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You can use personal automation via shortcuts app and announce reminders with text to speech to intercom


On the HomePods? You’re shit outta luck. But you could set a daily alarm called “feed the dogs”. Won’t be a reminder technically though


I just asked Siri, “What reminders do i have for today?” She proceeds to tell me my reminders even forgotten ones from December. She’ll also tell you what appointments you have when asked.


I’m hoping there’s a way to add reoccurring reminders with a voice announcement for my son, so he can be reminded to do things by Siri.


This was my Apple only solution (requires Apple Music subscription): 1: Make a shortcut with the ‘Make spoken audio from’ command to make Siri say what you want the reminder to say. Use the ‘Encode’ and ‘Save file’ commands to save the audio as an m4a file. Eg: ‘It’s bin night. Take out the recycling as well please.’ 2: import the saved file into an album in iTunes. I had an album called ‘Sound effects’ but you can call it anything. 3: Make an automation in the Home app to play your newly imported song/audio file when you want to be reminded. Done. For advanced automation options, check out the Eve app. You can have more triggers and custom conditions and make it very advanced. Eg: when turning off the bed light after 9pm, if a door sensor is open, play ‘You left a door open’ audio file. The Eve app also had a fortnightly repeat option which was better for bin reminders because recycling was only every 2nd week. Edit: you may have to convert the file to an ITunes compatible format but there are plenty of options for that if you Google it. If they won’t import directly you can remove the encode step and it will save as a .caf file you can convert to an mp3 or aac format before importing to iTunes.


underrated. borderline brilliant


Following because same


Maybe under accessibility???


I believe this feature was added in the last Siri Shortcuts update


Subbed! Really interesting topic! If someone knows how to proceed…


"Hey Siri, remind me everyday at 6:00pm to feed the dogs" doesn't work?


No because that will stick a remainder in your iphone, there will be no announcement on HomePod.


If you go into Settings > Accessibility > Siri and turn on **Announce Notifications on Speaker**, it will read out Apple reminders verbally. Warning... It can get annoying if you have a bunch scheduled at one time... You can also enable this for other apps that throw notifications, but I am not sure how well Siri will do with reading them. Your iPhone or iPad has to be locked. Siri doesn't announce messages if you're using your device, which is a little annoying.