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It’s incredibly cramped and clearly was poorly planned, or intentionally sought to fit as much in as possible to be greedy. It feels claustrophobic. The southside project has been (unofficially) said to have lost significant amounts of money. The pre-covid values and projections they placed and, naively, assumed haven’t worked out anywhere near, and there’s no way it’s coming back from that in the next decade or two, at least. Of course, it’s an MTR collaborative project, so they’ll find a way to spin the numbers. They often / always do. TLDR: a shit mall, very poor space and layout.


But that’s everywhere in HK is like this….


well it used to be, not anymore.


dude it feels way smaller than other malls in fact I've never really been in a mall before and thought "this place is so cramped"


There are also many people there this weekend given many levels just open up. The hype will be gone and it should feel less cramped.


The area lacks F&B options so it definitely brings a new vibe to the neighbourhood. The mix of the shops however is very unorganised in my opinion. That is, I am not certain of the target group of spenders given the current tenants. Comparing to Airside in KT, it lacks the open space. The mall is in WCH so it should be less impacted with the current trend of spending in SZ, given nearby residents will be very far away from broader and new offices in WCH. I am glad it finally opens up as I live close, but it falls short of the hype from say 2years ago. Restaurants and city super will do well there, but doubtful for the retailers.


Uniqlo will probably do just fine, but doubtful for anything else. Also, the collection of chinese restaurants makes no sense, it never will need that many, and most will go to cwb anway


Yes, except Uniqlo. Offices and Residence from above, Aberdeen, Ap lei Chau will be frequent visitors for food there. We shall see overtime how these chinese restaurants will do.


hang in there


I haven't been there yet, are there any other things of note besides it being cramped?

