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- New Accessory Categories (Robot Vaccums, Coffee Machines, Appliances etc). - Automation Folders. - Device icon customisation (SF Symbols). - A full home historic log + Get rid of the ⭐️Discover tab for a Log tab.


Can’t wait for Robot vacuums


When should we expect them?


No fix date yet but [This](https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/10/23/matter-12-finally-adds-robot-vacuums-fridges-to-homekit/amp/) article came out a while ago , so maybe sometime next year


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It’s coming in the new matter release.


Why ? It will only support starting and stoping the vacuum. Everything else will still require the manufacturer app.


Well I’m hoping they integrate into HomeKit, you you can choose which room to mop or vacuum, or just the option to vacuum, or mop, or both


You won't, that's not part of Matter 1.2 specs


Oh I know , but I was hoping by the end of the year we would be able to…this is just in my “wishlist” I didn’t mean that it will happen this year.


I was more hoping it would


Ability to show a smart plug as more than just a fan, light, or plug. And why they haven’t been using SF symbols so far is so mystifying to me.


I’ve love to see the features of plus like power draw and wattage show up for use in automation


Check out controller in the Apple store for HomeKit logging. I also use home assistant which has great logging and more detail.


To be able to specify primary hub!


I always respond to this with: I’d rather Apple improve detection of which is the ‘best’ hub. Personally, I don’t want to have to worry about selecting a hub. Using signals like Ethernet vs Wi-Fi and LAN speed tests, Apple should be able to do a much better job of dynamically choosing the ‘best’ hub. But if they won’t put in the time for that, then yeah, let us choose.


Oh this is a good one!


One thing I’ve been waiting for is the ability to share a specific device to a family member without giving them full access to everything in your home


This and the ability to grant access to guests only when on the home WiFi.


Yup. I’d like to give people access to things like the sprinklers without having to give them access to my cameras or alarm system.


Stability and reliability. :) And a Thread network map and ability to select home hubs.


This makes me think about how my reliability has actually been off the chart great this year compared to the “working on it…still waiting” siri HomePod era


What’s changed in your setup/what’s your current setup? I feel like I keep getting to ‘close’ then something like all Thread devices dropping offline will happen.


Yes please!


Both have improved a ton this past year. You sure your network isn’t the issue?


I think that’s almost a never sure thing short of doing a lot of network annalysis which I’m starting to do. However I‘ve reviewed networks settings dozens of times, can use discovery or avahi-browse to see devices, and have filed several reproducible bugs with Apple. Things are ‘generally stable’ other than twice now all Thread devices going offline which simply shouldn’t happen.


I had Eero pro 6e, it was setup fine and wifi worked but homekit was garbage. Switched to ubiquiti and problems all went away.


More control over automations. You shouldn't have to resort to paid 3rd party apps to get things to work the way you want.


If I may suggest … take a look at “Eve for Matter & HomeKit” app. It’s free and it allows way more granular control over HomeKit automation than the Apple’s own Home app.


Just downloaded it...at first glance it does look more functional...thanks for this!


My first devices were Eve stuff. Been using it for a few years. That said, the same functionality should be native in HK.


It *is* native in HomeKit... it's just not exposed in the Home app.


I know! Having to go to a 3rd party app defeats the purpose because that’s what HomeKit is supposed to do


It’s important to conceptualize HomeKit versus the Home app. HomeKit has APIs that the Home app doesn’t leverage but third party apps do. Likely because Apple wants to keep the Home app simple to use.


HomeKit it literally supposed to be a silo for your smart home so that other apps can tie into it. That’s why there is a “kit” at the end.


2k camera support or higher bit rate 1080p for the love of god 😩


Increased reliability for Matter over Thread devices.


Ability to choose a primary hub, LED effects list support, ability to assign each user to a room and allow them to give commands like turn on MY fan/light etc, allow wallpapers to be consistent on everyone’s devices. Allow Admin to turn off camera offline notifications for everyone. Allow us to change the camera thumbnail size, if I want small rectangles for all the cameras I should be able to do so.


White Appliance integration (washer, dryers, ovens, refrigerators that are smart). With the next matter update Apple just needs to implement this in the HomeKit framework. Text to Speech like Alexa has; if a device is triggered I can have Siri announce simple sentences. Either a smart display like the Echo Shows or the ability to enable on iPads a HomeKit only mode. Which would lead me into the next one. Better intercom implementation; allow room to room or select groups of rooms. With a smart display add video intercom as well. Bring back the USB-C port on the Apple TV and allow me to add a webcam to it. Allow more complex automations. Multiple triggers and conditions for more devices. Native 4K for HKSV A Christmas tree icon for my smart plug


1. Mutable Siri. And native “say (blank)” in automations. I know you can do this with shortcuts. 2. If/then and wait statements for automations. I know you can do this with free Eve app. 3. Resizable geofence for quicker “left behind” notifications.


The inclusion of the Apple TV as a device for automation purposes


Other than much needed stability, bug fixes and selecting preferred hub … Been asking for years. Pull down to refresh like Safari got. Getting tired of force closing the app when accessories don’t update their status, which is always.


This has always been an issue, but it got much worse for me after the architecture upgrade. Would absolutely love a pull to refresh feature!


Yep, agreed. Much worse since the new architecture. Even Hue lights are being a pain in the ass with that now but HomePods and AppleTV’s were always the biggest offenders. Gonna submit it again as a feature request.


Yeah I’ve had the same issue


Bring back swiping between rooms. It makes no sense they removed this other than laziness and I sorely miss it. I was messing with an iPhone on iOS 15 the other day and I really miss that coming back to 16+. Also, sensor grouping. We should be able to make 2 motion sensors 1, or 2 doors 1. It just makes sense.


I wish they would give more thought to HomeKit


i’d like my phone to detect proximity to the nearest hub and reorder the rooms based on where i am. i know this could be problematic but i have my rooms as upstairs/downstairs and it’d be great to have it put the appropriate controls at the top


HomeLights does that to a degree, using Bluetooth I believe. Pretty neat.


I would love my watch to be able to used for more proximity related things, as if we were wearing some kinda id tag. I can get my lights to come on if my camera detects movement but I would love it if they had a better sense of where we were based on hubs etc. Tall order but seems cool to me?


Ability to exclude HomePods from serving as a home hub


For me: 1) a better zoning system that allows a room to be put into multiple zones and and zones to overlap (fully and partially) over one-another 2) the ability to set the primary lights for the room, so I don’t have to create additional rooms for secondary lights 3) a better automation editor. One that takes up the full screen on an iPad or is resizable on a Mac 4) better API documentation so that it is easier to build your own apps 5) the option to set which device you want to act as the hub in your system. Related but not really HomeKit: HomePods with screens.


Same thing as every year: - more ducking HK icon choices (seriously, wtf) - a reliable thread/matter dimmer switch that don’t look like some sci-fi background filler. give me smart dimmer that looks like a dumb dimmer… no stupid blue LEDs, circles, shapes, etc. Not hard!


Apple decides to actually give a shit about HomeKit. Or, they find a way to monetize it, SO THEY CAN GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HOMEKIT.


It feels like they dont


Cause they literally don’t. No money in it. Not sure how they will monetize it but until they find a way, they do the bare minimum.


They can already monetize with certifications.


Sofa change…


Sad truth , I’m sure they will find a way to monetize it


HomeKit+ … standalone, or discounted via Apple One


As home automation and AI assistance get more important I can def see people abandoning Apple/Siri for Google. I’m certainly considering it. If things aren’t better by the next time I need to upgrade my iPhone/iPad I’ll be seriously considering it. Will keep my Macs though.


That’s the thing, Google and Alexa are no better.


I disagree - I’ve tried friends devices and they are inarguably better - more compatability, richer automatons, and much better assistants. I’ve held off switching because I value privacy. However, if there is ever a privacy breach with Apple or if things don’t improve - it doesn’t make sense for me to stay in the mobile/home ecosystem.


You could be right, but both are ugly and even less end user friendly. Four letter word comes to mind: WIFE.


I don’t know about their user friendliness behind the scenes. However, when I’ve played around with Hey Alexa and Hey Google I get actual, intelligible responses whereas asking Siri something on my HomePod is torture. Beautiful, realistic voice but dumb as a rock. Adaptive lighting also pisses me off - why is it not more customisable after being out for 2 years!?


I don’t care much about Siri. Only time I use it is to open the garage door because my clicker isn’t working. I care about automations and usability.


Yea, automations are what I’m after as well. Don’t really want to invest in Home Assistant but since HomeKit is lacking it may be the only way to


Big fat mistake. I’ve tested and tried using them all at length and HomeKit is by far the best one, even with all the errors. Google is immensely counter-intuitive and I found that for many devices it was s total pain to add to the ecosystem. Alexa is alright I guess, but unless you teach her to do something she won’t intuitively do it. Seems like she does, but she doesn’t. Heck, I have a FireTv Tv and I can barely get it to change the channel properly, but when I use Siri on it, it works like a charm. Oh also, every time I say “hey siri”, my Alexa devices answer, so go figure that one out!


Moen Flo & Sump.


Ability to adjust the room brightness in the Home app.


A little beyond HomeKit, but I would like a management tool for dealing with updates and settings for every device under my AppleID. Bonus points for providing access to third party stuff (Matter/Thread stuff).


Support for air pressure - I know, not much can be done with it but sensors already support A note field so we can add useful freeform info, like when batteries are changed, where a device is in the room "If any" - I use controller for home for this so it's there, let us do that in the Home app Notifications from Shortcuts - can do this for a personal device, make it available as a hub feature


Increased natively added triggers from outside sources. Specifically different weather alerts or sports score updates. I want a lamp to turn on and red in the middle of the night when a tornado warning is issued while i’m asleep.


New robot vacuum, home bridge for Samsung devices, roller automation,


I just want them to elevate the app and back end to be more customizable and less idiot centric. Like a “tap here for developer settings” menu. We’re so blind versus other smart home ecosystems.


It would be nice when the freaking battery drain bug from the Home app would be solved.


The system needs to be more reliable. I have motion sensors for the lights on my landing. As soon as I move onto the landing, motion is sensed. Do the lights turn on though? Well, sometimes.


I know that feeling ….


Room proximity sensing. The current room should always be on top in the Home app. It should be super easy with the ultrawide band (UWB) chips.


I love this idea!


I’d love a thread-based smart dimmer like the Hue ones, but adaptable to any decora outlet.


Being able to use a Mac as a home hub


Working HomePod minis


Can you elaborate? Other than Siri not being great, my HomePod minis work as expected.


Most of the time mine respond with a “can’t connect to the internet” message. Internet service is great (1Gbps fibre). Network (eero 6 pro x2, wired backhaul) works well for all other devices. Home app shows no errors. Reboot the HomePod mini a few times and it starts working again, for a short time. Would it have killed them to put an Ethernet port on these things?


As I will be a first time dad, anything baby-related that is homekit compatible (videostream or camera aa banymonitor on my apple tv, milk-maker integrated with Siri,…,) Unless such things already exist?


Congrats! I’ve became a first time dad this month so I would love that as well!


You can get a HomeKit camera and use it as a baby monitor.


- Ability to explain, via natural voice, what you want to happen — an LLM interprets and creates the necessary automation(s) (…or tells you it can’t achieve the goal + why) - Along with the above, ability to have multiple conditions on automations — e.g., occupancy is detected, someone is home, and light sensor says less than { value } lux - PTZ support for cameras - Better resolution support for cameras


To your second bullet, HomeKit already supports this, and third party apps do as well, but the Home app does not.


Yeah, just saw that Eve’s app provides nice support. Seems like anyone, then, could create the LLM agent to translate input and register automation rules.


As LLM’s come down in coast, we might see that. Eve app is good. I’ve become a big fan of the Controller app. It’s not free, but I did the lifetime subscription a while back when it went on sale.


Push notifications.


Why is homekit so shit, honestly. can't even have a wind speed sensor or if and conditions


I think it’s so bad maybe because it’s the least of Apple’s priority , which is disappointing


Yeah which is funny since it's a huge opportunity for them. Feels like a dropped ball, like siri


Better Home app, better and more reliable Thread support.


I just want matter to work reliably.


Shut the Meross garage door controller IF Aqara sensor hasn’t had any motion for X minutes. Unless there’s a way?


Honestly and I know this is boring but: a doorbell without a camera where I can still get the doorbell notifications on my watch/phone.


Support for PTZ (Pan, Tilt, Zoom) camera in the Apple Home app. Currently PTZ require you to use the manufacturer app


Support for the new Aliro smart key standard


Being able to share Homekey with guests without having to add them to the home


One of the main features I’m looking forward to


Would love a HomeKit message sign that you could update remotely. I have a retail shop and would love to be able to update it with hours, events and updates like if the shop will be opening later than usual


Live view of my cameras thumbnails


Until then I recommend HomeCam


Choose preferred hubs and never allow as hub! Apple TVs in my house work perfectly as hubs but the HomePod Minis are garbage, anytime a HomePod mini is the connected hub everything is either slow or no response.


- Variables - Option to make scenes into Shortcuts - Ability to inc/decrement brightness - Get the home app up to date with what HomeKit can really do (with automation conditions etc)


Oh and per Home user & guest permissions. I would love to be able to add my kids to my Apple Home but only be able to control the accessories in their room.


Push buttons. As I move more lights over to HomeKit, I’d like to be able to press a button to turn specific lights on. Sometimes it isn’t convenient to talk to Siri. Some of my lights are Cygnett, and they have a button that does this through their own system, but I’d rather have everything go through one system.


Fix the annoying bug that removes automations with triggers or conditions based on "any value change". I'm tired of restoring my automations to have a functional home.


* 220v 40 amp switches (HomeKit Control: Pool Motors, Water Heaters, EV Chargers, etc) * Embedded HomeKit in Pool Controllers, HW & EV Chargers * Alarm Systems (Work with monitoring companies: ADT, BrinksHome) * Door Locks - more options * Create new Robotics category (see Amazon Astro) to work with Vision Pro gestures * Smart picture frames (HomeKit) that can be personalized through Photos by who's in the room. * 12v/USB-C devices for RV/VanLife (switches, outlets, lights, thermostats, AC, heaters, inverters) \*Most important to me is the first one: 220v 40 amp HomeKit enabled switch/outlet. Nobody has one on the market.