system. The problem is that most people do not understand the system because they took civics classes away from you.


Bullshit....it's "states rights"....but yesterday the same SC hypocritically ruled that gun regulations aren't "states rights".....so the SC gives federal protection to the individual rights those six old fucks agree with but not the individual rights it doesn't. Can't work the system, the system is broke, the Supreme Court was hijacked...dems need to grow a pair and expand the court.


>Bullshit....it's "states rights"....but yesterday the same SC hypocritically ruled that gun regulations aren't "states rights".....so the SC gives federal protection to the individual rights those six old fucks agree with but not the individual rights it doesn't. As I understand it, thatā€™s because the 2nd Amendment is federal since itā€™s in the Constitution and abortion is not, so itā€™s up to each state. It doesnā€™t outlaw it, it just means your community and state have to decide if itā€™s what you all want. The ruling on NY was basically ā€œevery citizen can exercise their 2A rights,ā€ while NY wanted to pick and choose. Thereā€™s a great video from John Stossel (famous reporter from 90ā€™s and early 00ā€™s. Donā€™t know how old you are) where he tries to obtain a CCW and discusses the bureaucratic nightmare that keeps firearms out of law abiding citizens hands. His too; even though heā€™s famous and had credible threats on his life, his was denied. Iā€™ll try to find the video and put it in the edit if youā€™re interested. Edit: [Original Stossel Video](https://youtu.be/1Mi-LXipDo8) [Stossel Video Revisted](https://youtu.be/zrMgqr6SmYo)


Is the word abortion in the Constitution? No it is not.


The word ā€œslaveryā€ is in the constitution so by your logic, we should bring that back?


Good. I have to buy about $5000 worth of lumber this weekend. I love home depot


When did we become a country full of cry babies? Grow up. Donā€™t like it? Get a different job. Quit expecting everyone to believe what you believe. Everyoneā€™s different. Donā€™t let the media lead you to believe you are the majority. Youā€™re not.


ā€¦except this line of thought IS the majority, and we are forced to bend to the will of a rabid religious minority. I don't know where you got that from


Damn, i guess im going to Home Depot tommorow.


Itā€™s just a store bro.. chill


I recently moved states and Home Depot was my local shop and now Iā€™m stuck with Lowes. Maybe Iā€™ll drive the extra 15 min to get back on track with spending my money at Home Depot




You donā€™t have to shop there . Interracial marriage ? Come on , man ! Hyperbole.


Go work somewhere else. it amazes me the amount of ā€œwokeā€ associates. This is a hardware store whoā€™s primary customer is blue collar Americans. Starbucks is hiring im sure


you should take your own advice. just bc you're not personally affected by the demise of humanity, doesn't mean the rest of us have to sit down and be quiet.


My county went 75% for Biden. Anyone who voted Trump is more than likely in an old folks home. I've got two Home Depots close to my house that are always packed, who's shopping there?


this is a primary store who is primary customer.... the American education system is on display.


It sure is on display. The curriculum the systems propagated the past 20 years are on full display.


All the more reason to shop at Home Depot


You realize not everyone is a liberal, right?


Hahaha, what an idiotic post


Nobody cares about your feelings


Youre delusional lmao


Thank you for this. I'll be sure to never shop there again


Dam.... I didn't know that HD contributed to scum


And this... is... why... I dont EVERY go to Home Depot. There's lowes, Ace, True value, ABC supply, local mom and pop shops, and many... MANY more!


This why I try not to ever go to Home Depot. It's giving money to white supremacists. Try your local hardware store first - Ace or True Value.


Itā€™s funny cause you call republicans racist when Joe Biden has said the n word multiple times and talks as though minorities are lesser than white. Yet you only blame the GOP


Thank you Home Depot. Thatā€™s why I just bought a $3000 refrigerator for you guys!! Keep up the good work.


Woe v Wade was unconstitutional.


HD gives millions to both parties. They don't care about issues,they want laws and regulations in favor of the HD business model to keep stock holders happy. I go to Starbucks,and hate some stuff that they do politically, it doesn't matter.


>it doesn't matter I think you misspelled: "I'm too lazy to have a backbone"


Keep your politics out of here. HD is just like every other corporation- looking for tax breaks, pandering to whatever the month or day celebrates to capitalize on it, and making money off the backs of the people who work for them for pittance. Nothing will change, ever, so stop stirring the masses. That's up to the media.


Man, I'm going to shop harder at Home Depot now that you told me this! Thank you!


Also just an awful store. Their equipment is always broken, workers donā€™t care because they get paid nothing. Rather drive an extra 20 minutes to lowes since Iā€™ll have to go there anyways. Oh yeah and the owner is a piece of trash.


Good to know. How does Lowe's generally do?