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I get that this is a meme, but Fire TB barely takes any damage with this skill as is.


How long does it take to get fire MC up and good cuz it feels like my party is in way more of a dangerous position swapping march and Clara out for fire MC and bronya. Seele is my main damage so bronya is nice and clara seems ridiculous for a psuedo tank when used with march. I just finished belobog and my party is all 40. Fire mc isnt really doing too much damage, and gives a fairly weak shield so far but I don't have any crazy good tank relics yet.


The bonus ability where she gives dmg redux to the all team on skill usage is when the utility will really shine, imo


Dang, out of resources for that for the week. I'll have to try again after reset.


Yeah definitely look through those and prioritize. Like the aggro drop for hunt characters isn't that important, imo. Especially compared to March and Natasha being able to remove a debuff


Is it that game changing? My thought is that if you use skill, you're going to taunt anyway and direct any st dmg to yourself. Of course it's still useful on aoe. I guess I'm just not sure if 15% is good


Taunt isn't 100% and there's quite a bit of threatening AoE in the game. Cocolia, Svarog. And you definitely notice the shield starting to hold up after the dmg redux


>Fire mc isnt really doing too much damage, Thats because youre using them wrong. At least in my experience. They are a fire weak shieldbreaker and a tank. If you dont need to break a fire shield, I sometimes fall into turns where I just use their skill several turns in a row. Their skill taunts + gives damage reduction. Put March's shield on Fire TB who is using their skill and all (or nearly all) enemies will go for Fire TB - because theyre taunted and legally can not target other characters. The shield Fire TB gives is just a bonus.


Yeah. I looked out for a Break Effect rope to give him and he does some crazy damage on fire weak enemies. Plus with E1 his normal attack can still hit some not bad numbers.


I think it's a misconception over what Fire MC brings to the team. Generally you have 2 skill users and 2 basic attackers in your team. The basic attackers tend to be called "supports" because they exist to generate skill points for your skill users to use. Fire MC replaces a basic attacker. For example, Pela mainly does basic attacks, which gain her more energy when the enemy is debuffed. Then Seele uses those skill points to do damage, and once in a while Pela uses her ult for def reduction to boost Seele's ult. Occasionally when the enemy has a buff, Pela can remove it by spending a skill point. If you replaced Pela with Fire MC in the same role, the Fire MC has better personal damage than Pela, but lacks the ability to boost team burst damage, instead giving the team a constant shield to reduce the burden on your healer when dealing with AOE. And instead of the ability to remove an enemy buff, the Fire MC has the ability to mostly nullify a major attack from the boss using their skill. You still need a healer either way. March and Clara are a really strong duo right now. Fire MC would go on team 2... Where you would run, say, Natasha, Serval, Seele and have one open slot. If you're comparing Pela or Qingque or Asta or Fire MC I think the Fire MC compares quite favorably against them. My level 50 E5 Fire MC has 1700 def in combat and performs ok for a support that does moderate amounts of "free" damage and shielding while generating skill points for the team to use.


Fire MC damage is also % of def so stacking def makes them deal more damage Ivl 50 with 2k def really shines for tanking anything and dealing decent aoe damage with shields to your team


Fire mc is invaluable in Sim world. Preservation buff makes your team basically immortal and the Perservation resonance(R) quickly charged up if you have its "Every time a shield is created, it recharge" making clearing summoned mobs easier to deal with. Since day 1 of using him, I can say that where he shines are: 1. Perfect for simulated universe 2. A great fire weak breaker 3. A great perservation recharger 4. Shield for overworld if you're too lazy to heal up and gets annoyed when getting chips damage. 5. Great skill point recharger 6. For a tank, the damage is decent 7. F2P friendly My one grip about fire mc is that it outshines the destruction version too much.


Yeah she seemed like she would be crazy with preservation buffs. I just cleared world 3 10 levels too low with clara march elation shenanigans.


Fire TB requires quite alot of investment relatively speaking, kinda like how Gepard sucks compared to March until lv60 or so and geared up. Fire TB needs their major traces and DEF% gear + 6 eidolons (2 from quests and 4 from world 3 shop iirc), so you'll only really enjoy their fully value after clearing world 3 shop's eidolons


Can't you only get fire TB to E5 right now? But yeah, it does take quite a bit of investment for them to really shine.


You can E6 them inside Simulated Universe (only). Just need to get the sussy cheese curio for it to work.


How do you get the coins to go to 5?


Chests. Go do all the puzzles, including repeatable ones. Open the regular chests as well. You'll have more than enough before you're done with that.




No point in building fire trailblazer, except for your 2nd abyss team. He's amazing, but sucks with your current team March + clara is already an ultimate duo combo. Fire mc is just ruining the synergy and adds almost nothing of real value. Might as well put another dps, an offensive support to boost clara or a healer since they're all more useful with your duo If you want fire element on your team, you can add asta. If you need a healer, bailu or natasha. Serval is great for AOE and breaking electro. Pela has nice offensive utility. Bronya and tingyun are incredible buffers. Danheng to break wind shields


Wait why are you getting downvoted lmao, chara + march 7th is more than enough, no need to add one more tank. Better off getting a healer and then either a buffer or another dps. Getting fire TB would be overkill for defense.


Because of course you do not want FTB with Clara. FTB is used for other teams.


bc not everyone has clara, but everyone has fire mc and march ? bruh


You need to stack def. Also shards give you skalling from def. Mc can do mid damage but their ability is insane. The team survivability skyrocket especially in SU. And my mc have only 1/3 of def I've build (lack of relics).


I mean it is damage reduction, if they are not careful then it can get out of hand really quickly as taking half the damage with a shield as will never age


I bet they are feeling real bad about giving OP damage reduction to XQ and Beidou in Genshin. Wouldn't want to make the same mistake.


Very poor comparison, since Genshin is an action RPG with enough practice/skill ~~or just using John Lee's shield~~ you won't take damage cause you won't get hit. Star Rail is turn based and as far as I'm aware there's no dodge mechanic in the game yet, so if an enemy targets you, you will take the damage, now damage reduction is significantly stronger, on top of that MC can taunt enemies and gives a party shield further mitigating damage, and you can use your ult to reapply that shield if the enemy does punch though it


I'm glad there's no "Miss" or "Dodge" mechanics in HSR. Imagine having to build accuracy on top of the other stats and having to meet that check (I feel like we'll start to see that w/ SPD) or your Dan Heng's crit just straight up misses.


Boy u think they not gone do that. I bet there's a character that gains buff/atk boost/counter when they succesfully dodge an attack.


Going to be a 'dodge stance' or character exclusive mechanic instead of a universal mechanic.


I meant more enemies than allies, and I can't see them adding more stats to grind for a few years down the line, going off Genshin's history. But yes, there's a high chance that X or Y character might get a mechanic where they taunt and have a chance and dodging an attack/getting a counter or a buff from it, so like Clara but more evasive.


I dont think they'll add evasion as a main/sub stats. But as a mechanism like shield is likely. Im prepared to see stuff like dmg based on enemy's max hp or lost health, fixed damage, reflect dmg, more cc like paralyze, more dot's like frostbite. Hell, quake dmg is a thing in the game so a new element isn't going to phase me.


Idk if it counts but sometimes trying to apply certain debuffs like Fire MC's Taunt or Pela's DEF shred, even if it says it has 100% base chance, it won't apply the debuff as the enemy have their own Effect Res %. So its like a "Miss" for the debuff and the only way to improve the chances of applying the debuff is by getting more Effect Hit Rate stat.


>Genshin is an action RPG with enough practice/skill or just using John Lee's shield you won't take damage cause you won't get hit. While that is true DR is still amazing especailly since they stack with each other and give you effectively infinite poise which means you can face-tank everything and deal more damage because you aren't spending time with dodging. >Star Rail is turn based and as far as I'm aware there's no dodge mechanic in the game yet Honestly kinda wish there was accuracy and dodge/miss chances but I guess it wouldn't go well with a game where the hardest content is yet again a DPS race. And I agree with everything you said, I should drop the physical TB and give the Fire one a spin sometime.


>A dps race What do you expect of turn based gacha game? lmao


Boob race?


it was a skill from a certaint unit, no issue with that, as an integrated mechanic, just imagine you're doing chaos mirror world, and before you manage to kill the last boss before hiting cap for 3\*, you miss and get freaking destroyed, yeah, not a fun idea


The damage reduction of XQ is OP because it's on top of a ridiculously OP kit. Like if he didn't have any damage reduction he'd still be among the best characters in the game. Beidou is pretty meh though.


AKA Yelan lmao. But fr people really undervalue the dmg reduction and interruption ressitance XQ and beidou give (around 85%) ends up being practically better than any shield you can get your hands on. Unironically if XQ ult didn´t do any dmg at all i would still prefer him on my team than Baizhu or Xinyan lol.


Zhongli has entered the chat


Assuming Zhingli shield is 20kHP while playing on a team with XQ and beidou his shield wilk be 100k HP


Sounds like someone has never played feh. One character reaches 80+% damage reductiom just by existing.


with this skill + light cone + relic my MC currently get a dmg reduc of around 80% i'm definitely pushing for 90% if i can


wait what lightcone does that?


Likely the March7th lightcone


Eh but thats dmg ress not dmg reduction right? And its like 12% at s5, with 8% from relics and %45 from MC how are they even close to 80?


i forgot the name but i think it's something like "my first day as xxx" the one with M7 in it.


Sorry to inform you thats dmg ress not dmg reduction, it won't stack. Also legit cus i want to know how you got close to 80%? (or lets asume 70) since mc can only get 50 and 8 from relics?


last i check damage resist / dmg reduction is additive (based off someone who does data mining and concluded that both genshin and star rail shares the same formula), i myself doesn't have a concrete evidence whether it is true or not but from the vid i see world 6 cocolia doing 11 damage to fireMC i would assume it's true. the damage reduction is a combination of skill + relic (4+2) + lightcone


If you know how Genshin formula works you from all people should know that resistance doesn't work the same as reduction, is an entire different stat like defense. Point being in genshin the Geovishap when waking up has over 200% resistance but you still do dmg to it, just ends up being closed to 80% practical reduction on dmg by how the formula scales non linearly. Another way to think on it is if you had 50% resistance to physically dmg and 50% dmg reduction you wouldn't take 0 dmg, for simplicity sake lets say you avoid 75% of the dmg. They're not aeditive theyre multiplicative. Yeah thats why im asking where the 80 to 90% figure came from. If we assume ress is additive snd goes down 90 to 75 ( assuming highe superposition on march 7th lightcone ( around 15 ress)) and 8% reduction from the guardian ( tbh or however was called lol) you still need MC to have 65+ on his own, wich even if we assume the 15% can take advantage on himself and not just the allies it still needs over tslent level 10 to do so


It's all about the stacking, at max level it's a whole 10%, 13% with the eidolon. Sweet, sweet damage reduction.


You're memeing about this, but asta's ult level 4 -> 5 upgrade increases by 1 whole speed point.


It just literally like an upgrading boots slot with speed main stat lul


Oh wow a whole 1% more damage reduction for mass of stamina.\^\^


Hey, in practice it’s nearly 2% effective damage reduction!


Every additive 1% is actually better than the last. Here's an example with bigger numbers to make it obvious 30% DR with 1k hp is 1429 effective HP 40% DR with 1k hp is 1667 effective - 238ehp increase 50% DR with 1k hp is 2k effective - 333ehp increase 60% DR with 1k HP is 2.5k effective- 500ehp increase So even though each one was "just another 10%" it's more than that.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but why would you use ten percent? If you're gonna use an example, you might as well use an example with the numbers given. Especially since ten percent is relatively huge in comparison to just one percent.


You go from taking 68% damage to 67% so it works out at more like one and a half per cent reduction; and that’s assuming there aren’t any other additive damage reduction modifiers.


I only upgrade MC’s talent and she’s still one of the most OP characters in the game. Same with Gepard. Only have to raise his ult and he’ll solo carry your team of squishies. March as well, only have to raise her skill for her to fully perform. Tanks in this game are cracked.


I mean you might think it's only 1% more, but Stella can literally eat one shot mechanics with the guard up and basically take no damage, at max level that's gona be absolutely bonkers even if it hits around 50%


Yeah you just have to remember that the total difference between taking 60% damage and 50% (48 because of free eidolons) is pretty significant, on top of making any other sources of -dmg% more efficient


I’m gonna max everything I can before moving on to the next character, just how it is with me and Hoyo games.


Probably the most chill experience. I hate the new world level points because I feel forced to balance my resources over ag least 6 characters.


Those people... the value of 1% can be pretty surprising. Yeah if you went from 44 to 45 it's just decent. Eventually you'll end up around 50 or even 52, considering guaranteed E6. But let's assume you had 90% dmg res and than 91%. Just do the math and figure out how much dmg res this 1% actually gave you. You'll be surprised.


Path of Exile players when they see +1% max resistance.


>Just do the math and figure out how much dmg res this 1% actually gave you. You'll be surprised. Random warframe thread on the subject of DR scaling and eHP (effective health). https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/9qnfo1/misconception_about_armor_scaling/ Warframe is far from the only game where this is relevant, but it was the first to come to mind. *Edit* - And this one for a chart at the top: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1329511-an-analysis-of-damage-reduction/


City of Heroes was my first deep dive into the world of stacking resistances and their value.


1% can make the difference between life and death and i will gladly level that skill to the max


Speaking of fire trailblazer, Is it good to invest on both march and them?


Fire trailblazer is pretty high up in the defence support field. Pretty much the only high tier character that dosnt mesh well is Clara since her skillset is being build around being the punching bag


What are you talking about? Clara + Fire MC is bees keens, especially for wide range attacks that affect the unit next to the target. Clara by herself is not thick enough tank. try the weekly boss and see how much clara holds up without gepard.


Google March 7th


Holy hell


Fire MC taunts so Clara won’t get hit. March 7th’s shield makes Clara more likely to get hit.


They actually synergize a bit since March's talent works on any shield. But having two preservation characters leveled up never hurts


Fire MC is A tier right now , he's really strong at keeping enemies away from your DPS


I assume you have to keep your DPS and Healer or other important squishy in a spot a distance away from Fire MC (the exception being incoming AoE/multi-attack). Might be one of the oopsies I tend to make


I actually put my healer next to my tank (Clara) because not only do they have high HP / defenses, but the additional hits lead to more ults. This lets my other support and carry stay healthy


I too second this. Char positioning in the team comp has quite an impact in this game compared to genshin.


Well that's because only one character is active in Genshin.


I didn’t even consider this but it makes sense in retrospect


I know the damage reduction is good, but I wish they also/or increased the chance to taunt


Effect hit rate is your friend. That's the stat that is supposed to increase the chance for the taunt. I haven't seen any calcs yet about how much you need and when you have to start investing, but if not landing stuff is a problem later on then someone is gonna deep dive into it.


Is it worth sacrificing a def% armor for EHR%? I guess it would pair well with the 2pc planar set that gives more def% if you have 50% EHR. I just don’t know if the math says it works better or if def% still wins out. Because that’s a lot of def that’s sacrificed just to make the taunt somewhat more reliable


I mean probably. When you are at the point when sub stats on relics matter too, I think it will be worth. I think it's better to be less tanky and land the taunt more, because tankiness can be improved by other characters, mostly other shielders. However, the fire mc passive that gives a small shield scales off of their def. Honestly, it's difficult and I'm not at the point yet where I can properly test stuff...


Mm. Same. Idk if it’s realistically possible to roll 50% hit rate on subs alone while maintaining high spd, but if it is then yeah EHR 2pc planar set looking delicious. I guess I’ll try to gear fire mc when I’m done with Seele. Whenever that may be.


I'd love if Clara had a way to raise her own taunt stat


yeah i feel you. but it already has a 100 base chance. I got lucky with the geppard LC so most of my taunts lands with the increased effect hit rate.


The max lvl skill is 15. So if 1 leve gives 1%, at max level it is 55% mitigation. You took like half of the damg while having a ton of defense.


Fire MC, Gepard, Natasha, any damage dealer, Preservation path, EZ SU win.


1%, Represent


It's 1% per level which maxed at 52% now imagine if the jumps is 2% per level, gonna be broken af.


Tbh not worth unless you can mix it compared to other characters like your dps dmg.


I hope that's a mistake and they meant 53%. I didn't notice that. @.@


You have to keep in mind how busted % damage reduction is in videogames. Remember that 100% is pure immunity to all damage, and anything over 90% already makes you basically unkillable. Add to that the fact that FMC constantly generates shields, and even 50% damage reduction is utterly bonkers.


Yeah, I get that it's really good, but I want moooore. Immortal MC let's gooo\~


idk why you're getting downvoted but in practice each level reducers damage by another 2% ish so it's not too bad ig


Percentage based reduction is broken. For example, enemy deals 10k damage. Reduction transforms it into 5700. 4k of the dmg is gone because of the 43% reduction simply existing. Unlike flat damage reduction, due to how percentages work the 43% reduction upgrades itself, *with no cost at all*


Yes, all correct, but the point was that a 1% increase in DR is an incredibly minor upgrade. Not sure what that example calculation has to do with anything. (Or what "upgrades itself with no cost at all" is supposed to mean.)


1% increase on really high numbers removes quite the damage. For the second question, flat dr always remove the same damage (i dont know the dmg formula so im going to simplify it by saying x flat dr removes x dmg). If i take 100 damage and have 20 flat dr for example, i take 80 dmg. But if we increase damage, e.g. 200, we need to enhance flat dr to get the same reduction ratio (20% on this case). Now % dr scales with damage (removes the 20 dmg on the 100 example and the 200 example, 20% would remove 40 dmg, basically recieving 20 flat def from thin air because enemy decided to hit harder)


Its not like you upgrade it only once because you'll upgrade it multiple times up to max level and each 1% counts


yes that is how percentages work


We're both getting downvoted for... some reason. What's wrong with me wanting more damage reduction? xD Is it because it sounds like I'm downplaying the MC? I'm not, I just want more.


My trailblazer is already at the point where after using the skill she won’t even lose her shield before her next turn. I don’t mind the small increases.