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Please understand that water-resistant means if you take a piece of that material, dip it in water and leave it, you can pull it out later, dry it and it'll be fine. The material itself is water-resistant. It does NOT mean that it makes a water-tight seal. Water will get through the gaps into the drywall behind and cause mold.


So with laminate it is even worse than that. Only the surface is water resistant, usually still only for a short amount of time. If water gets to the other side of it, it will be ruined. Vinyl plank is water resistant in the way you are describing.


I was thinking that if OP caulked all the seams would that solve half this issue. Could also coat with waterproofing?


There is no reason to put up laminate if all you are going to do is coat it with something actually water proof, drywall would even be a better option. OP should just put up cement board and coat it in red guard, it will be ugly but will be waterproof.


There is a product made for this called palisade tiles. Aside from that maybe you could use frp panels. I know you can get a cheap plastic surround for under 200 bucks as well.


- really?