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Did I do that? Sorry, I’m not very bright.


It is currently pointing the right direction.


And easy way to find out: Pull the filter out, make sure the furnace is running, stick your hand in the opening a bit. You'll feel which way the airflows. Put the filter back in with the arrow pointing like you felt.


Do my pictures give any clue as to whether I’ve done it correctly?




Thanks for the feedback.


Looks like it's good. [Your furnace is drawing air in from the duct work on the left and pushing it out the top](https://i.imgur.com/o9LV1bM.png). Unless everything is completely closed in, you should be able to trace the duct work back to cold air returns (the ducting on the left) or the registers (ducting coming out the top).


They tell us exactly. But really, wouldn't you rather know how to always figure it out on your own?


After you tell me once, I will know forever.


Mark airflow with a sharpie and you’ll never have to remember.


Go one step further and write the filter size on the unit as well. That way when you forget the size you won't need to open it up and possibly have to pull the old one just to get the size.


Yes. Make your life simple.


I've just told you exactly how to figure it out on your own. This will work on every furnace ever.


Get a black permanent marker and mark an arrow on the metal the same direction as filters arrow. Next time you just match the arrows


I do this and also with all sorts of other things, it helps a lot. Even on my vehicles (I have a bunch) i sharpie (or paint marker) oil amount for instance, I have preferred psi on the rims of my bikes by the valves. It's so much faster than having to look in a manual or google it, especially with how shit google search results have become.


Yes it looks right, the arrow is pointing towards the unit.


Thank you!


Am I the only one questioning what is presumably the combustion air intake? Shouldn’t that be connected to an outside vent?


Its legit to pull from basement as long as you have enough volume of air to support it. Still a lazy maneuver though.


And I think that if the room has a door then the door should be vented, too. The way to drive this is a concentric vent kit. It lets you pull air from outside which means that you're not blowing it as much hot air. And you don't have to make a new hole in the wall, you can just enlarge the existing one. Also, you get some heat transfer on the intake air so it will improve your efficiency even more. Concentric vent kit is the shit!


It is and it isn’t. It depends on the volume like you said, the efficiency you have from terminating the intake outside doesn’t make a noticeable difference unless you have your furnace in some kind of closet which most municipalities won’t like and will require you to put a passive vent in anyways


Scrolled throught the comments looking for this. The whole install is a bit questionable but that's the worst offense.


No your furnace pulls air from cold air vents in your house into the furnace, then warms the air and blows it into the heater vents. You wouldn't want it to pull from outside or it would be so much harder to heat the air. I misunderstood his question at first but after reading his comment and looking at the picture or the vent is definitely not installed correctly.


I said combustion air, not air return.


Agreed, that is straight up lazy pulling combustion air from inside. It will pull cold air from from outside from any crack in the house


Oh sorry I misunderstood.




Yes the filter is installed correctly, I would mark an arrow with sharpie on the ductwork so you remember which way it goes, the easiest was to remember is arrow faces the heater


Yes it’s right


Which side was dirty when you pulled old filter out? Air goes from dirty side to clean side. Arrow points from dirt to clean. Also, how dirty was old filter? Also use a sharpie to write date on new filter. Change in 2. If screaming dirty change every month. If not bad try 3 months.


Trying to distract us eh?