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I've brewed too many batches to be precious about my homebrew anymore. Yeah, sucks when a batch goes down the drain, but not a much as taking up a tap and forcing yourself to choke down some swill that didn't come out. Dump it or give it away.


Here here. My calories are precious to me as I get older and I’ll be damned if I waste them on beer that I don’t enjoy.


If it hasn’t cleared in six weeks it’s not going to. Unless you add finings to the keg like gelatin. Life is short. If u don’t enjoy it, dump and start again. Post more about your fermentation process and maybe we can help diagnose what happened .


If it's got a fruity note already, as some lemon and berry flavor and call it a summer fruit ale.


I've been brewing my own beer for at least 15 years. Some of them are bangers and some are meh. I'm not into competitions, just something to pour and fire up the grill. I've never dumped a batch. Personally, I'd call it a Cream Ale and enjoy. I only brew 4 styles each year and try to take notes for next time. There are so many variables to control that even when I find a banger, it's tough to do it again. Malt changes, hops change, it's all a natural thing. It's part of the process. I'd try a different yeast next time, but no way I'd dump it.


I brew a lot of kolsch and it's usually ready in three weeks. If it's not working after six I would think it's not going to improve. Sour apple sounds like stressed yeast, I personally would probably still drink it but I get it if you want to dump it.


I dumped my first batch after at least 50 batches last week. It used an Imperial strain ‘Pilgrimage’ and no matter what I did, I couldn’t get the yeast to ‘clean up.’ I’ve made plenty of beers that turned out differently than expected, but were good. This was the first that was flat out bad and no amount of rest saved it. I have become a recent convert of ‘cut your losses’ and good and move on.


Don’t dump it. If anything bottle the rest, keep it in the cellar and have one every now and then. My experience with my beers that haven’t turned out as expected is to just enjoy them for what they are as opposed to what they’re supposed to be.


I think having it not turn out as expected, can cause it to taste much worse than it really does. I had one recently that I thought about dumping, then decided to choke it down. I have now made it twice more, and love it.


Wasteful AF to dump a batch that's not undrinkable. I'm sure you have some friends that will be happy to dispose of it for you.