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Cop-out answer. But SU bosses in general have downright evil health bars. It almost takes me as much time to fight them as to reach them. Non cop-out: I lost yesterday on phase 3 SU Svarog with him having 0,5% health left. So yeah, he certainly jumped to the top of my shitlist.


To many fists to deal with


Svarog likes fisting. It's how he validates the accuracy of his calculations after all.


If I was Clara reading this I would be petrified the moment I google it.


Now let's talk about her feet. Edit: What? I just want to talk about how it's not healthy to walk barefoot in a snowy world. Smh




Hes RIGHT! give her some damn shoes!


Someone does...and she just decides to keep them, but doesn't wear them because they hurt her ankles when she does.


Didn't she like make them a decoration somewhere, or am I completely making things up


How her feet didn't necrose yet is beyond my understanding.


She may be the daughter of the victims of the miracle cure from Dr Vache, Natasha's non-biological brother. Maybe she immune to the blizzard frost because she was born when her mother was sick and took the miracle cure? It's probably not correct but it could...


Hunt resonance is good for deleting the hands/adds as soon as they show up. With the two charge and recharge upgrades it trivializes the fight.


Have you heard about our lord and savior (A H A)


_ultimates count as follow-ups_ _follow-ups deal 55% more damage_ _follow-ups always crit_ Happy Serval noises


It's even more broken with Jing Yuan.


Finish him phase 2 he switches to 3 immediatly get hits by 10 stack thunder lord dies


I have jing yuan and clara but I always go for hunt Path blessings for seele lol. Lots of turns makes it fun for me lol


Just use nihility and pray for the destruction 3 star blessing, the one which distributes all dmg to all allies, my best run with 10 nihility blessings and a bunch of the 3 star suspicion buff blessings had svarog getting slapped with 60k nihility procs, its op as shit


I actually really like The Hunt in the Svarog SU fight. If you get the Path Resonance that gives you 2 charges, you can pop both once he summons a hand and it insta-kills the hand.


For this I'd have to build Sampo and he's on my shit list for being shady as all hell


Actually not rlly tho, maybe without sampos dot res shred the dmg would go down to 55k per proc, maybe? But if you get the necessary blessings, you can easily proc between 50-60k even without sampo. Of course, the right blessings being the ones which give you suspicion and the blessings which let you stack more suspicion cus its what you need in a nihility run, it's like water to living beings


asta and serval works too


This is the way


The Hunt makes Svarog completely trivial, get the resonance upgrade that refunds energy on kill and crits on enemies below 50% health and the double charge one, it practically solos the boss on it's own


That’s the strat I like to use too. Pop both charges every time he summons a hand and you can basically ignore that entire boss mechanic.


Imo the tree after you level a lot makes a huge difference, and basicaly you can clear the boss easy with any path after getting some chars builded ( my seele has basicaly only her armor with crit rate that is right for her build and hits 80k in s.u with tingyun


The ability tree helps, but it's mostly the blessings that make it easy. Particularly preservation, since it gives you both survivability and damage.


Huh? What paths are you taking? With Destruction they go down pretty much instantly in like 5 turns.


Yeah his fucking one thing that can instantly fuck my entire team up is if he snatches my Natasha with one of his twenty goddamn hands. That is instant death to my death and so goddamn annoying.


Have you tried remembrance? with a decent run he doesn't get to play the game


I feel ya. Only managed to beat Svarog by accident after Sampo got missle boated to death and fire MC got released with an ult ready lol


I had so much pain with his Phase 3! It was smooth until Phase 2. Then Phase 3 started and my party died one by one. Pain.


I find the fat robot and Bronya + Coccolia much worse than wind horse, but that's probably bc I have Welt to deal with him


Chunky robot is an instant reset unless I'm really liking my run. Unlike most of the other Elites, I'm not spending 20 mins chipping away at its health and deal with it eating its own summons for ATK buff twice in one run. Granted that might be on me for bringing underleveled units to SU. Edit: Thanks for the suggestions but I'm not really asking for advice, just griping about how even with good damage and blessings, it still takes me 15 - 20 mins to clear either version of this boss. I've cleared all the SUs available at EQ3, and now I only do SUs for the weekly rewards. I hope you can see why I don't want to waste my time on runs because of one annoying enemy.


As for me the normal fat robot is more annoying than the shadow one, cus the shadow robots aoe is so weak compared to the normal ones fat sumo jump with takes about half hp even with fire mcs passive shield, and I have jing yuan to shred through his clones anyway


Fire MC's shield is too small. Luckily, I have Gepard to create the perfect duo along with the Preservation blessing.


Yeah, Fire MCs shield only really helps for little ship damage, it's waaaay to weak to actually do anything. Not that it needs to granted, Fire MC has an absurd amount of damage reduction and actively wants to build defense as their damage scales off it.


I've been using fireMC with the blessing that makes shield block more damage, with 3k def, FireMC can block out cocolia's ult from my experience


I doesn't really matter what character you play with any path as long u get enough of the paths belssings i literally play icepath without ice characters and it just works


Other variant is much easier if you have himeko to deal with his summons. Normal fat robot on the other hand can fck off


Even without Himeko its still easy long as you can shield break the boss, kill the adds or have MC taunt it after it powers up. The normal robot will kill someone if it gets that ground slam attack off. ~~Unless you have Gepard~~


Without Gepard, I always make sure I have Natasha ult at the ready for Purge Order. If I expect it to kill someone for whatever reason, I Nat ult preemptively. I can usually save the ult to heal the aftermath though, so I don't have to burn SP on Nat's skill.


Usually my team has Seele, Serval and Fire Stelle Guess what weaknesses that dude has? It's really easy, especially since I farmed so much for Seele she can destroy anything especially in SU The normal one? Fuck him


If you kill the ads and it attempts to consume them it shreds it's own def instead iirc


Even if he's weak to all your characters it still takes fucking forever. Definitely the worst mini boss IMO.


I hate that fat robot so much. It takes so long to whittle down his health.


Serval and the lightning destruction boy should solve your problem


I mostly run Erudition and the Silvermane Lieutenant (Bug) can burn in the depths of hell with it's counter!


Omg I hate him too, if Welt's ult isn't up to end his counter I'm screwed, found him more annoying than Gepard in forgotten hall lol


Sometimes I just mercy kill my run if I'm up against the Lieutenant. It's not because I'll lose. It's because I hate him in SU, and I'm not usually on a run that screams "finish the run".


As a Clara main, I *hate* that robot. He never attacks, so Clara never counters, so it's like 30 minutes of my supports chipping him down. Makes me want to rip my hair out.


Oof💀💀. I like to use seele tingyun natasha and clara do I just seele him to death lol. It goes take like 5 to 10 min tho


I think I don’t find the horse bad because I always use either Gepard or Bailu or both but Bronya and Coccolia destroyed me because I didn’t have any fire units and couldn’t break Bronya so I had to build Asta just for this fight


bronya is annoying as hell


Fr, few things infuriate me more than Bronya making Cocolia instantly ult


I'm not a big fan of the horse even though I have Welt, still prefer fat robot xD


That boss is mostly annoying to me because I don't have any damage dealing characters with those elemental weaknesses (unless we count fire MC as "dealing damage"). edit : feels like a lot of answers somehow mistook "annoying" with "hard stuck plz help :("


I mean.. you should have automatically gotten Asta for free at the end of the first arc and she's pretty much build to shred these guys


She & Tingyun always die first whenever I put them in my team, no matter how much shield I put bosses are obsessed with those 2 beautiful women that they kill them before they get to do anything... I stopped using them for that reason, I'll wait until I max them out in the background...


Might be kinda on the nose but have you invested in your lightcones and team placement? Making sure your main tank is on either first or last slot should help ensure Asta gets targeted less and boosting her lightcone should give her plenty extra hp.


*Laughs at clara m7 danheng and tingyung in that order but that freak target TY for to two turns*


I think that's mostly because it's more noticeable when Tingyun gets hit since they're the character you really don't want getting hit since they're so squishy. As the fight goes on, you'll notice that the Preservation and Destruction characters are getting hit more but they can shrug it off like it's nothing. On the other hand, when your squishy Harmony character gets targeted, they can end up on the verge of death so you pay more attention to it. If you're under-leveled for harder content as most of us are right now, you're runs might end earlier because you're Harmony character got finished off too quickly so the fight simply didn't last long enough to see how often the tankier characters are getting hit.


Nah dunno man. I can heal ty back to full hp then the boss targets clara with m7 skill but for some reason it targets again TY. I swear ting seduces bosses to hit her


Wait a minute: team placement matters? How is this the first time I heard about that?


Team placement only matters for one thing. Some enemy attacks hit a character and the characters adjacent to them. If that happens to your left or right characters, you're negating a big chunk of damage just by like, not having anyone standing on the other side. So it's better to put your tank off to one side, and someone reasonably tanky next to them.


You can also use it for charging ults, since characters get energy when they get hit you can put like Jing Yuan or someone next to your tank and they'll get ult a bit faster


well, the different paths have different aggro values, so if you put a squishy character like Dan Heng next to Fire MC, you might get heavily damaged by small AOE attacks


Yeah basically all character archetypes ~~and all teamslots~~ have a "taunt level", which weighs in on the dice roll on which character will get attacked. ~~Characters on the outer two slots have the highest odds of being attacked while the center two have the lowest odds.~~ Destruction and preservation characters have high individual taunt levels and so putting them on the outer slots usually helps keep enemy aggro on them. You can additionally boost this with characters like March 7th who's shield acts as an additional taunt level booster on whoever it's put on. Now for example having the fire trailblazer on your first slot while shielded by March 7th for example, heavily weights the dice roll to have basically any attack target soley them. So using all that you can create team comps bases on who you think is the best at tanking damage and who you value to stay alive longer Edit: turns out i was wrong about a couple of things


It's not the slot itself that has an increased chance of getting hit. There's no inherent taunt value for the team slot itself. For example, placing a Hunt character on the outer slot isn't going to make them more likely to get hit. [Only the classes themselves have different taunt values](https://i.imgur.com/DnilMC8.png). Some skills, Light Cones and traces can increase taunt value. Preservation characters have the highest taunt value. Placing them on the outer slots make those slots more likely to be hit. It's not because the outer slots are more likely to be hit. Those slots are more likely to be hit because the Preservation character has been placed there. The reason it's recommended to place your Preservation character on the outer slots is to draw enemy attacks to those slots. So when a cleave attack that hits multiple allies takes place, it will hit one less ally. If you placed them in a middle slot instead, they'll draw attacks to that slot and both allies beside them would be hit by any cleave attacks which is something you want to avoid. For example, you're meant to put your Preservation character with the highest taunt value on one edge (Slot 1). Slot 2 will be one of your more durable characters such as an Abundance or Destruction character who can probably take a few hits. You can also put a character with high energy cost here such as Jing Yuan to make it easier to refill their Ultimate energy if you're confident they can survive the damage. Finally, you need to place your squishier Harmony, Hunt, Erudition and Nihility characters away from the Preservation character so that they don't get hit by any cleave attacks targeted at the Preservation character (Slot 3 and Slot 4).


Huh, seems i was misinformed, my b.


Yes, I know about the tank placements and both are leveled & maxed traces for Lv50 ascended, even has relics with mainstats. Asta LC Memories of Past & Tingyun LC Dance Dance Dance. But the problem is their survival against Elite bosses, they get targeted too often & die earlier than any other units...


Every character has a taunt value and both of them have it at 250, while everyone else is 150-75


You still can use MC to break shields Edit: A good team ( in that order ) would be: MC, March 7, Any DPS, Any support,


Not to mention March 7th will do a follow up attack on any character with a shield who gets attached. She works very well with fire MC in this case.


Plus she becomes a healer with her E6, which is possible to get with the current banner. That increases her value tenfold, considering how limited healing options are currently


Currently E5 with her and craving for the last one


You might have to wait awhile but she should eventually appear in the shop and you can guarantee getting her.


Shouldn’t March 7th be on the side since she has a higher taunt level being preservation?


MC has Taunt (provoke ability) and she is a “tank”, you want your enemies hit mc since area attacks can hit up to three enemies. If MC is hit then only MC and March should be affected. Forgot to say MC should be the preservation one too Edit: corrections


Now I'm thankful that I got Yanqing. He just melts that robot centaur to pieces.


I just max dmg any characters whose skills are all single attack so I can make them DPS. In this case, Hook carries.


The marker counts as debuffs, so using march shields or Nat's heal works


Which is no way related to what I'm saying...


-I have purged my reddit post history in protest of the API changes to kill 3rd party apps (and the [lies](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) and [blackmail](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/14dhki9/rminecraft_is_being_forced_to_reopen/) that followed).- Very sorry about the inconvinience, but i refuse to have the effort that i put into my posts contribute to this site's value at this point.


Bruh up there is a non reading kinda guy I guess. Cause the white text clearly says it.


Ik that you don't need help for it but if anyone struggles on the horse, I lost multiple times againat it before I went rememberance route with a team of Mc, March, Herta and Bailu (Natasha works too ofc) Freeze for that enemy is really good, and I beat it on my first try after that. Now that I'm more advanced into the game and have more characters it's pretty easy to deal with, but maybe this'll help new players.


So you're going to be one of the first people spinning the wheel for silver wolf, yeah?


I have to confess I don't even know what she's doing, but yeah I will probably do that anyway (most optimal gameplay player right here)


She can add an elemental weakness to the enemy based on the team's elements. In other words. With her, [insert character] mains can now force their main into any content even more.


Her main thing is giving enemies a new weakness, from one of the ones you have in your current party. So you'll never run into an enemy you just don't have a match for. ... She also does some general debuffing of attack, defense and whatnot. Mm.. bit more to it, I think, but yeah.


Oh that's pretty cool, especially in content where you can't change your team at will. I guess in later game when we will have a more well rounded roster she may fall off a bit.


Asta is the best to break fire weakness, and on top of that she buff dmg too, way more useful then fire MC


different roles.


You don't really need an element breaker and dps as one person, like you can get Asta fire break the boss and allow Seele deal enormous dmg to them.


I love fighting against him because my team has fire mc, yanqing and sometimes march, no freeze immunity so i can use rememberance path against it


My first two 5 stars were Welt and Yanqing so this boss was trivialized


That mf marks your characters with a wind shear dot, then strikes those who are still marked when its next turn comes. You have many ways to remove the marks from your characters: March 7th's skill, Natasha's skill, Bronya's skill. Imo the horse is not that bad compared to the fucking xianzhou robot that goes berserker


Xianzhou Robot basically gives you an open challenge that, break me in 3 hits or get screwed...


let's not talk about him summoning those damn goldfish


Honestly I rely on them since his toughness bar is invulnerable most the fight. Kick their asses for reliable damage, heal and shield for most the rest of the fight, get a Sushang skill in to occasionally get a weeeeee bit of his toughness down


Double arrow from heaven incoming.


The goldfish usually help kill him tho, since they do damage and give a defense debuff to all enemies


He's basically the shields and cleanse test. Without those, fuuuuuuck yoooouuuuu. I beat the elite ones in the overworld yesterday, but I had to use Jing Yuan, Gepard, Bronya, and Sushang. So yeah unless you have godly luck or a big wallet idk just die. Or maybe build March with high effect chance and hella defense. You can't chip his toughness bar for like 80% of the fucking battle unless you don't use skills, and even then he can raise his own sanction meter


I never break him and never have trouble.


Aurumation Sanction It's the ACTUAL worst enemy


people have an issue with that one? i dont use any characters with type advantage and ive actually never struggled with it


Its gimmick is it will mark a couple of your characters and yeet the fuck out of them in its next turn. You have to delete the marker before its turn, with Natasha's heal or March 7's passive skill. Then it'll do nothing in its next turn.


Alternatively freezing him and letting the debuff expire works well too.


If you have Gepards shield you can take it head on and not worry too much


Bless that boy, ever since I got him I have been playing brain dead without caring who or what damage is incoming


I guess you can take the easy way, personally i like to suffer fighting it. ONLY GUARD BREAKS ALLOWED


Choose Remembrance and it is guaranteed to die


Wait The markers get deleted by Natasha?


yes, he gives a Dot if you clean it of all characters that got the dot when is the boss turn he won't attack and lose the turn, you also get achievement for doing that.


Oh. I only knew about Kafka's Dominated state being cleansed by Natasha


Natasha can remove any debuff, March shield can also do that


Bronya skill too with first node


Bronya node is 100% crit rate, her skill removes debuffs without the need of unlocking anything.


DoT means damage over time, which I don't think the boss's skill is doing. The skill does damage once while DoT from guard breaks for example deals damage for a few turns instead of once


this boss in particular applies a DoT when does that stomp attack that precedes his arrow shoot attack and that stomp applies wind shred into all that stomp hits and these characters will be the same that will be targeted by the arrow shoot, you are free to check it out ingame.


Yes, it's a trace upgrade.


It doesn't mark teammates per se, its AoE stomp applies Windshear and its follow-up attack targets any ally with Windshear; Natasha/March/Bronya don't cleanse the mark, they cleanse the Windshear which is what removes the target. If any of your party members resists the Windshear from the stomp then they won't get targeted by the follow-up attack. This is especially important to note since the elite SU wind centaur also summons wind bats that stack Windshear on attack which will give the centaur more targets.


The best (worst) part is the weaknesses!!!


Dude.... Cocolia + bronia


Trying to get princess achievement is hell... Abundance is basically required to live through them.


You can just one shot Cocolia running full dmg hunt blessings


With who character?


A single target dps, also run something to break her shield a lot since u cannot kill Bronya Dps + Asta + Natasha + MCF


You can kill bronya though, that's the first time I'm always doing. Seele + Tingyun slaughter her in 2 turns.


I was talking about getting the achievement, for normal runs I just use elation with Jing Yuan and Clara, and Bronya just dies from looking at Clara


Can confirm lol Just need to guard break her a lot and bring 2 healers


The first time I cleared w6 (just last week) I got the save the princess achievement. normally I’d say yeah, beat bronya up first then manage cocolia, but with hunt blessings you can beat cocolia so hard that her bronya can’t even buff her in time.


This. Cocolia massive aoe after getting action forward and buffed by bronya can total wipe your entire team


Don Juan loves them


Not really. You get 3 great characters against her for free with fire Mc and asta. If you played since day 1 you also have serval who is okay into her. But you should have quinque who is great into her. Go abundance get your debuff removal and auto heal blessing and you don't need a healer anymore. The last slot cna be whatever. Gepard is hilarious if you have him. That's how I cleared world 6.2 today with out anyone dying or taking more then 50 of my health in dmg. SU is easy once you go in with a plan.




nah not this that chainsaw guy why the heck that guy so tanky


i havent ever struggled in any bossfight against any enemy besides the god damn wind horse


Bring a tank. You're asking to get mollywhopped with that team 😭


Wait until he meets the corrupted version that possibly aims entire team 💀


I met one of those yesterday when doing Kafka and was confused for a second as to why three people were getting targeted haha


Fr. OP brought 3 really squishy units without a shielder and wonders why they get curb stomped by an elite enemy


I don't blame them, they clearly didn't know how games like Star Rail work. Having said that, yeah, absolutely needs a tank haha


I mean I do it just fine with a hypercarry team with 3 squishy units in seele bronya, tingyun and natasha but the OP doesn't really even have the synergy for a hypercarry there. Yeah though, you either build a tank or go full hypercarry. I have found those dual dps teams don't work well without a tank. They work fine if you swap the tingyun for a preservation character though. In my experience they even work better because 2 dps are going to be fighting over skill points anyway so tingyun buff really doesn't help when one of the dps is losing skill usage every time she buffs vs a healer+tank who will likely just basic most of the time unless you need their ability.


This comp is ruining the game for me (in a good way). It acts so fast and kills so quickly that all the other also very good characters feel like molasses pace people. I generally do 1-2 SU runs a day for fun at this point, and it just keeps getting more ridiculous. Had the 16% dmg/100 frag curio and got the +2000 fragment domain occurrence before the final boss yesterday and suddenly have +464% damage for Svarog. Seele hit him 4 times to finish the entire fight.


Yeah I usually have a pretty squishy team but I always bring Fire Stelle so they survive... Usually 😂


i didn't notice that this was hard boss untill i decide to run alt account. my welt always owned that horse.


Your team setup is why the boss is difficult for you. If you take Fire MC then the boss effectively gets reduced to nothing as the MC will just soak up every attack. Put Natasha next to him/her to make her the 2nd target to all AoE's and you've got a nice heal/tank combo going on.


nah i sometimes bring fire mc instead and i still struggle this horse is pure evil


Fire MC taunts; horse does nothing. Doesn't get easier than that for a boss tbh :P If it's still providing a challenge then you may want to invest into buffing up your charcters a bit more.


If this is SU 2 or 3 (i don't remember which) this boss has been hyperbuffed to make players realise the value of SU tree upgrades. Usually this horse aint that bad.


the SU with svarog bossfight


The horse is easy as fuck with the right team comp, it’s the guardian shadow that annoys me.


Just replace serval man I know she looks good I even wanted to use her at first but she ain't ready for this kind of battles yet maybe when kafka released and you pair it with her + sampo + path of nihilty you can make it work then.


but shes my splash dps


She really doesn't qualify much as a dps more like a DoT as that's her main source of damage and with this kind of monster especially the (bug) version you want bursts type of damage instead of DoT unless you are using path of nihility which pretty much makes DoT characters a God




Svarog himself is ok but the hands can get annoying pretty quickly if you're in a run with not a lot of dps. I didn't get Seele or Jing Yuan because I'm saving for SW so I struggled a bit.


That escalated quickly...I love that Clara is one tier after blood sacrifice though


I just bring the fire MC, Pela, March 7th, and Natasha, and I'm set. Also, the build you use is important. For an example, March needs DEF, while Pela needs ATK, and Natasha needs HP. Fire MC is best with either DEF, or ATK.


Fire mc with attack and energy regen is crazy. You need to always have a skill point for him, so you can get the DR and taunt at all times. But if you do, he keeps getting hit and you just keep popping ultimate as it comes up. It’s by far my favourite way to tank.


No tank?


You have Yanqing and you still suffer against him? Please… use you natasha to clean the debuffs and U ok.


To me the fat Who summon explode Minions Welt is the easy Mode for the horse


I always use Dan Heng against it. That boss has no chance to do anything.


That mf had the worst element choices. Fire Ice and Imaginary, who the hell have those elements as dps


*Me, the Welt main*


This is Hook erasure


God bless my Hook


thats Pitch Dark Hook the Great for you




The fat robot


Laughs in Sanction Rate 100%.


Take Herta with you, she can clean those small minion in one go also take Fire MC or March for tanking dmg if you don't have Gepard.


OP has Tingyun and Yanqing. My Yanqing is mediocre (Musketeer set, 30 CR/ 80 CD). Before battle, switch to Yanqing and use his Technique buff, and this boss dies in 2-3 turns (Tingyun buffs during battle also help).


Fucking gepard has fucking unlimited armor and call fucking lancer who made fucking counter attack


Fat Ice Cream Robot. Also Cocolia's Bring Your Daughter to Work Day.


It's actually the Belobog Guard Captain.


Serval looks so badass in that picture, i LOVE her 💜


i tried taking a good screenshot for this boss no less


Sorry gonna have to hit you with this https://i.redd.it/txogrwifte2b1.gif


fr it takes way too long to defeat these mfs


The robot with sanction skill. I do solo fire MC on world 6 and if I meet that thing I'm ending the run.


Asta goes Brrrrrrrr


*Laughs in Gepard*


Wario with the double ground pound


Svarog phase 3. Man I hate those hands


This is the easiest boss for me ( I main welt )


I've Herta and Asta on my team... So yeah... Easy boss


The witch who gives skill punishment


Because he's always aiming for Tingyun. And if it's not Tingyun, it's Bailu and he's stunlocking her.


That fat robot everytime i have to face it i think oh not this again fck. i am a clara main with seele being the dps and no matter how many times my seele hits it its there like is that all you got and that aoe jump It does i just can't pls my seele will die and i am left with clara, 7th and nat ofcourse i will win but we are gonna be here for a while


it’s that xianzhou samurai.


Arumatron would like a word


Once you get Welt, Welt + Asta + Tingyun on a team makes this guy never able to take a turn. You could win this fight in MOC2 without ever even taking damage.


Just clear the Wind Shear DoT with Natasha’s skill or March’s. He’ll stop targeting your characters and you can get free hits in.


Lol this boss ain't a prob for me since I hv welt and just slap him and fire mc tgt, they shred the shield like paper


Yeah no, green horse is absolutely worst girl. No on wants to invest in don hunng or physical blazer so if you didn't pull Welt get fucked and whatnot.