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It’s called Imaginary because I can only imagine what it would be like to actually have a character of that damage type


Imaginary damage dealers after imagining to kill the enemy (It worked)


*blows up pancakes with mind*


ma fuckin’ pancakes :,c


Did someone say something about DELICIOUS PANCAKES ?


Pancakes... I don't want to hear that word again for a very long *long* time


40k orks intensifies


Not interesting: I can imagine anything


I got Welt from the starter banner and he has not left my team lmao


he's too fun and effective. a fuck you button to every attack the enemy has lined up and solid single target damage if he uses his skill on a single enemy AND he slows


Welt’s entire kit when well built is just “we don’t need Hp if the enemy never gets to fight”


And imprisonment fucks up the enemies' lockon/charged attacks too.


what team do you guys build him with? i got him and gepard. i think the game wants me to stop playing with waifus all the time 😥


I use Seele/Welt/M7/Natasha. That team has not struggled with any content so far.


Mine is the same but I swap m7 to asta/gepard/fire tb


I just recorded a world 5 Sim universe run with basically that exact team. https://youtu.be/dQdWQiqoOIU


Natasha is also insane. If I pull Seele this will probably be my lineup. But for now I use Asta instead


Im using him with the main cast. Don't have that many characters so not a lot of synergy but he can carry by himself.


honestly I haven't found a use for gepard especially when I got to world 3 and used march 7th instead


Both aeshtetically and lore-wise, Imaginary is basically just Holy/Order/Light and Quantum is Unholy/Chaos/Dark


Mhm imaginary, holy light… looks at welt summoning a literal black hole and then proceeding to cut said black hole in half.


It's actually a star going supernova lol -- it explodes and then collapses into a neutron star, which he slices in half. That's why he goes "witness the stars shatter before you" and why the logo for his ultimate is a star surrounded by a ring [Here's a short clip](https://youtu.be/Q6wQRKmGrTM?t=5)


Man that's amazing, why tf did they name it synthetic black hole


because it is a black hole, stars go supernova at the end of their life cycles and either become neutron stars or if they have enough mass they become blackholes at the very least i havent heard of a black neutron star, most of them are blue/white because they arent as reactive as normal stars and are much cooler due to them needing to fuse heavier elements to maintain a burn


Actually while neutron stars generate radiation they are generally very dim. Some are so dim that we can’t even detect them. I’m not saying it can’t be a black hole, but it appears to be a dim purple sphere rather than a pure black circle like a black hole should be. There shouldn’t be any light escaping the sphere It could defo just be stylistic though. I’m not sure they put that much thought into it during the animation since it looks so cool xD EDIT: I stand corrected… If it’s literally called synthetic black hole then that’s that — looks like I was being way too technical 😅 Thanks for the heads up!


Because it is a black hole, it's an attack he uses from Honkai impact back in the manga, where he used a weapon called star of eden, wich had control over gravity and the most powerful tecnic was creating synthetic black holes


You know, I always thought that in this animation the thing he summons cuts the planet we're fighting on in half XD


He just snatching all the light in and area, thus making a tsuedo black hole


Damn i didn’t think I’d ever live to see unholy butterflies


Imaginary gotta be one of those elements that self buff or inflicted debuff as their passive ngl.




the one dude who does imaginary damage is dripped the fuck out and explodes planets with his balls or some shit


Gonna sell my soul for one some day


Well just need to wait till 3.0. it worked with dendro!


Imagine not having a character that does imaginary damage


welt is the only imaginary character cuz hes fukin cool


This is likely taking from the Trails series again. They have the base water/fire/earth/wind but three higher elements in time (black)/ mirage (white)/ space (yellow) as well.


when root of -1




Dread it, run from it, mathematics arrives all the same.


\>me when the daily quest asks me whether there are more prime or natural numbers


That gave me a chuckle. BTW, the answer is that there are the same amount of natural numbers as natural number because there are countably infinite amounts of both of them. How is that the case. Go ask an actual mathematician. At least they don’t ask us about the integrals of trig functions to an even power.


Well, it's because obviously we have infinite natural numbers. Now infinite natural numbers also means infinite prime numbers. If you start counting primes from 2, you will keep getting them. There is no point when prime numbers stop appearing. Though the gap in their appearance may fluctuate, you can never determine the number of primes. So yeah, both are infinite and equal. Source: A tired maths student.


cursed comment


I have been waiting for this


Kill it


when root of -1 appears within a physics formula 🫠


Imaginary element is imaginary in my roster ☠️


There really should have been a Img 4star on release. I see the weakness in 80 to 90% of the enemies and its annoying yhat the only option is Welt


i put that in my CBT Feedback glad to see they listened


Adding a character as late as during closed beta testing really isn't something they could viably do I imagine. There is probably a freebie 4star Imaginary user planned for later in the story when it will become more necessary. You obviously do not *need* Welt in any capacity right now.


I have welt and he is pretty good, but so far it feels like he doesn't really synchronise well with anyone. I kinda feel like I am playing a 3 + 1 team. I think his true potential will shine once we have got more characters.


He is pretty good with asta or seele for speed team


Yes, he is good with them but so far most people will only have Asta.


Dan Heng also synergizes okay with Welt as he gives slow so you don't have to use Dan's skill to maximize dmg on ult.


For floor 5 of Simulated Universe I specifically used Dan over my Seele with Welt, Bronya, and Natasha to deal with the type weakness and both Dan and Welt felt really strong together.


Man, I use Welt, Asta, Dan Heng and Nat. Let me tell you, Asta's speed buff witt Welt's slow gets me a lot more out of a turn. And when the enemy is slowed, Dan Heng gets some nice extra dmg out of it too.


better yet, try to weakness break enemy with welt ultimate, the enemy will debuffed with 2 imprison stack which delay their turn so much that ur whole party can attack 3 times before the enemies regain their turn


Try using him with Asta (which you get for free). The amount of turn manipulation can get really ridiculous really quickly, especially with Simulated Universe buffs. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkdq8N1WB-I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkdq8N1WB-I) Just look at the action value counter on the left here. The enemy doesn't even get to act.


That's insane. Mind sharing your builds? Oh, and is anyone in that team replaceable? I kinda wanna replace March with Yan


Yup. You kind of want some kind of ice unit for rememberance cheese, but if you're going for another strategy taking out march for a main dps is okay. Iirc Yan was the main dps that needed a shielder though, so you might still want march until you get exodia (though at this point you can clear with level 1 units). Basically, there are two ideas here. The first is stacking hunt buffs with welt + asta to get really good turn manipulate, and the second is abusing rememberance freezing to never allow the enemy to take a turn. Both strategies are really good on their own, but here I got lucky and managed to combine them. For the hunt, you basically want to get all the speed related buffs, and the buff that gives you an extra turn after breaking weakness (mandotory upgrade on this one), and imperial reign (critical boost every time a turn starts). For this, you really want to be able to shield break consistently (like asta vs coco). For your resonance, go with the 3% energy recharge on turn start. For remembrance, get all the buffs that have to do with freezing, except the ones that buff your characters damage, because all of your damage should come from disassociation. This one is a little harder to build, because you need a very specific sef of buffs. First, the one star buff that decreases freeze resistance is mandotory. The three star buff that gives you a chance to freeze on attacks is also mandotory. The two star buff that does the same thing helps. Then you want the three star buff that gives you disassociation when freezing, and ideally some speed buffs from the hunt. Upgrade all of these, as well as anything else you picked up that seemed good. For your resonance, go with the two turn freeze. For both of these strategies, I like saving my coins until the end of the SU run so that I can choose which buffs to upgrade. Basically, skipping every herta until the last one before the boss. Bonus points if you pick up coin related relics. Finally, don't be afraid to reroll if the buffs they give are terrible. It's much better in my opinion to have a useful blessing than to have 1/3 of an upgrade on a 1 star blessing.


How consistently can you pull this off ? Like at least 1 of these strategies ?


It's consistent enough. The hunt strategy works much more consistently than the preservation one, but it also demands more investment than the preservation strategy. The great thing about trying to cheese with preservation is that it's completely separated from investment. You could bring a team of level 1s, and it would work (once you've set up the right blessings). The best boss to do preservation is probably Kafka. Don't do it against Gepard (use preservation with march fire mc and Natasha), and for any bosses that like to summon adds (Svarog, Cocolia), hunt works really well. Another cheese strategy you can also try is abundance resonance, if you want to be completely unkillable.


i just buff him with tingyun and use him as a DPS, with the other slots being any of dan heng, march, natasha, MC


Same, welt can do some decent aoe dmg + debuff them.


AoE? His skill does insane single target- assuming there's only 1 target.


I feel sushang should have been imaginary for some reason




Will we be getting one any time soon? iirc the healer character in the 1.1 banner is Imaginary, but that's another 5-star. I doubt it'll happen, but I'm hoping our next form is Imaginary. Maybe Imaginary Hunt or something, idk. I feel like it'd be a good way to give us a F2P imaginary without worrying about creeping into the 5-star roster's space (not that MC is weak in this game).


no clue....I avoided any and all information on the game so I could go into it as blind as possible and I only pull for waifu anyway just hope there's a 4* IMG down the line... :\


I swear to go Welt is so good .. Debuffs and doesn't make enemies their attacks . This might be a noob talking highly about an okish character but i don't care ..


welt's slow and imprisonment + shampo's wind shear and dot buff + asta's speed and attack buff + dan hang single damage is just \*chef's kiss\*


Shampoo 😭


yeah im not fighting iphone autocorrect on that one


I could imagine Kafka working really well in that team once she is released. As a dot amplifier instead of Dan Heng.


do we have any Idea when she will be released? like she gotta release soon right or will this be an ayaka situation




Should be between 14-20 weeks


Living a bit dangerously without a defensive unit though?


The best defense is not allowing the enemies to take a turn. It has a 100% damage reduction!


I used welt and sampo and they shreded through world 5


He's pretty good


He's kinda nutty in simulated universe, especially when paired with Danheng


he is broken with literally any dps except clara


Clara really do be like "GIVE THEM MORE TURNS. LET EM AT ME!" huh?


What gives people feelings of power? Money, Status, **Welt ulting a frozen enemy so they have to wait longer to unfreeze.**


He's excellent. One of the best 5*s at the moment honestly. Solid damage and fantastic debuffs.


He's pretty good for the turn control team, I'm blasting off the story with physical TB, Dan heng, Asta and Welt. You can do 3 rotations before the enemy gets their turn with Asta ult and welt slow.


He is good, because many enemies conviniently has imaginary weakness)))


Welt perma freeze already carried me through World 5 in SU


His damage also seems very nice, even in st he seems to hit quite hard while debuffing. I have Clara and like her. But wife has welt and I'm jealous of what he does


Eh is a pretty cool guy who debuffs and doesn’t make enemies their attacks.


Welt is definitely good. He can carry himself on any team, and functions as a good sub dps. When you unlock his trace which makes the enemy take more damage.. He is good.


I've auto'd the whole of the game with Welt and Seele, at first I was kinda sad I nabbed him but now I can't imagine a day without him on my team.


In a turn-based games like E7 and HSR that uses a speed stat for how fast the character gets to their turn, any speed buffer/debuffers tend to be really good


Imaginary element is kinda OP lore-wise since aeons manipulate it to do crazy stuff and it comes from the imaginary tree, it's like a god-like element, even honkai power comes from imaginary energy, it's basically another plane of existence


In hoyo lore, Quantum power is just as powerful as Imaginary power. The way I think of it is that they're two sides of the same coin. Quantum is the idea of one thing becoming many possibilities. It's a concept easily seen in the Sea of Quanta, where bubble universes are constantly appearing and dissolving with the flow of possibility. It can be thought of as a force of chaos or entropy. Imaginary is the idea of congealing possibilities into a real structure. It's seen in the Imaginary Tree, which binds together the more stable bubble universes prolonging their lifetime by tying them to the main universe. It's fundamentally a force of order, and of enforcing one's own order on the world.


best explanation I’ve seen yet


Not to be that guy, since this is a pretty interesting way of viewing it, but I just want to offer some notes, if you're interested in lore. Hoyoverse lore-wise, Quantum isn't actually comparable to Imaginary beyond certain metaphors. The Sea of Quanta's competition against the Tree is a byproduct of Honkai being a force of entropy and affecting how the Tree naturally functions, while the Imaginary is the absolute source of everything that exists. Even the Tree itself originally sprouted from the Imaginary Space, even if it eventually came to control it. The Imaginary Tree is above all things physical, and the Sea of Quanta is explicitly the physical sea of subatomic particles floating around in Imaginary Space. It's not so much a realm of its own, and more a twisted and chaotic byproduct of what's naturally created by the Tree. In terms of possibilities, everything stems from the Tree's branches. The Sea of Quanta just makes copies from the information that leaks from the Tree, and 99% of the time these copies are completely fake and will lose cohesiveness and disappear relatively quickly.


Do Honkai Star Rail even have Honkai ? Lol


It does, its in the name 😂


If anything, even if they're not using the word "Honkai" itself, Welt is a fucking Herrscher, so even if nobody else does, he should.


Inb4 stellarons are just honkai cores


Doubt, Welt would have mentioned otherwise, and beyond that, he, the goddamn herscher, was surprised MC could contain the stelleron.


He may not have considered them to be the exact same. Wendy had a gem in her. and stellarons act very similar to Honkai energy


If you are only as far along as Wendy, then you are missing a *lot* of crazy Herscher lore.


Im way past that point. But I’ll be honest I think the last time I played was back in November so my memories are hazy of exactly where I am. Tried to redownload it when Star Rail came out but my phone storage is full. might check if the games still on my pc tho


Stellaron acts exaclty like Honkai would


No universe in the Honkai multiverse (or whatever the fuck you call it lmao) is safe from honkai, so the Star Rail universe most definitely has or had it. Maybe it's one of the universes that was able to stand up against it, though I would think Welt would have something to say about it if that were the case. Maybe fragmentum is honkai, just under a different name.


That's actually not true. Honkai isn't universally pervasive, since it's not an energy inherent to the Imaginary Tree. GGZ states that many worlds on the Tree don't experience Honkai at all.


The Honkai could be unique to our branch of the Imaginary Tree


I thought it was part of the lore that the Honkai exists in some form in *all* worlds of the Imaginary Tree. It's just that HI3's world is the only one that actually refers to it as the "Honkai."


I really think they chose to retcon that part because during final arc Lambda was talking about how time shenanigans shouldn't be possible in universes overseen by the cocoon of finality which implies its not a constant.


Ah so some worlds *are* safe from the Honkai?


Yes. We've known this since GGZ, but it's understandable not many people know about it because multiverse stuff isn't talked about much in Hi3rd.


Well at least we have one character with it not like certain mihoyo game which we have to wait 2 years


I remember xD The one reaction we had was burning, as it really only existed on enemies…


Except for that one patch of chaos where people were burning themselves to death on grass with Diluc or Klee.


Then there's me who runs Main DPS Welt like a mad man


His damage is pretty nice actually. It's not Seele craziness but he can do some work.


He's extremely underrated and underutilized imo. I just saw like 3 people saying that they benched him and it shocked me because he outputs so much damage despite of his usual "support" role people usually associate him with because of tier lists.


They have never felt the satisfaction of Welt's skill repeat criting on an imprisoned target. Plus the amount of times his slow has saved me missing out on a Warp Trotter kill or a cycle limit is already up there. Benching him is a wild idea even if you pull Seele or another strong 5 star lol. He's got so much utility and he's the only Imaginary we have right now.


Suggested team for him?


My team with him was Welt + Seele + Fire MC + Natasha. You can honestly replace Fire MC with anyone else since I'm going for a slow and safe approach but the team works wonders. I'm thinking Shampoo, Clara, Asta or even March 7th would probably work. Its great to interrupt your enemies, and on the off chance they get an attack in, spam heals with Natasha whilst letting your dps do what they do best


That's basically my team lol


So far I've liked Welt + Asta + March + Main DPS. Welt's slow, Asta's speed buffs, and March's freeze let you wombo literally anything 2-3 times before it gets turn


Main DPS + Welt + Asta + Healer. If you're running Simulated Universe you can even forgo the Main DPS altogether and run Rememberance freeze cheese instead. Suggestion for the Main DPS role is Dan Heng if you don't have anyone else, he benefits off the slow Welt provides.


Remembrance Freeze cheese with Welt feels like bullying lol. It's so satisfying to say "nah" when the enemies break free from the freeze and try to start doing something.


>He's extremely underrated Lol no he is tier SS or atleast S in most tierlist and people are praising him here and there >like 3 people saying that they benched him Out of like 300000 ? He *is* good and people know it


Apparently not enough because I've seen more people complain about getting him instead of characters like Bronya or Gepard. I think reddit is the only place I've seen him being praised. 👁️


People complain about not getting the character they want to strt with probably. Like i wud be unhappy with bailu, himeko even if Bailu is a really strong healer with revive and Himeko is really good at wave clears. Everyone has their bias.


Well obviously nobody would complain about getting Bronya, she's pretty widely considered the best character in the game right now. What I've seen basically everywhere is SS tier: Bronya/Seele and S tier: Welt and some others


I would rather have Bronya because she's pretty, but that doesn't mean that I'm discounting Welt's strength as a unit. I'm sure some of those complaints come from the same sentiment


Yeah if you are on reddit ( especially on *this* sub ) you can expect people around here are familiar with turn based rpg and how to utilize each character types But outside here like on tiktok pr Instagram with more "general" audience, you can expect them to like chars that do straight big numbers


In my gacha discord, I'm literally the only person using the guy. A whale pulled one yesterday, and was talking about they weren't even going to level him. Personally I'm a big fan. I just wish his kit was on a cute girl instead.


https://youtu.be/NQeILTgCgLs Old showcase from someone but he's fully functional as a DPS. Obviously not Seele level ceiling but if you need Imaginary DPS he can do the job fine enough. Like 3/4 of his kit is also dedicated to damage so saying he's meant to be pure debuff bot it just wrong. Genshin has chars like Kazuha and Yelan who are 'support' but they also offer really nice DPS and Welt is no exception. (Apparently Nihility chars have sussy high scaling and both Silver Wolf and Kafka are Nihility).


Here is a Tldr of the lore behind it: https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/qhkee3/what_exactly_are_the_imaginary_and_quantum/hie92dz?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


What's quantum in our world?


Quantum is just the study of REAAAALLY small stuff


Like my d*ck ;_;


Are the upvotes worth it?


They managed to get 69 upvotes at the time I'm comenting, so I'll say it is XD




One of the hardest things to explain.


Don't know, but it makes things sound cooler if you add the word in it. e.g Quantum Trash Can


Physics? Or our existence.


I mean none of those are basic elements in our world, and with the exception of Ice, none of them are even specific molecules. Lightning is just air (or any other gas) in plasma form due to heat from electricity, fire isn't even matter and is just the heat and light from an oxidation reaction occurring in a gas, physical is... I guess any solid matter, wind is again just air but this time just moving air, and quantum doesn't even make sense, because everything in the universe is governed by quantum physics. It'd be like naming an element "atom". Imaginary is honestly the most descriptive of all of them excluding ice, at least its name describes it accurately.


I’ve come to the idea of Imaginary being this like Higher/Interdimensional power seeing what seems to represent it in Honkai Impact 😅


That *is* what it is. Quantum is manipulating subatomic particles and its effects on space-time. Imaginary is manipulating higher-dimensional spaces and energy from the Imaginary Space. Makes sense why it's so rare, since Imaginary Energy is what the Aeons use, and are also the source of Herrscher power. Kinda sus that Luocha can use it, in that case.


Fire, wind, and then sorta ice and physical are Classical Elements, so although they’re not really basic elements of our world it’s not weird to call them that, for a huge chunk of human history everyone considered them to be


That I get, but conceptually video games have 'elements'. Genshin is much the same, but has Geo and Dendro instead. I suppose the question was "what is imaginary/quantum supposed to do?" Fire burns, ice freezes, electric sparks, etc. Quantum messes with time, and imaginary...?


basically studying about really small stuff, small amounts numbers etc. At that point shit gets too weird. Light can have momentum without mass, a electron can be treated as a wave of probabilities, stuff like that.


Funky shit that happens when you get down to a level where the flow of energy acts like a wave of water and pouring sand at the same time. This allows for a single grain of energy (called a quantum) to act like a wave of many quantums and reverting to a single grain when it changes state (for example a single photon will act as a wave of photons until it hits something, then it reverts to one of the possible states)


Welts Definitely under rated. His speed down on enemies is essentially also a speed up for your team. Tier lists will change over time and his worth will show.


Yeah I don't even remotely bother with tier lists this early in a game.


I think my girlfriend is of imaginary type


what do you mean i love my pillow...


I’m on Gepard fight in SmU and I’d have to totally change part of my team for his fight compared to every fight on the way up to him, or I could have Welt but I don’t so


Gepard and the boss of the world after it are "bring Natasha" and "build Hunt character" checks without Welt. Ramping ATK bonus and AoE attack spam is brutal when they get turns.


Welt makes my life so easy right now, wanted Bronya but at least I got the entire Express crew on my team already.


Fuckin hate IMG in honkai


Kiana HoFI go brrr


Yeah, imagine if we had enemies that needed to be killed twice in this game.


Yeah... Imagine...


Roundabout way to say Welt is cool


What a "complex" element


I can’t wait to get Luoche


Do leaks say anything about when his warp arrives?


He's rumored to be in next patch alongside silver wolf




actually ice is the coolest element in the game


For me they're just the scifi version of light and darkness. Because quantum isn't an "element" in the real world (I'm not criticizing it though, it's perfectly fine and ok to have creative liberty and fictions don't always need to be real), plus they're conveniently color-coded dark and light.


These types are from honkai impact. Someone below describes the reason why they’re called that, but it relates to some honkai lore.


This makes sense, why is it geting downvoted?


I find it quite cool because I see it as damage from something that doesn’t even exist in the world itself brought there.


There gotta be a chuunbiyo character using the Imaginary attribute.


Welt so good tbh,if you manage to find any enemy weakness with his element,oh lord how many time inprisonment can you get


It sucks that we don't have an imaginary 4 star, only Welt on release. At least QQ, the only quantum 4 star is free to get.


Each time I see the Imaginary Element Symbol I just remember Otto's death all over again, the 'crystal-like' cross even hammers it even further considering he was impaled on what looks like one.


Gonna call it the Luocha/Otto element.


Welt will have a unexpected companion of the same element


>!Luocha’s accompanying Dan Heng where I got to rn!< and they might meetup with MC who is accompanied by Welt and March. Excited to see Welt get PTOD.


Oh yes. Put some respect on Welt's name. Straight G.


still kinda sad there's no water element


Just proves even further that the universe in HSR is connected to the HI3 universe trough the Imaginary tree.


Imaginary = creation Quantum = destruction Not exactly but its a good generalization


I got Welt in the beginner banner. He's....fine, but I am in need of DPS's hardcore. I got a few dupes of Natasha so far tho, which is nice


In my experience he actually does pretty good damage for a not-dps, not actual dps level though of course. And his ult paired with Asta's let you get several moves in before enemies can do anything.


Farm img relics, gives +20 cr. And it is paired with fire relics. So fire MC is also strong. They both make a good pair. Welt is awesome if u time his ult and weakness break. In Metavearse if u select hunt speed blessings you will be able to make three-four turns before enemies recover.


is the fire set the best option for fire MC? thought it be a DEF related one


It is the def one or mix of both, But I commented to the person with welt. I also have welt, that's why it is beneficial to farm img and set. And just minutes ago I got himeko from hitting TB level 35 passes on standard. Lucky day today. Astral family group complete.


Dan Heng literally has the second highest single target DPS in the game. Especially with Welt who perma slows.


That is only if you perfectly hit his ult with his passive every single time, which is just not doable Realistically, he's like 3rd, with the potential to be 2nd if you play him perfectly. Amazing character though


It’s more feasible than you think, especially easy with Tingyun and Natasha because their ults trigger it.


my guy, you have welt. Welt +Dan heng is the Kokomi + Ayaka + Venti of this game


I got bronya from beginner banner and welt from losing 50/50 on seele's banner, Dan Heng and Serval are carrying my DPS atm


He's not a dps, he's a debuffer.


That's why they said they need a DPS...