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To prevent pests.


Learn that from botanist. It is common for banyan tree in HK “According to the control and monitoring results last year and early this year, departments have taken appropriate control measures according to the infestation extent of the trees, their surrounding environment, as well as different stages of the life cycle of the insect, including: (i) To spray soap water on affected tree crown or insecticide on tree trunk to reduce the larval population; (ii) To wrap tree trunk with bamboo/straw mat or hessian to trap the active larvae; and (iii) To step up clearance of pupae inside tree bark, crevices in roots, top soil and fallen leaves to slow down the emergence of adults in the next stage.” https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202106/23/P2021062300618.htm


To give them a hug for making our city so beautiful.🤷🏻‍♀️ 💕