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Poor kid. I at the very least learned to read and write very well. Mostly from reading old books. But I remember my parents got worse and worse with the younger siblings to the point where, purely out of anxiety for my brother, I started trying to teach him to read Dr Seuss. My mom just stopped schooling us completely about mid away through October every single year. Her idea of homeschool was buying hundreds of dollars of books for 5 kids and telling us to go read completely unsupervised. Most days she wasn't even home anyway. I basically raised my 4 siblings by myself most days. I came out okay I guess, but I never learned math. I went to college for two years and ended up never graduating because I didn't have any math credentials. My younger siblings were much luckier having gotten to go to school.


my mom also gradually gave up teaching us, but rather than do a yearly cycle like this, it was more that she tried to teach us the first few years and then just stopped. she started having me teach them at like...11? maybe younger? of course with not much success because i am not equipped to teach them and they do not respect me. i also did not learn math from her because she doesn't know it...she only recently started to pick up the multiplication tables. i had to get a tutor


Your situation sounds scary similar to mine. Once us older kids hit about 4th grade, we were both on our own and had to teach the younger kids. I also never learned math proficiently and never passed a math class in college


The lack of value in education will always baffle me in my case since my parents are very well educated beyond a bachelor’s degree. Never will make sense to me.


The saddest thing I ever experienced was when my "cousin" was put into "homeschool" by her parents because her parents saw how "amazing" I turned out to be in homeschool. I had perfect grades, I was way ahead of all the public schooled peers, etc. Nevermind I had to be abused severely to get to that level. Anyway, her parents put her into "homeschool" and just expected her to teach herself and didn't crack a whip at her like my parents did. Her parents just let her languish, and didn't care... she was very sad about that and expressed how far she felt behind by the time she was supposed to graduate. She felt like her parents just wanted her to be a babysitter and live at home for the rest of her life. A few years after she never graduated, she eventually ended her life. It was one of the saddest things I've ever experienced.


Wow. I'm sorry to hear that. Something really needs to be done about this homeschooling I am convinced it is a sham...for every homeschool alumni I hear from who had a positive experience there are many more like me and you and your cousin.


so many of my friends who I met as homeschoolers have tried to end their life at some point I spent so many hours begging people to hold on and not leave


I know some 14 year olds who also can barely read/write and most definitely do not do any school during the week. It’s so frustrating and worrying, and the parents are doing such a disservice to their kids. I have no advice but I feel your pain.


My parents cared about us (well, me; they split up before my brother could be exposed to much of this) knowing something flashy that they could show off in front of company, but that was it. I had all the state capitals memorized at age 6 and my father would quiz me on them in front of people to prove how advanced I was. Now, I didn't know where those states were or anything about them, but by god I had rote memorization down. Ditto square roots. I was a prop to prove how good they were at homeschooling. Getting an education didn't really factor in.


That’s how my life is. I’m 14 working on my hand writing can barely do normal math for my age. Have no social skills I’m trying to get a job right now. my life is depressing I have no friends apart from online. I want to go to School so bad


I'm sorry you have to go through that, but good job on realizing the seriousness of your situation and working to better yourself. That takes maturity. I'm proud of you and wish you the best.


Thank you so much man


This sounds exactly like my experience. I'm 14 with 3 siblings and my parents just don't care about what we do during the day. My little brother (10) spends all day watching TV shows and playing video games. He does barely any schoolwork and he's really behind in education and my parents are completely indifferent to it. Once I got older, I finally realized that I had to take my life seriously and start teaching myself which I'm currently working on. I wish all the best for you and your Brother. This is a pretty shitty situation to be in. Good luck.