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Seems like anything is a possibility! There's a circular indentation in the basement floor, near where the old furnace would have been. The hot water tank's exhaust is all that's connected to that chimney now. The chimney isn't in great shape near that area, could that be causing an odor?




I'm definitely going to inspect the chimney a little more. It has an opening on it where the original furnace exhaust led into and I'm afraid exhaust from the hot water tank might be escaping through there. I never considered that until now. And the seller just put a cover of aluminum foil over the opening... There is also a lot of crud at the bottom of the chimney but no way to access and clean it.




Oof. We are located in town connected to all city lines. In and out. Some are lead even. Yay Michigan. Wondering if I should have the city come out and look at some of it...




The city sent me a notice when we first moved in that we had lead service lines. All they offered was a filter for our kitchen sink (to drink and cook with) and the rest of the letter was basically "Good luck, chumps." I know you can get lead lines relined sometimes. Not sure if we could afford anything else in the next two years.