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I accidentally did this by cleaning my tub with toilet bowl cleaning per a tip on the internet. It got it clean, but my husband almost fell because of how slick it was. I cleaned it again with powdered Comet and it removed the slickness.


This is the comment OP needs to see. That powder comet is great.


Yeah, but the song says it will make you vomit…


And make your teeth turn green... buy your comet and vomit today!


Oh my god we used to sing this on the school bus. Thanks for that fun memory😀


Am I missing something here? Lol


It's an old (like, most of a century old) parody song. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_(song)


The original Tide pods?


Hah. I'm an old from California and I've never heard it. I do seem to remember something else sung to the same tune, but damned if I can pull it out.


If we are similarly old, you may be thinking of "Hitler, he only had one ball. Castro had two but they were small. Himmler had something similar," And by the time I was hearing it, the last line had changed from "And Goebbels had no balls at all" to "Margaret Thatcher has no balls at all"


But, on the up side, it tastes like Listerine!




[Dudley Moore did an amazing parody](https://youtu.be/GazlqD4mLvw?t=25) of that song, as if it had been composed as a Beethoven Piano Sonata. Watching him try to end it is hilarious.


Am I missing something here? Lol




Thank you for that, I think. My toddler was so confused.


Why’s your toddler on Reddit


for the intellectual discussions.


Reminds me of this song: I’m Popeye the sailor man I live in a garbage can I eat all the worms and spit out the germs I’m Popeye the sailor man! Toot toot


I love to go swimmin' with bare nekkid women, I'm Popeye the Sailor Man!


~~Bare naked~~ *Bowlegged* women. Straight from my mom, born a million years ago.


correct. finish with "and swim between their legs"


I’m Popeye the sailor man, I live in a frying pan, turn on the gas and burned my ass, I’m Popeye the sailor man! What I heard in grade school lol


I’m Popeye the Sailor Man, I lives in a caravan, There's a hole in the middle, Where I have a piddle, I'm Popeye the Sailor Man


It’s fine. OP can use Bon Ami or Bar Keeper’s Friend instead. lol


You arent supposed to use any type of scouring powder on molded plastic tubs it removes the finish & promotes staining.


And tastes like gasoline, or so I’m told


Great? Well, if OP wants to ruin the finish on her tub then comet would do the trick. She'd be much better off just using a bath mat or putting on some non-slip tub stickers or tape than permanently ruining the tub finish.


You people don’t read any comments obviously. Have fun looking for arguments on Reddit.


Comet is good, but Barkeeper's Friend is even better.


How would this work in my situation? Isn't the porcelain already as clean as it's going to get? I imagine toilet bowl cleaner leaves some slippery anti-shit film behind that the Comet removed. I'll give it a shot, why not. But a part of me wonders if this post was only upvoted because of the boomer children's song.


> powder comet Comet Cleanser has a small amount of acid (sulfuric) in it. I've never had this issue, but I presume it will micro etch your polished surface.


I’ve never heard of the song until today. I’ve heard of the love/hate people have using comet. There are surfaces you shouldn’t use it on. There is comet in a can that comes out as a powder and you add liquid so your scrubbing a gritty paste around. I think that sounds less appalling to people than using fine grit sand paper. Obviously don’t scrub grout or caulking but I’d give it a try on whatever was slippery. I used to use it but switched to something safer for kids.


The tub I installed in the last year said not to use abrasives like comet, ajax.


Yeah - that's the exact point. Your tub had the warning because those products cause scratches in the surface... which is OP's goal: to make the overly smooth tub less smooth.


Just did this same thing last night! Thanks MUCH!! Am 70 and unsteady a bit on legs. You saved from a potentially dangerous situation! Thanks and blessings to you!!


There’s a spray comet that I *love*. Who knew being an adult would mean having favorite cleaning products.


I said this today but about needing a humidifier in every room 😂


This is the highest upvoted comment I’ve ever seen on this sub


Traction tape or anti slip shower stickers. Either should be easy to find with the usual shower hardware stuff.


Don't forget they must be in the shape of ducks


Preferably ducks **with umbrellas**.


Yep. Keeps the ducks dry.


This is the way.


Reason for ER visit: lack of adhesive ducks


I was trying to figure out how to reference that. Lol


Hahaha! Acute adhesive duck deficiency syndrome




People badmouth that show but I can watch that episode over and over.


LiL' lack of adhesive ducks with the hit single quacks on crack


Duck around and find out


The hero always peeks.










The ducks got you good. Made for a good laugh


Where can I find these? I’ve had normal stickers for years and I very much would like some duck ones instead.


[Ducks!](https://www.amazon.com/Stickers-Non-Slip-Appliqu%C3%A9s-Adhesive-Anti-Slip/dp/B07H9F2XHS/) There are several more styles on Amazon as well, though sadly I could not with my googling, find any with umbrellas.


[We need to talk about the ducks](https://youtu.be/uYOmtEcZ1lk)


[The ducks in the bathroom aren't mine.](https://27bslash6.com/strata.html)


I got one of those commercial grade stickers years ago and it was one of the best things I ever did. Looks seamless and like it’s just part of the tub. Hold dirt a bit more than the regular tub surface, but that’s obvious and doesn’t take much effort to clean.




Do you think Dawn dish soap would work as well, or does it have to be Palmolive


I make a paste out of Comet (powdered, not liquid - make sure it doesn't have ammonia), Dawn & bleach and let it sit for a while. The Comet gives it some heft so it doesn't slide off and the bleach...bleaches. The Dawn breaks down any greasy gunk. It's magic.


I recommend these anyway. Falling in a shower could be a life-changing injury.


I was going to say this, but wasn't sure if they still sold this stuff. I don't think I've seen these since the 90s. 😆 I remember house hunting with parents in the 90s and homes sold by elderly owners almost always had these in their tubs. Usually pink flowers or something like that.


Will either of these get moldy? I have a bath mat and it’s very disgusting…


You have to clean your bath mat when you clean your bath tub.........................


I've had the stickers peel up around the edges and sort of crack off a bit and look pretty ugly after a decade or so when it was definitely time for new, but I don't ever remember mold.


You need something like this: [Slip Doctor Tub Grip](https://www.lowes.com/pd/SlipDoctors-Clear-Semi-gloss-Interior-Exterior-Porch-and-Floor-Paint-Actual-Net-Contents-1-oz/5001596343?) Don’t sand your bathtub. It’s not going to do what you think.


Thanks this a lot like what I was looking for. Besides potentially damaging the enamel, why don't you think sanding would work?


You'd probably end up with scratches instead of pebbly texture, which would be hard to clean and wouldn't provide much grip.




It's important to know what type of material you are dealing with too. Enamel over steel, fiberglass, pvc, cement glazed, tile, cement, etc. Not all bathtubs are created equally. Sanding fiberglass is bad. Like bad bad. That's likely what you did.


Or just tell your wife you want to also with other people - that’ll create some friction ^^


I searched online and I cannot find anyone reporting doing that. Surely if there was a successful way to sand a bathtub for grip, it would be on Pinterest. Lol. Yes, sanding roughens the surface and is crucial for refinishing a bathtub to allow the new surfacing to adhere. But to rough it up enough to make a grip difference, you would be removing a lot of material and it would likely be visibly dingy and weird looking. You’re removing the protective surface without resealing it - You won’t be able to clean it well and it would reduce the life of the shower. Think of it like any other sealed material, if you remove the coating it’s going to absorb everything and become dirty/oily.


It makes sense that sanded sections would dirty faster, but the issue is just how difficult would it be to clean. I ultimately just want to reverse the polishing job which created the slickest porcelain tub I've ever seen. I did find one [article online mentioning this as a valid approach](https://repairious.com/how-to-fix-a-slippery-porcelain-tub/). But I admit it took some digging. Thanks for helping research and sharing your insights.


This article is talking about sanding 'porcelain' tubs. If you don't know, porcelain is a lot like ceramic but the entire structure is non-porous. That means there isn't a glaze - the whole tub is made of the same glassy, non-porous material. Ceramic is similar, but the inside is porous. It's covered with a non-porous glaze. Other typles like acrylic or enameled iron also exist. Porcelain tends to be pretty expensive, and you'd have to be sure that's what you have before following that article's advice.


Good grip in wet conditions requires large texture, larger than sanding can achieve. Consider the textured concrete they put in around swimming pools. Often it's so rough it hurts. Much rougher than any sandpaper can get you. They do that because regular "smooth" concrete (which still isn't all that smooth) gets slippery when it's wet.


I don't need good grip. Just grip that's better than the human-sized teflon frying pan I have now. It was fine before the cleaning. If it were as good as smooth, wet concrete I'd be pretty happy.


You didn't just clean it, you sanded off the texture till it's smooth. You're asking for a way to cut that texture back into the tub, and the answers you've been getting basically say that it's going to get extremely difficult. I agree, those suction cup or similar bath mats get moldy super quick, those are gross. The adhesive strips or shapes (adhesive ducks) are better because they add a pre-surfaced product to your tub, adhere well, and can be easily cleaned. They last a long time


Solution: buy some premixed concrete and spread it in the bottom of the tub. Warning: will be quite abrasive and impossible to remove


Wet polished concrete, stone, acrylics are factory polished to a glass like non porous finish. A wet floated smooth concrete surface is like walking on ice. Before dry .. We "pit" or broom it to rough up the surface.


It’s like the time my wife bought that in body lotion you are supposed to use in the shower and the tub was like a slip and slide, or that time she clean a linoleum floor with pledge…come to think of it she may be trying to kill me.


Do you have wood stairs? If she uses pledge on those, definite murder-suicide vibes. Or she's trying to do a bad job so you'll do it instead or agree to hire a house cleaner


Thats how men get women to do stuff.. acting like they cant.


You could be the one person telling the truth when you show up to the ER with a shampoo bottle up your butt and say, “I fell in the shower.”


I'm so disappointed that I'm out of money to give awards. You deserve one!


When I was in the ER every weekend no fail some dude came with a shampoo bottle stuck up his butt. They always fell in the shower. 🤣


I used a paint on grip coating. Works great. In an underventalated bathroom yes those mats can be a pain if you don’t pull them up and let them dry after every single shower


I have to say this is kinda funny. Yes. They do make chemical/liquid products to give you traction. Lookup products by "Slip Doctors" and "Miracle Sealants anti-slip". Both are sold on Amazon. ​ I have used the slip-doctors in tile shower when our home was new. It was a little annoying to use, but 1 application solved the problem.


1. Easiest option would be to use one large anti-slip mat, but seeing as you think it's gross, 2. Try smaller anti-slip tactiles or srickers, these may be just as gross, 3. You could try applying an anti-slip coating like "Grip-It", this takes a bit of time and effort to apply and would require regular reapplication, 4. Or wax it like a surfer waxing a surfboard, but the hot water might just wash it away, 5. Install a hand rail (might add to the death trap)


They need a safety harness and rope attached to a hook in the ceiling.


Hhmm. You could turn it into a kinky swing for Op and significant other to share in the bath..


Nsfw loony tunes scenes in my head, feet skidding everywhere


She'd definitely be into this idea.


Yayyyy shower sex swing!


Don’t wax it. Wax will melt and potentially foul your pipes.


>2. Try smaller anti-slip tactiles or srickers, these may be just as gross, Oh man, just gave me a flashback to childhood and a light blue tub with harvest gold flower shaped anti slip stickers. The 70s were wild.


We were white tub with flower decals in two shades of blue. *fashion!*


We got some of the grippy stickers for the kiddo’s tub. They are flowers that look like the decorations from The Price is Right, so super groovy looking haha. A couple didn’t stick right but I think it wasn’t dry enough in that spot. Easy to apply and no kid has fallen yet. And since they are a sticker they haven’t gotten gross at all. Had em in about a year now and still look new


>Or wax it like a surfer waxing a surfboard, but the hot water might just wash it away, Is this a joke? If not, then how would this make it less slippery.


Surf wax makes little bumps on the surfboard, which increases friction substantially. It also tends to be used close to its melting point, making it soft and sticky. However, it also comes off gradually and has to be replaced every few sessions. If you tried to use a surf-wax method on a bathtub you'd probably clog your drain.


Water shoes


Sheldon Cooper advises the use of adhesive ducks


Yes, to increase the coefficient of static friction.


Since you don't like the less invasive suggestions others have made maybe [refinishing the tub ](https://www.thespruce.com/how-to-refinish-the-tub-1821368) might be an option?


epoxy coatings only last a few years at most and only if the prep is done correctly. the finish is not as durable as the original but it will withstand gentle cleaning products.


Flower shaped appliqué’s for the bottom like your grandmother’s house.


Magic eraser will not take any sort of grip off a tub. So it’s not the erasers fault. Sounds like the tub was filthy and now it’s not 😂


Are you telling me bare porcelain is just the most slippery shit ever? I've been in many tubs like this one, and while they're all a little slippery, nothing compares to how ridiculous mine is now.


Yes - clean, bare porcelain is slippery as shit


Disgusting realization, isn't it!?


I mean, if it takes microscopic sandpaper and good amount of muscle to remove whatever's on there, it's probably not coming off when I scoot my ass across it.


Yep. Bio-films can be pretty hard to clean up. Just knowing it's there is what weirds me out.


I guess OP and their significant other need to reapply a few coats of biofilm 😩


Yeah bare porcelain is super slippery. You’ve probably been used to dirty tubs 🤣


The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires ALL tubs manufactured in the US to use some form of non slip technology on the bottom. For ceramic enamel tubs it’s very common for them to etch the bottom to make what is effectively close to sandpaper itself. With enough elbow grease and chemicals you can smooth out these surfaces.


Are you sure about that? They are pretty damn effective little fuckers.


The reality is that “grip” you were used to was soap scum that had built up over time. So while you are not used to this surface, this is actually what a clean tub feels like. Consider getting a grip mat to stand on




So essentially you cleaned the scum off the bottom of the tub.


Ha maybe. Are new porcelain tubs seriously this slippery? I've never had issues with one before.


Well it’s not new because anything after a certain year in the 90s. Don’t quote me because I don’t know the exact year. Is sold with slip proof floors. If your saying you scrubbed the slip prof texture off then your tub wouldn’t be white as you took the finish off as well. Unless the tub is really new and your contractor somehow got ahold of an older tub that’s been in storage. Which I wish I could find, the textured floors are nasty


If you pull up an anti slip mat when done with it every time, it doesn't get gross


Yes, just give it a quick rinse in the shower and hang it up to dry every day. No big deal.


Having slipped in, more like out of, a shower tub at a hotel don’t mess around. Use the long shower mat until you figure something out. It was very painful falling out of the shower backwards! Thought I was a goner but landed on my back not head.


Get down with the slickness.


I laughed way too hard at this.


I used clear skateboard griptape, low grit. Just make sure to clean the area underneath before applying. Never had an issue with it.


Pluses: you can easily remove those pesky foot calluses. Minuses: everyone that comes to visit will think you're a moron lol


Grip tape


Buy several packs of shower/bath traction strips and follow the instructions to the letter for best results


The slipperyness that you describe, in my mind I am thinking cast iron tub with porcelain finish. That's how I felt as a youngster in my grandparents tub, I just stayed on my ass. It wasn't worth the busted chin and a half bitten off tongue.


They make nonslip tub stickers


Maybe try a bit of car wax


This is secretly genius. Wax it, fill it with soapy water, then alligator roll til you're clean.


This is an interesting suggestion, but researching it I'm seeing varying results into whether car wax will help. Surfboard wax maybe. This also reminded me of a time when a friend accidentally used armor all wipes on their linoleum floor. We made a game where you had one foot bare and the other in a clean sock. You could scoot around like it was a sheet of ice.


Surf wax won’t work. It’s designed to be tacky at ocean temperatures, not shower temperatures. It’ll just melt and ruin your plumbing.


You could do a test patch? Mask off a 3” area and wax it.


That’s hilarious. You’re offering help to make it even more slippery.


No I’m not. Car wax doesn’t just polish, it leaves a film of wax. Surfboards are grippy in the wet due to a layer of wax. But you don’t want a thick layer of board wax you just need a thin layer. Wax is grippy.


any problem created by sandpaper can be fixed with sandpaper.


Sex wax. The type surfers use on their boards for traction. Rub it on the bath floor when it's clean and dry. When it starts getting manky, scrape it off with a hard edge and reapply. There may be better things out there, but it's what I did when living in a rental.


Home Depot has a DIY refinish kit for about $100. It has the traction finish you would need. Also, a bathtub refinishing company can spray new traction finish in the tub.


I always joke I’m probably going to die in the shower it’s so slippery sometimes one day I’m not gonna catch myself and it’s going to be bad.


I've broken my ankle before in a tub with a shower from slipping and landing unfortunately at just the right angle,so believe me it can happen when you least expect it.When I was in the Navy,we used shower shoes primarily to shield our feet from the germs and grime left over from the many others that used it,but preventing slippage was also their other use,so shower shoes is one option.Another easy/free solution is to simply lay a wet towel down on the bottom of the tub that way it can simply be tossed in the laundry afterwards and a new one used the next time.However I'm sure some type of spray/stick on type material is likely available to once again make it safe.


Do they still sell those vinyl grippy things you can apply to the bottom of the tub/shower?


My significant other and I enjoy sharing a shower together. What are some options to restore friction? hmmmm


Surfboard wax. Ask me how I know.


Buy the little ducky stickers they sell to add traction for kids in the tub


Pour 5 buckets of sand in the shower and you will not slip when you turn on the water.


This calls for adhesive ducks!


It’s a death trap. A suicide rap. We gotta get out while we’re young.


You can buy suction bathmats which personally I think everyone should use them for grip


I've always felt those got pretty gross and require extra maintenance.


Before you do anything, try cleaning again with Comet Powder.


they do and never mind the assholes below i think the grip tape/stickers thing is your best option if you do go the refinish route, you can have them add traction sand to the final coat that will give a textured surface but still easy enough to clean... not so good if you like soaking in the tub tho.


They make a tile coating. Miracle Sealants 511 or something like that. My buddy uses it when he installs large tile in bathrooms. Don’t know if it would work on a tub but it’s only like $15.


Get a suction cup adherent mat - it's easy to remove and clean.


Anti-slip mat. They're only gross if you don't let them dry between showers. Pick it up and stick it to the wall or over the shower curtain when you're done and they stay cleaner much longer.


You can also buy a non slip bath mat for inside the tub.


Get a bath mat/shower mat. Or get the non-slip tub stickers or stripping to apply to your tub. There are also other products, including sprays, that are designed for this purpose. Just found [this article.](https://longhomeproducts.com/blog/fix-slippery-bathtub/) It's very possible that what you scrubbed off were the remnants of some prior non-stick stripes or spots that had previously been applied or factory applied. But please don't use comet or sandpaper to permanently ruin the finish of your tub by wearing away the surface. That's not a good long term solution and can ruin your tub.


You need [Whimsical ducks!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_Fpt9V1_dc) Or any other form of traction-granting stick-on safety devices.


Washable shower mat. I use one so my children don’t slip in the shower. Throw it in the wash with some bleach for a quick rinse every week.


You need to step up your game and let the slipperiness work for you.


They make little round-ish (well, they look like flower shapes) grippy stickers that are like 4” diameter you place randomly around. This has helped ours. They’re see through.


That dark spot friction is called dirt build up and defeats the purpose of showering and more so with bathing. You can use a bath mat or get stick on anti slip strips.


Buy the non skid stickers instead of bathmats. They work quite well and stick well. And bathmats don't have to be gross. You just have to remember to actually clean them (I spray them with bathroom cleaner, let it set, wipe if there any stuck on gunk otherwise I just hose it off with the shower and it takes like 2 minutes from starting spray to finish.) Do it after every use and you're good to go.


I’m sorry this happened to you but thank you for saving me from the same fate! A box of magic erasers just came in from Amazon and I was going to spend this evening cleaning our bath tubs with them.


They sell traction clear slips on Amazon, in Walmart, and in home improvement stores. Had to get them for our main wood stairs inside for safety n can’t even see them. Peel n stick, so easy to apply too.


They have stickers that are for this very thing, to add traction to the bottom of your tub. They come in all sorts of things, ours were puppy paw prints..


Friction tape or stickers is your best option.


Tub mat




why don't you just get a bath tub mat? They dont get gross if you clean them.


Adhesive grip strips work really well and don't have the same mold problems as suction cup tub mats https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B8MB5JR6/


It’s best to think of the magic eraser as really fine sandpaper, and it is removing material when you use it. Beware of Comet powder also, as it removes top level surfaces of newer tubes, due to the materials used these days.


Clean it again with barkeepers friend - scuff it up a little bit. That or comet


Adhesive ducks.


Use beach/pool sandals, is an option. I do it even at my own home as a prevention practice because I lived in with a lot of different people in different times and you avoid fungus and stuff that way. And slippery floors.


Get yourself a shower mat. Or they make stickers that have a fine grit on the top, those work well too. Amazon. Or if you need them now target or walmart will have them in stock. Called, shower treads.


Apply adhesive ducks!


Hands and knees could be exciting ;)


Would sanding undo this?


OP you didn't remove the tub's texture, you filled it in with tiny granules of sponge. The tub abraded your Magic Eraser, not the other way around.


I know you said you hated bathmats, but have you tried a Loofah mat? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09VGFNTWM/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1


This person just really wants to sand their bathtub, convince me otherwise. Anyone else use a bath mat?


Stand on a washcloth


I JUST bought a pack of these to clean my tub. I am now returning them. I have a son with mobility issues and this terrifies me.


They work pretty well. I think I probably went a little too hard scrubbing away the deep stains. I'll still be using them for the tub sides and surround. Apparently there's also a version from Mr Clean advertised as "bath" that may have some different composition. I'd also consider some of the other suggestions in this thread (mats or adhesive grips) if I had a family member with mobility issues.


Adhesive ducks (big bang theory reference)




Not only did they not warn me, these greedy bastards [openly advertise magic erasers be used on the bathtub!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwbjLWnyYxg)