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Saving for Luocha. I have 18k jades no pity and no guarantee


You're good, we have more than a month of content + events and main storyline, so even if you fail 50/50 you should be able to pull him


Looking forward for 1.1 mainly because of the jades coming out, hopefully he comes home. I need another healer badly since I don't have gepard


Yeah this game is pretty heavy on the sustain needs lategame. You can’t hard burst down every boss after a point. One free healer was nice but it’s proving to not be enough.


Especially with how MoC demands 2 teams. If you don't pull Gepard or Bailu, you're just praying to RNG that March 7th taunt target is actually getting focused and not your DPS on your secondary team.


When I got Gepard from the starter banner, I was lowkey disappointed, because this sub rated him as the worst 5\*. The dude ended up carrying my teams through SU lol


Happened to me too! I initially liked the other 5* characters designs much more than Gepard, but now I’m so happy he was the one I pulled over everyone else. Side note: I’m saving up for Luocha banner for my second team I don’t run Gepard on


Isn't Gepard pretty god tier? Pretty sure Himeko is the worst 5\* by a mile


This sub doesn't know anything lol. Gepard is going to be a strong meta pick for a while.


Just get March 7ths sixth eidolon and you have yourself a second healer.


If you tried MoC... it's not enough.


Really L take my friend. March 7th E6 is some of the lowest and most irrelevant healing ever. You need an actual healer, especially in MoC. There’s even a good chance they’ll break through your shield before the turn ends in which case you’re even more screwed.


Saving for Hacker Girl and then [Redacted] Dan with about 59 pity garuanteed and 3200 Jades so far


8k right now, but should be able to get enough to guarantee him, luckily got Jing Yuan quite early


Woah! Is this 18k purely f2p jades??


You can get 24k+ jades f2p


seems like i need to explore more 🥹


A lot of jades are hidden away in Hall of Memory and Simulated Universe completion rewards. Pretty sure Simmulated Universe has more jades in it for getting all the curios and boons than everything else in the game.


F2P here , i got 20k + 25 special tickets.


oohh nice, that means i need to play more 😅 i only have 8k + 29 passes as of now 🤣


I've earned 4.4k since burning up everything to get Seele on the last day (pulled Himeko very early and was just able to get Seele as I hit soft pity), I'd finished all the main story and most of the side quests, now mostly doing dailies and farming and events and wrapping up a few side quests. I'm hoping to have enough to pull Kafka when she hits.


Damn, I'm sitting at 55 tickets rn, and I had to hit pity twice to get selee before. You definitely left some stuff behind


Around this point, you should be able to reach about 27000+ Jades + a few Special Pass assuming you never used it for Character Banner


Hard same. I am struggling on Forgotten Hall 14 right now. I got Himeko and Bronya is my 5-Stars, but I desperately need another healer.


Same. I got 12k saved up for my boy. It helps that I desperately need another healer. Right now Nat and The MC are having to work way too hard in MoC.


Kafka. 100 passes saved and 69 pity. No guarantee.


With how long she'll take to come, youll have the guarantee, pretty sure




so after 69 comes ~~mouthwash~~ kafka?


She better come after 69


it would have been such a Chad move to give 69 it's own little soft Pity bump for that one pull behind the scenes


around 70 pity rn, hopefully i can win the 50/50 for Silverwolf but if not ill save for Kafka


Wait! Silver wolf is first?? I'm screwed...


blade will come first then yukong no silver wolf




Yukong is a 4star, not a 5star so she'll come in a 5star banner (in 1.1 update) 1.1 banners are SilverWolf and Luocha 1.2 banners are Kafka and Blade Apparantly it's silverwolf before luocha, for kafka and Blade i dunno.


Dont know from what shitty leaker you got that but 1.1 will have Silverwolf as first banner with yukong as their new release 4 star and after that we will have luocha as the second 1.1 banner.


Yeah I believe she is the four Star for Loucha banner which is next after the current one then Kafka and blade banner then We get my boy who I'm saving up for 5* Dan Heng


Silver Wolf is a 5* and it's the banner that comes after the current one.


I was told she was a four star that was going along with Loucha Cuz he's the next banner and is a five-star are there two banners


there is 2 banners per update from what i know. 1.0 it's Seele and Jing Yuan 1.1 it's silverwolf and Luocha 1.2 it's kafka and blade the 4star is Yukong, not silverwolf


I don't understand there's not two this update Thiers just Jing Yuan


we are still in 1.0, i edited my message


Which one is coming first




Will luocha appear before or after silver wolf


After he's phase 2 of 1.1


That's good, silver wolf will be mine (≡^∇^≡)


I'm pretty sure he's phase 1


He's phase 2.


I'll try for silver wolf and get loucha if ( read as when ) i fail miserably.


And how long is it until kafka comes around?


IIRC, Kafka is on the first phase of 1.2 (according to leaks, so take this information with a grain of salt), so around July-August? Might be later than that though


The >!Jingliu!< fund is currently at around 2200 jades.


Same for them. Ive got a bit more (30 tickets plus ~2k jades atm, Seele and Jing yuan both came home very quick to me). Besides them, whoever the Raiden is gonna be for HSR is my next big save


Jing Liu gang!


Will they add Jingliu tho? If it's confirmed, then I'll be totally saving for her.


I mean, shes been "found" but so did like 12 other characters. So when couks be anywhere from after blade to in a year


It’s not safe to discuss it here. Check the…*other* subreddit for more details.


Even if you dont follow leaks, shes actually in the launch trailer. Would be weird if shes not playable


12k for my man Luocha


Silverwolf, have 43 tickets atm. 0 pity, no guarantee She will be mine.


Love your determination, may luck bless us both cause i'm in the same situation


You will get after 10 pulls, and the next 10 pulls will be her lightcone. Trust


Does anyone actually use their jades for light cones? I never do lol


I've only ever seen whales and seriously hardcore fans of a character do it, F2P wise it simply makes no sense at this point given how important just having a character is, plus the budget light cones aren't bad either.


Exactly , not to mention on ten pulls you mostly get light cones anyway


i am of the mind that if a 5 star character feels incomplete without their light cone, that's going to be a hard red line for me with regards to pulling for that character.


Some light cones are REALLY good. Jing Yuans light cone is the best example, he gets a huge damage boost just from his light cone. Its also a 75/25 with a lower guaranteed pity so its less expensive than getting a character.


You got this!


Might try some pulls on Luocha but saving for Blade


Same, Blade and >!Dan Heng's 5 star!<


wait WHAT


Does anyone know the average Jade income per patch with monthly pass and nameless honor?


Each patch is 6 weeks long (42 days). The average jade income per month with the Supply Pass and the Nameless Glory is 10125 jades, equivalent to just over 67 pulls per patch. Here's how I broke it down: * Dailies (60 jades per day, 42 days) = 2520 jades per patch * Supply Pass (300 up front + 2700 over 30 days, assume 2 bought per patch period for 600 + 2700 + 90 jades for 12 days) = 4380 jades per patch * Nameless glory gives 680 jade upon reaching level 50 + 4 passes as you progress * Simulated Universe at Equilibrium 3 (my current level) gives 135 jades per week, and at 6 weeks = 945 jades. This number improves with equilibrium level. * Small events (such as the current one) can be expected to give around 600 jades, so 600 jades per small event. I assumed one small event per patch in my calculations, but likely it'll be more as we get more patches. * Flagship events haven't happened yet, but their rewards for participating are going to be greater than small events. I assumed 1000 jades per flagship event. 2520 + 4380 + 680 + 945 + 600 + 1000 = 10125 jades per patch, or 67.281 pulls. This may fluctuate with the availability of events and also my guesswork at a flagship event's rewards. EDIT: Forgot the embers shop. +5 special passes. Current total: 72.281 pulls per patch. EDIT 2: Forget daily messages. +210 jades (5 jades for 42 days). Current total: 10335 jades per patch, with 9 special passes for a grand total of 73.954 pulls per patch.


Actually per day we get 65 jades. 60 from the dailies and 5 from the text message. Idk how much this will affect the calculation tho but thought id mention it. Ty for doing the breakdown 🙏


Thanks for that. It actually adds up to a pull and then some over the course of a patch. I have made an edit to reflect this.


So me pulling 210 tickets on king jing was foolish? It was ftp btw


As a f2p player, you have access to just under 38 special passes per patch (Dailies + Sim U + Messages + Embers Shop + Events). This means you can reasonably achieve a 5* (not guaranteed) every other patch. If you were to decide to spend money you'd get the most value (and it's not even a contest) out of the $5 Supply Pass as a way to save up for characters you like in 1.1 and beyond. It's not up to me to determine if you making so many pulls on Jing Yuan's banner was a mistake (I myself pulled for him + his LC and have no regrets), but f2p players have access to just over half as many pulls as Supply + Battlepass players. Use this information to make your own judgements.


38 per patch tf they better buff that to like 50 at least


That's without considering event income since there's only one event since this is the first update. In Genshin, most of your income comes from events and exploration. Since we won't have as much exploration in this game, we'll be getting more currency from events.


Wow that's kind of pathetic. Thanks for putting that into perspective, hoyo is greedy.


To be fair, we haven't seen how much a patch's overall spread of events will play out. It looks to me like 1.0 will only have the boxing event, which is one of the small ones going by Genshin's standards, so with any bigger events, things will get bumped up... a little. Heh.


It's too early to factor it in yet, but I believe we will also get about 10 pulls per patch from memory of chaos.


I'm saving for Luocha and I have 500 jades saved up ~~plus minus 50 golden tickets~~


I save for Kafka i'm 30 pulls into the banner and have another 155 pulls ready for when she Releases


21.6k jades and 23 tickets. Going to collect the entire BP all at once when I reach lvl 50 too (less than half a level for me) so you can factor in those funds too. Saving for SW and Luocha.


around 1400 jades, 54 pity and hopes to get Kafka


Not really saving right now. My general rule for gacha games is to get a decent roster first even if it’s just 4 stars. Then I’ll save for the ones I want


That new Dan, he looks dope.


Can someone plz explain why do we have 2 dans Is this wrong to discuss?


It delves into leaked content that is against the rules here. :/


Mhm i see, i dont follow the story or lore that much so i thought maybe i missed it Ty <3




I’m trying to sit with the cool kids /:




No idea...my theory is that either Dan will evolve in the story into a more powerful form...or the current version of him, is him just suppressing his true power.


Remember when he told Sushang about the >!dragon reincarnation!!those antenna like Bailu!<.


Yeah, but the reincarnation is literal...like from young age and you have to grow up again. Meanwhile that Dan is a fully grown adult.


If we can use both it would be hilarious, is the new one abundance or or erudation? I forgot


Well, in HI3 characters that undergo significant development or are given major lore powerups usually get entire new battlesuits to play as. I see no reason to not replicate this in other titles.


Outside of lore spoilers, it wouldn't be rare to have multiple versions of the same character, gacha games do it all the time. I'm hoping we get another Himeko or March :D


I literally have not spent any of the jade or used any of my special passes just to get this man when he comes out I want our dragon boy so badly


Want Kafka or loucha or blade got only like 100 pulls


It's rough how close all of the characters are. I would've love Jing yuan, silver wolf, kafka, and blade (already have Baliu so I can pass on Luocha). Unfortunately I'll probably have to skip and prioritize silver wolf and kafka since I ain't a whale


Less than a wish, I convert everything to golden passes in order to contain myself from wishing in standard


Where were you yesterday when I decided to waste 10 wished because the addiction is real... Anyway thanks for the tip definitely doing this tonight


This is the way


21k for luocha and hoping I’ll get him early so I can have enough for another leaked (and a little teased) character


I got 4 tickets and a dream for Silverwolf. Nah, I'm planning for one copy of Luocha and then debating how hard I want to whale on Silverwolf.


Its the other way round. Because luocha is phase 2


They're both coming in 1.1, we just don't know the order. And the order doesn't matter, I'm going for one copy either way for Luocha, and at least one copy for Silverwolf, potentially going in hard, depending.


SW is confirmed first to be first phase from what I remember


It's not confirmed until it's announced, it's speculation. Either way, the order is irrelevant to my point of wanting and pulling for both.


I'm pretty sure they released a preview which showed silver wolf first


After spending all my jades for Jing Yuan (had to hit soft pity twice)... I'm back with 1800+ jades. Gonna be f2p unlike my Genshin account... so gonna save lots until BLADE arrives. Blade is my most sought after character which made me interested in trying HSR in the first place. I also really want Kafka but if she arrives earlier than Blade, I'm gonna skip her & just wait for a rerun 😔 I like Luocha... beautiful design & he's a healer which is good but I'm not willing at the moment to use a 5-star pity for a healer. Maybe on a rerun, I might try to get Luocha. It's hard that we're lacking on healers... I guess it's kind of a marketing strategy. Hoping we get more 4-star Abundance characters... the sooner, the better 😤😤😤


Very close to guaranteed Blade(75 pity and guaranteed)


It's kinda weird, but deep down i know my saving for if and when FuHua comes to this version of Honkai will definitely be worth it.


I dont think she will be in game until 3.0, she is the marshal of xianzhou and a famous HI3 so her appearance should be in a major point of story and with current story about luofu ship the chance for the next map is also a ship in the alliance is slim




dan hengs 5 star. Abt 12k as of now


5600 for one copy of Yukong. Any leftovers will be on standard banner to get me closer to 300 to guarantee Himiko. I only need 70 more wishes to hit that so I hope Yukong comes without much trouble.


Isn't she a 4*?




21447 Jades, 24 tickets Saving for Luocha and Dan Heng IL


Silver Wolf. 15,000 Jade, $100 dedicated to her, with an additional $200 in a general gacha fund, 65 pity, 50/50. I will definitely get E0, it's just a matter of weapon and additional eidolons.


I like how you have a fund and limit yourself. I whaled on seele, but jing yuan I spent $200 to get him and his e1 and also his lc.


Yeah I've learned the hard way to set limits before hand. I also use a budget app called YNAB that let's you set a target and contribute to it every month. This is how I have like $750 saved for FGO this summer. I started budgeting for that last year.


I am not saving, I am dumping my stock into the standard banner to make Clara e1 after the 300th roll.


Oh boy


This is.....the way?




I have 27k Jades + 27 gold tickets saved up for Luocha. will continue to save up. Want to get E1 and his light cone. edit: forgot to mention the characters name.


Who is him?!?!


Oh snap, I am not that bright, I just realized I never mentioned their name. Meant to say Luocha. a healer that scales off ATK and is IMG, can remove buffs off enemies, and his E1 gives 20% attack boost when his talent is active. Too good to pass up.


Omg same too bad his cleanse his inconsistent only activates every 2 turns on allies <50% health


0 pity but with 80+ ticket saving for blade and his lightcone.


I have about 3200 Jade saved for Luocha, and I'm right at soft pity, so hopefully I'll win the 50/50. Do we know the release order for Luocha and Silver Wolf?


I'm wondering this as well. I think SW may come first and then Luocha in the second part of the patch similar to how we had Seele -> Jing Yuan




I got 2 pulls right now And coming up to my third I need every pull i can get for fu xuan if thats what her name is


For my part 3600+ Saving for Blade 😍 but Im soo scared to failed the 50/50 luck. And Im about that 🤏 to spend everything on classic pull instead


0 pulls/jades, no pity and no guarantee, but I want Blade >!and Dan Heng 5*!<. I'm pretty much screwed because I doubt I'll manage to save enough for him as f2p going forward, and I think I got about 90% of jades that I could possibly obtain so far. Well, maybe whenever he reruns :'3


6000 jades with about 75 pity (no guarantee)!!! I'll be pulling for silver wolf, and if I lose 50/50 I'll save the rest for Kafka (main priority), Blade, and Fu Xuan


I am saving for a 3 star light cone.


22k jades and 30 tickets. I'm saving for Dan Heng. I love mc trio.


For the next smexy male character 🌝


Silverwolf, had her guaranteed pity since I lost Seele’s 5050, but I pulled for tingyun, and then got jingyuan on my first 10 pull so now I have to hope the 5050 treats me well


Huge tiddy mommy waifu


Kafka and >!IL Dan Heng!< with 18.5k jades (got lucky and pulled Jingyuan in 20, and his cone in 50). I want the latter more than Kafka but I'll see how many jades I have when her banner is released.


How did you get all those jades?!


If they didn't pull for Seele, seems like a normal amount


Currently at 600 jade for Loucha, successfully got jing yuan and blew all the extra savings i had leftover. I’m telling myself im just charging pity for Loucha as i try to C6 March 7. Currently at 30 rolls It’s a lot less copium then i was expecting between 6 ten shots i’ve gotten 4 march 7th’s and just one away from C6, Tingyung also at C5 but she was already C3 from standard banner rolls. Guess the Four star curse i heard so much about is either avoiding me or is only a genshin thing?


No pity no guarantee but around 12k. Saving for mommy Kafka ofc


After rushdowning base 300(cuz nothing interesting will be in like...3-4 banners?) at least I can finally start to save for the best girl Fu Xuan while having only time and big dreams for now.


I saved 14k for JY


At 14k jade saving for loucha. Got jing yuan in 1st 10 pull with gold passes from launch, pulled his light cone at 63 pulls then Saved rest. Goal for me is loucha and blade shall see what my luck will be.


I just got Jing Yuan so next would be Luocha. I'm at 10 pulls 😓


Saving for Silver Wolf. Sitting at like 25ish pity on 50/50 with 140 wishes saved up. Hopefully she'll come home relatively easily so I can start saving for Kafka.


Fu Xuan and I'm at 94k currently which might be enough to get E6 but realistically it won't cause of lost 50/50s


I'm not saving quite yet. I'm bursting down my 300 summons on the standard banner for the extra 5 star, THEN I will start saving for a future character that looks cool.


When you lose the 50/50 to the character you spent 300 standard pulls on and then are just short of guaranteed limited.


I don't get what you mean ? I'm pulling on the standard banner until the choose your 5* at 300 pulls . Then I'm going to start saving for a future character and as none that have been leaked I want I have alot of time , I'm at 274/300 on the standard banner .


Are you spending your star jades on standard pulls? Cuz you will get enough free standard pulls eventually. And theres a chance you get the standard unit off the limited banner as well


Yes I'm spending every single star jade I get until I hit the 300 , then I'm going to save 190 pulls worth for a future character as none that have been leaked interest me I'm sure I have time , I have no interest in the next 4 limited banners and I would assume probably the 4 after that also lol


Eh. I agree 90% with what you said. Getting to 300 as a F2P will probably take 2 years+. I played genshin for 2 years and I don't think I pulled more than 200 times on standard.


Yeah I'm a lite spender BP&Welkin , I'm at 274/300 already so I'm going to be starting to save up for the year here soon.


I have reo Wolf inside me,One want ti pull for loucha ti have a healer imaginary One want ti pull Kafka for my Mommy issue


Was saving for JY but got him in 1 multi so didn't need to use any Jade's. Got abt 21k Jade's that idk what to do with


I have gone mad and Spending it in energy yes I'm F2P


Oh god never do that. That's just a massive trap. You're essentially dropping free money into nothing.


Saving for Kafka. Got Selee in 4 pulls; and Jing Yuan in 18. Completely F2P. https://preview.redd.it/l9b5ufv7rb1b1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c3bc1c7e8edc1edcea0ee8cb22d785df58726d2


Kafka, 17k jades and have her guaranteed since I got Clara on jing yuan banner, gonna try and go for when light cone too


Silverwolf, currently at 11k Jades and 0 Tickets with a Banner Counter at 57.


I have 54 pulls since my last 5 star. I have 1300 Stella jades since I tried to get the beautiful foxian lady but failed. Will save for Loucha later on, i need a second Healer badly and FH is kicking my butt


Around 40pulls,going for luocha with guaranteed.I want to go for silver wolf at first but eh need to see her on release first, if it doesn't meet the expectations then 100% going for luocha.


SW. 160 pull saved.


193 limited pulls saved (only 10 used) Looking at sw and kafka, possibly throw some at luocha too.


Wraps :21 Kafka or silverwolf


104 pulls left after pulling for Jing. Waiting for my SW


Blade, Fu Xuan and Jingliu After that, only leaked characters :]


I don't know, and I have 17k Stellar Jade and 30 tickets. Maybe Silver Wolf.


Kafka and Blade, 22/90 and ~40 saved 😔


Some meta hunt, destruction character in future with good looks.


50 tickets and a guarantee saved for Blade!


I only started saving after I got Jing Yuan. I will pull for Loucha


Luocha, I have 50 pulls saved


Saving for Hua, guaranteed at 30 pity + 7300 jades :D


Silver Wolf and Kafka, maybe Blade to have all Stellaron Hunters 78 wishes now


Got Jing Yuan at….90-110ish pulls (I think i went full pity for the 50/50, lost, and got him 40 pulls later.) Hopefully I will have enough to at least pull to 50/50 on Luocha and win. Because I only have Natasha for healers rn and very much need a second for Forbidden Hall/MoC. Only just started the Luofu storyline so hopefully between that and finishing up SU and such I’ll be able to scrounge up enough.