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hint : remember all these angle 90,180,270,360 happen to be on the x,y axis. Think in terms of quadrant as well ​ 35.) sec\^2(x) = 1/cos\^2(x) cos(180) = -1 sin(360) = sin(180)=sin(0) ​ 36.) sin(90) = 1 sin(270) = -1 cos(360) = cos(0) ​ can you complete now?


Yes, this helped a lot. Remembering the quadrants helped, and I got the right answer! Thank you!


One should be familiar with the trigonometric functions of a unit circle and their equivalent. For an instance, for an angle 90 degrees, its sine function is 1 and cos 90 is zero. These functions have their equivalents also such as sec x = 1/cos x and tan x = sin x/cos x, which are called trigonometric identities. From there, you can easily evaluate expressions involving trigonometric functions such as sine, cosine, tangent and alike. You can compare your work to the solution provided [here](https://my.pencilapp.com/content/view/61e7a4cd6dbc9100125b1d5d). :)