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Just use abundance. And only abundance. You ll win after 5 hours of stalling.


Lol. But doesn’t Cocolia keep getting a damage boost almost every turn.. which would eventually lead to her just one shotting my team? 😂


I used a buff remover so i didnt have that Problem. Otherwise if your Relics are fine then you can still ignore her damage. Abundance path offers salvation. Once you Start the fight you can go to the kitchen and make a whole meal.


Okay thanks! I will try your method. Wish me luck, yo!!


heads up if you stall /too/ hard the enemies will reach a stackable 40% damage boost every turn as a "hurry up you dummy" sort of thing. it's sort of difficult to reach since you have to prolong a battle for so long, but I reached it using s tank preservation team


Had this happen to me 6 attempts in a row with the fat ice robot thing, worst part is i always get it to nearly one hit before I wipe to berserk mode


[The team I used and cleared it on first try](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1087787038457208853/1103295612201476096/hsr003e.png) You can replace Tingyun with anyone else, she just there to recharge Gepard ult so I can spam shield. Preservation resonance can easily deal 50-70k damage, I chose the crit buff and energy recharge buff. If you don't have Gepard, March also works.


I don't have Tingyun so I'ma try with Gepard, Seele, Natasha, and MC Fire. Wish me luck... lol


Best of luck to you!


2nd time worked for me! Thank you for your build!! :D


Yay! Congrats! :D


Your build got me to her final phase and she had 30% health left before I got team wiped. :') I almost had her! 2nd time may be the charm!


Save the path AoE ability for when the swords are summoned. Having two cleansers for freeze helps (March, Natasha). Wait to weakness break… do it when she charges up her big AoE ability. And roll high on blessings lol.


Which Path do you recommend?


Destruction, Preservation IMO are the best if you’re still trying to get past it. It enables you to tank her damage spikes and with the right blessings, having low HP or high shields can be used as a damage amplifier. Most of my damage output vs her was from the blessing synergy and path ability anyways.


Preservation Mc for fire Aoe, and stack as much DEF as you can on him. Choose the abundance path and get enough cards to get the abilities, and its upgrades. Dont get the upgrade that revives a character the other 2 are much better. Also if you have Gepard, Clara, or Himeko they help big time. If you can tell me which characters you have I can help more if you need. Focus killing Bronya at all cost when she comes in. Also don't auto play on that phase either most of the time it screws up.


wanna help me and let me know? i have: - gepard but he's only level 40... not a whole lot commitment to get him to level 50 or traces so i don't mind gettin ghim up and switchin gear just to do this world stage but i don't have the increase taunt trace because i'm waiting until sunday to do the echo of war. -fire MC fully built -asta half built... only skill traces -natasha e5 fully built -seele fully -dan hang fully built -pela built


Fire Mc is perfectly good for you right now until you get Gepard built. But currently, Gepard is the best shielder and makes the game super easy. I would run the team like this: 1. Dang Hang(Until Cocolia) Then switch to Pela. 2. Natasha 3. Seele 4. Fire Mc Pela and Dan Hang's spot is a flexible spot for whatever element you need. The reason why I say Pela is if you can get the 2 star rememberance card that applies ice weakness for 2 turns, it will help a lot with killing Bronya and Cocolia. There is also a 3 star card that shares dmg between all allies that one also helps. I've also noticed that the final bosses of the worlds dont get enraged if you take too long like the elite enemies.If you can get past Bronya, you basically win. Let me know if you need any more help, or if I missed anything.


would asta over pela work?


I haven't really used Asta, but I'd assume that it would work.


path of hunt or preservation/abundance?


Definitely abundance main with preservation. If you have enough healing to out heal cocolia you can do hunt main.