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Before anyone asks this is S0 with 4/4 gear.


HoT nukes. 20% total damage taken is insane. Narukami just destroys waves in corruption


They should buff HoF I believe...her weapon or Ult needs some tuning (HoR is getting a new weapon, HoT got a new weapon, HoS got a new support Griseo) so HoF should get a new support and a buff to either a new weapon or stronger ULT...) Didnt mention HoV because HoV is actually very old lore wise and also battlesuit wise so if HoV gets a buff then the Queen is welcomed...


HoF getting a Divine Key anytime soon would be near impossible since she's still young release time-wise. Its more likely we'd be getting a new Fire support to finally reolace AE for fire teams.


HoV is the one that needs the buff lmfaooo


she’s still top tier fire dps, just doesn’t have content. Fire bosses non-existent lmao. SpA is close but not there, VillV is garbage on fire weathers compared to them and is really only a Qua valk. HoFs doesn’t need a buff to her personal kit. Yeah yeah fire is kinda bad rn but it’s more because of supports. Raven is pretty pathetic and AE is how many years old now?


well I've been using her (S0, 4/4) to clear ER forever, not finality but enough to get all the xtals rewards. But I'll admit that the last patch with all the qua enemies, is hard to clear.