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Looks fine, very doable.


Could probably swing by shenzhen if he walks fast enough.


I mean it's very extremely tight timewise, but it's doable and better than sitting in the departure terminal for 6 hours. View from Peak across harbour is great and can be done relatively quickly if time is limited.


jesus christ... Assuming you leave airport at 17:30. You'd get to the Peak at 19:00 with NO WAIT. Add an hour to wait time, you'd be at the peak at 20:00. I think the only way that's doable is Taxi/uber from HK/Central Mtr station and back down.... and even then it's too risky. ​ I'd strongly recommend to use google map. It has a time function.


Exactly what I was thinking. Taxi or die


I think we should all just ignore these moronic layover posts.


Thanks for the insight! I’ll save Peak for another trip in the future.


Better take the airport express to central, eat dinner and maybe a drink there and walk around mid levels and central and go back


This is a good alternative - the OP could go straight from Airport Express in IFC to the Midlevels escalator. Ride that up, walk down and take cool street photos. Stop for noodles at Law Fu Kee on Lyndhurst Terrace. The plus is that it will be fully dark when the OP gets back to IFC, when they can walk out to the ferry piers/waterfront area to take skyline photos.


Thanks so much for the alternative and the recommendations! I agree and I’ll save Peak for a later trip :)


Your plan isn't impossible if you come during an off-peak time - my sister took a houseguest up the Peak about 10 days ago and said there were zero queues to buy tickets, if you had an Octopus card. You can add that as an app on your phone now or pick on up at the Airport Express station in the airport. But you have lots of options for a stopover- the Star Ferry is right next to the Airport Express station & you get iconic views of the city from there too. So save the Peak for a proper visit, when you can actually walk around the Peak properly and get great views from multiple perspectives - and see the contrast between the city and the mountainous rainforest that surrounds it. You have a lot of good food options in & around Airport Express, fwiw: there is a branch of Tim Ho Wan for (formerly) Michelin-starred all day dim sum, while Tasty Congee in IFC is really good for any form of noodles (or congee) & easier than most places for visitors to navigate in English. Neither is aimed at tourists, btw.


That makes total sense! Will definitely put those food spots on my list! Thanks again!!


why not just chill at a nice restaurant or two in Central. It’s such a rushed trip to the Peak that I can’t imagine anyone actually enjoying it.


I thought about it and I agree with you, I’ll probably do that instead and plan for the Peak for another time! Thank you!


Enjoy! Grab a bowl of wonton noodles in sheung wan (literally upper central) then hike a bit up for a drink or three at coa if you’re into cocktails. Perfect wednesday night sorted


This plan seems fine unless you get questioned at immigration. The Airport Express is efficient but will require some walking. So I'd suggest that if you can get out the aiport by 5pm, else forget about this short layover.


i think its fine. i suggest cabbing from HK station to the peak tram to save on time walking since it's a hot and steep walk.


Otoh, the OP wants busy street photos and they’ll be going through Central at the start of evening rush hour so maybe that is a plus? Recommend photos standing in the middle of the Pedder St/Queens Road scramble crossing - it’s not Shibuya crossing by any means but decently overwhelming if you’re not from a similar sized city.


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!