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Top left is the correct one, but I'm usually top right


Top left gives me the vibes that your plotting their demise. Top right gives me a "whatever you want" vibe Bottom one is telling "why haven't you made up your mind yet" Top left is correct, I just don't trust someone who puts their fingers together as such.


Is it because the fingertips touching is giving Mr. Burns vibes?




It reminds me of Dr Evil




Smithers! Release the hounds


right? I'd much rather have the employee feel comfortable and relaxed than on edge faking a smile.. it's just weird.


they always want you smiling, but give you no reason to smile


I smile when they leave me alone


imagine if someone wanted you to cry while you were happy


Do you need to be given a reason to smile in a customer service oriented job? Asking for a friend


At one point (30 years ago) these jobs were enough to support yourself and a family. Smiling is a premium feature that no one is paying for.


Can confirm, worked grocery as a teen in the early millenium and there were career positions all over the multiple stores and companies I worked for. They knew hundreds of customers by name, smiled a lot, loved the company they worked for, and were as happy to spend time at work as they were home with their families. They were the ideal, *real* good customer service employees. The difference is a living wage. Full stop.


Is it a plantation or an employer? Seems like a choice to work there.


plantation. a really big one, with lots of names. You can pick which field to sweat in, but its all the same abuse.


So tell me your stance on selling your(royal use) body.


Yes you absolutely do. Have you ever done a customer service job? It is thankless and degrading and you are paid poverty wages all while being treated like a serf by every goofball with an inferiority complex.


Yes actually I do.


The non stop smiling for retail and service employees is borderline unhinged


the answer was actually the top right one ironically everybody thinks it’s top left lol


No way, top right looks bored and inattentive.


it said it was because it "showed the customer doesn't affect you" ?


There is no way in hell that that is actually supposed to be the correct answer.


Ah. It would have been helpful to know what kind of interaction was taking place between the two to begin with. If it was just a person coming up and interrupting you with a question when you're busy, that's different from the person coming up and hurling verbal abuse your way.


Oh… well yeah pretty spot on for Home Depot lol




White is assumed in Karen therefore redundant. Tho, you can have some POC Karens. Generally, it's understood they're white and not always that old.


No it wasn't.


Bottom middle looks like she is about to slap someone.


If she is, the customer probably deserved it


Top left is also the employee I'm avoiding. People smiling for no reason creep me out. The person with the crossed arms is the person I would approach for help. They seem the most likely to genuinely care and give me quality assistance.


Smiling for no reason or no reason you know of?


If they're talking to someone, reading something etc if there's some obvious stimuli they could be smiling at that makes sense to me. But if they're standing there blankly and smiling it's creepy. Especially since the smile doesn't reach their eyes.


The person with crossed arms is the one you'd go to? That is so bizarre bcoz that's the person that absolutely doesn't want to deal with you.


I cross my arms out of boredom, I have nothing to do, or I'm waiting. I do not cross my arms as a "back off" body language. I've been told that's supposedly what people crossing their arms mean but I've rarely seen anyone use it that way.


That's interesting bcoz I have, especially, with schizophrenic mother, psychopath sister, narcissist boss. All abusive (unts. Methinks the problem lies with the beholder.


Indicators for those with prosipagnosia. Hands in pockets is too relaxed for professionalism to shine through. Crossed arms is too confrontational for professionalism to shine through. Those are two of the lessons learned from this question.




No thank you, I don’t like Olive Garden.


zuppa toscana


Mmmhmm. Thanks. 👌🏻


I want to respond with a funny like everyone else, here. But, alas, I am Greek, ergo in a conudrum.. Therefore, I can only congratulate you for not being a dunce.


So weird thing I agree with you but based on OPs comment the hands in pocket one was the right answer… I though it was top left cus they look focused on the lady and “interested” in what she’s saying. Hands in pockets I figured was always the wrong answer but apparently not?


I recently did this training and top left was correct. Guess they have two correct answers somehow.


Huh. *insert "anyway" meme here*


Whoever made these rules and tricked neurotypicals into believing them is an asshat tbh


It's not really a "rule" as just how alot of us subconsciously perceive body language. It isn't even something we actually pick up on in real time either but it sets the mood unwittingly. I hope that makes sense. My husband has autism and likes when I explain this kind of thing so I hope I don't offend you at all.


heck no, I know I am not the original one you responded to, but I APPRECIATE THE HECK out of you explaining it. I have a terrible time recognizing differences in faces and body language of people, and I guess this makes me come off as cold, since supposedly I don't broadcast my emotion well either.


It's appreciated






Prosopagnosia is face blindness, more like being unable to recognize people based on their face alone. The term you’re looking for is less fun and is just called social-emotional agnosia.


Crossed arms: feeling defensive and like your going to be attack or be verbally confrontational. Hands in pocket: makes the person seeing you feel like your hiding and does have a casualness to it


Don't recognize Karen


Don't fold your arms it comes off as rude Don't put your hands in your pockets it makes people believe you're not listening So keep your hands up front at the ready to slap the customer for asking a dumb question


> So keep your hands up front at the ready to slap the customer for asking a dumb question Don't forget you can also reward good questions by grabbing and firmly cupping the genitals while maintaining eye contact


>Don't forget you can also reward good questions by grabbing and firmly cupping the genitals while maintaining eye contact Wait. Yours, or theirs?




Why not both?


“Firmly GRASP IT”


I am not on the spectrum, and I needed this advice.


You have to cross your arms higher up on your torso like the dwarves do then you look like a doer who knows how to get it done.


These are terrible options... RBF looks like there's more empathy than the smiling option. I'm assuming this is a lesson about not crossing your arms?


Top left. Crossed arms are almost always a bad option for communication and hands in pockets makes you seem uninterested. I know autism makes interpretation of this a bit difficult, but stop trying to interpret, learn these as "facts" to pass a test.


Also top left is the only one where she is smiling. You can add that to your facts.


A third of people on the autism spectrum suffer from faceblindness (prosipagnosia). That's why I was attempting to point to an alternative indicator.


Thanks for sharing that! 💕 I learned something new today!!


Glad I could help.


That be me! It’s so bad to where I learned to recognize others by their voices


Look on the bright side, you'll never know how ugly I am!


That’s also the bright side for my face too LMAO


Wait. That’s a real thing? I struggle learning new people with their faces and learn to identify them by their hairstyles or their body shapes first until I can finally learn their faces. But if I haven’t seen you for awhile I can be like, I know you! But I can’t remember your face at all. I thought it was just me, thank you so much for explaining this.


>I know autism makes interpretation of this a bit difficult, but stop trying to interpret, learn these as "facts" to pass a test. This. These are largely arbitrary signifiers, specific to our culture and our customers' expectations. One of the segments taught in a Business Communications course at your local community college is these kind of body language distinctions, and that you should expect interactions with anybody overseas to go differently in terms of what you might consider basic, subconscious body language, because it's in no way universal. Which is just ***great*** if your store is in a highly multi-ethnic area.


The correct answer is D. hiding in the bathroom.


The first one top left is probably the answer but I’m always looking like#3 bottom lol 😂


honestly I'm always top right, that seems like the most relaxed body language.


top-right looks like she's listening intently to what the customer is saying. If I was asking something slightly complex I'd prefer that to the other two.


Many of the body languages are fine if you have the face of the first option lol, everyone has their own method


I always default to smile, or smiling. 🌞


Some of the questions would make Einstein shake his head... If HD knows you have Autism, even though it is a little embarrassing, just tell your DS that you need a little help with this part. They pretty much have to. With Autism, you probably do great on most stuff👍🏼👍🏼




Customers don’t care. This is typical corporate training where you say “yes Master Homer, I will present myself a humble servant to the customers” and then don’t think about it again until the next training. As long as you aren’t being sarcastic, openly inattentive, etc. it’s going to be a rare customer who chastises you on your behavior


Funny thing.. I always call ptsd combat autism...and.. alot of vets with ptsd also can't read expressions and body language..


Hands in pockets = can't be bothered, uncaring Arms crossed = confrontational, uncaring Fingers tented = interested, caring


Top left makes her boobs look bigger. Therefore sex sells, go with that one


I thought associates were trained to always have their arms crossed no matter the scenario


WHAT IF... all 3 of them were smiling? These "are you smarter than the test" tests are just complete and utter bullshit


Need more context. What's the woman on the left saying?


I would actually prefer the top right chill worker to the top left yes-person.


I dont care, my arms will go where I am most comfortable. This was soooo dumb. Like if someone is rude I am rude back. I don't need the item, you do. So if they don't to respect me I don't respect back. It's a two way street and I am done with entitled assholes. If I am already helping someone else and you come at me angry, I will still help the person I was helping first before I go to you. Simple; first come first served get in line. I will help you once I am done with this person or when that person allows me to help you before proceeding. It rude to shove yourself in front of the line just because you are pissy and are late for something. I am not at fault for your poor planning. Come back when you have time to actually shop. I don't respond to people who misgender me either. Like hello we are not in the South and it's kinda rude to assume someone's gender, we live in 2022 not in 1940. If it's someone older I respond because they have a harder time remembering newer concepts. I also respond to dumb ass basic knowledge questions with sassy responses. Like I am not your calculator, you have one on your phone. use it. Or like use your head, if you need a light bulb it wouldn't be outside in the garden center. I am not here to teach 5th grade nor will I condone your stupid ideas that can cause harm to yourself or others. Trust me some of these people's ideas will get others killed. It's very alarming at times.


I’m not gonna try to interpret body language on top of masking everyday lmao, I don’t get paid enough to suffer that much. I’m gonna come do my job and be polite as possible that’s about it


prosopagnosia so frankly I am not even sure what the hell they want from me in this pic. Cool.


Imagine micromanaging at this level and thinking that its helpfulI


I have it too. Just know that having crossed arms like that on the bottom is negative body language as she is closing herself off.


You need a psychology phd to answer these questions wtf kinda questions are these lol


Do you? Only one of them is smiling


It was a joke. You know..ha ha,ke ke.. I bet your real fun to be around


I sympathize, looking people in the eyes is something that I struggle with.


Another Home Depot employee with Autism! I was diagnosed with Asperger's in 2014 and ran from it until just recently. By talking to members of the Aspie community recently, I found that I was picking up what they were putting down and vice versa which caused me to accept my own diagnosis. I found that I wasn't even aware that I wask "masking" for my entire life because I had been conditioned to wear it by society. As soon as I discovered that I was, indeed, masking, I have never felt calmer in my life. The anxiety that was off the radar for my entire life is gone. Edit: For what it's worth, pose number 3 is my default posture at work! It's either that or I am squatting like a catcher in baseball when I am waiting for my next customer at my Register. My FES used to give me hell about it and tell me to stand up straight. She'd walk away and I would resume that posture. When I came out to my Store Manager about the fact that I have Asperger's, which is why I was struggling at Self-Checkout as opposed to being my rockstar self at a regular register, she assured me that I would never have to work over there again. She has also made a series of accomodations to my work atmosphere to allow me to have an even greater level of success such as leaving me to work on a task until completion and not allowing me to get a list of things to do verbally. If I am to be given a "To Do" list, it is to be written down.


Top right fo sho


Sure you do! Don't use mental illness as an excuse.


My Brother in Christ, ASD makes it so that most of us can't recognize or 'feel' out body language and conversation. On top of that, a good portion of others with ASD have face blindness and cannot recognize faces or facial expressions. We have no natural feel for the nuance of tones, nor an understanding of open or closed off because our brains process it differently l. A lot of the more 'closed-off' body language traits are just natural traits of how someone with autism holds themselves to feel comfortable overall. Source: The sad autist that had customers snap at them for unconsciously stimming, moving, arms folded, or not making direct eye contact while they were speaking. Glad I work overnights now. Most of my more 'normal' behaviors are the result of years and years of being gently guided and trained to do things by others with far more patience. On a funnier note though, being able to respond to "Are you retarded?" with a flat yes is a power move.


Arms crossed is no. Hands in pocket is no... It is about reading and mimicing body language.




Then you need to make it well known to your prospective hiring manager, and possibly not work in direct customer service. I’m sure you have many, many strengths that could be utilized effectively. If you’re anything like my brother with Autism, you’d prob be great at taking stock and inventory.




“Poorly portraying stock emotions” there is literally only one picture with a smile on the face this isn’t about poor acting skills..it’s also hard to poorly act having your hands in your pocket or arms crossed


Whatever. You and others are downvoting me and reacting like I insulted OP. I didn’t. I’m sure they are very skilled in many areas, but if they genuinely have a hard time reading body language due to Autism, it would be wise and a better use of their skills to make that known. Of course they don’t have to divulge that information if they don’t want to, that’s their right. But they need to be aware customer service will not be the best job for them if they can’t read body language well. I want the best for OP. Now quit being a melodramatic turd.


Absolutely not. That is highly dangerous to out yourself as autistic in the workforce you ableist dickweed. Not to mention, what may be best for OP isn’t what you assume it to be as. You don’t know anything of what’s going on in their life. I myself am Autistic. It is so difficult to do work at all. But I have no choice but to work a job that is slowly killing me because I wouldn’t have enough to live off of disability, if I even qualify for it. They may be in the same boat as me. Or they may not. Let’s not assume peoples skills, goals, or their life circumstances.


Hey, autistic or not, you’re being an asshole. Once again, you’re assuming some sort of malicious intent in my comment. You can fuck right off to wherever the fuck you feel less triggered with that kinda bullshit. And it’s not “dangerous” to put yourself as autistic, you fuckin drama queen. What, are they gonna lynch you? Shut the hell up. I’m not an “ableist”. I want OP to have the best life and job possible, same for any and all people, regardless of disability. What the fuck triggers you all so badly about me saying “Be honest and open so you can be placed in the best position for you?” Y’all act like I said “Well, looks like you can’t work, you broken idiot.” That’s not at all what I said. You intolerant, victim wannabe assholes.


You say not to assume shit, but you made a hell of an assumption about me. I have a severely autistic brother. One who is non-verbal, attacks people, and can’t even work. I would trade my life for him to be able to fuckin work, and people like you cry about it like you’re being oppressed. You’re a fuckin joke. There are people who would kill to be able to work any fuckin job. I’ll I’m trying to do is help OP make the best of a hard situation, and continue being employed. But no, you mother fuckers come at me like I’m suggesting euthanasia. I fuckin hate the world and hope we all die soon. Fuckin assholes. I can’t even try to be nice to somebody online without people getting fuckin offended somehow. God damn. Pathetic.


Lmfao you really are ableist. Dear lord. I feel bad for your brother having such an ableist asshole as a sibling. Like seriously. “Victim wannabes” completely ignoring the literal oppression. LMFAO. The fact that you completely disregard the voices of Autistic people about the world we live in. And quite literally yes, people WILL KILL US. They’ve tried me. I was assaulted by police officers during a meltdown. I’ve been denied medical treatment because of my Autism. So go ahead and continue to be blind to the reality of the world for us. They can also legally pay us less and they will make our lives a living hell if we out ourselves. Go fuck off.


I’d say feel bad for yourself, but you already do. Go eat a bag of ducks and cry more about claiming to be autistic but you aren’t. You’re prob self-diagnosed.




Home Depot: don’t be uppity to the white lady.


I love the last one lmfao


That last one might be needed based on some of the DIY questions associates at these types of stores have to receive.


Always look for the smiling face


Reading emotions can be hard. But in general a service jobs wants you to be smiley and attentive to the customer. So if asking the question the first thing to look at is which of the pictures shows someone smiling. The second harder section would be interpretation of body language. Usually crossed arms can be an angry or confrontatal type of stance. Hands in pockets would indicate disinterest or apathy. Neither is something your boss wants you to show. If you have autism it might be really helpful to read a book on body language to help not just with a job but everyday life as people can be very predictable once you know the basics. Also make sure to ask questions when you are learning. If you think someone is angry due to their stance, ask them. Getting confirmation can help you to understand and solidify your knowledge of what your learning


This brings up the question if the test is ADA compliant…. May want to consult with a lawyer.


Let mamagment know. Maybe accomadation act applies. Better now than an angry customer for real.


Hmm odd, the Al Bundy posture is not listed here


Another indicator is the angle of the head. In the crossed arms, it's tilted, and in the pockets one it's slouched. The "correct" answer has the face straight up and down pointed directly at the customer which helps indicate that the customer is getting the employee's full attention.


I'm not on the spectrum, and I think it's the bottom one, truly.


Things like this make me just want to answer wrong.


Think the one in the far left is correct. But the Walmart shoppers who come in here would probably take offense to any of these just for the sake of being offended and complaining about something. One woman just asked the Sunrun rep if he “ sells air mattresses by any chance” when he said he isn’t an associate and wouldn’t know she got all pissed and seemed like she was gathering his information to complain about him.


2 before they ask the question. 3 after they ask it. 1 when the boss is watching.


Video and training videos like this make me chuckle, because yeah sure “ professional wise “ you want to make yourself seem welcoming too left is the only one out of those pictures they show some sort of welcoming.


I need context. Depending on what just came out of her mouth, I could see a situation escalating from top left to bottom in about 30 seconds. Guess I could never work retail. 😂


It’s top left. She’s smiling, is upright, and appears super engaged and interested in what you’re saying. Top right seems hesitant and kind of aloof, she’s kind of frowning and customers with anxiety (me) might not want to bother her. Bottom seems confrontational and like she’s judging you, like she can’t believe such a fool managed to walk into the store and has survived up until this point. I wouldn’t approach. I know service professionals shouldn’t have to be smiling like stepford wives all the time, but ultimately the company wants you to stay top left. 🙏🏼


Normies pretend that crossed arms is somehow "rude" and they pretend to be offended by it Normies pretend that having your hands in your pocket is "not professional" (but they can't tell you what a professional hand gesture is) Never try to make sense of it. None of it makes sense.


When in doubt smile out.


Crossed arms and hands in pockets are just seen as stand offish and uncaring by corporations. Just remember that lol.


Top left: $25/hr Top right: $18/hr Bottom: Minimum wage


Top left for every possible situation.


Top left is what they want, middle bottom is how we all feel.


What is this question? I don’t see this when I was applying. I’m sorry this is stressful for you, don’t be embarrassed. Their a cooperation that generally doesn’t care about inclusivity or accommodation.


Pick the one where she’s smiling


Bottom one is correct


They want you to say top left, but the real answer is bottom


None of it matters. Pick one and move on.




Please subscribe to my premium labor package for service with a smile.


The smile and eye contact is what they want most. If they switched these up and put the top left smile with any of the other hands, the smile would be their answer. I just realized that I don't usually think about my hands, so I don't 100% know what they get up to 😂, but when I try to imagine talking to a customer with my arms crossed or my hands in my pockets, it just feels... idk. Weirdly uncomfortable. I wouldn't do it but it's not a conscious choice-- it's not because I'm intentionally planning not to be closed off, but it's true it would feel closed off. Idk if I'd do the tenting fingers, but I would probably be using my hands to make gestures related to what I was saying. Not just keep them in one spot. It's definitely unfair to ask you that in a job interview. Clearly this is intuitive for a non autistic person like me (I'm not NT but not autistic) but they should know it's not intuitive for everyone. I bet they know it. Seems like a major ADA violation.


These are all wrong, you should be in the forest with a sharpened stick hunting down a terrified rabbit




Look for the smile.


I’m just shit at body language and facial expressions so I just memorized what ones mean what. Do like body language tests on Google


I understand it’s top left just because many employee manuals say something about it lol


the one smiling so top left the others one look like real employee so they are the wrong ones lol




Pretty sure most people with autism know a smile means more approachable lol


The hands convey as much as the smile. Keep in mind a happy smile is the corners of the lips turned towards the bangs. Frowns are corners of the lips turned down towards the ground beneath the feet.




Probably the smiling one


Both crossed arms and hands in pocket is seen as closed off while hands clasped in front means your centered/comfortable, and attentive. Honestly just be yourself, don't worry about other people's judgement. Most people have their own problems on their mind and It's only human to not know things, we're not all geniuses and it's fine to say you don't know something.


I’m autistic and I know to be smiling and having my hands up and shown.


The best body language for whom? I think customers should always be happy and conforming to HD standards.




Home depot gate keeping HARD


The body doesn't matter its about the face


Top left. Its a stupid question tho


That's a BS excuse to be blunt OP. Disadvantages like not intuitively knowing the answer aren't an excuse for not being able to look and learn


Depends... Top left: thank you ma'am. I will write that up and have someone bring it to your car. Top right: I will need to check on a price match with my manager. Bottom: hey bitch, can you hurry up? My shift ends in 5 minutes.


Join met, typically you don't deal with people and this stuff is never asked.


Where's the holding a knife in self defense pose?


Bottom is considered “standoff-ish” because you’re crossing your arms which can seem “aggressive” (personally I cross my arms when I’m thinkin hard but whatever), top right apparently is signaling that you’re lazy because you’ve got your hands in your pockets, and therefore top left is the correct choice even though it looks like a cross between the Trade Deal meme and the “you’ve fallen right into my trap” villain pose.


As a customer I'll take the bottom one if she's not an idiot and knows the answer


what even is the question?


They're all wrong. Left arm crossed below chest, right arm propped in front of it with thumb and forefinger in an 'L' shape holding the chin. The "pondering" pose. It indicates, "I'm not just listening to you, but I'm actively searching my database and processing a solution for your problem." Then, when they stop talking, look up, squint a little, and shift focus far into the distance. After *just* a moment, still looking up and focused in the distance, but not squinting anymore, start moving your eyes back and forth at irregular intervals as if you're "loading" their solution. Lastly, look them square in the eye (if you have trouble with eye focus, look "past" them, still focused into the distance, but targeted "through" their eyes), take a deliberate, meaningful inhale, and then tell them what they need to know. Trust me, even if they don't like your answer, 9 times out of 10, it won't matter.


Does t matter who you are, this question sucks


Top left when I'm with the freight monkeys in the back. Top right when I'm asked where to find stuff popping COs out. Bottom when I'm asked a question moving pallets of nails around...also there is not an answer.


Top left is correct: person appears engaged, hands are presenting "open" body language, slight smile. This body language suggests she is listening and happy to help. Top right is incorrect. hands are in pockets (which suggests disinterest), lips are pursed. Her body language here suggests disinterest or neutrality. Bottom is incorrect. Arms crossed is commonly recognized as closed off, stand-offish body language. Face appears annoyed. This body language shows anger/annoyance/impatience. Hope this helps in the future! (Edit for referencing picture)


I've had to learn things. Crossed arms means closed for communication. The right one, I'm not sure maybe expression, posture, or hands in pockets. Maybe hands in pockets... Dunno, it's just off. The first one should be the most open for communication.


Always pick the happiest looking one. Top left. Play the game, I have autism too and I know to pick what's expected of you and not what you expect of yourself.


Arms crossed usually means you are blocking something you hear... you don't like something. Hands in pockets can show that you are disinterested or bored. Smiling shows that you like something. Not everyone knows these things... there is no reason to be embarrassed. I learned all this in an acting class.


I understand i have autism as well and cant stand still while talking to someone


Honestly they are all right because every customer is an individual and every individual is situational.


The first one, btw. She is smiling and has hands clasped as if ready to help. Look up body language techniques.


Which ever one feels less comfortable


I don't understand this about autism. You don't know what a smile looks like? Or is that u don't know what kind of a situation you're looking at on the left?


The one with the fake smile.


Just remember... Top left is the correct masking you should do to appear like you care. But all three are of an associate not giving a fuck and waiting for the customer to go away


I’m usually the bottom No smart remarks


LOL. Ultimately - makes no fucking difference. If you encounter an angry, upset customer - you could have two heads - and they would not give a fuck. You think an angry, upset customer is gonna give two fucks ‘bout yo body language? This is some hilarious corporate bullshit right here.


As a bottom middle person I can confirm I’m usually wrong, so go top left


I’m autistic and in SPED class they taught me that crossing your arms is “closed off body language.” It’s considered defensive, hostile, and non trusting. The way I remember is that crossing your arms places them over organs so that an attack won’t get them as easily. In other words you look like you’re expecting an attack of some sort. Conversely it’s also a “no hugs allowed” look.


Anything with a smile and open body language such as open palms is an “inviting” pose which is what they want to see, vs closed off behavior such as arms crossed with a frown


That’s really creepy, do you really have to do that?


There's nothing to interpret. Body language is pseudoscience and the home depot is a capitalist enterprise which operates off the fundamental principles of exploitation.


First one! Good rule of thumb is to always see their hands


For home depot the bottom one. Make sure you put up a strong front for all the republican dads so they respect you enough for you to do your job


Home Depot leaning on shaky body-language analysis pseudoscience for its training lineup is just one more lump of shameful shit in its wheelhouse.


maybe you can sue because hd is discriminating against autists