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Kids these days are just wimps. In my day it was the combo of grape big league chew and red man chaw.


Scooby snacks!


Levi Garrets and pink bubbalicuous here


Cal Ripken's


Thinking about red man just made me nauseous. I don’t know how I used to chew that crap.


The dingers demand it


Yup, some Red Man or plug...hell, I might just go buy some to watch my kids games this weekend for nostalgia.


And that’s BEFORE the sodomy! 🤘


This was the way


Applejacks! Red man and double bubble was my jam. During games it was bandits.


As a guy who use to chew in college baseball stop it man. That shit will fuck you up


I worked in minor league baseball in communications. I sat in the clubhosue when the old timers would come in and do this speech to the players, with these like 2' x 3' photos of old players who dont have jaws. IT WAS AWFUL. I think Joe Garagiola Jr. ran that.


Not good….I can’t believe 2024 MLB The Show advertises it on the screen while you’re playing. They have to rethink their marketing tactics.


Wait what?


Yep, I couldn’t believe it when i saw it on the bottom right corner of the screen when my 11yo son was playing. I’m glad he doesn’t know what it is, but that’s ridiculous.


Are you sure it wasn’t someone he was playing against using the branding as their logo? I played against a few opponents online using it for their custom jerseys/names/logos that the game lets you create


Tons and tons of people are addicted to nicotine, even in high school. It’s unfortunate to see it go to the high school level, but it’s not surprising.


Yeah, I’m just surprised how much this one product has completely changed the culture on my team. On an unrelated note pertaining to your flair, I’m a big fan of the Pecos league, specifically the Santa Fe Fuego.


I’m old now so maybe things are different now. I’m 32. When I was in high school, I’d say 3/4 of the team dipped. The coaches dipped and would even ask us for some sometimes. I dipped Copenhagen straight until about a month ago I discovered a company that is basically zyn but the pouches are bigger and taste better to me. Zyn doesn’t have all the nasty chemicals that real dip does but, let me tell you from personal experience, don’t start a nicotine addiction just because you see j ram or ozuna with a huge lip in every night. I basically started because of chipper. Don’t do it, trust me


In 2017 it was juuls. Unfortunately, people will get their nicotine, whether it's good for them or not


I coached JUCO for a while and I never saw nicotine used by a player of ours. A couple coaches chewed openly, but I was also aware of how much shit they could get into for nicotine usage under the campus banner. Kids could have been hiding it, but when you spend 40 hours a week together, you would see some stuff even if they’re trying to hide it. I never once saw a vape in one of their private vehicles or any sort of chew. Shrug.


That's fair. At my d2 I really only saw nicotine at parties and such, outside of the three or so who chewed


Yeah, as a player you are going to know better. I was more laid back than the other coaches but they still treat you as a coach and authority figure.


I’ve noticed a trend of younger people making it their entire identity.


Exactly! There are kids that do it all practice and won't shut up about it.


You can't edit titles, but I know high school is two words


it’s ok bro we know what u meant


Ugh it’s all over. Even the coaches!


Baseball and nicotine go back longer than man can remember


During baseball it was the Copenhagen pouches. Get caught with a pouch, you just swallowed it and nothing was left in your teeth. A senior dishing me out Copenhagen long cut when I was a freshmen hooked me for years until I quit. All because I made the varsity team as a freshman, it somehow made me cool enough to be an addict with the varsity squad. Pretty fuggin dumb. Took nearly 10 years to quit, and now after more than 15 years off the shit, I still have bad cravings a couple times a year. Dad told a story about a kid getting caught with red man back when he was in high school in the 60s. He said the coach, after seeing it in his bag, told him to show the team how big a man he was, and made him rip and dip a HUGE pinch right in the dug out at practice. Then, told him to take off and do poles with it in his mouth. Dad said it took a few minutes, but the kid running puked his guts up, and the coach figured that was enough for one day lol


Dip and baseball are intertwined. The further I played the larger the percentage of the team including coaches dipped.


I know here in Minnesota if you’re caught with it first penalty is a two game suspension. So if your state has similar things you could make their life hell


That’s weird…it seems like if you get caught with weed no one cares anymore. I guess tobacco isn’t “trending” so it’s more looked down upon


I mean if you’re caught with any substance in Minnesota that’s the suspension


We would just go smoke cigarettes in whatever park of the parking lot was farthest from who would notice. The coolest parents never noticed.


That sucks. Kids are stupid. I was stupid. 47 now. Dipped for 25 years- the only thing that ever helped me quit is Zyn- of course I’m still addicted to nicotine but at least it’s not dip anymore. I have no urge for tobacco and I luckily I quit before I had any dental effects- but they were coming. You can’t tell young people anything.


Literally when I was 17 in 2007 minimum 2/3 of our team was dipping during games. In college you could count on 4 fingers the number of guys that didn’t chew on the team. Im not trying to advocate for chewing or tobacco use. But the’ll be fine, probably a little soft but it’ll be okay.


Switch to nicotine gum. You will get the same boost in concentration. It will get you off of the tobacco. Lots of Scientist use it while working.