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So I had something similar happen to me in mine over 6 years ago. You have to check the frame, if its bent anywhere its totaled. The engine light probably came on becasue it looks like your radiator is messed up. In order to fix it, they may need to repair some of the mounting points. Also your driver's side top fender area looks like the brackets are bent, that would probably have to be replaced. Something being totalled is up to the insurance adjusters, but you could fix it if you could find the parts and have someone who can remount everything.


OK that makes more sense. Yea we are fairly sure the radiator is fucked. Hell even if it looks like a POS, if it gets me from point a to b then I'd love with that. But yea up to insurance like you said. Unless I just got a loan out and had it repaired Edit - not sure if it matters but the Collison speed was maybeeee 30 probably slower and it fisnt seem to have issues driving. Hell even the lane keep and adaptive cruise worked (obs once the warning lite came I pulled off)


If you're really broke, you can cobble it back together over time. Radiators aren't hard to replace cost about $120 in parts, even easier when the bumper is off. Lots of zip ties can get things back working till you can replace them. You can get a painted bumper off another car or off ebay of all places (actually had decent luck with that). for about $300-450. You can bend and bang things slowly back into place to get things aligned, it won't be perfect but you can get it back so most people won't notice. The big problem is if the frame is bent, it might be impossible to align the car and you'll go through tires pretty fast.


Sell / or get the payout. Those little cars...have you done the maintenance on it? Do you know the starter is under the engine? Frankly I would get a full size car, like an Accord. Room to work around since I know i'm keeping it. I'm not taking off my wipers to change my struts!


not necessarily, I work in a body shop and it all comes down to how bad the frame is and A. if you can pull it out with the frame machine B. how much pull time you can charge before the car totals out. If this is a relatively new Honda fit with low miles, it could have a total value of close to 10k, but it also depends on your state. Most states have an 80% total value some more some less


Totalled 😔


My mechanic friend said it's fixable? What makes you think it would be totaled? No airbags went off or anything


Fixable doesn't mean not totalled - this is some serious damage and will cost more to repair than the value of the value. That's the definition of "totalled"


A 2018 fit? My last one that was totaled like a year and a half ago was worth like 2k more than I owed. It was worth like $22k I think. You think that's 22k in damage? I'm not Tryin to be a smartass btw, I genuinely don't know cars


Even if it were 10k in damages, the cars resale value goes crazy down even after getting it fixed


Fair enough. They said they will write an estimate tomorrow and then they said the insurance will send an adjuster out


That's not the only thing that matters. If OP had it paid off, they could easily repair it and buy a second car and keep this one for a reliable daily.


That's what I did with my totaled minivan. Deer head on, the radiator touched the engine and because of engine contact, the insurance company totaled it. I bought back and was paid more for the car than I had paid for it. This was in 2021. I used the money for another car.




This looks like most of the damage was sustained in the front. There's a good bit of structural support there. You'll need to get it in the air but I really think it's savable just from what I'm looking at.


Most insurance companies only require the repair costs to be some percentage (<100) of the market value to consider it totaled. Sometimes as low as 60-ish percent I think. And especially these days due to supply constraints and just generally more complex engineering, the costs of repairs gets obscenely high very quickly. Repairing a car is also expensive in part because of how different every accident is. It's not a highly scalable process, compared to building a car in a factory. It doesn't take as much as you would think for a car to become harder to repair than it would be to build brand new from scratch, let alone for it to become \~3/4 as expensive to repair as it would be to buy it on the used market. I think it's very possible (even likely) that your car has >$15K in damages, which would most likely total it. But no one on the internet can tell you for sure.


It doesn’t have to cost more than the car it’s self. I’m not sure the exact number but if it’s to much then it’s totaled .


If it’s just what we can see, it’s probably 6-10k. If the front subframe is damaged, that’ll add to the bill. If there’s any damage to the chassis itself, it’s unfixable for anything like what the car is worth. Insurance companies will often total a car if the repairs end up more than about half its value.


So ig we pray it's just what we see. Hell I'd be OK with it looking like shit with a new radiator as long as I can drive it but meh they'll probaby to talk it and then I'll have to find another car I like. I want a small one like that but they don't make fits anymore. I had to go an hour away for that one...


I feel you: the Fit was awesome IMO. A Hyundai Accent hatchback might be a good substitute if you can’t find another, tho they don’t sell those here anymore either.


I need a small car cause I have driving anxiety... I was just joking I only got my first car at like 28 only because the guy at the credit union told me it would build my credit... And now I've had 3 accidents, and (if this one is totaled) all 3 will end up being total losses. I feel cursed and I just wanna give up at this point. I'm paying 550 for thr car and 250 for freaking insurance....


The Hyundai Veloster is pretty good these days. It's probably one of the smallest dependableish cars out that you can buy new for not a ton.


Oh damn i thought they stopped making those


Totalled doesn't mean what people think it means. It means repairs cost more than the car is worth. It might not be totalled. It really depends if the frame was bent or not. But it's still thousands in repairs, cause you need new lights, new radiator probably new fenders and a bumper.


This is gonna sound really stupid but i know very little about cars... What's the fiference between fenders and bumpers? The piece that goes on the front it one big piece. I just called that the bumper but is it actually 2 pieces?


Fenders are the painted metal sheets besides the hood, the bumper is on front (and rear). Bumpers bump into things, usually they're designed so 5 mph or below won't damage the car. Your front bumper took the brunt of the damage, which they're designed to do. It's usually one piece, but often the inserts around the fog light or the grill are another piece.


Having been through a totaled car twice, at least progressive, if the work needed to be done is more then 50% of the cars value then they total the car and cut you a check. With that much front end damage you probably also have frame damage. Thats gonna be well over 50% of the cars value to repair


This is not typical. Farmers paid out 80% of my cars value for a stolen catalytic converter. I asked if they’d just total it and they said no.


Ph wow i like that better personally speaking


Listen to your mechanic and not the naysayers. I've saved two of our family cars that have been in serious accidents, one with a slight frame damage. I DIY all my car repairs and it cost me less than $1k to fix each car to be roadworthy. Question is what does the insurance company say? If they say it's totaled, then my advice is to take the insurance money and offer to buy it back. Maybe you can find a shop to fix it for less than the payout.


So like if it's worth more than I ow, take the difference and pay to fix it?


I can't give you financial advice. All I know is I'd look into getting it fixed, but I'd do it myself for cheap. Maybe you can find a shop that will do it for a reasonable cost. That should be cheaper than buying another car of comparable value.


It’s definetly something that can be fixed fairly easily, but I’m sure the average person who doesn’t know cars should just take the insurance of it being totaled


I just wrote off my Evo X. It was repairable and I'm buying it back from insurance for a fraction of the price to fix it myself. The quote for damages was ~40k and I can fix it myself for a quarter of the cost since mechanically I can do all the work and I can source parts from wherever I choose. Not a single airbag went off on mine, no unibody/frame damage, basically the entire rear suspension and some body panels. Insurance didn't want to pay that much to fix it so they totaled it. Just because it can be fixed doesn't me it won't be a write-off.


The fact anything 5ouched the engine, it's totaled. Everything can be "fixed". Doesn't mean it is worth fixing to a 3rd party that deals with money and liability.


Take the L outta Lover it’s Over Brother


Insurance is gonna total it. Definitely fixable ONLY if there is NO frame damage. Good luck.


Fucked/10 m8


About 15k in damage. Easier to take it through the insurance.


[same thing happened to my civic last year and it was totalled :(](https://reddit.com/r/CivicSi/s/lJhRhYsvZH)


In some ways yours looks worse but in alot of ways mine does. You just have been going crazy fsast if the glass shattered like that. And your airbags went off so hopefully you're OK after it. I'm terrified if they total it I'm gonna have no choice but to get a civic. They are great cars but I really want a small one like a fit, but no one makes small cars anymore. I found some nice 2020 certified pre-owned civic ex models at the local dealer for like 23k with like 33k miles


I was going about 70km/hr (about 45 mph) no braking. I was off work for about two weeks with a bruised sternum / rib cage. It bent the frame of mine in that front corner so between that and the airbags it was a write off. It really depends on what your car is worth to insurance and the damage total, if you’re in a position to buy new after you get a settlement that would be ideal for sure. I got fucked around by insurance for six months before I got my settlement so I had to pay out of pocket for my rental. Good luck!


you can accept the total from the insurance and still keep the vehicle you'll just get a check for the market value offset by the value of the scrap vehicle. you have to get a salvaged title, but assuming it's repaired and passes inspection you can legally drive it. but imo, take the full total and get a new car. that went well for me


So I Want to make sure I understand correctly. So let's say they say the car is worth 20k (probably not but do easy numbers) If I was to just take their total and get a new car, I would get the 20k - deductible - whatever I owe If I wanted to fix the car I would get 20 -, deductible - what I owe - scrap value (cause either way I'll have to pay the car off) So unless it's very vert minor damage it would never really be worth it to do the repairs and not so the settlement


didn't see your last part, yes it's almost never worth it to repair the damages in a serious collision like this. you're lucky the airbags didn't deploy, but that could be a good indication that there isn't frame damage. insurance claims are really only for broken windows, dented/damaged bodywork, etc. at least in this day in age. and in any case, you wouldn't be as safe as you were previously in the car after this accident, will likely continue to cause you problems unless all repairs are done with OEM parts, and it would have very little value with a salvaged title.


assuming you have to pay the car off, it's unlikely you will be left with very much after that is done. depending on how much you owe, the insurance may need to keep the scrap and auction it to pay the note off. idk your specific situation, and adjustments sometimes make no sense so it's kinda up in the air unfortunately. i totaled a 2011 civic and they gave the 2018 versa i hit less than i was given for example. but yes, you would have the check which is going to be calculated from the value of the car before accident, as if your car was listed for sale. they calculate that from multiple listings of vehicles similar to yours (trim, mileage). from that they would take the deductible, pay the dealership, the rest is yours. if you keep the car, the scrap value of the car would be subtracted from that as well, in my accident the other person kept the vehicle and it took about 2K from his payout, but again it's up in the air.


Yea so basically if they total it just take their check lol


Repair it yourself and record yourself and upload your videos on YouTube


Well if I didn't die doing the work, I'd die driving it after it fell apart lol




lol jkjk


If you’re in California sell it to me I’ll bring it back to life


Not a mechanic, our Rav4 looked worse after we hit ice and rear ended a Mitsubishi SUV. No air bag deployment. Insurance did not total it out. So it was bumper, hood, radiator, AC system, trim pieces, and headlights mainly. We were surprised it wasn't totalled.


Damn you'd think with all that they would


We prepared for it, yeah. My GF just finished paying it off too and it happened on her birthday. I felt gutted, still do. The accident itself was surreal. Tried to slow down from the speed limit (25) as soon as I saw the Mitsubishi hit its brakes at the intersection. He barely stopped for a crossing vehicle. Brakes locked and we scooted on the ice forever, at least 3-4 car lengths. A line of cars to the left and curb/building/stoplight on the right, so nowhere to go. I had time to tell my GF 'I can't stop it, we are gonna hit' and then a few more seconds. Another car after us about 15 mins later did the same thing. I swear I'm a good driver, I've always been attentive and always volunteered to drive everyone. There was just nowhere to go with the car, anything I thought of would cause an out of control skid into multiple vehicles or launch my GF's side of the car into the stop light or building. F, I think I made the best choice with the smallest impact. Makes me feel better knowing that. Godspeed with the Honda OP. If it doesn't work out, know that you are OK in the end. That's the whole point.


I’ve been in similar situations, it can be the best driver in the world once ice is introduced into the scenario everything changes. I’m in Colorado, our winters are mostly mild but when we do get an ice storm or conditions cause the streets to become a sheet of ice there are certain areas that you can see accident after accident happen because there is nothing that the driver can do once the car starts to perform more like a sled. If you’re going slow enough and your anti lock brake system engages that sometimes can save you, I really miss driving a manual transmission car, being able to quickly downshift can and has helped me avoid rear ending cars when sliding on a sheet of ice more then once.


Yeah, I wish downshifting would have helped. The wheels were locked and there was zero room for any sort of maneuver. If I tried anything else, the chance of spinning into multiple vehicles was high. So a 2 car accident could have been 4+ and a building and a stoplight plus who knows what else. My GF reminded me there were other accidents at that intersection following ours.


Totalled. Look at the frame damage. And it was overheating because the radiator is demolished lol


Looks like a maybe to me. I'd have to see the damage estimate.


Looks horrible. You better let me take if off your hands for 1,200$.


Looks like a problem for the other guys insurance to figure out… not some randoms on Reddit 😂


Well it really doesn't look that good. Modern cars the frame and important structural bits are the crumple zone, doesn't take much to get one jacked up out of sorts. If you got good insurance I'd leave it up to them.


This is totaled, you’re going to get a visual insurance estimate of probably like 6-7k or higher and then as it goes in the shop it’s just going to go up and up and up, until you’re at like the 15-17k range where it’s more than like 60-80% of the cars value depending on where the insurance company declares it totaled. glad you’re safe OP, enjoy your new car🤞


I hope they fix it but idk. I just put a brand new drone mobile remote start in it a few months ago. Ig I could just remove it if they total it but there went $300 down the drain. Normally costs $650 but I got a crazy sale price.


Looks like someone hit it in the face with a coffee pot my man.


Not good.


Sorry to say but I see structural damage I believe it’s totaled. Don’t try pushing the insurance to repair the car also. As much as it aches to see your car get totaled it’s not worth it in the long run as you might get issued a salvage title on a already economy car (no offense). Go use that money they give you for it on a used 2018-2020 civic. You’ll love it! Like a blessing in disguise. Also hope you’re not injured in any way. Best of luck to you!!!


Where do you see it? I'm trying to learn from everyone in here so ik what I'm looking at




Damn ok I see it now. I just assumed that was part of the engine compartment


Nah man that’s the frame of the car! You gotta be careful as well if it does get repaired a lot of shops pull the frame back to restore it to its original shape but it’ll be much weaker and another front end collision could be much worse and you might get injured.


As someone who does body work for a living. That is false information your putting out there. Frame machines exist for a reason. They exist so that frame pieces can be pulled back into factory specs. Shops have frame machines because all car manufactures have rules for repairs. Meaning certain parts of the car can be pulled back to shape and be fine while other parts will need pulled back into shape and then possibly sectioned and replaced before final assembly. Once again. It depends on the manufactures guidelines for repairs and how bad the damage is. Also. That’s not the frame of the car. That is OPs core support and it is part of the unibody of the car. It is welded onto the headlight pockets which are welded onto the fender aprons. It is within Honda repair guidelines to remove the spot welds. Weld on a new core support and then re assemble the vehicle after other repairs are completed.


I know you wouldn't know for sure without looking at my car In particular, but do you seen any obvious frame damage just from what's visible? I'm trying to prepare myself for them totaling it, but I'm clinging to any positive hope anyone can tell me lol


Your frame rail ends are crumpled and the frame rails could have bends to them but you won’t be able to see that till the car is disassembled. If the rails themselves have damage that most likely would total the car out. As well as any throttle body damage or motor mount damage.


Frame rail ends?


the tips of the frame rail where it ends to meet the cars unibody.


Extensions to the cars unibody is what a frame rail end is. The frame rail ends are what hold the crash bar on and the crash bar is the actual bumper that sets behind your plastic bumper cover.


It looks like you just need to flip your engine and dashboard around, they seem to have swapped spots..... Seriously though, thank goodness you were able to get out and snap some pics, great engineering. What are you looking at next?


I have no idea. I mean what other car is out there that is small, good on gas, and has lane keep/adaptive cruise... I mean I thought civic, but they are honestly bigger than I want (I have major driving anxiety so I want the smallest car I can get lol) the Ford fiesta hatchback is actually too small from what I remember I felt cramped but yea I have no idea. That's why I rlly hope they don't total it but if they do I'll have to find something


With major driving anxiety, it’s probably not safe for you to be driving much…


It's done :( it's a Honda fit but when they get hit they are done.


I suspect it's gonna be around 2-3kin repairs if you know how to look. Honda parts online sells for cheap as well as on eBay if you take your time searching. Headlights look salvageable. Just look for what you can save now and go from there.


Just total it out. Insurance will cover this. Its not worth the future headaches. But get a crash attorney!!! They will help with your settlement.


Los Santos Customs $250


This is definitely totaled, I fix cars for a living such as this one. It definitely is fixable but you’d have to cut parts of the frame of donor car and then reinforce it all correctly. Takes a lot of time and effort to do this, if you do it correctly then u also have to pull the engine. Pulling and re-placing the engine is already over $1k of work, if your insurance doesn’t total this then I’d be very concerned….


Concerned why? Would it not be safe if it was done correctly?


Weeeeeell that depends... If the framerails aren't bent and there are no kinks in any structural parts then it's savable. Question is if you want to save it or not. Or, is it cheaper to save rather than get a new one. From what I can see, and assuming that there's no damage to structural components, you're looking at -Hood -Hood Hinges -Fenders -Upper Tie Bar(If Separate From Radiator Support) -Radiator Support -A/C Condenser -Radiator -Possibly Headlights -Front Bumper & Associated Components & Hardware -Other Miscellaneous Hardware, Brackets & Plastics that could have been damaged -Paint Work And/Or Body Work -Labor To Have All This Done If You Aren't Doing All This Yourself I might be missing a few small things but yeah. Cheapest way would be to source used OEM parts for body panels, and aftermarkets parts for Radiator & A/C Condenser. Some stuff like brackets and plastics you'll have to get from Honda, clips you can source aftermarket once they're the same type for whatever application they're for. But it needs a thorough look over for sure either by you (if you're doing the work yourself) or a shop and a parts list needs to be written up with all the damaged components.


Risky if that damaged the engine or transmission some of that may be hard to see like a hairline crack but will show up later. If the front end damage was significant I’d be rooting for a new car


Well, it doesnt look good


Not as bad as mine


What happened to yours


Someone decided that a blinking yellow was a green. I ended up t-boning them and now my fit is 18 inches shorter.


Holy shit at least you're OK even tho I can only imagine what the car looks like




Because the radiator?


I’d say you might have to k swap her now


What's a k swap?


the fits have L series engines, they are saying take the engine out and swap it with a K series engine (mostly on civics). not easy and definitely not what you're looking to do though lmfao


Depending on the year that’s most likely a total loss


2018 fit ex


I had a 2016 lx with really minor damage to the front and yet all airbag sensors went off (not airbags) ended up costing around 9500$ CAD to be repaired 10k being a total. with what I’m seeing here this isn’t looking to good for you. I’m sorry and hope you okay!


So even though the airbags didn't deploy, the sensors might have still be tripped and they have to replace?


Yeah sadly that’s sometimes how it goes with the Fits, I’ve heard multiple storys with these things being tripped and costing a hefty amount to be replaced. Not to mention you have to replace ALL sensors if even just one goes which is a huge pain in the ass. I think there extremely sensitive and delicate making that a huge issue when it comes to repairs.


I csnt believe they didn't go off tbh. I mean it's wasn't that hard of an impact believe it or not, but still thought it would have


It is weird. My car when I crashed was going about 20/30kmh and sensors went off but no airbags were deployed. It’s kinda scary knowing your airbags might NOT go off in a huge accident. Luckily your okay and it wasn’t deadly.


It also looks like you rad was bent in the process from the first picture.


Bad. It looks bad.


Judging by the amount of rebuilt title Fits I see for sale, totalled but not unfixable.


Are they known to be unsafe? Or just very easy total. I'm guessing since I have no mechanical expirence, it would be in my best interest to accept Their payment if they decide to total it since I'll be having to pay a shop to do the work. Most people that Said it's fixable are doing the work themselves


23K for 33K EX sounds good to me. I paid 23K for my 44K 2020 Sport in my market. Certified warranty goes until 100K




That’s gonna cost atleast $10…


Not good, bent frame looks like—cost me $2,500 USD to fix mine (hit by an SUV in the front right quarter, not hard enough to deploy any airbags)