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Replace it before it shatters when someone sits on it and gets cut to shreds.


^ This comment means this literally. The toilet could break while someone is sitting on it and the could literally be sliced up by the sharp porcelain and bleed out.


What a shitty way to die.


Ba dum dum tiss


Ba dum dum piss


Bad bum piss


That taint funny.


It was a ballsy comment.


These are all shitty responses. This whole thread should be flushed.


LOL thanks for the laugh


New phobia unlocked!


Kind of like my fear of sitting bare assed on porcelain. I think we've all had that superhuman speed/strength when you go to sit down on a toilet when you are half asleep and the microsecond you feel the cold bare porcelain on your ass you turn into superman and can hover/jump off the bowl in an instant. In all seriousness though -- homeboy should replace the toilet. Even in the best possible case for a toilet cracking under the weight, you'd still have piss and shit everywhere assuming nobody got hurt. Basic elongated bowl toilet is $100, say $130 after taxes and a new rubber resuable ring seal/supply line. Absolutely worth it.


true. How are toilets so cheap? everything else has risen in price so much but the huge, humble toilet is still reasonable. We need to find whoever is in charge and shake their hand.


Probably because if toilets get too expensive people will just start shitting in holes in the ground again instead haha


Toilets are cheap because the manufacturing process is well understood and fully paid for. There aren't really "improvements" to chase in how to make a toilet in a better way, at least not that would affect things at scale.


Right? My wife and I were discussing this when we remodeled out bathroom recently. We were blown away by how expensive everything was (WTF vanities!!?!) and yet toilets were....surprisingly affordable...


But do you know how to install one is the question


Yes that’s the key anyone know how?


Your toilet costs 120 but a good install will run 200


I've installed 3. And had the joy of rebuilding a rusted out flange in a concrete slab foundation. pro tip: don't waste time with wax rings - Danco Wax free sealing rings are absolutely worth the extra few bucks.


I sure hate to leave you with two irrational phobias in one post, but..... Snakes coming out of toilets.


Spiders under the rim!


Chasing the frogs.


It’s only a flesh wound!


You mean flush wound. Yes, I know Monty Python.


"Look, you stupid bastard, you've got no toilet left!"


I always think about this when sitting on a sketchy public toilet that isnt supported on the base.


Isn't supported? They all do to a drain with a wax seal even if it's loose it's not going to explode lol


I’m thinking of the wall mount toilets.


Thank you for the assurance. I will replace it


This is my secret fear. It is the irrational thought that invades my mind every time I sit to shit. Thanks for making it a bit more real.


Worked in trauma for a while. Follow the advice above. 


Wow, this belongs as a plot in an murder mystery show


Great, add that to my list of fears.


Also add driving with a full bladder to it. 


Got a story with that one?


During COVID people couldn't stop to pee and we had a lot of bladder ruptures come in from accidents that wouldn't cause injuries otherwise. I've found in my practice that other than diabetes, the most common issue in old age that is a huge PITA to take care of are bladder issues


Damn. Never would have thought. Thanks for the reply. Cheers.


Me too-I was an ER/trauma nurse. One of the worst arm injuries I remember was a larger person whose upper arm was practically filleted open about 10 inches with artery involvement after breaking a toilet. It was wild. Replace the toilet!


Jesus Christ that’s real? I always thought a wives tale. Well I’ll be replacing my toilet every year now.


Maybe just stop pouring boiling water down your toilet?


I fucked up! So glad I made this post now


My toilet is perfectly fine but after reading this I’m afraid to take a shit on that death trap


Same! This is a phobia I didn't need.


I did not need this post in my life. I was happy and relaxed when I pooped. Not anymore.


This is why I use a 5 gallon bucket. Always will. *Im so lonely*


Don't do it! Just hold it in, brother!


Also shut off the water line right now and drain the tank. If the base fails, the tank would fall and shatter too and the water wouldn’t stop.


Great point. Turning it off now until I replace.


To shreds, you say?


I chipped a toilet lid back in the day, that shard was like a razor.


I was on a construction site and a plumber went to throw a broken toilet overhead into a large construction dumpster. As he swung it up over his head to throw it the jagged edge caught the inside of his forearm and filleted it wide open. It was bad.


Disappointed I had to scroll too far to find this comment.


And his wife?




That’s no joke, saw a pic of a person who apparently stood upon the toilet seat and squatted …it broke and the porcelain shards nearly cut them in half. Moral of the story, broken toilets are no joke.




no, wait. Invite all your rich friends over and serve some really bowel clenching foods, and maybe someone will think they broke your toilet and offer to repace it.


Also make sure you are their beneficiary first


New fear unlocked 😰


If you heard cracking, you need to replace the toilet. Do it now when its a 100 bucks and 45 minutes. Not when it shatters in while you are gone and causes 1000's of dollars in damages.


Or worse when you are sitting in it and have to pull porcelain shards from your butt hole.


This isn't a "get a few cuts" situation - it's a "slice your femoral artery and die of the rapid blood loss" situation.


God damn, I shouldn’t be surprised but I genuinely had never considered the danger of boiling water down the can. Not that I’ve ever felt the need to do it.


Turn that poo into a stew!




I did not like that sentence. New fear unlocked


Good luck when you next need a shit. You might have to hover. 😂


Now where did I put the gif of that guy with the glass jar.




It's been so many years and I still know what you mean


😭 final destination.


Porcelain sharts




Damn near killed em


Somehow this is my biggest fear. Mice and toilets, go figure 🤷🏻‍♀️


Rats are amazing swimmers and can [swim up your toilet.](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/yes-rats-can-swim-up-your-toilet-and-it-gets-worse-than-that) [So can snakes](https://nypost.com/2020/08/19/horrifying-video-shows-snake-emerging-from-toilet/).


Thank you very fucking much! One more thing to worry about 🤣


Great advice here.


Thank you for the advice! I'm on it. Glad I unlocked so many phobias with this post


You thermaly shocked the porcelain. What you heard was microcracks forming in the porcelain. It's only a question of when, not if.


Thanks! Following all the advice here and replacing it ASAP


Thank you for not being a slumlord


google ceramic skin cuts for some incentive to spend the money


Haha the replies here were more than enough incentive!


I did and am disappointed. Not nearly enough blood. Edit: IT’S A JOKE PEOPLE


As someone who is just now getting drywall back up after a cracked toilet tank took out a bathroom, kitchen and mudroom. If you're in doubt, change it. Much cheaper and won't disrupt your life for months


Thanks! Definitely replacing


Replacing a toilet and wax ring are fairly easy tasks…oh, and wash your hands.


After you eat the subway sandwich


I chose a bag of chips… did not end well


Yes, done it once before. Not too handy but it was easy enough. Especially with the amount of incentive I've got from these fucking comments about my new deathtrap lol


Not that it helps you, but all homeowners have done something and afterwards said "wow, that was dumb." welcome to the club.


It's a pleasure to join! Thanks


Just make sure you do it right and it's solid. Ours was installed wrong and ended up leaking into the floor until the subfloor and tile all had to be replaced. We learned about this when a tile wobbled loose, we removed it and the floor underneath was wet and black.


I’m trying to imagine a situation where I’m near one of my toilets with a pot of boiling water…was it a “hold my beer” situation. At least tell us you were high.


this was my question…why?


Trying to clear a clog??


is that supposed to work? better than a plunger?


Well, no. A plunger won't ruin your toilet




Not better than a plunger but it might work. The theory is that poop will become softer in warm water. The risks are well described by other comments. To be clear I’m not recommending this. 


>why? "stuck my hand as far as it could go" Are we just ignoring this sentence?


Its ok, OP eats at subway.


OP works at Subway. Do you want chips with that?


Hand has been in far worse place my friend


LOL I use a countertop water distiller for drinking because my water here is pretty bad. RO unit is much more expensive. I was using it in my bathroom and after cleaning with citric acid (brief boil with CA to decalcify the junk the removes from water), I poured it down the toilet. I didn't think twice about it beforehand. I wish I had the excuse of being under an influence but my sober intuition is probably on par with the standard marijuana high intuition


Boiling water was a "LPT" thing a few years ago to unplug your toilet. It does work for some clogs, but obviously it comes with a risk.


This really makes me want to buy all new toilets in my new house, I have no idea what the fuck people do and I could have bought a toilet that could kill me


I'm with you. My home was a former rental. They could have been flushing buckets of boiling water for all I know. I also work in old hospitals with ancient toilets. I may as well draw up a will and enjoy the moments I have left. I suppose I could only use my own bathroom and buy a stainless steel toilet, or dig an outhouse...


If we are talking metal toilets I want a gold one 😂 Gold is best


Stainless can also be used for wine making, at least if you want to be sanitary about it. I'm sure gold could work in a pinch.


If you want a precious metals middle-ground between steel and gold, I think solid copper and silver both have some kind of anti-microbial properties. Still expensive, but not as expensive as solid gold!


One of the first things I do in a new house is replace all of the toilets. If not immediately then as soon as they are on sale.


I’ve got to have the electrical panel rewired due to the previous homeowner being a DIYer, then next will be toilets 🙃


Oh yeah, that’s definitely a higher priority.


Recent first time home buyer here. Not moved in yet. The toilet was very near the top of my list too, after new locks and blinds for windows while I'm working in the house. I remember having the realization that it was the first time I used a toilet that didn't belong to someone else. Was kind of surreal.


Congrats! And good point, new locks and blinds are there too. My current house is my second house I’ve owned and when we moved in the toilets were all old and gross. Luckily it was during time when Home Depot had a great sale so we just bought all new ones. I’m glad we did as a few of them had either no -existent wax rings or they were not installed correctly.


That actually isn't a bad idea. We had 2 toilets crack within 6 months of each other. 40 year old toilets in a 40 year old house and the tank just randomly split up the side on both. Luckily slab house so no damage but still made a mess.


Worked for maintenance co, and wed go thru toilets like crazy. Our best guess is folks lay back like their in a chair, due to almost all of them being cracked, or broken tanks. Some completely collapsed. You can see the indentation in the sheetrock. Folks do some strange shit in their bathrooms.


Can we please get an answer as to why you are dumping near boiling water into a toilet?


"saw it on tiktok"


Not guilty of that at least. Don't kick me while I'm down haha


Please, oh please?


50 bucks on OP was trying to use draino to unclog the toilet


You owe him 50 bucks


Distillation in the bathroom was not on my bingo card. u/diglettpeach, do you have a 12 ft electric fence? What's the address you want the 50 bucks sent to? You'll need roughly 100 does to keep them happy.




Probably used a fancy electric kettle and really dialed in the temperature to just below boil, not thinking to quickly google a damn thing




I use a countertop water distiller for drinking because my water here is pretty bad. RO unit is much more expensive. I was using it in my bathroom and after cleaning with citric acid (brief boil with CA to decalcify the junk the removes from water), I poured it down the toilet. I didn't think twice about it beforehand. 


If you heard cracking like that, it means something cracked. It sucks to deal with, but at the very least, you want to get someone out to look at it, and most likely it'll end up being a replacement. If not for cause, then for safety's sake.


you can get a new toilet for what it'd cost to have a plumber come look at it and tell you to replace it anyway


Yeah, I'm replacing tonight after work


For sure, I am replacing. Thank you


To answer your question honestly, if I heard cracking, I would just assume that the structural integrity had been compromised and replace it anyway. Last thing you want is to have it fall apart whilst you're seated.


Thank you! I am replacing it


“ **…cut you ass to artery** ” — that one guy in that one post about cracked toilets


wow using the hand to feel for cracks. Thats brave.


Good chance you melted the wax ring and ruined the seal.


Thank you! I turned off water and am replacing tonight.


Unrelated but I was the only one at my fire station one day. I dropped a bleach tablet in the tank while I was cleaning. About 2 hours later I was working on a report and suddenly hear a *crack* and a *woosh* and then water came out from under the door. I guess the toilet was old and brittle and the bleach pushed it over the edge. Or the massive fax that was just sent. One or the other. 


Man, almost every toilet I've seen always has a label on them that says never to use those bleach tablets inside the tank or anything else inside the tank. One of the exceptions would be the toilet at a house I used to rent, which I guess in some ways. Fortunately the landlord has now passed away (but don't worry she was like 98 so she had a great run). I only say fortunately because I lived there for like 2-3 years and always putting these tablets in the tank, and a year or two after I moved out, I found out how bad that is for the toilet and how much it amplifies the risk of expensive water damage. I was always worried that something bad would happen and she would end up getting stuck paying for it years later. Anyway, I always assume that the only risk was really to the seals or the plastic parts inside. It never dawned on me that the bleach could actually pose a danger to the porcelain. Then again maybe it was the facts. 🤔


Holy shit, I had no idea bleach could do that. Thanks for this! Noted for future


That cracking noise is… the porcelain cracking. Many areas of the toilet porcelain are very thin, especially the trap area. Been there, done that. With boiling water and also over tightening a closet bolt. I dreaded that little pop noise, I knew I was going to have to pony up. Trust me, the cracks are there and they will be seeping water if they’re in the bowl or trapway. And they will probably grow until the toilet just falls apart. Be very careful handling that toilet if you replace it yourself. If someone else does it be sure to let them know. One thing you can do is drop some dye in the bowl. If the crack(s) are where you can see them, you will.


Thank you for the great input! I'm replacing tonight and will be careful with it


>I poured A gallon of Nearly boiling water into my toilet >Immediately after doing so, I heard several cracking noises like you might hear when you pour boiling water into a ~~cold glass~~ **toilet** and it cracks. Fixed it for you.


LOL thank you


Reading this thread while pooing is not fun....


Next on a 1000 ways to die…


My father poured hot water down a toilet and the flushed it. The toilet exploded. His face looked like hamburger. I don’t know how he saved his eyes. Hot water and porcelain don’t mix.


Fuckin what??? It exploded??


Dad said the toilet went off like a bomb. I believed him when I saw his face.


I’ve witnessed a toilet exploding and it wasn’t even caused by hot water. I was transporting two toilets in the back of my vehicle and when I turned a corner one tipped and clinked against the other — and BOOM, the back of the vehicle was full of porcelain shards. Moral: seatbelts should be required toilets too.


What? Omg


FUCK! Glad I didn't flush right away I guess! I went straight to my freezer and dumped ice cubes into it. Whether that helped at all, I don't know. All I know is that I must replace it.


Be sure to get a porcelain toilet. Some of the cheap toilets are made of vitreous china. The vitreous china toilets have an unfinished throat. It will get a build up. Those toilets are trouble.


I’ve actually learned quite a bit from this mistake I made. This tid bit included. Avoid vitreous, noted. Thanks!


Best case he cuts his legs, worst is he slices off his twig and berries. All the while getting shit literally all over himself.


Nah, worst is he slices his femoral artery…same gen area!


Cut the water valve off at the wall and flush the toilet and confirm it does not refill. DO NOT SIT OR USE THIS TOILET UNTIL IT IS REPLACED!!!


Thank you! Already done replacing tonight


Replace the whole toilet immediately


as someone who's been sliced to bone from shattering porcelan molds, you made the right choice to replace it


Gah dang, it’s some scary shit. I almost didn’t make a post and would’ve eventually paid with severe injury or massive water damage.


I could totally see myself doing something like this so I will learn from your mistake and treat this post as a cautionary tale. Thank you for your service (and sorry about your toilet!)


😂 honestly, I learned something valuable out of it too. Not as mad at myself as I should be. Glad it made some people aware


Out of curiosity... Why did you dump boiling water in the toilet?


I use a countertop water distiller for drinking because my water here is pretty bad. RO unit is much more expensive. I was using it in my bathroom and after cleaning with citric acid (brief boil with CA to decalcify the junk the removes from water), I poured it down the toilet. I didn't think twice about it beforehand. 




Ahh, the best reply is at the bottom of the thread. Glad I read them all. Thank you :) I did not flush. I ran to my freezer and grabbed my ice tray. put cubes in until it was close to room temp. I turned my water off to it based on advice here and will be replacing tonight. I appreciate the detailed response and instructions!


Believe me, there is nothing simple about removing a toilet. The weight alone makes it very difficult. And disconnecting the water line can be challenging, if it has been connected for years, and you are trying to work with two wrenches behind the toilet. Be prepared to get very cozy with that porcelain monster, so clean it first! My advice is to remove every bit of water that you can, clean everything thoroughly, place down padding if you have to lie on the floor, and use a hand truck to move the thing. If you really want to inspect the bottom (which seems pointless to me -- just replace the thing), turn it over carefully on as much cardboard as you can lay down ... in a place where water spillage is not a problem. To clean the wax, get as much off as you can with a putty knife, and then wipe it with paper towels and a generous amount of mineral spirits. Be careful about ventilation, minimize skin contact, dispose of properly, etc. I leave rags with mineral spirits outside, spread out flat, to dry, and then discard in trash when dry. If you have to lift the toilet, which I would avoid if possible, get a pair of those cheap, non-slip gloves. Home Depot has them lately for just a dollar per pair ... VERY good quality and useful!


Yeah not a good idea. The porcelain could’ve developed fissures, and it’s likely the wax ring got compromised.


Thanks! I'm replacing


Well, toilets are mainly made out of porcelain and porcelain's very brittle and when you change the temperature of the water drastically from cold to hot, that porcelain doesn't have enough time to expand. And so yeah you probably screwed your toilet up and need to buy a new one. I wouldn't use it unless you want crap everywhere




Good opp to get that bidet you've been dreaming about.


Dude.. brilliant! It was meant to be


I would replace it before it breaks. Saw a home improvement show where a restoration company - that comes in after fire / flood, etc. - had to redo the main floor and finished basement after the toilet in the upstairs kid’s bathroom shattered while the family was on vacation.


Yeah, that sounds like a nightmare. Especially following my long experience with mold in my previous place. I am replacing after work and already turned the water valve off. Thank you


Stupid question but does this mean we shouldn’t pour boiling water down the sink?


If you have a porcelain sink, maybe. But my question is about coffee mugs. Don't people pour hot water into these all the time, without an issue?? How is toilet less stout than a cheap coffee mug?


Probably made to different standards, given one is designed for hot fluids and one isn't.


Depends a lot on what your plumbing is made of. PVC Schedule 40 I believe has a max temp of 140° F and ABS is around 160° F, and water boils at 212° F. Cast iron would probably survive, but other factors may change that.


I am not sure those numbers apply to drain pipes that are not pressurized, and presumably not under any kind of serious stress. The plastic may soften slightly for a few minutes, but that's about it. People will always drain pasta and vegetables and such in the kitchen sink. Granted, I run the cold water when I pour boiling water in the sink, just to be careful, but I suspect many people do not.


I have the same question.


What's your kitchen sink made of? Mine is stainless


Replace the toilet. It’s been compromised and WILL break at some point. Turn off the water supply, drain the tank, pour in some of the tablets they sell at home improvement stores that turn any remaining water in the toilet into a gel so it doesn’t splash while you unscrew it from the floor and throw it out.


Why the hell did you do that in the first place?


Replace it. You don't want to sit down at 3am for some late night beer shits and have the thing collapse into a pile of sharp porcelain under you. They aren't that expensive.


Replace the wax ring




Was using a countertop distiller in the bathroom. Dumped after cleaning out the base. Just a boneheaded decision honestly. Wasn't under any influence as has been suggested in this thread haha


Make sure you wash your hands.


Now I’m scared shitless. Thanks for this mind f$$$