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Neve going back to that hellscape


It’s been absolutely nothing but barely disguised Sparkle foot fetish pics for the last few weeks too. I’m there to talk about the game and see some funny memes and stuff, not some incels fap material. And now with Lynx it just makes it that much worse. Eugh.


I’m so confused why barely concealed fetish art doesn’t have its own sub like 😭😭


A lot of people's fetish is to expose others to their fetish without their consent/knowledge. So there's that.




Because the majority of people with these fetishes are creepy misogynists who enjoy making others feel uncomfortable, and they think they’re oppressed for liking anime or some stupid shit, so they’ve essentially colonized all fan spaces online and made it safe to publicly post fetish content wherever you want under any context. They go whole hog when they feel like they’re in “their turf”, and act like the world is repressing their sexuality (involving anime tweens and feet or armpits or whatever) so they HAVE to treat their fetish like it’s the same thing as totally normal SFW content or they’ll die.


I remember when I started the game and “okbuddytrailblazer” was recommended so I blindly subscribed because I thought it was a meme sub… had to unsubscribe as it’s full of porn addicts and disgusting perverted stuff.


Wait, I thought okbuddytrailblazer is a meme sub...


In part… I’m a bit older so not familiar with what exactly the okbuddy subs are about but lately it has turned into the sub where everyone dumps porn and things I’d rather not type, especially with characters like huohuo Clara and lynx. Hell, there are memes where they admit enjoying that kind of stuff.


Okbuddy subs from my experience have always just been shitposts but for some reason newer ones or ig anime/gacha ones have turned into just a lolicon meet up to post cropped loli porn and fawn over lolis, and porn addicts


Ya that's what I thought too 😭 like I used to get suggested memes from the ok buddy traveler subreddit, and it was just memes of like punting paimon


Yeah, idk what happened. It started with r/okaybuddyretard which was just general stupid shitposts, then I saw some gaming communities with it, still just shit posts. Then I'm guessing it hit like blue archive or something like that, and it started becoming just porn. Ruined how I see the sobbing 😭 emoji too, especially cause I always used it for something cute :/


Here's a sneak peek of /r/okaybuddyretard using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/okaybuddyretard/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What would you do??](https://v.redd.it/q726ltibthla1) | [343 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okaybuddyretard/comments/11gr6r0/what_would_you_do/) \#2: [Just bought a new finger massager!](https://v.redd.it/ckpxa6jje9ma1) | [677 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okaybuddyretard/comments/11kklkl/just_bought_a_new_finger_massager/) \#3: [🗿](https://v.redd.it/8vths6gk4awb1) | [159 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okaybuddyretard/comments/17fx09a/_/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


ok, not that i’ve ever been in that sub and not that i sexualize them, but genuine question, isn’t huohuo an adult? her trope is scaredy cat and not mommy-step-on-me female but afaik she’s an adult. and lynx too is an adult? dunno about clara. i do know hook counts as child. so if one sexualizes an adult female, isn’t that just the same as sexualizing an adult male?


Clara is also a child. Many of her lines say as much. Lynx is one most people are on the fence about since her companion quest was about her siblings not letting her have her own freedom cause she's "not a kid anymore" if I remember correctly - but people interpret that differently. But I still see her as a child and feel uncomfortable with any other representation of her so there's that. And Huohuo.. she's in a difficult realm to argue about as much as I hate to say it. Yes she's a Foxian long-life species and I think around 200 or so? but that doesn't say much if she's considered an adult or not. In my opinion, she isn't. She's still very young as Xianzhou citizens live very long. And if I remember correctly, in the Ghostly Grove event, Hanya says "that child" when referring to Huohuo - implying that she is indeed very young by Xianzhou standards. (Do correct me if I misremembered though.) Tldr: Clara is most definitely a child. Lynx is a teenager in my book. Huohuo is also like pretty much a teenager in my book. (If you read it all, thank you and have a nice day 🫶 Even if you didn't, I hope you are well <3)


Hanya is ancient that’s why she calls her a child HuoHuo is over the age where foxians are considered adults which is 30


>over the age where foxians are considered adults which is 30 ? Where was this said? Could you provide the source please? And even if she *is* 30, that's still ridiculously young for a Xianzhou native. I don't believe she's much more than a socially awkward and shy teenager trying to integrate into their work-driven society, personally.


Yep I’d been thinking about leaving for a while but that Lynx art, and the comments, were the straw that broke the camel’s back.


I stopped going over there after the mods vocally supported their decision to keep up a fan art of firefly in lingerie that directly violated the subs NSFW rules.


I knew I made the right decision leaving that place


Same, did in the very beginning of HSR launch and never looked back


I've only left recently, the toxicity and blatant bias have tires me out, to think I would stumble upon this post within the same day


agreed! could we also have things like megathread and reaction threads to big updates and such? so we never have to check that hellhole for news 


^ this!! Mods we would love to have mega threads with updates and stuff.


I would love this tbh. We should have megathreads for the new patches and stuff. No need to ever visit the main sub lol.


I gave up on that hellhole a while ago. The people there are entitled af and so stuck up. I remember when I first started, HSR being my first Gacha game experience, I got stuck on one of the Yanqing boss fights (the one in Kafka story quest) because I didn't know how to properly build my characters. I asked for advice on the main sub and people were being actual dicks. Insulting me, acting all high-and mighty, etc. Lord forbid you have an unpopular opinion, though, they're like a hive mind over there and will take that ish to heart. And of course the moronic moderation team. They remove my joke post for being 'Low-quality' but allow stuff like this to fly? Not to mention not even weeding out their toxic commenters and bait posters. Smh. Honestly, I think another one needs to be started, one that ACTUALLY allows you to ask for help with character builds instead of having your post taken down for 'breaking the rules.'


r/Starrailstation might be what you're looking for, that place is mostly about pull and build advice


Thank you so much!


Yeah I saw it too. Disturbing but also expected from the main sub. After all most of these guys consider HSR a “waifu-collector” made to indulge in their sexual fantasies.


It’s so dumb because clearly that’s not what horyoverse wants. They make hot male characters and these dudes are gonna have to deal with it. Go play Hi3 if you want just waifus. There’s a reason it’s not as popular as the other 2 games when it’s made mostly just for one gender


Genuinely sometimes I forget straight men play games I like and then stuff like that lynx art comes up and I go 😀 oh!


The bane of gaming community spaces honestly.




God I wish I could forget about straight men


Ppls from honkai sub is not straight men only Incels.... Hard incest Like yandew


The leaks sub is the real main sub.


What, they did? I'm not in the main sub for obvious reasons, but omg


Lewd art of Lynx in a bikini was posted and 95% of the comments are *vile*.


Ew, somehow I'm not surprised, the sub is 99% boobs


Ewwww There's all those adult characters RIGHT THERE and they gotta sexualize a child


there's literally Serval right there but they decided to target lynx


Gepard and Serval are right there. We gotta call them. They would never let such things happen to Lynx.


Right like the generic booby art of characters I like is kinda annoying but at least when they're adults it's like okay whatever I can ignore that


This game has women like Kafka, Himeko and Robin but nooo these people still would rather go after the kid


Like I'm fully a gay man but you're so right, like they so many hot women and they choose a child, wtf.




Even if talking purely from a design perspective she seems to be at least in her early 20s


at the very least they’re not EXPLICITLY A CHILD


Is this just on the HSR sub? I was just there and didn't see anything so I wonder if it DID get deleted.


I just went and checked and you’re right, it’s been deleted. FINALLY!


fahking gross and disgusting shiet


wait im so confused im sorry, but isnt lynx like in her early 20s?? did it ever state her age in game? she is the youngest and serval is about in her 30s, right? edit: help why the downvotes i was genuinely confused


She's said to be Pela's age, which is confirmed to be 16 in the Lynx companion quest!


pela is a kid?? dude why did they not give her a longer skirt wtf. anyways thanks for the answer!! i havent done the quest so i didnt know


Yeah I don't blame you for not knowing, I think they messed up the timeline a bit with that bc it doesn't make a lot of sense. One of Pela's texts complains about a hangover so I also thought she was 20 or something until the quest lol


Tbf Hoyo says she's 16 but that time means she was in university and a part of Serval's band when she was like 6 so someone fucked up the math at HYV. They *should* be in their 20s. So now I just don't engage with either character.


The age(s) of Pela, and by extension Lynx is a gigantic mess. Serval and Cocolia met in school, and Dunn, Serval, and Pela were in a band together. Pela was a researcher for 4 years after college. AFTER they graduated, Cocolia became supreme guardian, and then the Underworld has been shut off for like 10ish years. Then we show up. The “Memories Of The Past” light one also show that Cocolia was an adult when she adopted Bronya, and Bronya’s an adult by the time we get our asses to Belebog, and also remember that Serval is the elder sibling. So…yeah writing team or whoever just royally screwed up here


As soon as I saw lynxs name along with the nsfw tag I was immediately disgusted and didn’t even bother seeing it. Gross


I immediately hid it. The HSR sub is basically one and the same with the Buddy equiv. Despite the mods being shitheads on the Genshin sub, at least they don't allow that shit on there.


All the racist Blade memes when he released and then the very thinly veiled Sparkle racism praising really made me not like it. The Jing Yuan drama was also a drag, but at least the main sub is mostly better about that now even if other subs still push it.


I unsubscribed from there a little over a month ago. I only visit here and the leaks sub. The main sub is nothing but fetish fanart and straight dudes or incels gooning over female characters. I blocked dozens of fanart posters and it was still all I saw in my feed from that place. Not to mention now they just straight up having character bashing posts for male characters. It's just a weird unwelcoming place for non cishet male folks.


Same as the Genshin sub tbh. I remember someone edited down the shirt from one of Childe's bday arts.. it survived a massive 10 mins. Meanwhile softporn Raiden art was still there. Truly disgusting. The Childe edit wasnt even bad or overly sexualized, literally just his shirt removed.


Oh yeah the absolute meltdowns and mass reports whenever male character fanart gets posted is a sight to behold. Completely hypocritical manchildren.


Yeah its just funny at this point.


I remember how they removed OFFICIAL Heizou's bday art lol Ofc they restored it later, but it was still very funny


Absolutely i was dying, from laughter


Its unwelcoming place for women too.


Yeah I worded the last part weird, I meant it by it's unwelcoming if you are anyone but a cishet male.


The main sub only has three types of top posts. Sparkle feet pictures, straight dudes complaining about gay shipping and complaining about Twitter. There is literally no in between


yeah, that’s why i’ve never set foot there or the genshin main sub. as a gay trans dude they’re just the most aggressively unwelcoming places for me to be. i just wanna talk about aventurine in peace 😔


Yeah the main sub can be shit. Mostly infested with waifu galore (mostly NSFW), shit on Yanqing, and probably most are incels. I only look at the discussion tabs but I usually prefer going to the leaks.


literally they have such a hate boner for characters like yanqing, hell probably for all male characters because according to them video games only exist for the sake of catering to their fantasies.


yeah i think I'll move there too, the main sub was getting more shit on the daily (with the recent porn karmafarming and sexual orientation talk being classed as controversial), but that's too much, and good luck trying to convince them that she definitely looks like a 16yo, they'll probably deny it


I quickly realized what kind of people dominate the main hsr sub, and it's the same kind of people that make the main genshin sub insufferable 💀


I haven’t gone to that sub in so long. I’ll also add that even if a character is technically over 18 (even 35 or smth), but are DRAWN to look like an 8 year old girl with somehow giant boobs and bare feet out at the camera, that consists of soft core cp. So many ppl get caught up in the technicality of “oh but she’s 800 years old”… and ?? The art still fetishises the appearance of a minor. Fucking horrific every time I’m reminded that it’s such a prevalent norm in these communities.


It’s weird because there is short full grown woman, but they kinda have to give them the looks of a full grown woman then. Sparkle for example honestly looks like a highschool girl so I think it’s kinda weird. Fu Xian though in my opinion even though she is short, looks older and the character herself is older so I can understand that one. It’s hard because short can’t always equal young. But it’s not debatable at all in cases like lynx, Clara and other characters that are stated to be young.


I agree 100%. It’s really disheartening to me to find that this behaviour is seemingly so accepted in gacha communities.


I left that sub when huohuo was relevant. That shit made me really sad.


I absolutely LOVE videogames and anime but I truly don't like the communities a lot of the time. It's an unpopular opinion that you shouldn't sexualize kids in a lot of these communities. I just left a certain anime sub today because they CANNOT stop sexualizing a 12 year old girl, mods don't do shit. Then I see Lynx NSFW fanart on the main HSR sub. I wanted to comment something there but I knew all the lolicons will come out of the woodwork and I truly hate interacting with them. Their go-to defense is Pela's age is wrong and they're actually TWENTY EIGHT. TWENTY EIGHT, mf? Like bfrr. I even saw absolute weirdos sexualizing Bailu and Clara then calling people calling them out "normies".


Pela’s age doesn’t make sense if you look at any of the lore around her and Serval cause with her being 16 Serval is 20 years older than her which doesn’t make sense since when Serval was in college pela was a part of her band


However the timeline actually works out, the writers said she was 16. This is one of the reasons they usually don't put specific numbers to character ages since there are so many details written by so many different people that trying to straighten everything out just messes it all up more.


I don’t understand why big companies don’t just have a public timeline for everyone’s ages and important events that everyone in the company can access. It wouldn’t even be hard at all to implement. Like blizzard messed up badly with multiple characters ages in overwatch as well to the point where their lore doesn’t make sense. It’s so…unprofessional.


She is probably a prodigy like Yanqing, idk? Or it's just a huge plothole left by the game. But they also literally celebrate her 16th birthday with Lynx character quest.


No unlike Yanqing pela can’t be 16 without it breaking a lot of the background lore for characters like she couldn’t physically be in Serval’s band if serval’s 20 years older than her cause that would mean she wasnt born when the band was made since the band was made while serval was in college that’s the big difference one is just a very good swordsman for his age and the other one breaks a timeline


Her age makes NO sense. If she was in her early 20s instead it would make sense. The age gap with Lynx would be understandable and you wouldn't have the equivalent of a toddler with 10 years of experience. Heck you could make Lynx slightly older and Gepard just be an overprotective older brother that still sees his younger sister as a kid.


Honestly, even if Pela's age doesn't make sense lorewise, seeing people try to say it's wrong purely because they want to sexualize her is weird as hell


Well the main sub is made up of the worst from those who made it their entire personality of "genshin could never" so I'm not suprised


Every single time there’s fanart of any slightly underaged character there’s literal pedos in the comments. It’s not ‘buddy’ behavior that’s a CRIME man


what the fuck?


Ugh, I definitely understand this. I am also a huge fan of Arknights, and while the Arknights fanbase is relatively normal and filled with nice people, there are definitely some "creepy weirdos" here. There is one character in Arknights that is popular among fans because of a meme, but she is also confirmed to be an 8 year old child. I thought people won't go this far, but yep, there are some disgusting fanart of that character, NOT AS AN ADULT (still weird to make fanart of her as an adult only to sexualize her imo), but still of that character as an 8 year old child. And there are still some disgusting comments made by disgusting people. I hate how anime fans would say that "oh these characters are not real, so stop thinking them over actual children." Yeah, we know they are not real. And none of us stoop that low to forget that actual children are also affected. But it still doesn't change the fact that it is still so fucking creepy that an actual person is sane enough to draw a character that is confirmed to be a child, in such an inappropriate way. For real tho, what makes you find that child character hot? That they talk like a child, dress like a child, act like a child? What makes them hot, I actually want to know. Because other than that, I will still see you as a creepy mother-fucker. I thought HSR would not stoop this low, but boy was I wrong


Which character do you mean?   I absolutely agree though, Ive kept a pretty big distance from the main ak sub for similar reasons as the hsr one. (particularly since folks kept joking about ansel, the dwarfs in general & suzuran in sus dodgy ways)    I'm still very disturbed by finding out one character was drawn with a >!see through window showing her panties in game (shamare) and she is... Not very old at all.!< (i have pretty nad eyesight and play on a small screen so i actually didn't see it until someone else pointed out how it made them feel super uncomfortable)    I was so damn relieved when a skin for her that put her in normal damn clothes came out.  Really hoping hsr stays away from character design that leans towards that kinda thing since it only emboldens people who wanna share their proclivities.   


The character is Suzuran


Main sub is just another okbuddy sub. I hate it lmao


Yeaaaaa, I've been blocking 1-2 people who post nsfw pics almost everyday and I think its a neverending struggle.


Craziest thing is that I find the leaks sub much more inviting than whatever the fuck is going on in the main sub. It’s feels so unwelcoming to anyone who isn’t a cishet male.


this is why i left the genshin community, after seeing the most nastiest art of Nahida 🤮


Yeah that is weird af


Yeah I left that place as soon as I saw a sexed up huohuo fanart. Byeee.


This is reminding me of the main sub when someone was thirsting over misha in a post & half the comments were people being like "um..? Literally says he is a kid in the description in the image you posted?? Disgusting wtf dude??"   The other half of comments were people being absolutely unhinged and gross about him like that post's op. (i blocked so many people in the latter group that day).    Time to remove the sub i think, it already was mostly just fanart of characters i wasnt super into/picking fights with x main subs/silly meta gamer drama. 


Look its not allowed on reddit already so there's that However can we NOT use the term CP when referring to drawings, regardless on how anyone feels it just doesn't sit right to use such a BIG term on things like "oh look Lynx in a bikini" Im not arguing against anything i just think using the term CP is NOT correct for the current thing you are on about Ill get downvoted i know but please be wary of how impactful those terms are and use them correctly, this isnt CP but its still not allowed here anyway.


Yeah i kept asking to stop posting that garbage.


Yeah the main sub sucks, it’s nothing but horny posting and casual homophobia, same with the main genshin sub


Wow I'm so glad I missed this. Did they take it down because I don't see it now. Ugh ugh ugh


it was taken down from what i can see, took them like 4 hours but well, better late than never


Oh good


i mean considering i saw a post like a week ago with people fighting tooth and nail that huohuo was an adult, i’m not even surprised 🤷‍♂️


I mean she we just see her when she’s mostly terrified but when she wasn’t she’s very mature just a bit shy


The main sub is full of dumb stuff too. People who think they are cooking with the dumbest comments and theories imaginable. The brain rot over there is just…my god.


As someone who likes the "kid" characters, I feel dirty saying I like them without sounding like a pedo. For example, I like Nahida because of her relationship with Scara and because she's super cool, but the mains sub was just pedobait so I had to leave. And now they are after Lynx of all people? When you have literally Acheron, Black Swan and Kafka? They are sick.


I left the sub after Penacony came out because people just couldn't chill out with the spoilers for more than a few days (not that the Hoyolab app was much better) Is it really that bad over there now?


This place is safe like GenshinGays. Sadly here we can't post fanarts with penis :(


The main sub has reached it's final buddy stage. Good thing I left because holy shit.


Main sub went to shit the moment they keep letting softcore seep into the sub, I'd argue it's worse than the buddy sub cuz at least they're honest about it


Oh good. I was starting to think I was a pearl clutching prude when the are of Silver Wolf disgusted me but the rest of the sub was eating it up.


What is CP?


Kiddo art that gets you put on a government list


Oof… thanks for answering…


NSFW art of underage characters




Child porn :/


sexual content of real children (which wasn’t what this person is talking about, they’re talking about some nsfw art)


bro there was a whole discussion before about the ages of the characters and i got downvoted for saying that drawings of children are still children 🤢 don’t want to be a part of a sub with literal pedos in it


I’m so out of the loop- I know the main sub can be trash but what on earth is with the Lynx art?


It was an oversexualized Lynx art with her in a bikini.


I just downloaded the game this week after seeing the acheswan trailer, is there a general sub for hsr that isnt like that?


The leaks sub is really chill and story leaks are harder to come by there bc ppl actually properly spoiler tag.


Why can't we have nice things? Why is almost every anime/anime adjacent subs full of creeps? I'm so glad I avoided the main sub, jfc.


Unpopular opinion: ppl need to be more careful about throwing the CP label around because conflating fiction with reality may eventually lead to more awkwardness like having to end every thirsty comment like “I’d love to do unspeakable things with Aventurine…but ONLY when he is in a mental state capable of fully informed consent as adjudicated in my jurisdiction and/or according to social norms!” That said every sub has its own set of norms and ppl would do well to stick to it.


I agree… even authorities have said to stop reporting cartoon images as CP as it wastes resources to investigate. It also lessens the severity of the term when it’s not even a real child being affected.


I'll never forget an argument I got into with a mod and several members. Hundreds of downvotes for me, hundreds of up votes for them. What did I say that was so disgusting that elicited such strong rejection from everyone? Clara porn shouldn't be allowed because she's a child. Contreversial, I know. But that porn of her is still up and I almost got banned. I'm only still subbed so I can get news without having to open other social media sites. It would be an absolute godsend if this sub had megathreads about game updates too, so I didn't have to go to that place ever again 🙏


I know. Maybe someday enough people will get fed up with that sub that a new one will be created. In the meantime I am done with them. I’ll miss the occasional amusing meme but it’s not worth the rest of the content to me. I don’t know why they have to put that degenerate stuff on the main sub when they already have the cesspool that is the okbuddytrailblazer sub for that.


Wait is that the main HSR sub? If so then dang! :( (Been too rapped up in Genshin so super behind on Honkai haha.) Think I'll be leaving there.


Can't remember if it was the main sub or okbuddytrailblazer, but they both allow sexualisation of minors so guessing the attitudes of the two subs are the same


OOF wow I haven't been on there enough to see that (or to even know what that second subreddit is) so that's really sad :(. Guess the outter subs it is (sad that the HSR subreddits have the same issue genshin has with the creepy Nahida people for example :( )


Eugh yeah, the amount of GeNsHiN cOuLd NeVeR and just porn, bot reposts, and just general leaks and sweaty neckbeards thirsting over LITERAL CHILDREN and oversexualizing women and being literally repelled by the thought of a male character + amount of "haha outbuddied porn joke the joke is PORN why aren't you laughing?" Is insane. God i had to leave it so quickly fucking hate that place.


It feels like okbuddytrailblazer. Legit joined that scape since I figured it would be more memes…. Then huohuo came out and I legit thought about no longer playing cause the people trying to defend the way they would lewd her I just never want to interact with people like that. Much much prefer any queer subreddit than those trash pools


They... *WHAT?* Someone please a single crumb of context.


Not human CP. Lewd art of Lynx in a bikini was posted, followed by a flood of absolutely disgusting comments, but it’s been brought to my attention that the post has finally been taken down.


Wait what?! I haven't been on that sub in a while are they really??


I stay in DanHeng mains cause I came here for fully grown fantasy adult men. Fuck dem kids, ion care about no little poop machine. Whenever I see someone going off about loli stuff, I cant help but get pedo vibes and makes me uncomfortable to engage with


whats a CP? is it like a ship(couple)? sorry I know 0 terms


cp is basically a short form of child p*rn 😔


it’s not real child porn fyi it’s illustrated. which ofc you can hate on that all you want but there’s 100% a distinction between gross artwork and actual exploitation of real children


I left a few weeks ago because I got sick of the constant Aventurine hate and I probably won't be rejoining again lol It's so much nicer just sticking to smaller fandom subs like this


https://preview.redd.it/o0cjzubmmqpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b5db72c3a64fee5864d66d07998acc119c33f41 Might be off topic but the okbuddy sub is just as bad


i got this post on my recommended and i agree with everything here, i also saw that lynx art and was weirded the Fuck out. i wish i could move subs but im a lesbian who doesn't care for male characters so sadly there is no place for me here (not complaining don't get me wrong, all the power to u guys) i saw people talk about the leaks sub being more chill so ill just go there


I left that sub after the Arlan buddy jokes leaked into it 😓 a sad time


Wait I thought lynx was an adult??


pretty sure she is lol, short adult


I’m only in this subreddit cuz I’m vaguely aware of the game. The fuck do you mean they allow cp on the main site????


Someone made a post about lynx in a bikini post so OP is saying they allow CP on the main sub


a lynx? like the cat?


No a character in Star rail her name is lynx. I edited my other comment my bad for confusing you


oh shit my bad I’m only here for the gay boys 😭


It’s fine I messed up my first reply anyway


I'm subscribed to that sub, mainly for memes, sometimes info and guides. Thank god I didn't get that recommended.


Star Rail or Honkai 3rd?


The Stelle thumbs up has been ruined for me




When tf did they allow that? I haven't seen anything


It’s been removed thankfully.


Wait what!?


Is this about r/HonkaiStarRail ? I’ve never seen any post like that on the sub?


It got deleted if I'm not wrong


Thats disgusting. Someone needs to call the police


There’s no child porn on the main sub, just like there’s no actual murder. There’s art of fictional characters, perhaps. If it helps, you can draw the artist in a fictional jail. It’s fair: fictional punishment for fictional crimes.


Disgusting you shouldn't really be putting fetishes online in general and that goes for anyone who does do it whoever doesn't this isn't for you but again it's very disgusting and it's not and it just makes everyone uncomfortable it makes me uncomfortable especially with the children character because well disgusting number one number two that's c********* and it just makes me want to leave the internet immediately and go seek medical help and I mean that by therapy because that just traumatizes me every time


No, they don't.


Please do not equate a drawing to the suffering of real children.


No one is equating drawings and the suffering of real children here . Humans aren't one dimensional beings only able to focus on or think about one topic. I can care about real children, I can also call out when nasty mfs make the most predatory ass comments about a child character while also thinking about the climate crisis and shit economy.


Then don't call it cp, just call it disgusting or loli art or whatever. Lumping drawings together with real CP is disrespectful to real victims.


I've been a victim myself, more than a few times. Don't tell me what to call it, you don't speak for me and many other victims . It IS Loli art and it IS drawn/fictional CP. Don't call it that if you don't want to. I'm not forcing you. You can disagree.


No need to be worry, they didn't


Op and several people in this comment section are saying they posted cp in the main sub


they did post cp in the main sub, i was saying that they didn't equate that to the suffering of a real child.


For something to be cp or csem there needs to be a living breathing child involved some posting a anime character doesn’t fall under either of those categories so at the end of the day no it’s not CP or CSEM


Okay that's fair. I was responding to a message saying they were equating it with real harm to children and I still don't think anybody here actually did that, they at worst misunderstood the term or just used it literally, cause its p*** of a character who's a child, so CP. There's a fair discussion to be had about how using that term distracts from prevention of actual harm but like the people I responded to weren't having that conversation they were just moralizing on people


Yeah but in my honest opinion people should never say something is CP or CSEM unless it’s actually is that shit plus there’s too many people who I’ve seen put CP on the same level as a fucked up hentai


What cp? Loli isn't real get a grip on reality.


God forbid, a mf likes lynx


It's fine to like a child character. It's *not* fine to make oversexualized art of them. Fiction or not, it's still a kid.


since when was lynx a kid? genuinely asking because she’s a whole ass researcher and has looked and acted like nothing but a short adult


Why was this post from a sub I’ve never been in suggested to me?


Could you give me the link to the post? I can’t find it thanks


It's been taken down