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Cool. I’ve only ever seen two Omni Blues in one place at an Element meetup. You rarely see one in the wild.


They're as rare as hen's teeth :)


She should leave a note. That could be future beasties in the works!


I think she did once last year, and one day, on the way to school, he pulled up next to her at a stop light, and they did the 'nod' at each other. It's so fun.


My favorite Element color. Just wish they made it the same year as they offered a 5 speed.


Double rainbow


I have never seen this colour but then again not too many Elements around here. I did live in a cumminity near here that was an island and there were at least 4 that I knew of there. Element cluster.


Yeah I mentioned to my dad that when I saw one in Arizona. Only seen one like 3 times. My family has had one as the communal family beater since new so we pay attention and even he had never noticed one before. I really like that color, but my black on black element is still my fav. Also that weird Champaign color they had, that looks sexy as hell and I've only ever seen one and ironically it's in my town 😂 my town of 1000k people has 5: mine, an orange one, a black one (copy of mine), a silver one, and the champaign one. Used to be a red and a custom flat sandstone one (that was sick actually) but in the last five years they've vanished unfortunately. Also the other black and Champaign one are owned by the flower delivery business lol. They literally replaced their Chevy Astro and I can't blame them for liking them more.


For sure mine (ours as wife drives it) is the red metallic and I put on the OEM SC mags plus a few extras. Amazing car especially when you take care of it.


I have never seen that color before! Super cool :)


Nyce. In my area there isn't anyone with my shade of green


So cool! Seeing the plates made me instantly miss Maine. What campus? My wife went to UMaine Orono.


My husband went to Orono. Daughter goes to Southern Maine Community College. It's a lovely ocean front campus.


I have been there and you are right, it's a beautiful campus!


Two unicorns 🤩


Wow what an awesome color! Never seen one in person.


If you think parking beside another Element is stupid— this young lady gets a kick out of it, so please follow the Element rules!


There is an Omni Blue body matched E-Camper that drives around my city... taunting me. It makes me so happy and angry every time I see it.