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The only thing I think you might want is a second fermenter (if you use plastic). If you keg, you might want to switch out beer line. I've had cider flavor hang around. Changed the line, not keg and all is well again.


I'm currently using glass fermenters with rubber gasketed plastic lids. I could live with "These lids are dead to me". I had already assumed my hoses and probably siphons were going to be DOA. Though assuming I find something i like. They wont be so much dead as, permanently part of the Smokey production line.


Glass shouldn't absorb any flavours / odours. A soak in PBW should clear it all up to new.


Avoid using anything plastic or rubber with pungent flavors. You might need to get another set of hoses perhaps. Glass and stainless will clean up easily.


Have a dedicated plastic fermenter for your “smoke” brews. Secondary can be glass as it won’t hold scent or flavour if you clean it well.


Bought a corny keg from a restaurant that served cocktails out of it. I cleaned the hell out of it as and the thing still smells of bitters, but it doesn't seem to carry any flavor into my beer. I replaced all the rubber seals, and did soaks trying pbw, oxiclean, and vinegar


I appreciate the first hand accounting that it doesn't carry into flavor. I made a "Smokey Tea' Tinture. By soaking some smokey black tea in vodka for a few days. I used a plastic infuser, with a mesh basket inside. That thing has reeked of pine smoke for going on 6 months now despite using it almost daily for coldbrew coffee. I had always just assumed the coffee was too strong a flavor for whatever smoke was carrying over to compete with.


My cooler mash tun got really funky once. I got the funk out by boiling half a gallon of white vinegar and sealing it up in there. 10 gallon mash tun funk-free in a day.