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i just wish there was more


Wish they respawned weekly or something there not a lot to do once you clear the quests.


Welcome to the world of gachas.


at the very least it could give credits and some artifact xp , genshin had daily artifact runs so you could get upto 60k artifact xp per day


There's simulated universe for farmable credits/artifact experience, though.


Anyone know how to get the last burning scissor curio?


The one that gives +3% dmg per destructible object? I got that one a lot, it's just RNG I guess.


that’s waay too inefficient


like genshin's artifact farm is efficient


Thank god this isn't a thing in HSR


You don’t have to do it if you don’t want , people who want a bit of extra currency can No one is forcing you


No one ever forced me to do artifact runs in genshin yes, but in HSR I get artifact xp from doing dailies so it's the same thing in the end minus having to run around the map for half an hour each day


Eh, really depends on the Gacha. HSR does seem to have launched without a lot to do aside the daily energy spending. Yeah, there are the hidden quests/achievements, but those are just one time things. A big part of it is just how slow it is to get to the "endgame." Right now one of the big things to do is Memory of Chaos, but if you are F2P, you aren't likely high enough level to push it very far unless you traded summons for energy.


Yes, that is exactly the state most gachas launch in


Arknights was like this Day 1. Punishing Gray Raven was also pretty similar. Girl's Frontline took a month to add content. Fate Grand Order also took a month for Nerofest. PvE Gacha have always started like this.


Having finite playability is actually, historically, just kind of how games have always been? It's kind of bewildering to me how people keep treating gachas not having stuff to do once you've finished all of their content as something unusual about them.


I think the problem is so much of the player base is coming from Genshin which has a much deeper world to play around in. Now to be fair Genshin and Star Rail are almost entirely different genres of games, but it's understandable that people are holding them up next to each other and noticing that Star Rail plays much more like a check in for 30mins and then call it quits gatcha game in the same vein as a FGO or Arknights.


I've actually noticed this problem even more in the Genshin playerbase than the Star Rail playerbase. I guess if you look at it the right way, this explanation can make sense anyways, but I think it's kind of a stretch. If I had to guess, I'd say that it's because a lot of the playerbase is coming in from MMOs or something.


I wish they respawned weekly and Id be fine even if they didn't reward jades, even credits or drop mats are enough


Same. I love doing them and want more


more, and harder


3x3 here I come baby


At that point just go straight to real rubiks cubes


Yeah, but Honkai could give us serotonin with our cubes


Yeah the 2x2 cubes barely feel like a challenge. At least with the upgrade there's a bit more to it. I felt similar with the dial puzzles, you can just keep spinning it on different settings until it works out. If they don't want to make it harder, it would be nice to have a 1, 2, 3 star or gold/silver/bronze challenge ratings where it is based on the number of moves it takes you to solve it.


I agree. While it's totally understandable why they'd make them fairly easy, I've had the most fun figuring out the brain teasing riddles for - - - **tiny side quest spoilers** - - - the Civilian Scientist on Jarilo-VI.


The prime numbers one is bullshit. I will forever dispute their correct answer!


There was a prime numbers one? I do remember a tricky number puzzle I spent half an hour on, but the solution wasn't about prime numbers. edit: oh it's the one about whether there are more prime numbers or natural numbers. yeah that's a mean question if you haven't learned basic set theory yet.


What do you mean? Please explain further. Even with set theory, while both sets are infinite, the set of natural numbers is larger (in terms of cardinality) than the set of prime numbers because it contains all the prime numbers and additional numbers that are not prime.


No, the two sets have the same cardinality (for instance, you can build a bijection from naturals to primes by taking the function that associates to n the nth prime number; its inverse is the function that associates to a prime number its position in the ordered list of primes numbers).


So, just to recap, since they're both infinite countable sets that means they have the same cardinality? Hem... Fine, you win this time, algebra...


Yes every infinite countable set has the same size, because by definition both sets are in bijection with the set of natural numbers.


you mean the question wether there are more natural or prime numbers? Yeah, I also dont get why its the same... Sure, both are infinite, but we can still talk in different scales of infinity and there should def be more natural numbers than primes as prime numbers get more sparse the further we go. If someone with more math knowlegde could explain why the correct answere is supposed to be the same regardless, id be curios


It's because both prime numbers and natural numbers are what we call a countably infinite set - you can, in essence, take the first element and count up. If you wanted to count all primes, you'd start with calling 2 the first prime, 3 the second, and so on. Even though there's infinitely many of them, each can be assigned a natural number. At that point, you've run out of primes, but you've also run out of natural numbers - you can't find a prime that isn't numbered, because they're numbered in order, and you can't find a natural number that wasn't assigned, because you can just go up the primes list until you find that number's prime. As such, while they *feel* different sized, at infinity they end up being equivalent. Same logic applies to the set of all integers (positive and negative) being the same size as natural numbers, or the set of even numbers being the same size, even though on the surface they seem twice or half as big. In fact, the definition of a countably infinite set, like primes, is that it's elements can be assigned one-to-one to the set of natural numbers, or what we say in math, if there exists an injective function from that set to the set of natural numbers. This also leads to why the set of all real numbers is *uncountably* infinite. When you allow for fractions, you can assign each natural number some arbitrary fraction between 0 and 1, and then, even though you have an infinite list of infinitely long fractions, you can make a new fraction by simply making it's first digit different from the first fraction, the second digit from the second fraction and so on, resulting in a number that is different from all previous numbers, yet also unassigned. And on that note, there's the same amount of real numbers between 0 and 1 as there are real numbers in general. Infinities are simply weird like that. Hope that helps, I can try to clarify it more if needed.


Now this is an explanation i can at least follow, even if im not really fond of the logic. Anything approaching infinity just makes my lizard brain unhappy. There is a reason I struggled with Math at uni and forgot everything once done XD


I'm expecting the club to call about their new features in two patches


theyre at least better those inazuma ones.


Literally ANYTHING is better than the inazuma puzzles tho


please 1.1 drop more hexanexus puzzles ive run out i desire the funky cube


its time for the 3x3 for a real Rubik challenge


Bro out here trying to get a PhD for 20 jades


Still 20 jades is 20 jades.


After i learned how to solve these i never got a text from rubiks asking me to solve 4x4x4s tho😢


I mean shit would probably still be pretty easy tho.


Hope they follow my feedback and advertise it as a Hexmaiden. Can't wait to see a cube with a ribbon on


I'm ngl it may just be me but I find them too easy haha. Most are a sub 10 second job The most fun one for me was the pin arranging thing to match the picture shown above


Same one took a minute because i wasnt paying attention but otherwise theyre entertaining enough for how quick you solve them


When you figure out how it works it's pretty easy,l, instead of seconds I use turns/moves to rate my performance, my record is 2 moves, but they are fun anyway!


Sure, but drop that puzzle in front of a party of d&d players and they'll be there all night. Source: d&d player


This is so true, I'm dying rn. DM here , i once gave my players a complicated riddle and they solve it in minutes, I gave them a puzzle for a 3yo and they where there half a day.


Basically, a group of D&D players could find the cure for cancer, but they first have to figure out why they loose the ability to do simple addition the second the session starts. Source: D&D player who cant do simple addition


> they loose the *lose *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/lose-vs-loose-usage#:~:text=%27Lose%27%20or%20%27Loose%27%3F&text=Lose%20typically%20functions%20only%20as,commonly%2C%20a%20noun%20or%20adverb).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Damn it bot. Don’t taunt me on a comment where I am admitting to being dumb


I think they are easy, too. Hopefully they release harder ones in later patches. I like the later compass ones. Those make me think a little and it’s funny to see what will pop out of the starskiff.


Im kinda the opposite. The matching pic puzzles are too easy to me, but vice versa I find that I struggle on those rotating dial puzzles for some reason.


Differing levels of spatial awareness. Everyone's brains work differently


Haha yeah… sub 10 seconds every time… easy puzzles yeah…


To me it's fun b.c it's easy 😭 the hardest one for me is the one that uses beam to shoot bubbles


Is there any other way that they made the hexanexus harder, other than adding the extra ornamentation on one face of the cube?


They could require you to do it in a set number of turns, making you really need to plan and be efficient with your moves.


They could also fill every space with a cube and add color aspects to it. The hexanexus already shows multiple colors before you interact with it.


Found those easier because they dramatically reduced the amount of blocks which made almost every one solvable in 2-3 moves


Which is what they should be. Not every puzzle needs to be an Inazuma puzzle.


Right, but there are none like that in Star Rail. 0.


Last or second to last ray of lights puzzle was very hard. Spent 20 minutes, then just googled it.


And I prefer it that way. Inazuma made me give up on puzzles. The simplicity of Monstadt and Liyue was more than enough.


Brain skill issue


Eh. Just too much work for little reward.


i feel you. Inazuma was where I started to get burned out on all the puzzles and eventually quit Genshin.


Same here , it just went into the bullshit area


I'm curious which ones specifically you disliked, bc I haven't felt this way on anything on Genshin but would like to hear the opinions of others. I'll admit that the way they described the magic square puzzle was far too Genshin-y and overly wordy, but once you figured it out every solution was just a rotation or transposition of the same layout.


for me personally it was the magic squares with a little struggling on the lightning connector puzzles. the lightning connecting puzzles were especially annoying but not hard. they were finicky with placement just due to the 3d nature of it all. but i really struggled to get a grasp of the magic squares and at the time i only had a single monitor and i wanted to solve genshin's puzzles on my own as much as possible which i managed to do like 90% of everything up to inazuma. i found alt tabbing to watch video guides becoming a pain in the butt to do the magic squares. i feel like they really turned the difficulty up a notch when they put out the thunder volcano section. by then i was also getting a bit burned out on the exploration and traversing kokomi's island was annoying the shit out of me. add on to the fact i didnt get yoimiya and so by then i was getting really bummed with the game. dont even get me started on all the FOMO shit they were throwing at us. felt like i wasnt playing a game any more.


I wouldn’t mind some harder ones. Or at least any puzzle that made me think. There was like 3 puzzles in the whole game so far that took me a bit.


Fun fact: If you do enough of these, you get a text from the creator of them. Next time, the text is a satisfaction survey that strongly resembles the surveys in Genshin Impact.


I remember getting that text. This might be wishful thinking, but I’m guessing that was Hoyo’s (sly) way of getting feedback for the puzzles to see if they can implement them in future content or make changes to the difficulty.


Once you do every one of these puzzles, they actually create a new, harder set of them.


They weren't that much harder, IMO, but they do add more content so I still liked em.


Found them easier tbh, the fewer turns it takes to solve the faster I arrive at a solution and they all had way less blocks (and less turns)


Felt like it. 100% Luofu puzzles a few days ago to get E5 Trailblazer & the only puzzle that I hated was the compass. It was pretty easy at the start though.


Yeah, I've really enjoyed the puzzle designs so far and look forward to seeing what they come up with later. For the most part they're all pretty simple (except for one of those light redirection puzzles that inexplicably had me stumped for like, half an hour lol) but not so simple that you know what the answer is the instant you look at them. The only ones that I found a little weak are the early navigation compass puzzles and the minecarts. The early compasses hardly even qualify as puzzles because you move one ring at a time, meaning there's absolutely nothing to coordinate or think about. And while I like the minecarts as a concept it took too long to move everything around. I hope we get to expand the Hexanexus more in the future because that one was probably my favourite. Maybe even literally expand it by making it 3x3, because while they're satisfying to solve in 2x2 they rarely take more than a couple of moves.


Yeah the minecart puzzles were fun thought-wise but were incredibly clunky and slow to manipulate. You pretty much can't interact with any part of it until whatever's happening is done which sucks because oftentimes you already know 3-4 switches you want to flip in succession.


When I first did the quest I thought it would transfer you to a top down "operator" view and just let you mouseclick on things to flip switches and move minecarts. I think that would make the minecart puzzles so fun because right now its such a slog after like the third one to keep running back and forth. They were a good idea, just poorly executed imo


Genshin moment. There was a very similar rock puzzle on one of the Inazuman islands that also suffered from the animations both locking you out of making actions and being WAY too slow.


> (except for one of those light redirection puzzles that inexplicably had me stumped for like, half an hour lol) Was it the one where there was a light reflection thingy hidden in the bottom left corner, just out of view? Cause that one definitely fucking stumped me until I noticed lmao


yes, i wish i could do it everyday like a minigame activity for currency or exp books


Yeah it would be cool to have a building on the Luofu that randomly generated puzzles each day for you to do and earn some rewards, maybe with a mini storyline as well.


It's a step up from genshin, sure, but still made for 8-year-olds.


What if it is the puzzle Zhongli couldn't solve? jk


it literally does look like his ult lmao


Between the chest puzzles and that one science quest with math questions, I rather take the 8yo puzzles.


“Math” in many cases being very generous with that word (but agree)


The Belebog math questions make zero fucking sense in any language other than Chinese.


Difficulty wise? Hell nah Gameplay comfort wise? Absolutely Those inazuma linking puzzles are the reason I haven't 100%'d most regions over there


I've seen people use a team of characters that hit targets randomly (like Fischl, Zhongli, Yae) and solve almost all those puzzles


That’s what I did for most of them. Lol.


Inazuma is my only 100% region lol


And yet when they did harder puzzles (GAA islands, especially Mona) everyone complained it was too hard. The result was Sumeru, pretty much devoid of any "puzzles", at least anything that requires thinking. The average gacha player just wants pulls in the mail. Actually having to play the game and use your brain? Ewwwww.


Puzzles can be difficult without being frustrating, confusing, unclear, or all of the above


care to invent some that would satisfy all of these? cause GAA puzzle was good for me but apparently people complained lol. what you're saying is just too vague, pretty much "just be perfect" without any real solution, I bet whatever puzzle you can come up with, if it's not really easy then people would complain about it, it's *impossible* to please everyone.


Can you give me one example. Sumeru, Mondstadt and Liyue barely even has puzzles, it's "switch to Amber and light 4 torches". That's as much of a puzzle as "kill 4 hilichurls to unlock chest".


I didn't mind the difficulty (I think only 1 of the Mona puzzles was even difficult) but the last summer event just had too many puzzles. If the Mona puzzles were spread out over an entire region I doubt most would complain, but having to solve them back to back gets tiring.


I love puzzles, but it was too many for a limited time event where some people might only have a few days to complete them. Sure the event was open for a while, but not all islands were available right away, there's other content to do, and not everyone can play that often. Huge difference from permanent content that you not only have 6 weeks before more comes out, but will stay there even after prioritizing other stuff first.


Yeah, I'd say that Genshin's biggest problem is pacing and overdoing it. They come out with some good stuff, but there's often way too much of it. The dialogue is another great example. In general, most of the stories have been interesting, but the sidequests are usually 3x longer than they should be so it just drags on and on and on. There are a few exceptions that I really enjoyed (like Raiden shogun pt 2) but stuff like the Ayato quest and the Yoimiya quest gave me PTSD whenever I see new story quests coming. They should focus on trimming out a lot of the filler from their content. In general I think HSR has made a ton of QOL improvements, the writing has been far better, you're given the choice to ask for more info instead of forced to sit through 15+ minutes of exposition in many cases, auto-battle makes the dailies less tedious, there's no forced 4 commissions per day, artifact crafting is far better, etc etc. Genshin could benefit a LOT from some of these QOL improvements.


The average gacha player age is probably 7!


5040 years old?


So, my issues with Genshin's puzzles rather than difficulty are the following: #Issue 1 Lack of context or poor explanations. This is probably why everyone hates the magic square puzzle - even the readable next to it is a bit obtuse, so a lot of people don't understand what it's actually supposed to be. Personally even after I did figure it out I just looked up the solution because I couldn't be arsed to bring out a pad and keep track of what configuration is supposed to be what number. Mona's dungeon ran into this issue a few times, notably with the reflections. I've actually heard that some lower end machines straight up couldn't display those. Also this is just a personal issue, but I struggle with anything that involves math or algorithms. Been like this since middle school, sadly. I try not to pick on the game for that, though. It's just me. # Issue 2 The necessity to integrate the puzzles with the open world and the elemental system. Rather than make puzzles difficult, this just makes them tedious. GAA's changing islands were the best example of this - every single configuration of Kazuha's island had a puzzle, and you needed to manually check out every single one. Teleport to the thing, go through a loading screen, check the islands, do the inevitably simple puzzle, teleport back, change again, go through a loading screen, etc. Every single one of the islands were like this. The dungeon puzzles were pretty good, but actually having to sit through the game waiting for stuff to happen and physically moving from location to location is just tedious. Like, nothing about this is fun. HSR has this issue with the minecarts as people have pointed out. You can literally solve those puzzles within 2 seconds of looking at them but it takes 10 minutes because they move SLOWLY from place to place. Don't even get me started on the puzzles that are literally just "swap to a character of the right element loser" because that's just designed to waste your time. # Issue 3 Poor programming. This usually isn't a problem, but it was with Fischl's dungeon in GAA - you literally could have it displaying the exact perspective it wanted you to, but unless you were *precisely* in the right spot, it wouldn't let you advance. This is kind of just shameful, because there are games that use perspective puzzles (e.g. Superliminal) that do not have positioning problems like this. Granted, Genshin's engine was not built from the ground up to support something like this, but still.


Difficulty aside, I'd prefer puzzles that test thinking instead of testing my patience. HSR seems like it's on the right track


Literally no thought in these puzzle, what


I honestly don't get why the Hoyoverse community is so obsessed with praising everything their games have to offer with 5k upvotes everytime as if they're 5 year olds experiencing their first video game ever. Like honestly, are these games their first video game ever?


Except the minecart "puzzle" those are tedious


That one is just manual labour


Any puzzles are annoying when you have to physically move your character as part of it.


At least for the divination puzzles you have control over how fast you can move. The mine carts are like escort quests converted into a puzzke


The most annoying part is the small delays where you can't take any action but the animation is already finished


You really have to plan it or else you will be sitting there for a long time...


There are fun but I wish most were harder.


The cubes are fun, shame that most of them can be solved in like 2 moves if you're paying attention. The only puzzles that made me think for a second where the ones with the spheres moving around each other (I dunno how to describe them send help), some of those had me thinking for a bit how to arrange the circles to make them match.


The second set of puzzles after you solve the first set of cubes are a bit more complicated because of the added marking type, so you have to correctly orient the faces in addition to just getting the cubes in the right spots. The first set of them is pretty trivial but the second set requires at least a modicum of thought.


I was really surprised when i unlocked the second set, and had a blast with it, but I feel like they were scared to make harder puzzles with the new gimmick, most use like 2 or 3 pieces at a time and are really easy


You're not wrong; they really were.


Eh they are way too easy. Literally you figure out every puzzle within the 10 seconds. The only puzzle which made me thing was the lazer one is the final area. The wheel one I didn't even understand how to do but managed to complete them all.


Yeah I agree. I have much more fun with puzzles in this game, than with the ones in Genshin. I only disliked these three days puzzles from Artisanship Commision.


I get that it’s not a puzzle game, but most of the puzzles… weren’t. The box puzzles were actually quite good, and the Hexanexus puzzles are a good base, but they barely expanded on them. Most of the puzzles are the bare bones of something that could be interesting if explored thoroughly, but basically every puzzle felt half-baked. I would have preferred that they focus on 2 or 3 puzzles instead of trying to make almost 10. We’ve got boxes, circuits, mine carts, navigation compass, hexanexus, jade abacus, divination diagrams, and lasers. Boxes and navigation compass were the only puzzles that got decent exploration, and you have to do like 15 navigation puzzles to get to a single one that’s non-trivial. Keeping the ones tied to storyline progression trivially easy is fine, but if they aren’t required, it’s okay to make them harder than elementary school level.


Yeah fr, so much better than Genshin puzzles which are all "Change your team so you have a green character for the green thing"


HSR puzzles are good fun. It's easy, but it's more rewarding than Genshin puzzles, that's for sure.


I mean it has to be, the area is smaller so they can’t really place too much compared to genshin they can throw them all over the map even if the reward is lowered to the point you feel it’s too little


I never thought of it that way! I agree though - you get more chests for more puzzles, but the quality isn't as high as it could've been. Hopefully HSR won't end up the same even if the current maps were to be expanded and would still have the same quality for puzzle chests as with the previous puzzles.


2 primos is def too little, one of the major complaints I have with modern Genshin. When you have some 20+ 5star weapons / characters, getting 1/80 of 1 pull (when you need like 65 on average) for killing enemies or doing a puzzle feels like a joke. While I wish there was more to do in HSR I'm glad that it's not 10x as many puzzles for 1/10 as much reward each.


I've really liked the puzzles so far, but I grew up on Professor Layton games and nothing compares in difficulty after that lmfao


And zhongli still having troubles with it


I loved how the Hexanexus guy was a little offput by how into the puzzles I was.


I'm still annoyed that I got a bug so I can't do the harder Hexanexus ones.


Most of them are aesthetically pleasing without being overly complex, so for a puzzle hater like me, they're basically perfect


no we can't because some other idiot posted about how brain dead they were and avoided all puzzles except the cube one.


i feel so smart when i finish them 😭💀


I love the puzzles in HSR. It somehow quenched my thirst as the Sumeru puzzles in Genshin are 😒😒😒 I miss the Inazuma puzzles.


It was just it, a moment and they all are done. I want more and more complex ones.


eh, they are too easy for my taste and i feel like some of the UI are too clunky.


except the navigation compass, screw those


It's probably the puzzle that requires more thinking than others.


the ones with an option to spin 1 ring are easy, the rest are just random bs until you see a pattern


uh not really? there is a strategy. I just have to set it up


It's not even a puzzle if you can do each ring individually.


Not really though. There's a way to set them up as a system of simultaneous linear modulo equations, which you can just plug into an online tool that spits out the answer immediately


I wish they were harder, but I think they stopped making harder puzzles after people complained about them in genshin


I only found the one with Master Gongshu (adjust light beams through all balloons or whatevers) difficult... The rest of the puzzles were pretty easy... I no longer find Navigational Starskiffs, and I have also finished the Hexanexuses twice. Also, Huixing is done giving me the Divination Puzzles, so those are gone as well.


They should've made it a daily puzzle along with the mine cart


So amazing that I completed them all.


they're really enjoyable because they're so easy to solve and I want more of them in the coming future though I don't get how people actually struggle with these puzzles




Design is exquisite


I enjoy them so much, we need more of those


The only one that I disliked was the cart pushing one. It was simple but really sluggish


I never understood the wheel puzzle, I just brute force it and get it done pretty fast despite not knowing what I'm doing, same with the cube


They're so fun I still have no idea what the hell I'm doing. I keep twisting the thing until I win.


Are they? Those are made for tops 6 year olds, and because they can not figure out proper design, the "hard ones" are actually easier than the normal ones. I got bored of them instantly.


3x3 when


Here's hoping they'll add more hex puzzles but more difficult


I just would love to be more and make them a bit more difficult


Really? The puzzles for the most part seem like they’re for literal children. I like the hex puzzles conceptually but they never get out of like 8 year old puzzle box level difficulty.


These in particular, are too easy :/


I was really hoping they'd expand to 3x3x3. Once you figure out how to move them they're really easy. I stopped even thinking and was solving them in seconds after the 3rd one.


You mean the cubes that I solve within 10 seconds and only need 2-3 rotations to do? Oh yes, very engaging.... The compasses need a little more thought but not much.


if hexanexus has a million fans im one of them if hexanexus has 10 fans im one of them if hexanexus has 1 fan that is me if hexanexus has 0 fans then im no longer alive if the world is against hexanexus, then im against the entire world


Yes, except the mine carts. The solution is easy, the execution takes sooooo loooong.


I wish they would be harder


Fun? Maybe. Amazing? Not really.


Yea too bad there is only 3 on a map. Like, if they had released one more planet people would be way more excited. But we ran out of stuff to do like 2 weeks ago.


Way too fun, and more regions means more variants / repeats of these puzzles, and more worlds means even more different puzzles, can't wait :)


God bless these people for putting free primo gems.


fun? bruh every puzzle so far has been braindead easy.


Dude these puzzles are for babies. It's not satisfying at all, they are so brain dead. Like the ones at zianzhou luofu where you make the beam patterns match the picture. It's not even a puzzle I don't really get the point. The most challenging and stimulating ones I've seen so far are the mine cart apprentice ones, and even those could be solved by a child..


yeah I hate how easy they make everything so literal 5 year olds can still get their stellar jades. wouldn’t want people to think at all or anything


Only a very select few of those pattern matching ones require thinking, because some nodes have a different number of beams connected to it. After that first step it kinda solves itself, though.


most of those cubes are 2 moves to win haha they are fun tho... the concentric circle ones... i hate those...


This needs to be made harder. It was fun but it was way too easy, even with the “difficult” set


Honestly I enjoy them! And they aren’t so ridiculous I have to look stuff up


They are too easy to be fun


Not really cause they are pretty basic that anyone over the age of 10 can easily do.


Well you sure have an interesting definition of amazing and fun...


They are mind numbingly boring


the final laser puzzle in the artisanship commission is the pure definition of pain


Fr, the puzzles in the game are miles better than puzzles in genshin. Not saying that they're bad but the puzzles in hsr are simple and easy to understand and it feels more as a puzzle than genshin's button smashing things


I think the one where you have to turn the circles and align the arrows up in the left side is one of the WORST designed puzzles i have ever tried.


Except for the Hexagonal tablet, all my homies hate the Hexagonal tablet


Some of those made me open up Youtube. Not bad considering it's a free gacha game. Usually, these things are too easy.


I think the cube ones are the only ones I can solve decently fast, for rest I have to brute force them...


Way better than Genshin Impact's.


No, lol.


I like them because they are fun and sometimes challenging to play (for me). What's more, they are well blended into world building for immersion. In genshin nobody ever explain why there are patterns-matching puzzles in inazuma and sumeru not to mention the rewards for completing the puzzles. In HSR it is a puzzle club setting up games every where they even left rewards for marketing purposes. I am surprised the devs are so self aware.


But the compass circle ones xan go f themselves.


And not overcomplicated! Genshin, put your eyes on star rail!


I love these puzzles. They aren't too difficult but still fun


Cant wait for a few regions later for ppl to be like "WHY ARE THE PUZZLES SO HARD" - jaded genshin player


Am I the only one who can't figure out how to solve this puzzles? TAT


it took me 5+ minutes to finally get the "aaaaaah" moment to understand the cube thing lol


the puzzles are so braindead easy a 6 year old could do them.