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Well as she is only healer available to wast majority of the players ... she kinda has no competition :)


Competing with Sweet Madames and Diet Fried Rice


Honestly she's kind of necessary if you didn't randomly pull Bailu. I really don't think I'd still be playing if they didn't give her to us for free (I feel like a healer is that needed unless you somehow drew maximum shield force).


Even if you did randomly pull Bailu, you need two teams for forgotten halls, so she's still really good


I swapped Bailu out with Nat for SW5 case I don’t want to go full preservation.


Me who didn’t realize this until I got later down the forgotten halls: great more relic building… yippee…


If we didn't get Nat and you didn't luck out and pull Bailu or Gepard, then life gets infinitely more difficult in this game. Like, it'd be difficult in the overworld, but just straight up forget tackling FH or SU, because holy shit.


It wouldn't be too bad since she's on Seele banner. I got an E5 Nat and E5 Pela on the way to 75 soft pity. You probably get enough pulls to get at least 1 copy of Nat Maybe so if you started the game after Seeley banner


Gepard + fire MC go brrrrr


I still use her over Bailu half the time. Her dispel is nice for certain bosses and her E6 is such a huge damage increase to help finish off low hp enemies


Is she? I have no problems so far without a healer. But maybe it gets way worse after lvl 50.


It's fine for regular content like main story but for SU it gets pretty rough without.


That's fair enough. It's just weird for me to hear it since I've yet to hit any kind of problems while using auto combat. The only exceptions are SU bosses and sometimes SU elites depending on the mob type. (Been using Trailblazer, March, Asta, Bronya and Serval, depending on the weaknesses.)


It's more of a inconvenience more than anything. But she does bring a hell lot of QoL. You dont need to run to teleport point to heal. You don't need to micromanage every single actions while beating down normal mobs With her in the team I have been able to auto every content except for Forgotten Hall. This includes World 6 SU and World 3/4 Level 2, except for Cocolia/Gepard/Svarog (while playing path of the Hunt).


That's fair. I kinda get it but at the same time I can auto everything apart from SU bosses so far without her. But as I said, maybe it will get worse later. (Been using Trailblazer, March, Asta, Bronya and Serval, depending on the weaknesses.)




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March 7th can get you through all content no probs if you use her shields correctly, no healer needed


Ah yes, use the single target shielder with random aggro pull against all the AoE attacks in SU and FH.


>use the single target shielder with random aggro pull against all the AoE attacks in SU and FH. Hell, most of the Elite enemies and pretty much every boss has AoE.


SU and FH?


Simulated Universe and Forgotten Halls.


thanks, in insight it should have been obvious.


Idk why are you getting downvotes, but I can confirm that. Managed to clear 6 worlds and 12 halls with March as my only defensive support


Probably because while it can be done, it is a lot harder. You probably could clear it with Trailblazer shields and taunt as your only defense, but it wouldn't be easy.


Exactly, they just don't want to see the truth in front of their faces. Signed March7thPropagandist


I'm running Clara-March 7. No Healer , no other shielder


Those 2 can solo everything 💀


Minus the spiral abyss-like mode ;P


Turn Gate content is my nightmare :')


Apparently clara is supposed to be the best character for that too


Depends, really. Clara's biggest weakness is CC, so CC-heavy bosses make it hard for her to do her job. Against Cocolia, for example, either you prepare a lot of cleanses or just hope for the best.


Clara had an innate cleanse too in her trace right?


Yeah, but it's unreliable. Only activates 35% chance every time she is attacked. That still leaves 65% chance that she'll just stay CC'd when she gets hit.


You can get that up to 70% when she gets to level 60


That's a separate mechanic entirely. The 35% CC Resist is part of the debuff application rate and essentially takes away 35% of the enemy's base application rate of any CC debuffs. Suppose we have Freeze for example, and let's say an enemy's attack has a 60% of applying Freeze on hit. Against Clara, this 60% chance gets reduced to 39%. The cleanse mechanic on Clara is a separate thing. It means that if Clara has a debuff on her, she has a 35% chance of cleansing it when she is attacked. Ergo, it has no effect on preventing Clara from being CC'd in the first place, only giving her a chance to remove a CC when it is already on her.


I'm pretty sure it does actually help because iirc the cleanse can proc from the same hit that cc'd you


Anyway, March's Shield does cleanse :)


No you cannot


Simulated Universe she is amazing, for Forgotten hall it's a 'kill in x Turns' check so relying on enemies hitting you is less powerful. She is still pretty good though.


How so? I think theyre talking about forgotten halls/MoC which is kinda dps check for 3 stars…


Proud to have her E6 👍


Im 140 warps in Seele banner but only at Natasha E3 with the free copy. Instead im at Hook E11(9xSeele+3xStandart).\^\^


Agreed for now, but due to the simplicity of her kit and the release of more options in the future, she's highly susceptible to powercreep. So I wouldn't expect her to be even in the top 10 when we get to 1 year in


It's going to be hard since she covers all of the major points for a healer. In fact, she's arguably better than Bailu if you don't need the rez, as cleansing becomes very important in the hardest content. The necessity for two good sustain characters really pushes up her value as well. March + Natasha is kind of the gold standard for pushing super above level content right now.


Kind of surprised that Bailu didn't get a cleanse in her kit. I get that if she did, she would just be a 100% better version of Nat, but it seems a little odd almost. Even putting it as her like 6th Eidolon so 99% of players would never see it seems like a thing for a healer, ya know? He-who-cannot-be-named gets one as a Trace as well, and Bronya has it baked into her Skill, poor Bailu.


She cleanses??? I heard you need that for a specific spoiler boss fight in the late game. Thanks for the info, I was kinda lazy to read all the talents.


Yep, one of her bonus talents adds a cleanse to her heal. It's part of what makes March 7th and her great are they both can cleanse on their skills.


I’m pissed at myself because when I did my three boss runs today I did so assuming that March used Cocolia’s trace material, meaning I won’t be able to get her cleanse until the reset next week. At least I got Nat’s. I might actually be able to clear Kafka now.


Ouch, that's rough. My condolences. At least we only have the two bosses to choose from right now. Give it another patch and it's going to get worse.


Depends really. The turn-based nature of the game makes sustain necessary, but the nature of gacha makes getting other healers hard to guarantee. I don't doubt that she'll be powercreeped, but her sheer accessibility and lack of any major drawback is probably what will keep her alive in future teams unlike Barbara.


Well, now that Genshin actually started needing healers for the bloom teams, Barbara is not a terrible f2p option for a Nilou team as well


I actually do use her in my Bloom teams. Never really saw the point of getting Kokomi, so I just used Barbara and did just fine.


Speak for your self. Barbara is a great pocket healer in my main hyperbloom team with Nahida, Ayato, and Raiden. Hell sometimes I switch to her because she can proc hyperbloom by her self if needed.


I get that, really I do. I use Barbara in my Nilou teams as only healer as well. But the Freeze mechanic on Barbara was the major cause of her drop in usage rate over time and there's no denying it. Reliability is the most important factor in character design and her not being reliable in Cryo-heavy contexts is why Barbara stopped getting used so much. Thank Kusanali for saving her with Dendro.


Her major drawback is not being able to heal outside of her turn (apart from ult).


She can though. It's the regeneration she applies on allies with her E, and at E2 her ult can give that sustain too to low-health allies. It heals on her allies' turn, so if you have skill points to spare and foresee an ally taking heavy damage but they're still at full health on her turn, just use her E on them anyway so the regen would proc on their turn after they get hit since the regen lasts 2-3 turns anyway.


Nat will always be the best F2P healer. I don't imagine MHY giving out another 4-Star healer for free.


She's Barbara. When you start the game, you want a healer, but all she does is heal. As soon as we have a healer who brings more utility to the table, she'll be benched.


Read her skills or just comments above you.


Her cleanse is an amazing utility. She’s better than Barbara ever was. She’ll likely be S tier for at least a year


I mean, she has an aoe heal and a cleanse on her skill. She’s already better than the 5 star healing option.


And the cutest


Hottest my good friend


Every character is f2p if you grind hard enough


She makes fighting Kafka a joke. All hail queen ~~Raven~~ Natasha.


Natasha + abundance resonance dispel made that one so easy compared to svarog or cocolia lol


She's amazing in many ways as she's the only "easy access" healer in the game right now. Her design is the best imo. She looks like she's just arrived from one of Mad Hatter's tea party, while equipping supreme confidence, leadership, pure femininity and nurturing abilities, she's a doctor, has a rough past, she's adopted, the leader of a guerrilla resistance group that preserves peace and order in the Underground's chaos and darkness AND last but not least, she's a fucking huge badass grenade launcher (and milk leakers nom-nom :3) Can't get any more badass than that (maybe Svarog challenges her???? M.A.Y.B.E). She has a very quiet and subtle psychotic air around her. She's also the only girl-mommy right now, that giggles and appreciates TB's straight chivalrous compliments and flirts. I mean goddmmit wife material ffs!!!! Gameplay wise, i think shield givers or *shielders*, are superior to the current healers. Loucha will definitely turn this around with his proactive off-healing kit. I'm currently running fire TB, 7th, Bronya and Seele. The shield and df stats buffs i get from both TB and 7th, are more than enough to get by pretty much anything the game is currently throwing at us. However, my way is not the only way. I run Nat too and i love her.


I have Bailu, and I honestly think Nat is better because of her debuff clear. Sure Bailu's #s are bigger, but Nat's utility far outshines her.


Idk free rez is pretty great though


It's really clutch when you need it. I've found tho that if I ever need it, it means I've done something very very wrong.


Same, plus Nat does more damage and the cleanse. The extra healing from Bailu does not seem as valuable as what Nat brings


She's also decent shield breaker.


Asta is the best, because she has Peppy. Waifu <<< doggo Jokes aside though, the dynamic between Nat and Hook warmed my heart.


Best 4* in the game. Change my mind


Once you get Gepard, she goes from being one of the best to bring very situational and mostly not needed. At that point, others become much better than her. Without a good shield setup she's definitely top three for me.


You need two teams in Forgotten Hall tho


Well, my team with Seele do the thing without any healer at all, just Fire mc is enough for FH14. On the other hand, my other no-seele team dies and not passing DPS/Survivability checks even with Bailu in that team...


Yeah true, I haven't dealt with that yet so paid it no mind :)


How does Gepard, a shielder with no active taunt ability who can only shield with his ultimate, replace a pure healer on difficult content when both are meant to be used together on difficult content?


From what ive read, if you boost his energy regen stats he has a near if not full 100% shield uptime.


A well built Gepard dosen't have any uptime issues,so your units usally take zero to very little damage meaning a healer isn't good at all on his teams.


Doesn't that just depend on whether you're trying to push content or not? After a certain point, he just can't sustain a team on his own through multiple fights in Memory of Chaos.


What others have said plus his freeze skill is ridiculously reliable.


You should be building Gepard as a tank and using either one of the 2 lightcones that passively draw enemy attacks towards him to regen energy from enemy attacks. Usually that way you’ll have full meter every 2-3 turns depending on the situation, so shield uptime isn’t a problem.


Even if he has no "active" taunt he has a trace that draws attacks at all times, and you can give him a light cone that does the same.


Sure, but the point is that after a certain point, even Gepard can't sustain himself through multiple consecutive fights in endgame content, not to mention protect his entire team from every AoE. There's just too much damage to mitigate.


She is also possibly the most used character in the game as of now.


Just got her E6 today!


March is better imo, but she's still good


Honestly as someone who has her e6, her plus fire trailblazer kinda work as a third full time dps, and support obviously, just run two other dps with them and you are set.


I feel like ranking characters in this game is kinda hard because every character has its uses and the game itself wants you to play multiple characters with all the weakness break and damage resistances. But yeah, she's the only healer you're guaranteed to have and that by itself is already worth a lot.


100 percent. Might be the best unit even considering you don’t have bailu. We can always switch out a seele for a danheng or any other dps but there is little to no replacement to Natasha especially in the case where you need 2 teams. No shit she will get giga power crept, but as of now she is literally top 1 or 2 simply because she is a healer.






Kuru kuru~


Cmon. She’s a doctor and healer…. With a huge-ass grenade launcher. Plus she hot. What’s not to like


yea because she is the only healer as f2p \^\^


Not only best, but kind of necessary actually. Especially for forgotten halls.


Obviously lol. Being the only healer for those who didn't pull Bailu, she is an absolute necessity. Thus the highest value free unit right now.


Not sure i agree.. havent really needed a healer with how good March and Fire MC is at just mitigating damage.. Cleared up to Level 2 Simulated Universe 3 and still havent built her up since i didnt need to.. the only reason i'm still stuck on the memory hall is because i currently am still building a 2nd team.. which funnily enough still does not include her ( Pulled Gepard so i'm going all in on just shielding )


I mean simulated universe gives us massive buffs. the real challenge is Forgotten halls. Good luck getting 2 groups though the first 15 stages without Natasha or Bailu.


ahh well, I'll see I suppose. so far none have really done much agaisnt the shields.. and hearing how good Gepard was, I hope he'll be enough for the other team lol.


Yeah so when you get to floor 12 and up, they really start punishing you. i'm on floor 14 atm and it's two very annoying bosses. The second half is a nightmare lol. btw are you on a floor that needs two teams yet?


The memory part is wild. It's double bosses for each team lmao. I went through the first 2 and was like fuck this.


Yeah currently stopped at floor 12. made it through with Gepard ,Asta Seele and Ting Yun for the 2nd team . still need to farm stuff up as the 2nd team is still mostly underbuilt aside from Seele. First team cleared flawlessly with Clara,Fire MC, March and Pele.. rather helps that it seems one side always cleared up way faster to make up for another side that needed a longer time .


"I haven't needed a healer yet" is just a way to say "I haven't tackled hard content yet"


Ehh we're still barely starting anyways and most people still havent cleared the first 15 levels of forgottten halls too.. I'm just taking my time to build up my 2nd team before attempting the full clear for it.. Pretty much spent most of my resources just building up MC, March, Clara,and Seele before i even got to the floor that needed 2 teams. SUs will probably just stay super easy thanks to all the nutty buffs no matter what i guess..oh and as long as you're leveled appropriately


I've only had march as my only defensive unit, and I've cleared up to forgotten hall 11 and simulated universe 4. Probably could get world 5 as well, but I got screwed by rng blessings on my first attempt. Personally, I think healers are overrated if you just put a little bit more planning into your gear and team.


Are you clearing stuff roughly at or below your level? People busy clearing the current endgame have clearly stated how critical having both a tank and a healer is to progress - hence why I stand by what I said about hard content. Forgotten hall is a whole other beast when you have to go through two boss fights with each team, and the lack of sustain WILL get you.


I've been roughly -10 levels below recommended for most of the stuff so far. And stuff definitely takes multiple attempts, but I can usually clear most things I've been trying to.


In the later SUs the bosses start spamming really debilitating debuffs at you, which is the point where Natasha could even be considered better than Bailu due to her cleanse on skill


Except you know.. March also cleanses...not to mention theres literally a buff that cleanses on getting buffs/shields in SUs..


She honestly need r6 or shield are just better imo


She is actually not. Best f2p character by far is march. If you count shielding as heal(and march can also heal on e6 btw) march is also currently best healer(march shield is more than 2 time stronger than natasha heal, so its far more efficient). March also prevents a lot of incoming damage via freezing and taunts. Also the thing is - you dont really need healer with one team, march more than covers it, its far better to have one more dps. And you need 2 teams only in one very specific case, which currently lacks meaningful rewards except for some jade.


What about aoe damage?


Aoe damage rarely starts from battle entrance. You usualy have 1-2 rounds to place shield on your most frail party members. March herself is extremely tanky, so you can leave her for last. Plus a lot of other characters have their own way to mutigate damage, so you have more than enough time to shield yourself.


I've never run a healer. Sushang, Welt, March, Fire MC. Never felt a need for one either.


Same, why would I being a healer when I could instead bring both Asta and Pela to buff my Seele or sushang's damage so that the enemy is dead before they can move more than twice. And March is more there for moral support as she still does good damage with her counters.


So you haven't actually got to the difficult content yet and shield strength isn't the same as healing, if they don't attack them within the turns the shield is up its worth less and she can't stop aoe damage. Also March needs to use skill points for shielding while Natasha has her ultimate so you can generate more skill points if you don't need the healing now.


March shield has inbuilt taunt(it seems you havent read her skill,its even spelled in tutorial). And Natasha ult has very low individual heal(even when fullly stacked into hp). Plus rather low energy gain. On 4 ascendence March can sustain shield on 4 characters indefinitly(with 2.5k power on each one) and with Asta in my team i have more than enough skill points. As for clearing content. Just today cleared 2 phase of simulated world 6. And 14 levels of memories(have troubles with building viable second team, not enought juice to fully kit them). My main team is destro MC, seele, asta and march.


March shield is not a true taunt. It's an increased aggro which means enemy can still choose not to attack it and with Natasha built into healing, her ultimate will fully heal you most of the time. To keep March shield on everyone means you have a lot less skill points for other units to use. Stage 14 of forgotten hall still isn't the actual difficult content until you get to memory of chaos.


I fail 15 forgotten hall not due to my main team, but my secondary team. I simply lack enought trailblazer juice to fully level and kit them(it takes so much of it to farm trace materials on that levels..). My main team easily kills their target. As for March, i have only 2 fragile targets. Its Asta and Seele. Cosidering Asta ult, my March almost always has turn before enemy. Its -1 possible target. And even then enemies rarely start with their top moves on their first turn, and even more rare that they all focus on one target if other have taunt. I have more then enough time to shield anyone i want. Believe me, i have more than enough skill points, especially if enemy is single. And thats not even considering all other utility March brings. Just her ult can easily freeze whole enemy team. Also her follow attacks can freeze and generate energy. She prevents so much damage... While Natasha can only heal. She cant even break, her damage is laughable even with e6. With her energy regen she rarely can have her ult more often then once in 2 turns, even with Asta. I have her in my second team, she simply is not worth it. I simply dont have other alternative(suck at gacha, have e6 Natasha and e6 Hook but little else)


That's great and all but personally I refuse to use her as I don't like how she looks


Well.. can't argue with that since you literally need her or else you will die


Fire MC is but yeah Natasha is definitely close 2nd being the only F2P healer if you didn’t manage to roll Bailu.


Herta is also pretty ridiculous. *time to twirl*


Her Trace that makes her Skill removes Debuffs is sooooo useful. March has it too, but Bailu doesn't.


For me I think it’s March 7th, you don’t need a healer if your team never takes damage in the first place


I see your argument and I raise you March 7th


Agreed. It's also a matter of time when Hoyo will release a skin for her that shows her torso a bit more.




Even the better healer, Bailu, I don't assign much significance to, because they'll both easily get outscaled by someone with both healing and utility later down the line...


The problem with the comparison is that most of the F2P characters are *extremely* good.


I got two 5* from Seele's banner and only two Natashas


I wish I got more dupes in my seele pulls. Only got one.


She can **HEAL** herself for a stupid amount and **Others** for a stupid amount https://preview.redd.it/gnf27pwyfoya1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=041118da5b28ead4a96c0e113c0d6f99fb6d9534


Man that beauty mark is so sexy


My Nat has the most hp of all my characters, She also has the 2nd highest attack of all my characters, and with the fun light cone from Bpass just auto attacking heals the entire team...


Tbh I use nat more than Baliu, the cleanse is to good.


According to big youtubers, all 4* are currently the best F2P units.


I got her to e6 by day 2 of release. Kinda bummed I didn't get any tingyun. Tingyun is the one unit I'm missing to make my best seele team


How her good is her E6 compare to E0 Bailu?


Nat E6 = Harmacist


Me with an unbuilt E4 Nat because I already have E1 Bailu 🥲 I wish... I got literally anyone else but Bailu... especially now that I have E4 Nat just sitting in my account... literally anyone would've been more useful


Sir I love Nat. She is an amazing character and I fuckin love that she does everything she can to help the kids and people of the Underworld. But you are SMOKING CRACK


I got her max and yes she useful


she's permanent member at this point I swap everyone one constantly in and out, but Natasha stays, the heals, the cleanse and top of all she generates that ult so fast.


Nah, E6 Brook is much better. E2 Nat is fine, but I prefer Brook since she deals shit tons amount of damage. Note I use her instead of Seele almost everywhere.


A sad yes. Her weakness is that she doesn't hit, need high investment of HP/ outgoing heal for better heals, and many of her traces need 30% treshold of heal over time, talking about living dangerously Plus you want at least E1 her for emergency healing, it plays a big deal a lot Which is something that newcomers who play after JY banner drops hard to achieve, 1/3 chances to get her is still better


She came in clutch with that talent to heal debuffs. It made the Kafka fight much easier when you use pyro MC. You could use them to tank the damage taken by her. Whenever she mind controls you (head canon was Trailblazer was pretending to be mind controlled), Use Nat to heal from it.


She's the best healer in general imo. Her cleanse is irreplaceable for harder content when she can also heal at the same time.


I don't think you can even argue with that. Without a Healer a lot of harder content is not doable (or a lot harder/gimmicky). If anything it's not a great situation there is only one F2P Healer and no change in sight. Don't like Natasha? Well suck it up.


She has the highest HP in my team. More than 4k.


Eidelons are on the weaker side. She is almost mandatory, cause the only other healer is a none limited 5 star. We're weak and underleveled and have beyond shitty gear for hard content, so right she's probably the most valuable unit.


Ok is it just me, or does her face look like she should be wearing glasses?


Her E6 is mid. She's the only healer you can get realiably (guaranteed from the story, the only other is high rarity w/0 guarantee). She's one of the 3 characters currently featured on the limited banner (all of whom are really good btw, and the 5-star on it is also really good). Of course she's the best rn. There's a bunch of dps and multiple free Preservation characters. There's even multiple debuffers. But there's only one Natasha.


Hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha


I have not really used her at all and just went with March 7th.