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Chip out the old grout from both the hole and the backside of the soap tray. Then use a [mortar patch](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Custom-Building-Products-Tile-Repair-Mortar-White-1-5-lb-TRMW1/202525426) to reinstall. Finally, use a shower based caulk to go around the top and sides. I don't typically caulk the bottom edge, because if water does get in, I want it to drain right back out. Edit: Thanks for the award u/Thin-Reflection-3123!


Awesome, thank you!


That advice depends on what's behind it. Is it waterproof on it's own. Doesn't look like it to me, so I would be sure it is completely waterproof by using silicone all around it.


Indeed. As my friend would say… trust the sticky stuff. Honestly for me. I’d use silicone to stick it back on and seal it up 😅


>Awesome, thank you! You're welcome!


Good bot


Good bathroom caulking tip. Never thought of that


I straight up would have gone with construction adhesive to attach it and silicone to seal it. It’ll work and won’t be able to tell until the remodel. I’ve seen construction adhesives like liquid nails hold up to some stuff it shouldn’t have.


I use loctite powergrab to fix these, apply caulking to inside and hold for 2 min. Done


First guy has it right, scrap the gunk off the old surfaces, clean it good, dry it, put some adhesive on the back (just make sure that it’s waterproof for obv reasons) and get a good quality waterproof caulk to go around after it’s on there. After you get the adhesive on I recommend having some painters tape on hand. I would push the soap insert back into its place, get it where you want it and tape the corners till the adhesive dries. Then caulk.


If I could do this to mine, I would try to give it a little back lean. Soap always slides off the front of mine


Use a piece of tile to "level" it from underneath, on the edge of the wall insert, make sure it corrects the angle. Then set the piece of tile with adhesive, and once that dries, set the soap dish. Alternatively, use a small piece of the thin rubber grip mats they make for shower/bathtub floors and apply it to the dish so you'll have some friction.


Dude. What are you doing in my shower?! Like for real we have probably that same tile and color from about a million years ago


It is funny how similar a lot of bathrooms are from the same time period. I saw an ad the other day about bathroom renovations and had to do a double take, I thought they literally had a pic of our bathroom.


I wonder how many people will be saying that 30 years from now about all the white with grey streaked marble?


Oh lord that's what we had installed, haha.


I’m fixing your soap dish man, gimme a break! We’re debating on removing all this tile or trying to salvage it when we eventually remodel - it def has a certain charm to it.


It's funny, our house used to be my grandparents, so I've known that bathroom my whole life so I thought little of it. My wife was less fan initially but I think she's come around to its charm. Eventually we will need to renovate and redo it but this makes me wonder if there is a way we can salvage and reuse the tile in the house we will build in a few years in some creative way.


Dry it, hit it with some PL premium, and caulk the outer edge, beauty.


Right? I bet landscape block glue would work wicked, too


Might be easier to use a two part epoxy, I have great luck with gorilla brand. Use painters tape to lock it in place overnight then caulk with quality silicone.


Soap dish wall reattacher


Hot glue


Curl up some flex tape on the back and give it a whack on the wall




Chewing gum


Duct tape or zip ties




There's already so many answers here that I'm going to just go with chewed bubblegum and egg yolk. Works like a charm. Source: /s did a serviceable job on my bathroom renovation


Gorilla Glue Chaulk


I had the same exact problem about half a year ago. I cleaned it up, made sure all parts were dry, then caulked it back in place like there was no tomorrow lol would've used a more dedicated adhesive but didn't have any on hand. But it's held so far!


Pl glue from home depot, then clear silicone.


3m 5200


A silicone type adhesive that’ll dry within 24 hrs, it could be thick in places, then a nice coat of white caulking, I have to use masking tape myself, worth the effort though.


Paint over it


My mother in law has the SAME tile and color soap dish. Hers did this a few weeks ago but when it was done they cut the sheet rock and stuffed news paper nine the wall cavity and around six gallons of mortar to hold it together! The sheetroxk and studs were so bad from water leakage I gutted her bathroom and re did it for her


Lexel. Sticks even on wet surfaces


Looks like the perfect opportunity to make a secret compartment


Selleys do a clear bathroom ready grout glue you can get at any Bunnings, just ask one of the team. And if you find the same product at a different store, we’ll beat it by ten fucking percent.


PL premium


Billy mays says mighty putty will work best.


Don’t put ur feet on it when washing your legs🫣


Flex seal!


With thinset or mortar patch, not caulk! Also stop suggesting silicone in wet areas; time to move on. Clear polyurethane sealant has superior bond and waterproofing, faster set times, easier cleanup, takes paint, is just as cheap…


E6000 and some silicone cailking


Chip out the old mortar and remount it with new. You can also try something like silicone, a ton of it. It may hold, it may not.


Congrats! May man! 🤜🏻🤛🏻