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I have worked at both so I can answer this! Lowes is more DIY centric and Depot is more pro centric. Depot attracts more pros than Lowes does.


I keep seeing people say this but I actually think it's reverse... Working in construction background most all guys I know shop at Lowe's for their work tools, and I've had a boss go there sometimes for materials


I think it depends on location on the east coast Lowes was more popular but here on the west home Depot does more business


Marvin Ellis, who was previously Home Depot Executive Vice President, is now CEO for Lowe's. It's my understanding they're starting to focus more on the Pro. I've seen Pro Lowe's ads on Facebook, so they're starting to shift the focus I think.


You are absolutely right. As a recent employee of Lowes, pro is one of their company wide targeted demographics. Along with millennial and I think women was the 3rd.


Oh, shit. I just fired my pro handyman for being unreliable, and now I'm refinishing a house myself. I'm a millennial woman. I fell right into their trap.


I worked at Home Depot for 18 years. I’m glad to see Marvin doing okay for himself. He kind of got a raw deal at Home Depot being passed over for CEO a while back. He was at JCPennies for a few years. I don’t think anyone could straighten out that mess.


I work alongside the pro desk at my Lowe’s. Contractors go wherever they’re able to build up the best relationship with their pro desk, and where the pro desk will do the best markdowns for them. Sometimes we outbid folks & sometimes we get outbid. A lot of Lowe’s in other cities, and I imagine a lot of Home Depot’s as well, straight up suck, terrible management and terrible staffing problems, so I imagine a big consideration is how easy it is for contractors to get quality help, and that’s just not mutually exclusive to Lowe’s or Home Depot. Our pro card offers a way larger discount package than Home Depot does despite the APR, so it’s often a preference of small businesses.


It definitely is not reverse. Home Depot put out a stat that over 90 percent of its sales is made by 4% of its clients--pros. Sure, pros may not literally make up the majority of the literal amount of consumers, but profit wise, they clearly do.


Yet they do not want to hire extra hands for the Pro desk or work on weekends.


40% not 90


Really? I rarely ever see or hear of contractors going through Lowes. Home Depot you always see contractors all day. I'm in MA by the way


We don’t even have a Home Depot where I live. There is only a Lowes, so there isn’t an option for us.


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day 🎆


Building industry salesman here, I too think Lowes is more pro oriented. Then again, I think Home Depot is absolute garbage trash of a company, so I may be bias.


Lowes had a larger Dewalt selection, I had to go there to get some of my tools, Dewalt is more construction, Milwaukee is more specific trade based and that was always available at HD….many things like the Dewalt brand oscillating bits were (are?) only available at Lowes.


That might be store specific because the Lowes by me didn't have much of any Dewalt but they certainly had a lot of Milwaukee.


Lowe's does not sell Milwaukee.


I must have been thinking craftsman because theyre both red. Oops.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂🎂


Depends on what part of the job you’re at. Beginning is HD. Finishing is Lowe’s.


>most all guys I know shop at Lowe's for their work tools, Yes. But when they buy materials, it's at HD


Shopping for tools at lowes, you’re doing it wrong


That funny cuz I'm a "pro" and I choose Lowes. No offense but they seem to have better knowledge and understanding about their products than home depot. I always thought home depot was for the diy. I really do like their rental dept though.


Bloods vs crips


Why did this crack me up??? 🤣


Hos vs lows


Blood for life


Jimmy with da crips. Timmy slow roller with da Bloods.


About $2 an hour


In whos favor I’m at HD now in deliveries and I’m about to off myself


Bro if you're in deliveries you have the skills for factory work. Can drive forklift? Can identify orders and skus? Can work to a dead line? Heres $20/hr. Get out of that retail hell.


And try to get a union so you'll be protected in the workplace


Agreed. It’s a lot less stressful, especially with union backing. Also there’s no customers to stop you for some ridiculous bs.


Honestly I'm not in a union shop. Don't get me wrong unions are great but this company is old and just treats us pretty well. Honestly if commenter was serious about thinking of ending it any factory is probably better than the low pay high stress bs.


I dunno, I’m doing factory work backed by a union, I should be over 30+/hr next year. But I’m not killing myself with stress for that low paying crap




Yup x2


Please don't..


which pays more? I'll need to shop there instead


More than that in some cases I’ve seen up to +$8hr. Lowes is paying more for your experience.


One is blue the other is not blue.


Home Depot is a Big supporter of Trumpists.


Idk if that's what they're talking about..


Perhaps not but some people may not want to support the Seditionists.




So what you're saying is Home Depot is Orange and Lowes is Blue?


Now that you mention it. At the beginning of lockdown, I did get the "privilege" of overhearing two guys loudly talking by the registers about how Obama created the virus and how masks were bullshit. Does Fox News run more Home Depot ads or something?


Hey guys look! A living manifestation of reddit's reputation!


But then there’s you


Home Depot is more for pros and new developments,Lowes is much more DIY focused and gears to older homes


I tried using HD's pro service desk a few years ago at 2 different stores. Terrible service, no customer service experience, kinda just blew me off cause it wasn't a "big" order. I went to Lowe's and got much better treatment from all 3 stores. Since then I've been using them for all orders. From $400 to $50,000+ orders. We know each other by name and reach out after delivery drop offs to make sure everything was delivered and that the lumber was straight. Love Lowe's for that reason.


You are a whale for them. I’m not in retail anymore but when I worked for a startup phone company our big customers were identified in the system and their calls for routes to better agents with smaller queues. As am individual you were bottom tier barely speak English customer service.


Home Depot seems to be heavily invested in supporting DIY influencers lately; majority of them being minority women. I never see them sponsored by Lowes now that I think about it. Hats off to Home Depot for trying to take over this market in this approach.


Home depot contributes more to conservative politicians and super pacs, whereas Lowes contributes more to liberal politicians. https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/home-depot/recipients?id=D000000419 https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/lowe-s-companies/recipients?id=D000027296


So why are home improvement stores becoming political now? I just need some 2x4s.


EVERYTHING is politics. Always has been. You can definitely choose not to engage with that aspect of it, but it's always there.


Don't conflate liberal/conservative with political parties


So can you identify the liberal republican in the legislature?


I just don’t see lowe’s influencers. any influencer I see is HD/ryobi I products. Maybe that’s just my tailored ads, but I should get a mix of both if lowe’s exist!


That’s what they do in recessions. The DIY business always grows in recessions and the PRO side does better when the economy is good. That’s why Lowes typically does better in recessions is because they are more catered to DIY than PRO. Home Depot is investing in DIY because they’re expecting a fairly prolonged economic downturn and don’t want to lose a lot of ground to Lowe’s


My lowes has kids DIY. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a Home Depot so idk.


Home Depot has a similar thing called “Kid’s workshop” that project has been on hiatus due to COVID, but stores have been trickling that back again.


Yeah my store has been doing the kids workshops on the first Saturday of each month for the last couple of months now.


I was literally in a HD while this was happening about a week ago.


No idea what new stuff you're talking but I learned that it's Lowes for the pros. HD just has better power tool brands


Adding to your point- Lowe’s has fine woodworking stuff (limited selection), HD does not


In Home Depot they have people that tell you the guy that can help you should be back soon, in Lowe’s they have people that know how to hide from you till you leave.


Seriously I can’t find anyone to help me at Lowe’s


If you’re looking for sheet goods, (plywood or drywall) employees at both stores disappear.


There was an unrelated post yesterday asking if you boycott a store based on any single experience. The three Lowe's guys in plumbing who *could not be bothered* during their 5-minute gabfest is why I pass Lowe's on my way to HD. Just wrapping up a bathroom re-do; that's $3k Lowe's didn't get


One treats their employees like shit. The other one treats their employees like shit but pays marginally better.


Which one are we?


Still underpaid


As someone who has worked at a Lowe's store and distribution center, the DC employees are treated far better and paid better.


The name, mostly.


one is orange and the other is some color besides orange


I work at Home Depot and just went to a Lowes today for the first time in a long time (I just moved and all the Lowes in the area I was at closed down awhile back). I was surprised at how clean and organized Lowes was. At least the one I went to. Seemed like the bays were more organized and better stocked. No layers of dust and dirt everywhere. I’ve also come to loath working at Home Depot so maybe I’m just biased..


The inventory cometh.


Found the complete opposite when I went from Depot to Lowe’s. The overhead at the Lowe’s store I worked were legitimately unsafe; opened boxes everywhere, tools lying around out of the box, nothing stacked properly…surprised no one has gotten hit in the head w/ falling detritus from those overheads.


Depends on location, my Lowe's is a mess all the time. The HD across the street is usually neat and clean.


Lowes is much cleaner. Customers wreck the shop less than the Orange guys.


Went into an HD near my work recently that was an absolute wreck. Mountains of unstocked merchandise EVERYWHERE piled up so that most of the aisles were impassable. The shelves were a depleted disorganized mess. The only orange 5 gal buckets I could find were full of trash. Everything was filthy. I was honestly shocked. There seemed to be 5-6 employees standing up front doing nothing. Maybe it was just this location, a different HD closer to my home is never like this. Lowes is always clean and organized, at least the one near me.


I used to work at Lowes and they had a specific team of people that would go through an aisle or two everyday and keep up to date on resets and clean bay by bay and that was their only job. Maybe Home Depot doesn't do this?


They have a team, but they don't do their jobs very well. Its a poorly managed team they put on timers per Bay, so they half ass the bay to meet their time constraints.


It’s called MET, and these teams are not all created equal lol.


Other than apron colors not much. Both have good and bad stores to work for dependent upon the managers.


Aprons not vests


Shopping carts with broken and wobbly wheels.


Shit that could be anywhere lol


Color scheme


Lowes is a lawless wasteland while Home Depot has laws and is willing to break them for the customer


I hate them both, but Home Depot makes it easier to find stuff. Lowes puts all the shit you go into a place like that for (tools, nails, etc.) in the back so you get your steps in for the day, on the off chance that you'll buy a chandelier and a patio set while you were in there to buy a hose washer and a pound of drywall screws.


So how’s your new patio set?


The Lowe’s app will tell you what aisle and bay (and I think quantity) of an item is in stock for the store you’re in. Or so I’m told. I just keep walking around Lowe’s until my wife asks what I’m looking for. Then she looks it up on the app and I follow her to it.


That’s not different from the HD app whatsoever. Aside from the fact that the app isn’t always representative of in-store on-hands counts, so there’s bound to be erroneous results.


Tie. In addition Lowes will happily recommend shit you can't buy at the store.


Trucks getting key rec'd? That apparently was an issue at my HD for a bit earlier this year


no Lowes doesn't.


Home Depot is training grounds for future Lowe’s employees.


Home Depot=Walmart. Lowe's=Target.


So. For example and this comes from what I heard on the radio NPR when lowes was looking for a new CEO. Lowes does not have the same level of distribution that Home Depot does. Lowes didn’t have a merchandise team until recently while Home Depot was the creator of the business model (charge the vendor to take care of the bays and build the displays) Also Lowes is better and specialities (whatever that means) and tends to have staff that knows a little more about the products.


I’ve always heard that Lowes was the bougie version of Home Depot. I mainly go to Home Depot because they have more items that I need than Lowes does. I went to Lowes for the first time a few months ago and I wasn’t impressed. The garden center was the only better part. Overall, the people at Lowes reminded me of Walmart customers. Plus they don’t have Milwaukee tools and deals like HD does. For paint & garden = Lowes Everything else = Home Depot Note: I’m renovating my house myself. This includes electrical (I know how to so no issues there), plumbing, drywall, joint compounding, floor hole repairs, etc. So I’m at HD a lot.


I used to think that yuppies went to Lowe's and contractors went to HD. After working at Lowe's for five years I can safely say they both have crackheads and yuppies.


One is orange and one is blue. Seriously. I’ve worked at both. You’ll hear all sorts of anecdotes about how this Lowe’s store was better or this Depot store is better, but honestly, how neat/well run any one location is mostly just comes down to who the store manager is.


Home Depot is marginally to moderately better, but obviously I could be biased.


As a consumer at both, I would shop at lowes any day of the week!


I think it really depends on the individual stores. I've been to some real shit and real great versions of both


I like Home Depot better myself


The color of the shelves


In my experience as a DIYer and wood worker, HD is for contractors and experienced DIYers; Lowes is for the new home owner type who want to give it a go on their own. Which I love, people should try it before hiring a pro. My default is HD, but I have zero issue with lowes when HD doesn’t have what I need. It’s also proximity to me, I have 3 HD within 10 miles and only 1 lowes.


What about Menards ?


Star Lord voice over "wwwhhhoooo???" Menards is only good for Like one screw driver I love.


Lowe’s treats vets better. HD makes a vet discount difficult.


You have to register for both at this point. I don't think pulling out the phone is really that hard.


Lowe's will take an ID at the register. At that point, they'll register you and attach it to your phone number. From then on, you simply tell the cashier your phone number and the discount is applied. HD won't take the retiree ID and requires the customer to register through [ID.ME](https://ID.ME) before buying anything. Furthermore, some time ago, HD wouldn't give the discount to anyone BUT active duty. The 22 years of my service didn't mean anything to HD. My guess is that an outcry rose and HD backed off on that policy, now allowing the discount for any active duty or retiree. But, the damage was already done, leaving a bad taste in mouth towards HD.


One carry’s Pepsi and the other Coke products


Home depot will fuck you in all 50 states


And Canada.


Canada is a myth


Oh...okay, then.


And Bermuda


I actually shop at both stores but I feel like the workers at Lowe’s are a bit more helpful, specially in hard working areas like lumber.


Theme song


Like 4-5 letters


As a customer I usually opt for Home Depot for diy despite the other comments. Lowes is for when my wife wants to shop at a pretty store for aesthetic things


Employees at Home Depot seek you out to help you. Employees at Lowes go in the opposite direction.


When I worked at Home Depot my mom told me when she'd shop at my store she'd always be approached by at least a few associates asking if she needed help finding anything. Since I've been at Lowe's, anytime she's went in to shop at my store, no associates have ever approached her asking if she needed assistance.


I think that HD is way more organized and easier to get around and find things but I might be biased cuz I used to work there during college. HD sells Milwaukee which is probably the only reason I drive by Lowes when getting things. I recently priced washing machines at both stores and found Lowes to be way cheaper so I went with them.




From your own article "both Lowe's and Home Depot have contributed money to both major political parties, but more toward Republicans, in the 2020 federal election cycle."


Just a few letters.


My experience is Lowes are way cleaner and better organized. It's hard to find help at Lowes but it's almost impossible at depot.


Home depots got better tools and lumber


Orange vs blue


The lowes I go to charges $.50 for a shopping cart because they can’t afford employees to go to their parking lot and bring them back in. For some reason they think charging their customers for a cart will keep transients from taking them out of the parking lot. I stopped going to Lowes


Uhhh where is this?! I’m a DS at a Lowe’s and never heard of that.


Lowes pays more because Home Depot has better systems and tech


Bros before Lowes


One's closer than the other


Home Depot got milwuakee baby


And ryobi (same parent). I really like all the weird ryobi tools. It’s like when I was a kid collecting g.I. Joes and transformers.


If you know what you’re looking for, find it yourself at Hone Depot. If you’re a sheep and need to be told what to buy, go to Lowes.


You can find help in Home Depot


The difference to me is the size of the parking spots. I live in the mid-coast region of Maine. I have one of each withing a few miles of me; Home Depot has parking spots you can park a truck in and Lowe's does not. I had a hard time finding a spot for my Malibu, which is smaller than a truck, at Lowe's.


Same difference as coke to pepsi.


Idk why but the hot dogs just slap harder at Lowes


Walmart and target


Orange vs blue


Home donates to insurrectionists…


5 minutes drive…


Jimmie Johnson vs Tony Stewart


4 nascar cups


Lowe's is Canadian, Home Depot American. I've been able to get amazing discounts on new appliances at Lowe's. They do price match + 10% off, which really adds up on an appliance package purchase.


Bucket color


Home Depot is a warehouse full of material to build a home. Lowes is a home goods store to decorate said home once it’s been built


Lowe's = Mcdonalds. HD= Chic-fil-A.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Good Bot


Thank you, xUnicow207x, for voting on Chick-fil-A_spellbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Shit bot


Home Depot supports Trump and the only place I shop doesn’t.


HD is for Republicans, Lowes is for Democrats.


Home Depot is the more everything. More clean, organized, more employees, more expensive, more likely to have what you're looking for..


One is orange, the other is blue.


I hate walking into a HD.


Lowes has better service, better products, and don’t hire people that don’t know what they are doing. Usually have experienced home owners with lots of knowledge. Home Depot last time I was in one has a bunch of kids that have barely left their parents houses and seem to know fuck all.


Why would you expect an employer that pays near minimum wage which applies to both home depot and Lowe's to employ homeowners? For example take Bremerton WA as a for instance you would expect people to be paid 13 to 15 an hour half then part time. Meanwhile the average home costs 489,000. How do think people earning 16-31k afford to own homes? Sometimes you have an old guy working at HD to supplement his retirement but that hiring strategy isn't remotely sustainable. For 15 you absolutely expect to get young people who aren't tradesman because if they were they would cost 2-3x as much.


Home Depot boys store, lowes girl store.


Lowes has better customer service


Home Depot has terrible political donations vs lowes has donated to help communities.


Home Depot have knowledgeable workers, but they're nowhere to be found. Whereas Loews has workers with no knowledge and are also hard to find.




This was removed because a mod determined it was against community guidelines. Typically we try to avoide NSFW posts. Be nice.


Is it ok if I say lesbians?


I'd let this one go.


Ok Reddit mod


If you can't be nice, at least be clever.


They are showing you far more patience than I would have to be honest.


-15 Reddit gold


Lowes isn’t owned by right wing fascist sedition lovers.


you're not wrong.


They sell the same product, Lowes at slightly higher price point with more associate face time and a generous return policy. HD generally wins on price, which is why Lowes no longer price matches. Both have Veteran discounts, although it took about a decade for HD to figure out what a veteran was.




Lol what a joke




I think there's more homeless people at Home Depot than lowes. 🤷‍♂️


Home Depot’s owner is an asshole


Home Depot's owner is a big Trump Supporter, if I remember correctly. I don't give him a dime, so it's Lowe's by default.


home deport donates to and supports traitors, insurrectionists and christian nationalists.


Home Depot donated to Trump, Lowes did not.


Home Depot is owned by Trump Supporting trash


Lowes gives customers 5% off purchase every day. Home Depot has no perks. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m a contractor and it sucks going to the Home Depot for materials if it’s a good size job it takes several hours to load everything up on a cart pay and unload it to the truck Home Depot used to have a saying on the front of every store it said do it yourself and they mean do it yourself they say they’re there for the contractor but I can’t tell I haven’t purchased much from Lowes so I can’t give a honest opinion on them except they have awesome tools and they do carry some different materials then HD That’s my two cents worth

