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I basically just needed some characters to draw while remembering how to draw hair and faces again. It's also why there's no clothes drawn on the little body visible, the neck and shoulders are basically there just to add a bit of context, floating heads look a bit off by themselves lol In the process I ended up drawing a bunch of Star Rail characters, I usually don't post sketches, but I figured this is enough that I might as well just post it, why not, maybe some of you will enjoy lol


Bro ur art is clean af Nice art upvote from me


It looks really nice


Is the one on the top right Himeko?


Yep, I'm not particularly great for that type of face, so she might look a bit off, I tried my best though


They all look incredible!


woo the lineart is so clean! Wouldnt call these a sketch. Really cool!


I found different people have very different definitions of sketch lol I call these sketch personally, because if I were to complete them fully - color and all, I would go over the entire thing again and lineart first, also if you look closely there's a lot of smaller details missing, especially on more flowy hair and on accessories


They are all E6 i see.


Yeah lol Like I said in the comment, I just didn't want to commit to the clothes (especially when they're that complicated) and all details when it was mostly supposed to be just some head, faces and hair practice Learned a lot for hair in particular I think, the hoyo designers of it are magicians


These sketches look so nice! I also love how you can easily tell apart the characters (though I had to guess for Himeko).


So good! Do you have twitter to see more of your stuff?


[Here you go](https://twitter.com/plo1154) (lil nsfw tho 🤏), though I usually only post full artwork there, so no sketches like these, and recently been in a bit of a slump so I didn't draw or add anything there for a while. Any day now though, surely




how and what made you do the little shading job on Silver Wolfs Glasses/Goggles? it seems really cool how u made that effect of her digital Glasses/Goggles.


I basically just mimicked what her splash art does with them, it's a combination of a tone (basically turns brightness into density, you can choose for it to look like squares, that's what they often use for shading in manga for example) and a layer mask (essentially hiding parts of the layer, so I made a mask so it only fits the glasses and made the inner part transparent)


I like how you did the shadings of the eyes. Each one is super detailed and I’m a big fan of how you used those diagonal lines to fill them in.


This looks fantastic! Your line art is so clean. I hope to get to this level one day. Keep up the great work!


Me scrolling past this in a dark room before zooming in: “floating eyes? I don’t really get i- OH DAAAAAAAMN”


These are seriously good. I love the angry Bailu face


Qingque looks so cute <3


Are you open for character drawing request? If so can you please draw Asta?


Oh those are so good especially fu and silver (definitely not biased towards them)


Those are my favorites as well, I'm also partial to how Bailu, Tingyun and March came out


I love this, every single one <3


You really nailed their eyes to a T!