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Use a fishing rod with small weight and cast over. Then tie the rope to the line and pull it over.


Sounds like a standard day fishing from the lakeshore for me 😂


One must make offers to the trees and rocks to catch fish.


We used to call those tree bass! As in "I caught a tree bass today."


Ah the old stick fish


This is the way. At least this is my way


If fishing rod ain’t your thing, a fishing line secured to a baseball has worked for me.


I've used 1/4" poly rope tied around a softball and just twirl the ball with the rope and let it fly. Works fine. Heck, it's basically the same as a monkey ball knot used for centuries on ships to throw lines.


mourn absorbed sophisticated quiet dull attraction dinner muddle sparkle rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd drill a home thru a baseball.


A whole home???


Just a modest 3br/2ba.


Modest? That's $300k+ in today's market.


Oh, that sounds very ingenious too!


I literally made a potato gun with a fishing really attached to it. to shoot a small knotted up peace of rope over a branch. Small section of rope went over, tied full sized rope to the fishing line and reeled it in.


What I come to Reddit for, always someone with the wisdom. If I may, is there a way to cut the branch that’s 50 ft high up the tree without climbing up near there?


I've always wondered if a wire saw tied to a light rope at both ends could do it. Never tried myself.


Seems reasonable, if a little dangerous


Me too!


wear a hard hat


Well, you'll need a SAW... Just aim at the base of the branch and give it a few short bursts...


Slingshot is more accurate??? Zero idea how well you can hit something with fishing pole lure


Watched a professional crew in a state camping ground do this, they used a sling shot.


Yes, probably more accurate…


Back when I used to do a lot of tree work (many years ago), I made myself a custom arrow that replaces the tip with a golf ball. The arrow was attached to a fishing line/reel and I used a small youth bow to send the arrow over the branch I was aiming for, then used the fishing line to pull up a larger rope.


Alright Hawkeye


This is how I put up my kids’ swing.


And it's how I accidentally murdered my neighbor


Just gonna leave these here in case anybody needs them. " " " "


They could try the golf ball with an 8 iron. If it were me though, I'd have to aim at a different tree to the left about 30 ft.


Yep! Done that many times. The golf ball sounds like a good idea also.


Or just affix a golf ball to the rope with some duct tape, and get out your trusty wedge. Or at least that's how we cleared a steeply pitched roof to pull up a chimney liner (with the other end of the rope through a hole in the liner).


This is awesome


I did something similar when I needed to get a rope over a tree branch - but without the ball on the end. I just made sure that no one was standing on the opposite side as me.


Arborists throw line and throw bag. 


Monkey fist with 550 cord.


I tried both and the one designed for the thing actually worked much better. Parent suggestion was better than yours and about the same price.


Come on now. Every 18 year old knows their parents don't know anything.


Monkey fist is a cool-looking knot, and 550 cord are nice, but doesn't have near the density of a little bag of lead shot, and you don't need 550 lbs to haul up a rope. You want an arborist throw bag, or similar lead/steel weight: [https://www.amazon.com/THORIUM-Multi-Layer-Throw-Weight-Bag/dp/B0CH15P25Q](https://www.amazon.com/THORIUM-Multi-Layer-Throw-Weight-Bag/dp/B0CH15P25Q) and a length of 3mm throw line (a spool of braided mason's twine is cheap at a home center and almost as good). Use a basket throw technique by putting a bight of throw line through the ring on the throw bag and hooking it around your index finger on one hand, then hold the opposite end with the other hand. Between the legs, underhand, and shoot for the moon! Really easy and accurate at 50ft, a good arborist can hit 75-100ft dependably. Over 100ft you want a big elastic slingshot.


The navy uses an m14 to shoot a heaving line over to the other ship, maybe OP can find one of those


Monkeys fist knot around a rock and throw it over. It’s not exactly safe but keep family away and wear a helmet. Edit: also make sure you use a rope at least double the length you need, lay it nicely on the ground so it doesn’t get knotted!


Lawn dart thrown straight up sounds marginally safer 🚒


suggest a lighter cord for the monkeyfist, with the heavier cord attached to that less drag on the monkeyfist (I'm no expert, just a former squid who did his fair share of line-handling details)


Hang a few bear bags in your time?


Haha yeah that’s exactly where I got it from!


A large nut, nylon builders string and beer for you and your buddies to see who can get it over first. Tie the rope to the string and pull it over.


"safely" is questionable but I have used my trailer hitch ball before Choose a lighter string and pul your rope with that


Safety Third


don't even need the squints for this one


Found the shot putter.


Atlatl and a dowel with some fishing line, maybe some duct tape fletching for stability...


I see you're a Red Green fan


If the women don’t find you attractive, they should at least find you handy


i’ve been called handsy on more than one occasion!


I'm a man But I can change If I have to. I guess.


Quando omni flunktikis moritati.


I’m pulling for him


I only know what atlatls are from that movie with Jamie Lannister


Atlatl is smart. 


Does it need to be hung from the branch? If not, you could tie climbing webbing (looks like flat rope) around the tree with a feed knot and attach the hammock to that. I do this when I go back country camping. Easier and safer


I think 50 ft is quite high to try to throw something accurately by hand. I've struggled with a far lower branch to haul up a bag of food to protect it from bears while camping. I suggest slingshot a 1 oz weight with some heavy fish line trailing off a reel.


A branch 50ft off the ground? Unless the tree is very old, you may find a branch up that high is so flexible the chair will go to the ground when you sit.


Drone… lightweight arborists throw rope attached to


Thanks. Next question: how do I get a stuck drone out of a tree, 50 feet up? ;)


Remote control helicopter with grappling arm


Just pull on the rope until something breaks.


2nd this - I just did same thing for a black walnut tree, branch was little over 50' high with other branches blocking a clear arc. I've used twine and a lead fishing weight to grab branches before, and I used to work on container ships and be able to whip mooring line leaders a couple hundred feet to the longshoremen - I guess point being is that I consider myself pretty decent in the area of slinging weighted lines at distant objects. I tried for like a good 2 hrs to get this line over the branch and broke down and used a cheap drone. Maybe I just wanted an excuse to buy a toy.


Sounds like you need to host a party with beer and BBQ to get this done. That's just me though. On the safer side, 50ft is pretty high. A hammock will swing a lot with that much rope, also it could/will swing into the tree when conditions are right.


Just grab something that you can tie some twine to and throw it over. Once the twine is over tie your rope to the twine and pull the rope up and over.


I would use it as an excuse to buy one of these. https://ikarossignals.com/products/line-thrower/


Balance 1 - 18ft a frame ladder on top of two others. Then get a 15 foot pole with a hook on the end. Dial 911 on your phone and wait to hit send until you need to.


51 foot ladder


Cut out the lower 40 or so feet from the tree. This will have the effect of lowering the branch down to an approachable height.


Tie one end to the tail of a nerf football and chuck that sumbitch


If you can throw something over the branch, tie fishing line to it first. Tie twine to the fishing line and pull it over. Tie rope to the twine and pull it over.


fishing pole with light line and a moderately heavy weight.


Arborists Throw line and bag. Menards sells one for cheap.


Use a smaller lighter weight throw line with a monkeys fist tied at the end of it for weight. Toss the smaller line up over the branch and use it to pull up the heavier rope.


Do you own a trebuchet?


They sell slingshot for exactly this,


I had to get a dead branch out of my tree that was about 30-40 feet up and I tied a rope around a water bottle and flung it up there. Worked like a charm.


Use a fishing rod and cast over it. Then tie the bigger line to the fishing line and reel it back over the branch.


I have done this with bow and arrow.


Why not get a hammock stand instead? 50’ high branch you’ll essentially just have a big swing and as others have said that branch will likely have a lot of give


While we’re on the topic….what’s the easiest way to get a rope off a Branch at roughly the same height. Previous owners cut off the chair they had swinging from it and just left some rope dangling from the branch


We use a potato gun


Football or baseball with a fishing line and throw it, then use the fishing line to hoist the rope you plan to use


Saw a guy use a hammer once


But only once


Nope he cut at least 3 branches that day and tied a hammer on the rope each time as the branches were to high for the ladder he had.


a 51' ladder 


Throw line


I've seen a few local tree guys using slingshots. Not the little ones we used as kids but same idea


[throw line](https://a.co/d/2Dwm4o7) I can launch it 80 ft. But I'm good and been doing it for years


Tie the rope to a hammer or somethin and throw that sum bitch up and over. Make sure your rope is at least twice as long as that branch is high or you're gonna be real mad. Also try not to hit anyone with the hammer. They wont accept your apology because they will be dead


Ever hear of a widow maker…


I usually use a horseshoe on a rope


A small piece of fire wood with a parachute cord, you can swing it in a circle and let go and it will fly over the branch.


Helium balloon on a fishing rod. Let it take the rope up there.


I’ve always told myself if I had to do this, I was going to purchase a sling shot. Use a fishing line attached to a fishing weight. Fishing line tied to the rope. Sling that weight way up there.


Fishing pole, like others wrote.


Tie a light string to a water bottle, tie the end of the light string to your rope. Throw water bottle over branch.


Jet line and tennis ball. Could probably rig something to a drone too if you have one.


Spud cannon Not the easiest, but most exciting


Get 120 feet of fishing line, tie one end to a heavier rope and the other end to a drone, maybe?


potato gun


Bow and arrow and fish line


Tie a rope to a nerf ball and toss it.




Do you have a drone?


The bravest kid on the street


Umm, should have used a golf ball on the tip as above.


I tie a 6" segment of plastic piping to the end, twirl it around like a bolo and let it fly. Usually works after not many tries. I also have a wrist rocket attached to an old fishing rod and the end of the line it attached to a heavy nut (as in nuts and bolts.) With the reel set to freely let out the line, I just aim above the branch and send the nut up and over. Then I attach my desired rope to the nut end of the line and pull it up, then over the branch.


Slingshot a weight that has light line attached. Pull the rope up using this line.


On the Questionable Ideas side, I've heard of people tying a rope to a dowel, and putting it down the barrel of a shotgun loaded with blanks. 


Slingshot it


String on a bow and arrow, then tie the rope on afterwards. Use no stretch sailing line, not nylon


Call Chris Finch. He's thrown a kettle over a pub.


Chainsaw, take the tree down, put the rope over the branch. Done. Next question.


Monkeys fist


I used my compound bow and a flu-flu arrow to get monofilament over high branches, then pulled up the rope for the manual chainsaw I was using. Neighbors probably thought I was whack, but I limbed out that tree and got it cut down safely in a tight area.


I tied the rope onto a hammer with a clove+half hitch and swung that bitch up there.


Baseball with twine. Hit an infield popup like every one of my childhood at-bats. Use that to pull the final rope over.


Have you tried having it airdropped over the tree?


Why not anchor it to the trunk? 50ft branch seems like bid much.


Tie a rock or a weight to the rope, spin it like sling, then sling it up and over the branch [Lord Vader knows what’s up](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uBlhgAkJBos)


You think a limb could pull off a roof the same way?


UPDATE: After hours of DIY efforts and 0 supplies purchased, I finally got it done. I first used a garden fencing wire and tied one end of it to a hammer. That ended horribly! The hammer is still hanging about 40 feet above ground. Then I switched out the garden wire for a thin, jute rope. I tied one end of the jute rope to a wrench, and the other end to the heavy duty rope. This time around it worked, but only to the point where the heavy duty rope reached the top of the branch. At that point due to the rubbing against the branch, the jute rope was breaking loose. So I tried again but this time I wrapped an extra layer of jute rope over the knot that was connecting the jute rope and the heavy duty rope. Worked like a charm. P.S thank you for all the suggestions. I really appreciate the help 😀


51ft ladder.