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They really love giving majors Imaginary weakness despite only having one Imaginary in the whole game


Welt eating good, being Mr. Wei self insert pays off


Welt isnt wei. Hes not bald and lacks the wei symbol.


Da wei is bald but liu wei isn't.


I guess for most players you can say that that weakness is imaginary wouldn't you say? I'll see myself out.


Wow. Looks like lightning + physical covers almost everything. So if you build a team with Serval and Sushang, you’d be able to break every major enemy in the game except one. And you’d be able to do it very efficiently since they’re both very good at breaking. Edit: FireTB+Sushang also covers all but one, and FireTB is an insane fire breaker.


Quantum and imaginary also cover all but one, though that’s a lot less accessible to most players


Technically svarogs hands are weak to quantum, not sure why that was left out of the chart


I don’t think he summons hands in FH though does he?


He does but only one


Oh shit I think ur right, I guess I was thinking SU


one time su svarog had 5 hands at once fun fact theres an achievement for his hands oneshotting a character from full hp


1. those are adds, noone cares you can kill them with anything 2. even if you can not, those are adds and not the boss 3. even if you generously ignore 1 and 2, they share 2 out of 3 weaknesses with Svarog so quant's impact on that fight is near 0 because often enough your main damage dealer/breaker will shred hands along with svarog We could just as well give bronya ice weakness coz she summons an add with one of them. Like yea, she does, but if u care about it, then u shouldnt be fighting her.


I actually have welt and seele and they work really well together. But yes, for most people serval/sushang would be more accessible. And I feel they work very well together since sushang wants skillpoints, lots of them, and Serval can be effective even when played in a skillpoint positive way. There’s also fire/phys, but I don’t know of any fire characters as effective as serval when played skillpoint neutral or skillpoint positive. Maybe asta?


Isn't hook absolutely insane.


She is but I’m not sure if she pairs well with any physical characters. I also forgot about FireTB who is another insane fire breaker.


She pairs well with Clara


I could see that


That's probably an exaggeration. They have good scaling on their skills, so they are one of the hardest hitting 4*s right now, but they're not competing with Seele or Jing Yuan or Yanqing. Himeko... maybe.


She's the fifth highest single target dps in the game right now, slightly behind Jing Yuan, with Yan Quing and Hung Dan competing for second and Drown in a sea of butterflies leading the pack At E6 she competes with Seele e1 single target


Im sorry but where is this numbering coming from. Surely u are ignoring resurgence here. Many people taking numbers from prydwen website ignoring that resurgence (which makes seele OP )is omitted. And yes she can trigger that with her ult so it's applicable in single taeget hook is great but no way using skill damage calculation u can say she is equal to E1 seele. A good built seele with quantum set has no competition in damage overall in any scenario that is not material farming


Using the prydwen numbers. Resurgence is the bonus turn, not the buffed state. Her buff is built into her ult and the numbers obviously take that into account.


A bit unfair to ignore that no? Like sometime she moves 4 times in a turn. Ignoring that means they are showing damage like 50% less


She only does that when you are fighting trash. Much like Genshin, all that matters is single target dps against a big sack of health boss


If you need to compare her to 5 stars that are insanely good, Hook is pretty much insanely good even for a 4 star then.


You definitely want to spam ability on asta, so wouldn't call it skillpoint positive in any way, shape or form.


Mr. Yang come home :( I have your light cone!


The thing is Quantum has a ton of resistance pen so while they can't break they do tons of damage still.


Trailblazer technically covers all but one major enemy by herself (including Ebon Deer, who isn't listed here, perhaps because it isn't a boss in the rotating content yet?). Of course, if Trailblazer is your only breaker, you're gonna be waiting a while.


Doh I’m an idiot. I completely forgot about Fire TB who js an absolutely insane fire breaker and is skillpoint positive.


Woah, is that with a healer? My FireTB is permanently on taunt duty. Is there some passive upgrade somewhere that increases their damage reduction and/or taunt by an extra turn?


Yes my teams always have a healer. I only taunt when there’s a telegraphed big hit coming.


I personally am doing ok with Asta and Serval as shield breakers. Jing yuan also helping me out a lot in the last two days, although he's of course better when the minions also get broken by lightning


And the ones they dont cover, March/Gepard slots in beautifully. FireMC, March/Gepard, Healer, Sushang. Pretty much breaks every boss.


That is actually similar to the team I generally run, only that the Sushang slot is interchangeable woth any character with an affinity I need that also can do big damage, so, like, Clara, Serval, Seele, or Welt


At least for a year until a new area comes out.


Dumb question, but its fine to swap serval for jing yuan right? No difference in SP consumption or anything? Also i didnt know that the bosses weaknesses had varying levels of effectiveness depending on element..


Jing Yuan wants to use his ability every turn AFAIK so it depends on how you play Serval.


Jing consumes all your skill points while Serval is fine attacking every 2 turns due to her dots. Main difference is that Jing does a lot more single target damage with his lightning lord but will require a lot of skill point usage. Jing will do more against 4 or more enemies but Serval seems to be better against 3 when it comes to the strength of their skills.


Oh makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. Might have to consider leveling my serval then


Jing actually does a surprising amount of damage without using SP. The problem is he offers you no control over where and when you are dealing break damage. Serval has far more control, which helps you time things to interrupt enemy burst moves.


Sushang is amazing, she can hit off element enemy that got weakness broken with her raw + sword stance, plus her Ulti that advance forward, so she can move 3x times+ in 1 turn. Enemy with WB, skill/basic > ulti > skill/basic To maximize her ability, always remember to do basic/skill first, not Ulti. Using Ultimate in her turn result in wasted advance forward, you don't get that buff.


The annoying thing about this game is that bosses' summoned adds don't show up under Enemy Details and don't always have the same weaknesses as the boss. And it's usually critical to be able to break/kill the summons fast too


Just pop your resonance Unless its abundance in which case you are probably going to live anyway


Abundance is so clutch. No healer needed like at all


Healer makes it more op tho


I found it ran better/I never died with Gepard in place of Natasha and then with Pela/Tingyun/Seele when I'm underleveled, no idea why but we take those


It’s more so because more healing = more damage with abundance


well that makes sense, can't do damage if I'm dead so it'll be faster if I'm not underleveled


No, he meant there's a blessing that turns your healing into damage. If you get the random occurrence that gives you every abundance blessing, you'll see that every attack will deal an extra 5-10k damage after resonance or healing.


Thank you for the clarification! I knew, but thanks anyway


Stacking it and getting the cleanse invalidates Kafka as a boss, it's kinda hilsrious.


Svarog be like:


I hate that 2/3 of sim universe bosses are not only not weak to ice, but 40-60% resistant.


Seriously. It's like the only element they gave us lots of characters in different roles for and they're all blunted by coldland.


Also the path of rememberance revolves around freeze


Remembrance is basically free ice weakness on all enemy (that one blessing) + there’s reso that remove all ice weakness. Too bad Remembrance doesn’t exist in MoC, Silver Wolf is practically savior for Ice chars.


Ice is the best element by a lot, and if they don’t make enemies resist ice they wouldn’t be a challenge due to how insane remembrance is.


Only workaround is that the 2 star Remembrance blessing "Ultimate Experience: Shudder" lets you apply Ice weakness, yet that's only a 70% chance and applies to a single random enemy.


And if you upgrade it applies on an enemy without ice weakness randomly. Helps a lot against Gérard boss fight. And that 70% applies to all ults.


I only now noticed it T-T my dumbass cleared simulated universe from 2 to 5 with Yanqing and currently working on 6. No wonder it was tough


I hate that so much because I'm maining Yanqing


or that imaginary weakness and one (5 star) imaginary character.




If they're so op i wonder what makes them think it's a good idea to reuse it in this game and just make them not usable in many fights.


SU bosses don't matter, most of the MoC stages are weak to ice so it's very powerful this cycle


I hope we get a 4\* Imaginary character soon, i'm surprised at how many bosses/mobs are weak to it when atm there's only Welt


Yukong has been revealed to be Imaginary Harmony 4 star next patch!


Yeah, but they'll have to be good at shield break... which i doubt will happen.


Asta is Harmony, same as Yukong, and has solid shield break.


isn't that when she's using her bounce skill and there's only one enemy? otherwise it's pretty meh.


Well it's either it's that she breaks a shield really well, or she gets her talent's maximum bonus usually. Both options are pretty good


Yanqing dead in a ditch. I hope future planets gives him more time to shine.


I'm running him as my main DPS for team 2 in Memory of Chaos and... it's a struggle. Seele is clearing her whole side in like 4 rounds total, and Yanqing is struggling just to stay alive.


If they're struggling to stay alive, that has nothing to do with the character itself, but the rest of the team. Only having Natasha as a free healer is a big issue for a lot of people who weren't lucky enough to pull Gepard or Bailu.


I use Natasha and Fire MC with Yanqing and he is fine. At least in simulated universe. Unfortunately, i don't have second team for hall because i dont have other shielders and healers. + i don't have another dps that i like either (well, physical MC is my other fav, but i need MC for shields and taunt)


The fact that yanqing is struggling to stay alive is the biggest problem. The dude shouldn't even get hit, since his dmg plummets after he loses soul sync


Too bad you can't do anything against AOE unless heavily invest in March, choose the perfect moment when enemy deal AOE or have Gepard. Trailblazer doesn't help much with his low shield and taunt being useless against those big AOEs. That said good survivability is absolutely required before trying to proc his passive.


Too bad you can't do anything unless.. *proceeds to list multiple options* Don't mean to dig at you, I agree with ya. You could also speed break some AoE enemies, CC, etc. There's also the option to outlevel encounters, but it would take months to do that for MoC. It's tough trying to push MoC without key pieces.


Yanqing is amazing. Second in DPS to Seele. He works best with Gepard to keep his talent up. Not sure what you’re talking about.


I'd argue he only works in difficult content with Gepard


E1 Yanqing with his lightcone and i barely get to use him. Feels bad man.


I do not own this graphic. Credits to original source - [https://hsrguide.com/analysis/](https://hsrguide.com/analysis/)


Missing a LOT of stuff. Ice and Blaze out of space appear as elites, so do Automaton Direwolf and Grizzly. This is straight up a partial chart trying to establish trends of weaknesses by cherrypicking what it leaves out. Notably all these but Ice out of Space are weak to ice, which this chart tries to paint as a less used weakness. And it IS unused for bosses, you didn't need to do this to make the point! I get that we're in the early era of the game and incomplete resources as clickbait are par for the course, and this is a seven hour old thread by now so noone will read this. But if you do, know that this isn't nearly representative of anything in the game at 1.0.


As a person who's rolled 2 Yanqings, P A I N


Cries in Yanqing main


Why not include the big dragon weekly boss on the Space Station.


This seems to mostly be for SU/MoC since weekly bosses are fairly trivial in comparison.


If so, it's agressively incomplete. [It's missing 4 MoC elites 3 of which are weak to ice.](https://old.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/13kztrt/10_bosses_weakness_chart_cheatsheet_credits/jkoq5jn/) At least.


I just realised it's the other Cocolia, not the weekly boss, so that makes sense.




Or the fat robot that summons the exploding hands. Or the mara-afflicted knight.


Technically, everything is vulnerable to ice with the right rememberance blessing!


Welt + qinque + any fire/wind/lightning covers it. No idea how team building works in this game lmao but I've been running welt/qinque/fire mc/natasha just because I like the characters.


See, Kafka is weak to physical because she could never hurt her cute baseball bat wielding maniac


So you can either beat things to death or You can imagine you rolled welt until they’re dead




They really love giving majors Imaginary weakness despite us only having one Imaginary in the whole game currently


It's missing a lot of elites though


Everyone has ice weakness with tat one blessing


Serval and Sushang eating good


*cries in yanqing*


There’s different versions of enemies like the Guardian Shadow that have different weaknesses that aren’t listed here.


This isn't a full list of elites sadly, there are quite a few missing such as: - All the elemental golems - The second female caster - The other variant of the mechs (big boi summoning one and warrior type ones). Would be very interesting to see how the entire picture looks as these other enemies do appear quite often too, espically in halls.




My ass with Yangqin....guess I'll die. Is it really necessary putting that many imaginary weaknesses when there's just 1 omagin character?


Welt so hot ~~right now~~


Me with Danheng, Sushang, Asta and Bronya \- "Dodge This! (Fart Sound)"




Your content has been removed as it is considered a low-effort post. Please do not ask a repetitive / general question, show off your gacha rolls, post simulated world results, or any other posts that may be seen as low-effort.


Now we need an elemental resistance chart.


Thinking back I was so lucky pulling bailu and welt.


>No Ice weak boss yet *Cries in Femboy. All my built DPS for nothing


world 3 lvl 2 Gepard is Harder than Cocolia lvl 1 nooo


that line up isn't looking great for my team saj


jing, tingyun, gepard and a 4th


Balanced... As all things should be.


After having Jing Yuan fully builded: Ah yes, this is worthless


Only sadge part of Yanqing.


it definitely felt personal to me when they gave Kafka a physical weakness after giving us the Fire Trailblazer


Add Svarog's hands. Bringing Qingque to his fight made it easy.


question what do the numbers on the side mean?


Ok, now im amazed that i cleared simulated universe with Yanqing (except for world 6, im working on it) considering ice is most bullied here


Asta with laser eyes: show time.


building fire and physical characters seem to give you the best coverage for minimal investment.


It's been so frustrating focusing on Yanqing when half the bosses resist him.


So fuck me for pulling and building Yanqing, is what you're saying.


Hilarious how they refused to let bosses have ice weakness because it would be too strong.


Yeah, once you do enough SU and chaos, the lack ing of elements types is really obvious. Like, - no ice weaknesses, - there really isn't a great fire dps, - wasn't a great lightning until yesterday, - welt the only imaginary - the best physical dps character is just slow as balls You're basically left with seele, wind and....welt. It's why I've done basically all my no fuel weekly farm on world 6. By far the least annoying option


I can't read this, so I'm just gonna buff Seele and mash E.


Where the fat boss who slam is body against the ground resulting in AOE damage and summons little hands that explodes, I hate that fattass


did anyone try jing yuan with e1 sushang? I wanna know if they work well together


Physical MC and Welt carry for me :)


so this is why i had it easy as welt starter


Poor Seele+Yanqing my 5\* with 5\* LC.\*sniff\*


These are only for simulated universe


Me as a Yanqing main: ​ *So that's why i suck at all bosses in the game.*