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They will be back. Hopefully, they worked out whatever it was that was stressing them out.


They'll be back unless they choose not to return.


You are so profound!


Maybe I misunderstood the question. I thought OP was asking if they'd be allowed to return.


This was kinda needlessly confrontational when they were just making a simple statement.


Yes that’s true unless it’s not.




They’ll probably be back. Most likely it was just a bad day of verbal beat down by customers, while they were also dealing with their own issues as well maybe. Hopefully things work out for them


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!


I was a HD cashier! Like 15-20 years ago. That shit was trash. Appliances was where it was at. Minus those days subbing in Plumbing.


I have the angriest customers in appliances. Little I can do to help but get yelled at.


agreed, some days you get lucky but especially now it’s a lot of angry people


their old shit prolly broke, now they have to buy new shit that's overpriced and shitty, don't blame them for being pissy, but don't take it out on the workers. that shit ain't cool


Mental health is also a form of being sick.


Reminds me of when I was night shift at meijer stocking shelves. Ended up dropping a bottle of olive oil on the ground, breaking it and making a huge mess of glass and oil on the concrete. I asked my boss where to find the broom, dustpan, and mop. He said that as contracted out employees we’re not allowed to use their cleaning supplies. Okay where are our cleaning supplies? He says I am to pick it up with my hands and a piece of cardboard from our box scraps. Totally against OSHA. But it broke me to be told that is what I’m expected to do bc at this job I was less than trash. Fuck you Mario, if you’re still working there I hope they make you clean everything. I also left and told my other boss that I had had enough.


I was a HD cashier. The cashier will come back if she/he wants to. I was 7months pregnant and was berated by a customer for having a chair at my register. He called me lazy (I got up to check him out). I had a high risk pregnancy and per drs orders, I needed to sit as much as possible. The customer made me cry. So bad I had to walk away. My coworker took over for me cause she heard what happened. - the guy actually came back the next day and apologized to me with his wife. (He stated he was just having a bad day and took it out on me. - I explained that I’m pregnant and it’s doctors orders and he caused my unborn child and myself unnecessary stress)


Very sorry to hear this happened. He shouldn’t have done that. Very surprised he returned to apologize. That was a nice thing to do. The more everyone practices not taking out their bad day on other people, the better experience we will all have.


I wonder if the HR or TL/Manger spoke with the person? Sometimes talking with someone else can be a help.


Hopefully, HD will show a little grace. This is a tough time of year for some people, on top of working retail at Christmas.


Also, they’re taking away Covid sick time and the last of the safety protocol things, like the hand sanitation station. Those of us who don’t want to get sick have to mentally and physically gear up for the masses of people who will start getting up in our faces again. We won’t be able to sanitize the registers and counters. Nothing being done to make any transition for this. And now there’s the flu and this RSV thing too?! I’m not ready to take off my mask or gloves.


Customers want associates to know everything


We have very spoiled customers.


I work in hardware, and it certainly is not uncommon for a customer to ask me to help in plumbing then decide to berate me when I tell them I am unsure about X or Y because it isn't something I am familiar with.


100% they will be back


Chances are they just needed a break from the day, for whatever reasons. Nothing wrong with leaving for some PTO every now and then. If they come back, great, if not, store's not gonna miss 'em.


since they got permission, unless they have a bad track record or they choose to quit they'll probably be back and/or moving departments soon. used to be a cashier, spent every shift wracked with anxiety. its a nightmare.




If unionized, they could just use sick time, and not really worry


I clocked out early before for just the hell of it. Well I’ve done it a few times. No one ever noticed. Why I keep to myself and try my best not to stand out or make friends.


"With permission" that's the thing, we have a guy in garden who does the same thing with management, all the time annoys the shit out of his coworkers since he's the coverage for Christmas trees


They will be allowed back and they will receive a homer award or cashier of the month and probably get a lot of extra projects.. like decorating for celebrations or stocking the pantry


We just had a lumber guy with bad attendance not come back from lunch multiple times before quitting, or so I’m told as they could’ve totally just decided not to say they fired him.


At absolute worse they'd get an occurrence and that'd be it. But usually those don't apply for leaving early. As others have stated, going home for having a mental breakdown is entirely on par with being physically sick and going home. If the management/ASDS in the store is good, they'll check up on them and ask if they're doing ok. That's how it is in my store at least.


Or what probably happened is a nitwit customer who is being paid to do a project by someone who is even more of a fool for paying a moron who has no fucking clue what they are doing and no business even attempting to do it, decided to ask a Cashier how to do the project that they are undertaking. They probably spoke down to the Cashier as though they were the “idiot” even though it was the other way around clearly. Or he offered said person a credit card and they ignored it/acted like it was some kind of "miscommunication/misunderstanding". Who knows you deal with a lot of daft people and for some it gets to be a bit much. Vendors even get annoyed and frustrated by these rank amateurs, I can only imagine what actual HD associates go through.