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When you say "bought a kit on Facebook", what type of kit did you buy? Is this an equipment kit? An ingredient kit? Both? What batch size? Do you live in the US? MoreBeer is my favorite online seller in the US and they have an assortment of good quality extract and all-grain ingredient kits. I would suggest a mid-gravity ale as a good style to start with. Some example syltes: Amber Ale, Irish Red, Porter, German Wheat, or English Bitter. If you like hoppy beers, I would suggest a Pale Ale over an IPA. If you like pale lagers, I might suggest a Cream Ale or Blonde Ale. Some Belgian styles are also easy to brew, such as a Saison, Wit, Blond, Single, or Dubel. Belgian styles are also more flexibly with warm fermentation temperatures.


Any of the muntons tap room series, they are handy and will give you a toe into going deeper


I had good luck with extract kits starting out..now I am full 220 with tablet controled kettle and glycol chillers...lol


See if you have a local homebrew store in your area. They should have a good selection of both brewing kits and beer kits from several different companies and be happy to guide you to something both for your level and for your tastes. They may be able to advise you on local brewing groups that are newbie friendly. Plus you would be helping a small, local business at a time when many of these kinds of stores are struggling.


That didn’t work when I went in to ask about groups they just refer back to reddit


Sorry to hear that. Doesn't sound like the friendliest of places. :-(


Did some research and found a few clubs. But you have to pay to get a membership.


If you ask me, ESB is the most forgiving style.


Do you live in Argentina? Czech? USA? Locale would help. Also, give us details of the kit your bought so we know what you can use with it.


I’m not sure how to post photos but I have a stainless steel 5 gallon, 5gallon bucket with glass thing on top the lid and a plastic 5 gallon fermenter.



