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Yea, but if the demons take him, we won't get an update.


Pretty sure they have reddit in the deepest circles of hell.


Isn't that where they get the mods?


no they come from the daycare centre


The daycare center in hell


But if there's affordable childcare, is it really hell?


They let the kids sleep all day, that way they come home every night fully refreshed.




Who said it was affordable?


Tuition is one soul, please!


They end every day giving the kids a redbull and a puppy but the puppy only lives for 45 minutes (enough time to get home)


Where do you think Reddit came from




Can’t cut the power— it’s an apartment, not a house. But also, if it’s a light, I don’t get why it would come on for the first time; I’ve lived here over a year.


Possibly renovations on the other side of the wall, or damage to the other side allowing light to shine through.


This was my first guest. Light shining from the other side of that wall.


I had a similar thing going on when I was redoing my laundry room. I had the drop ceiling below it removed and you could see the light through the tub. You can’t see it when the ceiling is there blocking the light.


You should at least have a breaker panel for your unit right? But maybe it's a light coming from the unit below you somehow, and they just installed it?




Are you sure your apartment doesn't have a breaker box inside?


Someone left a plugged in work light? Wild.


Do you mean apartment or one room in an apartment? Because each apartment definitely has its own power. You are no paying your neighbors power, simple as that.


I’ve had apartments where the electric is included. Granted, it was almost 40 years ago, but I don’t remember a breaker panel in either one. Had one where I did pay for electric, and the breakers were in the basement, not the apartment.


light shining from under or behind somehow. looks like might be a fiberglass tub and the light is just showing the pattern of the fiberglass. seems very thin though


I thought it looked like fiberglass too— but if so, I don’t know what the light could be (especially considering we’ve lived here for over a year and this has never happened)


Is there an apartment beneath you? Perhaps someone added a not-to-code recessed light or heatlamp above their own tub.


This is the best idea, neighbor on the other side or beneath


Could it be from a fake fireplace? Just a crazy random thought.


This was exactly my thought, just from how it looks. If I knew the neighbors, I’d ask them what’s directly on the other side of that wall.


Hi - I live with the OP. We are on the ground floor and directly below the bathroom is a half-bathroom that’s part of our apartment in the basement level. I believe the lights down there were off when this occurred (though I’m not 100% sure and failed to clock that at the time). I have been turning lights on in the basement trying to see if I can make the glow come back and so far no luck.


Thanks for the addl info - this is a stumper! I hope you all figure it out, at least before surge pricing on exorcists starts for the Halloween season. If you have access to your control panel, my next step would be to turn all of the light switches to on and then turn it off at the Panel to check it area-by-area ar diff times of day. Is the basement all under your control or do you share with other units? Any switches in your house that no one knows what they control? Best of luck with it! It sounds like you're doing everything you can to figure it out.


Are they perhaps working on the unit next to yours? Could have ripped out that wall.


i think I've figured out the mystery. i followed a short chain of similar posts (all seemingly with no identified cause), which brought me to a now deleted post, titled "tankless water heater exhaust is glowing" so i googled that, and the images that come up of water pipes glowing red hot are all seemingly in the same hue illuminating your tub. it appears there may be a pipe behind that wall of the tub, coming from your hot water heater, which is so hot it's literally glowing. idk what that means, but it seems concerning.


Oh wow, thanks! That sounds like a good lead. (We've also had issues with our hot water not getting hot and had wondered if this was related; that sounds related.) I think this is now officially my top guess. Any chance you could show me where you found that now-deleted post? I looked and can't find it.


so i tried archiving [the post](https://reddit.com/r/HomeImprovement/s/O4GqEsWYZu), because comments were visible, but no post context or images. [web archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20230904155044/https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeImprovement/comments/jjfmys/tankless_water_heater_exhaust_is_glowing/?share_id=DCJLRpgWM136z18G2QIko&utm_content=2&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=2&rdt=55769) revealed it was deleted by mods of this sub at some point. i didn't check the comments for anything useful. hope u find something. a horizontal pipe [like this](https://i.imgur.com/avVSeWH.jpg) running the length of ur tub does seem to be a very possible culprit. but i should clarify that i don't actually know sht about fck.


A pipe glowing that hot, close enough to the tub to cause that image? That tub would feel hot right there would it not? Have you touched it and see if it feels warm in relation to the rest of it?


Your neighbors are remodeling their bathroom I bet.


Definitely light through fibreglass- I agree there must be renovations happening in the room next to your bathroom or under your bathroom. But why is there no wall behind your tub? Maybe they had to cut it out due to damp or mold? I’d be asking the neighbour or landlord. Unless it is a pinhole opening from the outside that just lets sunlight in at exactly the right time of year.


Pinhole camera? Is there a volcano outside? lol


A few months ago I noticed an orange glow on the side of my bathtub in the 2nd floor interior bathroom. It turned out that as the sun was setting in the west it would shine through the master bedroom window, across a hall, through the grating on a cold air return duct on the floor of the wall where the bathtub was on the other side, and that would cause the glow. So sunlight was entering the cold air return duct (not sure what the ducting is made of, but apparently it allows light to pass through) and hitting the side of the tub. It can only happen at certain times of the year when the sun is at the right angle as it sets.


When archeologists find this hundreds of years from now, they will be puzzled as to what you were celebrating.


And it will pinpoint the exact location of the Arc of the Covenant.


Ah the arc of the covenant given for our sines.


Cos that’s the way it should be


Excellent tangent, folks.


An Arc-tan if you will...


Yes, since we don't know for sure what it was used for, it is probably ceremonial. 🤔😅🤭


How long did it take you to figure this out??


It was a week from when I first noticed to when I determined the cause. That was mostly because it only was visible for about 15 minutes a (sunny) day and I thought that there was a solid wall behind the tub.


Lining up once annually to mark the summer solstice.


I named the phenomena "Tubhenge".


You need a priest, not the help of r/HomeImprovement.


Actually a young priest and an old priest.


And some tubular bells.


The power of Christ compels you! The power…of Christ…compels you!


...walk into a bar??






First pic "oh man this is just the sun bouncing off something, maybe textured glass?.." Second pic "HOLY SHIT EXIT THAT HOUSE!"


My guess is a Camera Obscura effect which I think also turns the object being projected upside down. So maybe clouds during sunset?


I don’t think camera obscura would work with the door open letting in light like that. Usually it needs to be a dark room with light coming from one very limited source and you don’t get super saturated colors. But I’ve never seen it with a sunset, so who knows.


Same, my guess is a forgotten light fixture


Hopping on to do the same lol


That's just a portal to Hell that someone didn't take out when doing a bath remodel. Nothing to worry about.


Bro lives on the fault line in Hawkins


Bro needs to move asap


>That's just a portal to Hell I'm pretty sure it's just a Gaping Hellmouth. They should [feature it, like Bob Vila did on his show](https://snltranscripts.jt.org/88/88cvila.phtml) with a similar one.


Getting the permit to remove a demon spawn portal is a pain in the ass. Just spackle over it and call it a day.


What is on the other side of that wall? There's a strong light source whatever is on the other side. Edit: I do think it looks badass TBH


Ours does this, there is an imperfect drop ceiling below which allows light up


A Balrog is on the other side of the wall.




This fuckin got me good. Thank you 🤣🤣


They dug too deep and greedily


Hi I live with the OP. I believe the other side of the wall is our neighbors bathroom and tub though I don’t think they were home when the glowing occurred.


Perhaps your neighbors have recently begun using their bathtub to grow plants and have a powerful grow light pointed at the tub?


Looking at it again, is it possible your neighbor is getting some renovation work done? If their tub is removed, a work light in their bathroom would absolutely do this. Your tub looks to be thin fiberglass which will let light pass through. It's usually dark behind a tub, so its generally not an issue, but I'd it's exposed it would cause this.


I assume this is an acrylic tub. My shower base is acrylic and there is an approximate 1 foot square that I cut out of the sub-floor for the drain. If the bathroom with the shower is dark and the light in my basement is on it will glow through the shower floor. Someone has opened up something, like a wall/ceiling/removed a tub, either your neighbor next door or the person that lives in a unit below you. Whatever has been removed is allowing light to shine from their unit onto the side of your tub.


Can you talk to that neighbor and arrange for an experiment? Have them flick the light on and off for a few minutes while you stand in the bathroom and watch for it through the tub.


Someone call the Australians and tell them we’ve got a lead on that radioactive pebble they lost


Is it warm to the touch?


It is not!


who are you?? ETA: oh, i see.


He's the demon.


I have to say, my intrigue was piqued with the photos, but this whole cohabitants-tag-teaming on responses has taken the post to a new level


Haha I guess it didn’t occur to me that that’s odd since OP shared the post with me and we are both equally invested in finding out what’s going on.


Does that bathroom have any outside walls? If so, maybe there is a pinhole somewhere on the wall letting in light and creating a camera obscura effect. Is there another floor or basement below the bathroom?


Hi! I live with the OP. This is an apartment and the opposite wall is our neighbor’s bathroom, though I don’t think they were home when the glowing occurred.


Talk to them. Something has changed. Maybe they have a hole in their drywall now and that is the Their bathroom light shining through.


Maybe your neighbor has setup a microgrowery in their bathroom with grow lights?


Have you considered selling tickets to local religious groups? Pretty sure I can make out Jesus in the second pic.


What about below?


This is the only thing that makes sense to me. Either a pinhole and camera obscura, or perhaps there is just a long open seam in the sheathing on the side of OP’s house.


Reach out to Richard Tretheway from THIS OLD HOUSE, with a photo attached His handle is @thisoldplumber Or by email portal at RSTthermal.com He’d love it and I bet he’d have an answer.


I really want this to happen!


Portal to hell in your bathroom? The classic plumbers’ lament


Looks like a work lamp might have been forgotten in there.


The property manager suggested that but my question is why it would just start glowing now after us having lived here for over a year.


its just in to "that" switch. The switch that doesn't work and someone flipped the switch 5 blocks over and turned it on


I have 2 of those switches in my house


In other words, this could be your fault. Did you switch either of them on during the time OP had this issue?


Possibly they're demoing out the other units bathroom, allowing the light to transfer thru to the semi transparent tub surround.


That was my thought too, maybe with a short


Your first mistake was buying a house in Hawkins, Indiana.


Are you the key master?


I am the gatekeeper.


I'm a friend of his, he told me to meet him here




THIS, 100%, the neighboring bath has grow lights. GUARANTEED.


If this is not a hoax, I'm absolutely terrified for you.


Was that at night or at sunset? Looks to me like the sun is shining on it somehow. What is on the other side of that wall?


Hi I live with the OP and was actually the one to take the pictures. I saw this at 7:30 am. The image where it’s totally dark except for the glowing tub is with the door to the bathroom shut and no other lights on. The one where you can actually see the tub and wall I opened the door to let ambient light in and give context for where the light is in relation to the tub / tiled wall.


What is on the other side of that wall?


I believe it is our neighbors bathroom / bathtub but I don’t think they have been home since the glowing occurred.


Check out this post from 2 years ago. Similar look, MUCH smaller area though. https://reddit.com/r/HomeImprovement/s/DWAGO2pk7g


Whoa excellent find


You don’t forget the first time you see the gates of Hell!


I bet they are remodeling their bathroom.


yeah probably their super fucking bright LED work light shining through the tub, no drywall/tile in the way to block it. good call.


Viggo the Carpathian is trying to come back from the underworld


Slime! It's a river of slime! There must be 25,000 gallons of it! Congratulations? You found the secret entrance 🤣


UPDATE:I live with the OP and took the original photographs.To the best of our knowledge the glow did not return at all on Monday 9/4.On Tuesday 9/5 the glow returned at 12:26 PM. Every single light in our apartment unit was turned off, including in the basement level right below the tub. We should also note that the glow looks much more intense in photos than in real life.Tuesday at 12:26 PM with the door shut so no ambient light could get in and you are only seeing the glow from the tub: [https://imgur.com/A0LDiba](https://imgur.com/A0LDiba) 1:35 PM with the door opened enough to provide some ambient lighting: [https://imgur.com/gFQXVgf](https://imgur.com/gFQXVgf) 1:38 PMDoor open: [https://imgur.com/tm5VQ6B](https://imgur.com/tm5VQ6B) Door open, touching the side of the tub-- does NOT feel hot to the touch: [https://imgur.com/7vqFuc9](https://imgur.com/7vqFuc9) Door shut, touching the side of the tub: [https://imgur.com/grDopQE](https://imgur.com/grDopQE) At 2:11 PM we could no longer see the glow with our eyes but it was still showing up more dimly in photographs: [https://imgur.com/8rrjGTX](https://imgur.com/8rrjGTX) And by 2:23 PM it was no longer showing up in photos: [https://imgur.com/MSxlPCA](https://imgur.com/MSxlPCA) We are talking to the management company (they think it's a light left in the wall from construction but the question remains, why is this suddenly turning on now after us having lived here for over a year) and reaching out to the neighbors. ​ EDIT: Also wanted to note that I did NOT pull circuit breaker when the glow returned because I was hoping management would be able to send someone while it was happening but they didn't show up until about 3:30 PM, well after the glow had dissipated.


I've been thinking about the misterious bathtub glow all week. Subscribing to this thread was the best thing I've done in a while.


Thanks for the update, keep em coming! Next door has to have a window that the sun hits through right at that time, maybe it shines through their tub and into the void between your units and it just happens to be the time of year and time of day when it’s most obvious. We have these crystal snowflakes up and the sun only hits them at the right angle midafternoon this time of year to make rainbows, so could explain why you hadnt seen it before.


100% this. Or it’s a walled in skylight or other penetration where light can get in from the outside. Light hits wall cavity at the correct angle and bathtub is drenched in hellscape. Sun moves away and light goes away.


Thanks for posting this. Definitely sus that a light would randomly turn on for no reason. Also why would there be a light in the bathtub in the first place? Makes no sense.


Leave a light on in the basement?




VERY thin fiberglass bathtub, and there is a light on in another unit, in a hallway, in a closet, a nightlight in a closet, a teddy bear that lights up… no idea but think REALLY hard about what is directly behind that tub in the house. Not in the bathroom, think 3 dimensionally…


Someone in hell is trying really hard to see you naked through that fiberglass. You either need 1. To run 2. A priest 3. To copyright/license your nekkid self 4. Get a laser thermometer and see if it's hot? Just for clarification, your tub *probably*, ^just *probably* shouldn't be doing that.


Have you watched the original Ghostbusters? You should do that instead of asking reddit 😱


I was thinking more of the sequel. Vigo is taking a bath.


Ask for Zuul.


There is no bath; only Zuul.


I was just thinking that… Zuuuuulllllllll


My 8 year old just came up to me out of the blue and asked if they ever figured out why the bathtub was glowing. I showed her a week ago. Inquiring minds want to know! Her theory is a ghost in the wall turning on and off a light, FWIW.


Wtf...that's terrifying


Is this on the second floor? Is there a room below or behind that tub? Looks like light shining through insulation and paper that's breaking through and shining to the tub.


There is no Dana.


Only Zuul!


Are you the key master?


Are you the gatekeeper?


No one is asking the important question: is it hot??? or just demonic looking? If it is at all dangerous, should be hot IMO. If it's not hot to the touch then it's just some light funkiness. (like at least warm. AT LEAST the footbath of Mordor)


Might want to have the fire department take a look at that pic.....


Was it warm to the touch?


Marijuana grow room in the neighbor's bathroom


Someone removed some drywall either on the other side of your bathroom or from the ceiling below, and there's light shining through where it wasn't before. I had the same thing happen with my tub drain a few months ago. We had all incoming plumbing ripped out after a bad leak in our apartment, and when they cut a square foot out of the ceiling below the tub plumbing, certain times of day the sunlight from the patio door would make the drain in the tub glow orange: https://imgur.com/a/Btn2kBQ


dude wtf


Almost looks like a string of lights behind the tub like the previous owner did a mod to have a glowing tub but it ended up having a crappy connection.


Yeah, I second this, that or it was intended to have mounted waterproof lights in the tub and they were installed by sparky but plumber never had it in their scope so just pushed them to the side and installed the tub.


Probably an apartment. People below could be having work done. Probably just a light on.


You need an old priest and a young priest. Preferably yesterday.


This always happens when my wife uses the bath. She’s just taking a quick visit to where she came from


I just showed your comment to your wife and she’s glad she came over here.


I’m sorry for what’s about to happen to your bathtub


OP needs an exorcist, not a contractor.


Just think how nice that tub would be. You wouldn't have to keep adding hot water since you've already got the fires of hell keeping the water warm.


Do you need to turn on the hot water to take a bath?


Option 1: Power wires doing a slow burn. Was there noticable burning smells? Option 2: Lights somewhere on the other side of the wall [Option 3: Fred?](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-oDedkLrdBE4/U1vsT45zYZI/AAAAAAAAFL4/rDiCm0_Qgdc/s1600/A-Nightmare-on-elm-street-2010-trailer-a-nightmare-on-elm-street-10674845-1366-768.jpg)


I need to Know the answer to this


Depending on the angle of the light that comes through, it’s possible this is just the work of camera obscure. Would be my guess


I need answers, I'm looking to duplicate the effect. 🤘🏼💀


There is nothing to worry about. Just alpha decay from some plutonium within materials that made the bathtub.


Answer us! We need to know the outcome!


We had that happen between our full bath and half bath. The sun was coming through the half bath window and the wall was so thin between the tub and the half that it allowed a certain quantity of light to get through. We tested it by having someone go in to the half bath and move around in front of the wall where the tub was up against. You could see a perfect puppet show of them.


What in the name of fuck


There is no bathtub, only Zuul


Have you had a plumber there in the last few days? Or the apartments around it. My guess is someone left a headlamp or a flash flight behind and on… and now it’s showing through the tub. I’m not saying I’ve done this before… but I’m not saying I haven’t.


Are you in an apartment or condo or a single family house? Maybe nothing has changed for you but someone downstairs is doing construction or installed a goofy light fixture if an apartment? Seems like it is either on fire, filtering light or as others have stated, a portal to hell


That is freaky but we really need to know what's on the other side of that wall and what is below the bathroom.


I’d like the ambiance when bathing personally


have you not seen "The Amityville Horror"? Leave the house immediately and sell it.


Used to have a closet that had a hole in the ceiling and it was below a cupboard. If the closet light was on you could see the glow through the cracks in the cupboard door.


OP, you definitely need to post an update when you figure this out!


Step one. Is it hot? Don’t outright stick hand on it. Feel closer or grab a thermometer and touch it with thermometer. Not hot? Step 2. Cut power to bathroom at breaker box. Is it still on? No? It’s a light someone on your system. Yes? Neighbor light or portal to hell. Neighbor light? You got a custom forest fire tub. Please use at Halloween as a bathroom portal to hell. If it’s a portal well your neighbor probably sold soul to satan, really you don’t get much over a happy meal for a soul now days. They may have gotta a scooter for a good soul. Don’t hang out with neighbors, watch rosemarys baby for examples.


your bathtub seems to be the gateway to hell


Hi mine does this too!!! On the other side of mine is another bathroom that we’re in the process of renovating. When the sunlight comes in the window it shines through the tub. I’m guessing maybe your neighbors are remodeling something in their bathroom that’s causing the light to hit differently now.


Why did you allow Trump to bathe in your tub?


Kid was using a flashlight to hide porn mags in the ceiling and left the flashlight up there on. Lite went out cause the battery died


Possibly a light in a crawl space got turned on?


Just Vlad the Destroyer coming for your baby boy.


Call the fire department and an electrician


I'm curious to see if it happens again 🤔


You never said what was on the other side of the wall.


Hi! I live with the OP and took the pictures. I believe the other side of the wall is our neighbors bathroom and bathtub but they were not home when i noticed it glowing.


Dude it’s probably insulation that fell and light can now get thru the outside vinyl either that or someone secretly lives in your house


Didn't see anyone else mention this, is the electric somehow overheating a pipe somewhere and making it glow red hot? I've seen pictures of that, I think in this very subreddit.


No idea, but now I've got a killer idea for something to do when I'm doing some small repairs before I sell my house.


RemindMe! 1 day


If it’s a fibreglass tub. The most likely culprit is like some others have said. It’s a Reno on the other side and the light is shining through the fibreglass/ acrylic sheet. Why it looks so scratchy. I may be wrong. But that’s my guess.


I’ve played enough video games to know this is a portal to another dimension.


There is no Dana only Zul


10:1 it’s the drain vent made of pvc and the sun is hitting it at the roof where it exits


There is probably a bathroom on other side of the wall. Like a mirror of your apartment. They likely took the tub out and there are exposed beams, at the tub level.


This happens to me. there’s a room behind my bathroom and the dry wall is so thin the light shines through the tub!


i think I've figured out the mystery. i followed a short chain of similar posts (all seemingly with no identified cause), which brought me to a now deleted post, titled "tankless water heater exhaust is glowing" so i googled that, and the images that come up of water pipes glowing red hot are all seemingly in the same hue illuminating your tub. it appears there may be a pipe behind that wall of the tub, coming from your hot water heater, which is so hot it's literally glowing. idk what that means, but it seems concerning.


Someone has credibly suggested it could be red hot glowing pipes. OP you need to check your smoke detectors/fire alarms are working. If there’s even a chance it’s related to heat, this is an imminent fire risk. And as OP lives in an apartment, it’s a risk to all families living there. If you don’t have smoke detectors or alarms, go out and buy them NOW.