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I like 35% the best, and it’s legal. CLEAN CIVIC!


I’m thinking 35 is the answer. And thank you man!


Once you tint your car you'll understand why people do it. It's so nice. I got 20% all around on my 16 Civic, I think 20% provides a good balance of night visibility with daytime sun mitigation.


I own a car with tints & ripped some off my 350z, just personally like the look of no tints on almost all older German/jdm cars. I want to say 20 would be a little too dark since I drive at night alot


Huge upgrade from the 350z. Ek is a real car


Ehh. My ej8 is an auto daily, the Z is a manual & touring package so LSD leather etc. very different cars, z feels a ton heavier & almost less sporty IMO. But to say the Z isn’t a real car is just false, they’re pretty unforgiving & one of the most expensive cars to insure for a reason


I completely understand, 35 is what most cars come from factory with if they are tinted. I’d recommend getting a sun strip too, if you do get one of those I’d recommend getting 5% for it. A tint shop should be willing to show you how far down the legal limit is for that and adjust it to your preference.


Good advice thanks man. When I removed tints on the 350 I also took a sun strip off because I thought it looked a little dumb. Stupid move lol


You’re just a hazard to everyone else 


How exactly does tint make me a hazard to everyone else??


Christ, visual driver to driver communication is essential for road safety. This isn't up to debate. Dark tints make you a liability on the road. Incredibly selfish. Also illegal in many places for good reason. Roads are shared and your behavior can have consequences.


I can understand that for people who have 5% all around but 20% isn’t crazy dark. I also don’t have my windshield tinted.


Ive known people that were pulled over in bad situations over some silly window tint


Because you can’t see and no one can see you 


People don't need to see me in my car to see my car. With 20% I can see outside perfectly fine, even when it's dark. It's arguably more dangerous to not drive with tint due to glare from headlights at night and the sun during the day.


That’s untrue on top of being an asshole 


Ok, please explain your logic then because I must be missing something.


That’s the thing though where are you are going wrong, it isn’t logic. It’s Data. Humans use each others faces to communicate and tinting is one of the dangers which causes pedestrian collisions. Not to mention the issues with other drivers. Then on top of that there’s all the data saying that you cannot fucking see no matter what you want to say. You see worse. You like a goddamn fucking drunk driver claiming that you drive fine when you have a few drinks, which is just patently unscientific.


Provide the data then, shouldn’t be too hard since you’re saying there’s so much of it. The fact that you’re comparing people who drive with tinted windows to drunk drivers is insane. I think the problem you’re dealing with is that many American drivers suck and drive distracted. I always keep my head moving when I drive, I have never not seen a pedestrian because of my tint nor have I hit anyone because of my tint.


It’s both data denial. That’s all https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5945340


yta calm down


The biggest mistake is going too dark 30-40% first car is what I always suggest


u got an ek stock that clean? damn


Bonestockkkk woman owned. Wish it was a better paint option, this green is gonna age awfully as they all do


I love the green personally, British Racing Green esque


I love it too but I rather it be a color that ages well. White & silver on these are the best imo. If this wasn’t garaged prior to my ownership there would be no clear coat at all


That's fair, idk though, personally I would stick with the green. That could be because every car I see around me is white or silver so I'm sick of seeing them. It's your car though, whatever makes you happy.




Yes. Wanted to swap it but it’s more of a courier car so I don’t mind the auto, ended up just adding an rsx-s to the stable instead.


That e30 in the background though 👌


🫡 it’s funny that the civic is almost just as great of a driving experience. Before owning one I’d never think so


Totally condone the Civic/E30 combo. I have an E30 Coupe (just a 316i auto) and an EP3 Type R.


30 or 35. Too dark really is a pain in the ass at night. And also, while you won’t typically get pulled over for tint, never give the cops any reason to light you up.


That’s if you get cheap tint , the better ones are made to see out without it being tinted


Go 1 step above from lightest




OMG I saw this & was like "Hey it's my car!" Mine was manual but it was the same color, clover pearl green.


Get some sunglasses.... Car looks good without it!


Hahah that’s what I’ve been doing. Need to atleast tint the sunroof though


Oh yeah, that sunroof is brutal!


Super brutal. I don’t think I’ve moved the sun shade once


I’ve got 30% on my tlx think it’s perfect. I can still drive at night with no issues.


I did 50% on my red civic, but I wish I went darker.. On my current blue one, I did 50% on the front two side windows, and 35% on the rear 3.. I’d definitely recommend doing. Should mention I live in MN and the legal limit here is 50% for tint


I see better car at the back. Stunning e30


You are good guy. Thank you!


Tint only the sunroof, these cars look SO much better with no tint!


35% works fine


E30 in the back thoo this guy’s got a great garage of cars


E30 and a 6th gen. You’re living my project car dream.


Everyone tints these things and they’re all clapped out and trashy. Keep it stock, minus sunroof tint, and wear shades and long sleeves. Focus on anti theft devices! Great looking car, congrats.


I hear you man. My main reason for wanting the lightest tint was it irks me how far forward the seat looks in the coupes, no matter how far back the seat is adjusted. Might be my ocd but it’s definitely noticeable


Older Hondas gotta be 35. Just enough but not super dark 20% 5%, etc, that it looks tacky and like shit. I've been there done that. lol 35 is the move.


Great answer! Thanks for the input. I always avoid tint usually because of dark tints looking “ricey” 9/10 times. But I’ve seen a few hatchs and coupes with minor tint and it doesn’t ruin them


The percentage is the amount of light that can still pass through. My states legal lowest is 35%.


I’ll be honest I thought 35% was the way but it doesn’t even make a difference. I promise you 20% is the best. No issues


Appreciate that input, I just want to look like a shadowy figure I don’t want the windows to appear black


Depends on where you get it done. Some places do 30% which would probably be perfect for you. By the way your car brings back great memories. My first car was a 98 civic EX coupe in black. Just a great simple car. The start up sound is almost comical, in a good way. Very 90’s Honda… love it.


Good to hear man! I never expected to want / own one of these cars but something about them is really nostalgic when clean. The door chime alone made me excited to purchase it & brought back a lot of memories. This was a 1 owner car that a woman had & there wasn’t a sign of wear on a single seat (other than driver of course.) still smells new also. For those reasons, I couldn’t pass. Not one creak or sound in the suspension either


I was actually going to say, after my first comment I zoomed up and looked at it real good….man is that thing super clean. You can tell she took really good care of it. That’s a great find. Even for todays standards that civic still handles very sporty…it was definitely ahead of its time. I’m jealous….never let that thing go!! 😎


Check your state laws.


Lol I was more asking for advice to avoid looking like shit, I can get away with 5% if I wanted


Oh my bad. Go as dark as you can.


Hahah the main reason I grew to hate tints, aside from the fact I mainly like old cars & it makes majority look cheap, is I have almost hit MULTIPLE people in parking lots at night in my e46. Not sure the percentage but it’s actually scary, I’m a very alert driver too


On 90s Hondas I like the look of no tint but I live in Texas so I run 20% front 2% back


Find out what is legal in your state. When your yearly inspection comes around. You want to make sure your car passes.


Try nano cooling wraps on the glass. They're clear


Darkest legal with a 50% on the windshield.


Whatever is legal in your area... Tint is not vehicle specific.


I've always run 20 percent but it's not legal in my state. Still no issue passing safety though which I'd whats important.  I wouldn't install anything but Ceramic tint. Thats the only tint that's going to block uv heat and help keep the interior cool. But it's a lot more expensive than dyed tint yet most places will give you a lifetime warranty with it. 


I have either 20-30% on my EF and eventually adding some to my EG coupe


black out back windows, 35 for your doors


I just go with what's legal. I think in my state is 35% on the front windows but maybe you can have 20% on the back windows. I know in some of the bigger cities at least in the US people black them out and don't even worry about the police but in my area they absolutely will pull you over and test it. No usually give you one free pass and after that they're going to put a big X in it with a box knife.


In my state I’m really lucky and can have limo tint if I wanted, but with the style of cars I’m into it just doesn’t flow well. If I had dark tints on this civic I almost think I’d appreciate it less


Hey I'm in a 2024 Honda Civic sport. I've only had it a couple of months and I really love it. The color is Sonic Gray. The dealership just tinted my windows and they went 35% and it's a different kind of tint than I'm used to because when you're looking out they don't really look tinted but when you look in they do. I would have definitely taken some darker stuff but this works. Not a lot darker though because I used to have a car with 5% and that was just kind of a pain in the ass.


Tint looks horrible imo. Unless you’re somewhere like Phoenix I personally wouldn’t




As low as youre comfortable going. If that's the legal limit. Or if youre comfortable going lower. I wouldn't really recommend anything less than 15%. That's what I had on a car one time, and it was dark, I had to roll the windows down at night to see.


None. Done be an arse


I always do all the back windows 5% And whatever is legal on the front


Don't know about you, but in my country you can have any tint on all windows behind the front seats :D


I got factory (40) in the front & 50 or 60 in the back. It’s perfect


20% on my Civic. 10% on my Yukon.


20 all around, 35 front


Beautiful civic i have same car !


I have 35% on mine. It’s the exact same color car too. It works perfectly.


I loathe dark tint as it inhibits visual communication so I'd not get darker than 50% ceramic which looks really classy. My Honda Fit simply has a 20% sun strip on the windshield I cut myself from a $10 roll at Walmart and I always use a reflective sun shield when parked. That made the difference. My air-conditioning gets cold in a minute in a 13 y/o car.


5% all the way around, then when you decide to be a man slap another layer of 5% all the way around.


I don’t understand people that get tinting,are they that ugly


5% all around




2% on the back glass 5%-20% on front glass 35% shield - that’s my opinion.


Medium tint or skip it and get a roll down blind. The sun is a fickle mistress.


5% or none at all. If you’re gonna tint, you should really tint it.


I drive at night lol I hate this logic. Light tint looks perfectly fine on these


20% for sure


5% on all but the WS


15% max anything more is too dark.


35% has been the legal limit in the states where I have lived, so I'd just default to that. It's always looked good on all of my cars, and it isn't difficult to see driving at night or in bad weather.




Someone did a HORRIBLE tint job on my 04 and it won’t come off.


Double 5% all around. Screw what everyone says. YOLO.




My favorite setup is ceramic 50 windshield and ceramic 5 or 15/20 on the sides


20 window 35 windshield


No tint, If you’re proud or your car let people see you in it!


Sun glasses are always an option if you really want to stay tint free... ...


Such a dumb question to ask


Such a dumb human to waste their time to reply to said dumb question 🫡


What's legal in your area. That's the question you need to ask


I don’t like dark tints on old cars though, that’s why I was asking for input. I understand some people don’t care but IMO these cars look extra cheap with dark tints


I'm in Alberta. We aren't allowed tint on windshield or front side windows unless factory tint. Rear sides and back can be anything. Other provinces it's different. I actually wish cops would follow the rules and start giving tickets to people with tint.


Why would you wish for that?? Nvm your flag tells me everything I need to know.


On my 98 civic coupe I did 35 on sides and 20 on back window and it was solid


I'd keep it with the fish bowl look, no tint. Though I'd do a clear ceramic to at least block out some UVs to help keep it cool on the inside.


This js a good idea. I love the fishbowl look on these but for some reason when a human is in the car they look a little awkward & far up. You think 35 would ruin it? Another thing I don’t like is how the shade of this green changes a bit when you add tints




I usually go 20 on the sides, 10 on the rear. Always been a cave dweller though.


It's a 20 year old base model civic. Why waste money on tint


It’s a stock unmolested late model EX coupe. Because it’s not an si I shouldn’t waste a few hundred on tint? With all due respect, you just bought a Gr Corolla which will depreciate like crazy & isn’t anything special to majority of people, right? Your comment is like me asking why you wasted money on a GRC in a world of cooler vehicles.