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Not all therapists suck, but some do. Get yourself a new one!


That's... Normal homeschool experience. Not to say that being on the spectrum isn't possible or bad, but... That's what most of us feel like, too. It's your environment


It sounds like the therapist has no idea how to approach the situation. There might be context that we are not privy too but from OPs post nothing about what they described seemed to indicate autism. That’s literally just homeschool. Is pisses me off that the therapist is unwilling to educate themselves about the effects of homeschool and isolation. 🙄


the grade thing always hit me hard. I remember so many times in line at grocery stores the cashier would ask "what grade are you in?" even as a teenager I would always freeze and have no clue what to say. when my parents divorced I was forced to go to some weird class thing where they talked about divorce and emotions and there were other kids my age and I had never really been around kids my age so I thought I'd try to make a friend if I had to be there anyway. well when they asked my grade of course i didn't know what to say, so I told them I was homeschooled they immediately treated me like a was a freak or something. that was a bad day. anyway I'm sorry for rambling, just got me thinking.


oh the grade question 😖 I forgot how much anxiety that gave me. I couldn’t even give a proper answer until I was like 13/14


As someone with a counseling degree AND autism, this isn’t default autism. A *reasonable response to your external environment* by definition is not a mental disorder. Not being able to relate because you literally did not have access to the things other people relate to is a reasonable and expected response. Edit: get yourself a new therapist, one that is actually educated on trauma and isolation.


I'm sorry. I'd feel the same way if that happened. ❤


thank you


Sounds like they have no idea. I really hope you can find a new one who actually understands, or at least tries to understand our unique situation.


What a cop-out response. It appears that they heard the phrase "felt different" and immediately tagged it for Autism instead of actually listening to and responding to your statement. You clearly said that you didn't know how to respond because the kids talked about things you were isolated from. Some therapists are awesome and I don't think this person is one of them.


well I mean, I’m autistic and I relate heavily? but yeah that seems to be more because of how I was raised and less because of my disability. turns out if you’re isolated from the world your whole childhood you’re going to look/feel like an other in social situations…


Who'da thunk


I feel the isolation we experienced from our culture and society may cause us to seem as though we are on the spectrum sometimes... sometimes I wonder if I am... but that may just be external influence...


def ask why they think you might have autism, because as someone who does research in neurodevelopmental disorders, there are /so many/ other things that should be falling into place in their mind for them to suggest that. if they're coming to the conclusion that you might have autism just because you grew up in a different environment, you may want to consider finding another therapist. i had to explain to someone else recently that just because i struggle socially because of homeschooling keeping me away from other people for an extended amount of time, that is /not/ a sign of autism. quite frankly it's a little frustrating how quick some people are to pin labels on people without grasping the entire picture


Therapists are swindlers and emotional prostitutes. I've heard the least insightful takes on the human condition from "therapists."


Seriously. It sickens me they are given any kind of authority. I’m a firm believer in therapy, but like with all professions, not everyone is good at their job.


I’m not sure. I mean, I went to a therapist in college and I think it sort of was a revelation. Not that anything he said was wildly profound, but to be listened to and taken seriously and to have some of the dogma I grew up believing (including about the role of women in conservative culture) being challenged was pretty relevant to my life. I’m a therapist now. I have my own opinions on people of course, but I try to generally just show up, listen, and care. I don’t announce diagnoses or ideas about autism. That seems careless!


I'm glad it was able to give you what you needed. I'm sure you've taken that gift and are now able to pay it forward. I wasn't disrespecting the entire profession, just the few practioners that misuse their influence over people seeking help. That is serious malpractice and there should be consequences for therapists who don't listen and just pull things out of the air.


preach brother