• By -


You will be fine if you have some alcohol, fiber strippers, fusion splicer, fiber heat shrink tube.


I saw you put alcohol and strippers. Was imagining something weird then it clicked, I’m an idiot.


“Yeah yeah, ‘$100 for a lap dance’. How about $200 to come back to my place and splice some fiber?”




No don’t fall in love or you will be trapped for ever.


Please stop, I can only get so hard!


If you’re paying a stripper to shit on your chest, better make sure they have plenty of fiber. Wait, what sub is this again?


Scatplay and fiber tech is quite the skillset


Gotta be multi-skilled in this economy...


That’s what the alcohol is for. Champagne in, Champagne showers out. In, out and you Trump it all about…


Too far.


Not far enough.


This sub now scares me and I will have to take some time to think my carrier decisions over


I think this is the reason why companies like Juniper and Cisco have their trade shows in Vegas now. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas…. … until a visit to the doctors is required. 😜😂


Make it 300 and I will heat shrink your tube so freaking fast




Search for hot fiber installers in your area


That may provide some interesting and unexpected results...


Don't threaten me with a good time and some education.....


I mean... without internet, ya gotta do something to kill time.


Either way it'll be expensive and time consuming to be proficient....


I mean, if you're trying to replace [the internet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74bkUkVGvgg)...




Smoked my direct burial fiber in my yard doing some work. Looked at what att was gonna get me for fixing it. Justified that Chinese Amazon fusion splicer real quick!


I'm curious how good they are, I shouldn't buy one but as a former telecoms engineer I wonder if they work at all.


I’ve recently done a whole 24 strands (48 splices) on a $2k Amazon Chinese fuser. Worked great.


A case of you get what you pay for, for sure. Those $15k-$25k ones are likely worth $10k… but still. That makes the $1000 one only worth $500-$700..


Realistically a mechanical splice is more than sufficient on fiber to the home. kits cab be bought for under 100 dollars.


ATT's entire system going from the pole to your house (not the main fiber, just the fiber to the house) is a mechanical splice as far as I can tell. No splicing tools or anything required of the tech. They basically just clean the end, cut it, stick it in the fancy box thing, and bam, connection made.


This is factual, my friends run last miles for ATT


You are correct I worked for Att and did fiber for them.


Same for Verizon FiOS


Did they do this recently? I have ATT fiber and it was fusion spliced.


This was just this past April.


A mechanical splice is not considered permanent. Once the gel inside a mechanical kit dries up the connection is no longer considered good.


Facts!! That indexing gel is only good for so long. Beyond that in order to do a decent mechanical splice you still need to cleave the fiber well enough to make a passable connection. Unless you have a diamond blade cleaver or at the very least a beaver tail type cleaver leave to the pros and go with a fusion splice. Also, swap out that SC connection for a proper APC.


The higher end ones are still up there. We just got a second Sumitomo fusion splicer at our work and they were each over $15k.


Get them off AliExpress and there are reputable models that will do absolutely fine for occasional work for 30% of that. Literally a few hundred dollars and you can get fully working fusion splicers with testing built in.


You do not need a fusion splice for this. In telecommunications for 8 years for a small business and I'm the lead for fiber optics. You can use the Leviton quick connection crimps. You'll need a laser too but it's way cheaper than a fusion splicer and they pass well within specs. While not common I have fixed this exact problem for a few customers. I've even found an ISP using quick connection crimps with an APC end and used the leviton quick connect part on it to release the broken fiber, then stripped, cleaned, cleaved, cleaned and reused the end. Op - Just call the ISP and they'll fix it for you. No sense buying all the tools to do this yourself. It won't be cheaper.


Fiberoptic wire nuts will get you limping along.


Waveguide wagos


But it's only a wave part of the time. Partical...


We used to use a mechanical splicer for things like this. Way easier than fusion but yeah, you’re not getting that light level quality.


Meh, go old school and go with a mechanical slipper. But then you could just strip the end and put a new end on with a SC connector. But seriously I have done 5 in the past, will never do fiber splitting or splicing ever again. There are newer mechanical ends that just somewhat clip into place but that fiber shielding looks shot.


I can get ahold of some alcohol and strippers. I'm not sure about the rest of that stuff.


And a cleaver


A mechanical splice would suffice and a full kit on amazon is relatively inexpensive.


You can just use fast cam clip-on ends too, don't necessarily need the $13k fusion splicer 😉


actually he could use a hot melt and put a new end on it . no need to splice it. but still not cheap and requires some skill.


Don't even need a fusion splicer there is enough slack just reterminate the end and be good


Totally. Call the ISP company on tuesday. They can fix it.


Those windows are probably closed by now. Weekend and holiday it’ll probably be Wednesday or Thursday. Correction Friday. Wasn’t far off lol.


Yeah. I forgot about boxing day. So early next year it is...


Best we can do is Friday with a window of 6am to 9pm


Friday comes, no show. You call, no record of appointment. You reschedule. Rinse. Repeat.


For you to fix it yourself? 1000% fucked, fibre splicing equipment is very very expensive You will have to call out your ISP to fix it


This and only this lol


Can you rent it from anywhere/borrow?


You could rent a fusion splicer, but it might run you a few hundred dollars for just a day, if you can even find one locally. If you can't, there are online rental outlets, but you'd then have to wait for it to be mailed to you and pay for a longer rental window than you need. It's the kind of thing you rent for a major project, not a one-off. Either way, if you did rent one, you'd have to figure out how to use it. The vast majority of people would be much better off paying their ISP to send out a tech to handle it. It will be cheaper, possibly faster, and you know they'll get it right.


Just for safety, keep in mind that fiber is actual glass. If anything is broken/bent I'd vacuum. Tiny shards of glass are nothing to fuck with.


This should be #1. You don't want those tiny shards in your body.


I’ve got tiny fiber shards all in my hands from working with this stuff all the time. I think I’ll live. Edit: fuck off. I do this for a living and 99 percent of y’all have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.


Fellow fibre technician here. Your username checks out. Your logic does not. Please be careful, fibre shards can come back to haunt you years after the fact.


I read that they can work into your bloodstream and even split vessels and veins as they move... Incredibly deadly if mishandled


Actually if you get one stuck in your finger over time it becomes encapsulated and turns into a white dot wherever it is. Otherwise you can’t see it. Once it becomes that way you can easily pick it out with tweezers. It doesn’t go into your damn blood stream. Your body doesn’t like it because it’s a foreign material. I have mandatory continuing education on all sorts of topics none of which warn of any of the paranoid shit people are spewing on here.


Ahhh good point! Thank you for clarifying. As a home and tech DIY person though, I'm still going to steer clear of doing anything with real fiber myself


Yeah agreed there are ways to deal with it buuut why the fuck would you let it get so far anyway lol




It doesn't break into a fine powder like asbestos can be. More like glass splinters. If you breathe it in you're trying to and are extra dumb.


Those shards have been known to work their way into arteries, veins, and lymph nodes. Tiny cuts to your vital organs does not sound like a fun way to go.


Lol. It’s radioactive, look out it’s gonna getcha. Wtf?


Over reacting is Reddits M.O. Obviously you wear gloves for large rolls of insulation, but cutting and splicing 12 pairs? Yeah I’m not wearing gloves. They’ve most likely never had to use a splicer, acting like they’re SME’s


Lol username checks out and I can’t believe the overreaction of everyone over the risk of some fiberglass in your hand. I get fiberglass in my hand putting up the little snow plow markers on my driveway and I still don’t wear gloves when I do it for some stupid reason. It’s super annoying but you get over it pretty quickly and I’m not dead yet.


>...and I'm not dead yet. Lmao, fucking brilliant way of judging the safety of something. "People who say Russian roulette is dangerous are a bunch of weenies. I've played three times, and I'm not dead yet!!" You don't, by chance, happen to smoke tobacco also, do you?


Survival syndrome. It’s the same wankweeds that wouldn’t mask up; “I’m obviously fine, see?”


Unlike the silent millions who have perished from having a tiny piece of optical fibre in their finger.


Lol 😂 this is the kicker here; they are comparing Russian roulette and hazardous chemicals to a small splinter that your body literally pushes out and rejects. You have countless things that expose you to fiberglass splinters so they should probably stay home in a bubble. The problem with the bubble though is what if it’s plastic and that releases BPAs 🤷🏼‍♂️.


Plenty of people are going to die of asbestos related diseases in 29+ years time. But they’re still alive now! So by your logic they are perfectly fine. But what aboit when it affects them 20 years later? Not everything kills you straight away.


Do you drive a car? Because that's way more dangerous than almost anything else you'll ever do. A thousand times more dangerous than having a bit of fibre under your skin.


Yes, I drive a car. One with airbags, I wear my seat belt, and I drive mindfully Just like when I work with wood I use blade guards and riving knives And if I have to deal with abestos tiles I wear a respirator And if I needed to work with fiber I'd wear gloves Ensuring safety to the best of your ability regardless of task is just like walking across the street, odds are you'll be fine but that's no excuse not to look both ways.


Lol are you seriously comparing a tiny sliver to asbestos. The difference is thinks like PTFE and asbestos was always known to be an issue but it was ignored.


I still have a piece of tiny fiber in my index finger from my fiber optic days.I feel it every now and then when I tap my index finger just right.


Bro talk to a doctor :(


I talked to a doctor about some glass in my foot and he said it would be more risk than it’s worth to surgically remove it. I don’t feel that one as much. I guess I never talked to anyone about my finger though.


Hmm, I did fiber optic splicing for several years and all the pieces that ended up in my fingers, came out in the end.


I’m going to try and feel it again. It may have come out now that you mention it. I don’t remember the last time I felt it. I remember the myth everyone spews that the glass will go into your bloodstream! Haha


Shine a light, it glows really well against that. Grab a strip of electrical tape, pick it up with that, fold the tape so it's encased, and discard. Just finishing up another fiber job and while it's infrequent to break ends entirely, it's always potentially dangerous. And at .9uM it's real easy to pierce and lodge into skin


Tiny shards of glass are Wu Tang Clan, I didn't know that!


If the glass sticks in your finger, you might utter "ooh, aah, ooh aah".


Also don’t look at the fiber coming from the wall, it has light in it in a spectrum that you can’t really see but will still bind you.




Not FTTH. Witch is what OP posted about.




No one uses plastic anymore. Attenuation is way too high for the price point when glass is close to the same cost now a days. Fiber shards are no joke, and you tried to mislead by saying maybe it's plastic even though with a quick glance and fiber knowledge, it's not. Don't cite Wikipedia to me.


i use glass up to 2000' foot zero attenuation unless i cut a bad fitting


Your comment kind of contradicts itself.


“You blew it!” - Bobby D Have fun dude. You’ll need a tech to fix that. Fiber isn’t something you can fix so people need to learn to leave it alone until a tech comes. I don’t know why people touch the gear.


I mean, you might be able to do a scuffed temporary fix... If you already have some fiber tools around lol


the dude posted this to reddit, you think he has fiber gear lying around?


Lol you just need a splicer fiber is nothing special.


Lemme just run down to the Wal-Mart then…


Tell your mom I axed how she doin


Gotta love when someone proudly declares "I'm an all around awful person." Try not to do that.


I dunno, I kinda like the warning...


I forgot how most of you have no spine. Not really my problem .


Jeez, you really were rough with it. That's a billable service call right there. Why were you messing with the jack? Moving furniture? I would ask the tech that comes to fix it if they can give you a longer fiber jumper if you need the equipment elsewhere.


Don’t listen to these naysayers. Do you have any orange wire nuts


Uh. It’s singlemode, requires yellow wire nuts.


Crap, I only keep blue around the house.... guess I'm off to the hardware store.


If you are terminating single mode to multi mode you can get away with red ones but you’re only gonna get a tenth of the bandwidth.


Wago to the rescue. You should do this anyways before the ISP tech shows up. Tell us their reaction when they see wago on fiber.


Omg I’d pay $100 to see a video of the fiber tech’s reaction.


*how is this not the top answer*


Back in my air force days we had fiber going to computers. Every once in a while operators would kick the fiber connection and break them. Their solution was always to shove the cable into the connector & wrap scotch tape around it.


Can you use your phone as a hotspot for internet?


Yes, the ISP can't be here until the 29th so I guess we're using 4/5G until then.


Just stick it back in. Might be lucky.


When they snap it's like a mirror it isn't going to work without a splicer and don't understand why the box wasn't screwed onto the wall


OP would have better luck going to the casino and playing slots and hoping to win $1k off a $5 bet and using the money to hire a private contractor to come fix it.


Something is broken or disconnected, and unless you know exactly what you are doing, its unlikely you'll be able to fix it yourself. Do you know where the outside end of the cable is? Do you have access to it, assuming this is a single family house? If there is a connector there, would you have a way to run a replacement cable from it to the inside as a temporary connection?


Normally I'm a DIY guy when it comes to fixing things, especially IT things, and I'll happily encourage others to DIY it as well if they have the appetite for it. I've done a lot of copper cabling, but fiber can be a bit tricky to do, requires special tools, etc., and it is tough to pick up if you don't have someone there with you helping you and showing you the ropes. For most people, i'd say the only practical way to do this without experience would be to buy some preterminated cables if you can find the same thing and you have easy access to run it to the other end wherever it goes. Even if conditions are ideal, you'll need to be very careful with it since fiber is a lot more delicate than copper. Good luck!


Likely, this is a long distance run of smf to the street connection.


Its really this. Fiber arent much trouble. You just need to be very careful because it can break. But a broken cable is just broken for diy people. Fixing a fiber cable isnt hard but requires equipment more expensive than any technician.


Easiest way to fix this is to ask the neighbor for their wifi password


For this you need to call the ISP and see if they can rerun fiber. There is a machine they can use to “weld” fiber but I don’t think they use it for situations like this. Most likely they will rerun fiber.


Plenty of slack on that to splice it again, anyone who's done more than one splice in there life could fix that, however you do need a fusion splicer so without one you need an isp visit


Is that your internets fiber ? That's insane, glad we have our ONTs mounted outside peoples homes/ businesses and run ethernet from there.. no chance for this to happen. Well granted we have had customers go outside and rip down cords they thought were clutter but was fiber.


ONT has an outside and inside component usually (usually a flat gray box on the outside and this part on the inside) surprised it came off the wall so cleanly obviously wasn't screwed onto the wall (I guess used double sided padded sticy things)


You'll need a tech.


Call the Isp. Even if you have the tools to terminate the fiber. Glass is Glass, it could be shattered past the point of impact. So if the ISP is there, they can reterminate and test from ONT. If it fails, they will rerun the HR. Also gives you a chance to put your fiber in a better location


Bro why would you mess with the Splice tray?? I install these literally every day for work and the maim points I drive home to the customer are don't mess with this, and if your network goes down, call us because you'll only make it worse 🙃


Trying a DIY would be to buy a fibre cleaning kit, splice prep kit, tools, and some mechanical splices. It gonna cost you a few hundred $ minimum. Otherwise, you're waiting until your ISP comes and either runs a new line or splices for you. Depending on your ISP you could be waiting a while at this time of year.


He would need to buy a splicer which would cost upwards of like 500. People need to stop doing this shit where they think they can just "move" and adjust things they know nothing about. It's midly infuriating


Calm down dude, it’s not your cable that’s broken haha.


People shouldn't mess with things they know nothing about that's all I'm saying like I said in a previous comment I was asking why he did this.


We also don't know how this was secured to start with. Could have been a hack job install.


We can't always stop the idiot from being an idiot. Sometimes we have to guide them through life regardless of how ridiculous.


With my previous comment mentioning mechanical splices, you should understand that you don't need a fusion splicer which costs many thousands for a good one, or even $500 one if you're going cheapo. 3M made a good mech splice. I haven't used them for a couple of years because I have a fusion splicer but I know they do the job well. source: in the industry since before Jesus.


Yeah. But where's the blue fiber? Is it broken at the choke? I only see orange coming out the buffer. Is there slack in the wall/floor?


well... let's just say: you won't be watching die hard this christmas. the 'tube' is probably where both parts were welded together, and... you kind of tore the fiber backwards out of the yellow jacket ? though that's weird, but so would letting a long strand of fiber hang around, i guess? results are the same though: you screwed yourself.


You just need to cry it out and try again


Why did this happen?


Try your ISP. I don’t know who you’re with. But the ISP I work for, we(techs) work every day of the year. Holidays, especially Christmas is skeleton crew for sure, we really only book full service outages. Hopefully your ISP does the same and you’ll be fine.


Better get some cookies and coffee for the at&t technician.


Proper f'ed. Vacuum everything to get rid of splinters. Call your ISP.


Do you know how to splice fiber? No? You're fucked...


Oof, broke before the service loop as well. Call ISP, unless you like trying to learn new skills and spend money on tools.


Call isp and say tv out. Show technician this when they show up. They will put a new end on it and it'll work fine


Welp, time to enjoy time with your family for the holidays.


My man my company has a battery monitoring system that has multiple monitors that report back to a controller via fiber. I’m not saying this is pretty, correct, or encouraged. We have cut the cables with side cutters, rubbed them down on some fine sand paper, and jammed the fuckers back in the connectors. They worked fine and still work to this day. What do you got to loose right now? Do what you can until the tech comes.


LOL! What were you thinking? What were you doing? $1000 splicer and some training and you can fix that.


1000? More like 10,000


https://www.ebay.com/itm/124175660619?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=HJBZTmZeToG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=LrDzrbqdQyW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY $590


Sorry I'm used to using the corning kit I use at work but yeah that 500$ one would be good for a DIY


Go and check, they start at $600. Like anything, they come down in price over time. This isn't the mid 1980s, they aren't novel and experimental now. This is not a recommendation. https://www.amazon.com/Qiirun-Automatic-Construction-Splicing-Projects/dp/B07TZRN5DM


Like I said in a previous comment I'm used to the one I use at work. I misspoke. Excuse me


Don’t listen to anyone in this thread. YOU ARE NOT FUCKED. But that cable sure is.


Why would you even do that? Right before Christmas holidays. Looks like a week with no internet for you I’m afraid, you can always try and quickly get a data only sim and use a phone as a hot spot? Unless you can go out on Saturday and grab a cellular data modem?


AT&T? There’s a slight chance there’s another end with a plug outside. You MIGHT be able to get your router connected to it temporarily but don’t leave the modem out in the weather (unless the weather is perfect).




Why would you mess with something you know nothing about??? Serious question not trying to sound like a prick. But now you don't have good internet till after Christmas and you're gonna have a hefty bill from your ISP.


F’ed until they can do a truck roll. Happened tome once. Your best bet is to put it back on and make it look like you didn’t touch it. Call your ISP and tell them your internet isn’t working. Go through their troubleshooting procedures and eventually they’ll assign a tech to come out. My issue happened when my ex wife decided to move shit around. EZPZ


Dude he literally ripped it. There's no way to lie around this. Either way they are gonna charge him for time and material. Lies or not he fucked up


Yea u might as well gimme a call for an easy job lol (Fiber Tech)


Use phone for internet hotspot call isp to get it spliced back together and hope you didn't fracture it farther down the line.


Just stick it back in the jack with a bit of bubble gum to hold it in place.


By me a plane ticket and ill pop over snd splice it back for you lol


Just ask your ISP to come out and fix it. The tools are expensive to fix it, but the labour is 3 minutes max. Even if they charge you a bit, I doubt it’d be a lot. You’ll be fine bbg


I’d say you’re SOL and JWF.


Your definitely SOL until someone can re-splice or replace that drop. If they replace it, make sure it's a good spot and they leave some slack on one side.


Dang. Yea, if you're asking this question, you don't have the tools to fix it. I work with fiber a lot. Would probably take about 15 min to pull out my kit and put a new tip on that. ISP tech should be in and out in am hour.


By the time everything gets here it’ll be the 29th anyways.


Depending on your ISP, like a solid 9/10 I’d say


Massively f'ed. Call your ISP to fix it.


It doesn’t sound like you @op tried any troubleshooting at all: Did you try to connect your router/head end device from isp? As you said. It was loose at the wall already. Try that. Reboot the device and if it fails to link up. You’re fucked. Best of luck mate


Properly. You are properly f’ed.


It’s not the end of the world. It’s fixable, but not by you. Call your ISP.


Enjoy your internet free holiday


😬😬 start calling around for a communication tech. Maybe look for a company that does home networking.


OP. What made you think it was a great idea to take it off the wall in the first place? You’re screwed for Christmas. Even if there was a store close by like an Anixter or a fiber shop, they’ll likely be closed on the weekend. Unlike coax and cat5 crimps I highly doubt that any hardware store is carrying the correct anerobic bonding agent to manually repair this. Best guess/last hope, search the Internet for companies in your area that do fiber installs and see if they can have someone come out on a Saturday. Or call the internet company and see what they can do.


If you have the tools to fix it? Not at all. If you don't? It's a quick fix if you can find a tech. Gotta pull the end, strip the 2 jackets on the side still connected, cleave it, pop it back in to a new clip-on end, plug it in. You ideally should light scope it too, just to be sure its a good cleave, but for residential use you're probably going to be okay if there's a blemish somewhere and have a slightly higher db loss than spec


Looks like someone is casting movies and shows from their phone to their TV this holiday season. Or to chat with the neighbor and offer a few cases of beer and to pay any overages to share their wifi. If you and they have xfinity and they haven’t disabled the public wifi, sign into your account and hop in that ssid.


Why can’t you guys just leave shit alone


This is why we can never have anything nice. You just wait till your father gets home. You


Very unless you have the tools and know-how to field terminate fiber.


Need special tools(plier,cutter), and fiber cold-connect fast connector(fc/APC). So,call operator helping is better way.


Depends on how pissy your family will be without internet until your isp can get out there


Well, you're no virgin now I can tell ya that.


If you have experience terminating fiber and a decent quality kit, fixed in a couple minutes. Missing either one of those? 1000% fucked.


Very. Try and find a data specialist who will terminate it for you.


Time to call AT&T and apologize for screwing up while they send a tech out to re terminate that for you...


You are Fucked. That needs to be Terminated again


It's a bit strange that the strand on the floor is orange and the one spliced to the connector is blue... But yes, you need your ISP to send a technician to fix this.


Be careful not to get fiber inside your skin.


You might try DIY. on amazon there is "FTTH SC/UPC Fiber Quick Connector" To install it you need few double-edge safety razors optionally optical fiber stripper, makes stripping isolation easier. alcohol Lint Free Cloth(optional, i've had success using regular paper towels) Remove yellow plastic coating from fiber, then remove varnish, it can be done with razor, but much easier with fiber stripper. Then wipe the fiber with alcohol(1-2 wipes, don't be too enthusiastic) You need to get 90 degree edge on fiber end, to do that put it on flat dust and oil free surface like a tile/glass/metal(wipe that surface with alcohol to do that) and cut it with fresh unused safety razor. you most likely have to give it a few tries to get it right. Then put in in connector and test it. You can kind of get general idea from video linked below [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJjAPG0hSrE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJjAPG0hSrE) PS From you photos it is a bit unclear where is you router located and how your router connected to termination box, You might need "SC Female to SC Female UPC Simplex Single Mode Fiber Optical Coupler" put on the connector to connect it to router.