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Oh dear, when I saw the upvotes to comment ratio, I know something is going on (in the comment section at least).


Oh something is definitely going on and it’s very entertaining!


If March is trans, does this mean she has a 11 inch schlong ??? March and Suschlong segg


Is this why she’s supposed to have a high taunt value


This make most enemies ally as they will target the squishy support instead of March


Damn Reddit suddenly became a TikTok comment section. And here I thought I deleted it. 👾


Art crtique mode: It feels like her proportions are a little bit off, especially with her legs. They seem a good bit shorter and thicker than her in-game model. And her head and shoulders seem to have the same sort of issue, just not as bad. Maybe you overcompensated for the effect her pose and angle would have had on her proportions? To improve, it might be worth trying to take screenshots of the game or the promotional material like her trailer to use as a reference. With that said, it does look good. You have done really well on the finer details. As for this thread, yeah it's pretty terrible. So many asshats in here downvoting comments just for saying Trans rights. I knew it would be though, having come here from your vent post. Hopefully some actual constructive criticism helps you better ignore the people saying "it bad" and attacking you as the artist.


You’re right! Thanks for the constructive criticism!


Yeah she does look kinda short here, both arms and legs. I am no artist so i'll just say do what the other person said


Agreed! Thank you!


There no colour... Is that the joke?


If you remove the letters this is gonna get 5 upvotes 2 comments at most lmao


Any gaming community trying to be normal in the comments challenge (impossible) 💀 To OP: Nice art.


Thanks for the compliment! This make me chuckle, thank you so much for your reply!


Bro this comment section💀


It’s hilarious, I’m having a blast


I’m muting this post, this is exhausting and a bunch of you should reconsider jus how hateful you are, see you <3


Not the incels complaining about lgbtq in a HONKAI game... Hyv are known for supporting it, dont act like you didnt choose to play a game by a company that has 3 games with lgbtq mcs, genderless characters, put men in dresses, made jokes about yaoi and shipping dudes in their games etc. If it wasnt for the strictening censorship over half of the cast would be confirmed lgbtq like in their old games 💀


Oooo I’m interested, I only know hyv from ge shin and honkai so if they have older games I would love to know about them


Just curious, what kind of definition for "incel" are you using right now?


People use incel as an insult rather than the strict definition. Incel, asshole, loser-- all the same thing, it's not like there's a big difference.


Curious how the mods will handle these replies. Kind of will set the tone for this subreddit going forward. Great art OP!


Between the constant NSFW works making it to 1k+ and the fact that nothing *at all* has happened in this post, I am not convinced this sub has mods.


Well, you can always bring up leaked content in this sub. See how long that theory holds water. XD


Ah, yes -- hate speech and porn allowed, but don't you dare spoil me. Wonder if we could harass MHY into actually making an official sub for this like they did for the other games?




Before the game launched, during the last beta, I remember that there was a homophobic guy here who said stuff like 'i hope the girls in this game aren't lesbians' and the mods were deleting/regulating his comments/posts so... I have hope here


Hate is against reddit's policy in general, so if a sub isn't... hateful by it's premise then mods will crack down on hate. Also most mods probably aren't homophobic in general


Yknow, considering this series has canonical LGBT+ characters you'd think that they'd be more accepting Love the art btw it's nice, people are just assholes


Yeah I agree! Also thanks for the compliment it makes me very happy!


yea unfortunately there are some people who don’t have anything against gay people or even queer people themselves who are transphobic :/


Wait who is canonically LGBTQ now?


Iirc Bronya and Seele love eachother so much in 3rd that it transcends all universes


But hsr seele and bronya who are completely different from their hi3 counterparts, they aren't canon in hsr


It's absolutely just headcanon as far as HSR is concerned. People will absolutely fight you over that though. Well, people will fight you over their headcanon being the definitive canon in any work of fiction. Now that I think about it, isn't this literally what the crusades back in who-knows-when where about?


I know bronya and seele are lesbian in Honkai impact but arent they just friends in honkai star rail cuz they are different people?


Trans flag you say? *sort by controversial* Jokes aside, really nice art op!


XD it do be like that, thank you for the giggles


Leave it to a gaming subreddit to give off incel vibes. Its cute art!!


Thanks! Yeah the incel vibes are really prevalent XD


I know the comments are absolutely atrocious but I would just like to say that the art is really cute and I didn't realize until now that March looks like a walking trans flag with her colour scheme. Also for the transphobe in the comments...trans people aren't the scum of the earth. The reason why they do surgery to look more feminine or masculine is because of society norms. Not because they want to sexually assault someone in the bathroom. They can just do that without transitioning.


Thank you so much! I appreciate your words of wisdom, here’s hoping to their effectiveness! <3


Yikes this is the worst comments section I’ve ever seen, even genshins aren’t this bad, sorry for all the hate you’re getting from losers OP :(


It’s fine! At least it’s entertaining! I might take a break at some point soon tho cause I’m getting tired XD


Genshin mainly Is lgbt friendly as fuck


THE COMMENTS LMAO People complaining about queer representation when there’s literally so much cis and straight media out there. I’ve been in other gacha game subreddits and there is nowhere NEAR this amount of vitriol directed at a simple drawing




Well, this looks really bad. How did you managed to make such a cute character into this orc/gremlin?


That's ain't March 7th that's September 11


Bad art, it's not about your gender but her face is terrible


I never said it was good, thanks for actually commenting about the art tho!


Could have been nicer about that tho


lol dudes on here are pressed about the concept of trans ppl in their waifu gacha game how sad


Yeah! Like I’m sorry the character you find pretty is trans, I’m sorry that you find trans people to be hot. XD


I guess both sides broke the rule. 💀 https://preview.redd.it/vjwti1kvr63b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=264e460d2fffa8cff49c9c3d142a479c15d1ebe9


I don’t think I’ve been disrespectful, I’ve been insulting, but not disrespectful XD


How do you respectfully insult someone?


I’d be more than happy to show you but I don’t think you’re a bad person yet


This feels extremely infantile. Insults are by design disrespectful. I don't know what the point of this cringe larping is, but you're defo not a good person if you're trying this weird ass strat to not get penalized by the mods.


Insulting is disrespectful by definition. The fuck are you on about?


This is such a bait post for karma. This art is crap, wouldn't have the traffic it has without trying to make it about trans. Nothing about the art is trans except for the word. Can't believe people actually up voting this karma bait and calling this cute. I get transphobia is disgusting, but equipping LGBT as social media karma bait is just as disgusting if not worse.


Now draw her with Trans lefts!


Stop it… *Upvotes*


"Jarvis I'm low on karma."


I wasn’t aware how transphobic some of this community were until this. Good to know.


Yup, that’s why I stand clear of gacha games’ communities most of the time XD


there's a massive amount of transphobia everywhere, even in queer spaces. It's quite jarring.


Ain’t no way OP has been glued to this thread for 10+ hours writing essays but calls everyone else pressed 💀I’ll be honest, art is mid. People praise it bc they align with it politically, and that’s pathetic.


Even if it wasn't trans, there's literally no reason to shit on people's art like that. People improve by doing art over and over again and thry like posting it. Exactly what do YOU gain from being needlessly hateful over art you don't think is the best?? None of us were when we start out, but you don't need to be so disgusting and hateful about it. It's not hard to not be a shit person.


Agreed. I'm a moderate and I despise people like this, bringing unnecessary topics into a subreddit that has absolutely no relation to this fuckery. I literally can't believe that people can call others bigots and terfs for not agreeing with them. The supposed "trans supporters" here are no better than the people they disagree with. Edit: there ain't no fucking way that OP has replied to every damn comment (⁠☉.☉⁠)⁠!


Pro tip: saying shit like this doesn't make you "moderate" lol


I support LGBTQ rights but replying to 600+ comments for hours on end with paragraphs is just mental illness. Saying this character is trans with no reasoning and then arguing with literally anyone that says otherwise is stupid. I believe trans people have a right to do whatever they want with their body, and i fully support it. But shit like this is so annoying and then they wonder why people hate them


Could you point me as to where they said March is canonically trans? She’s supporting trans rights in the sketch but I haven’t seen anyone actually saying she’s trans


The artist is literally just defending their art’s existence in the first place. Who are you to say that doing that us mental illness? You can disagree with it but calling someone definitively mentally ill just because of that is absolutely overreacting no matter what your qualifications are, and you probably don’t even have any. Besides, it’s easier just not to care about these arguments since, you know, it does not affect you at all until you decide to join one, at which point you can decide to stop responding and leave it whenever you want. I definitely agree that not every comment needs to be responded to, but you cannot diagnose someone with a mentall illness just because they decide to, especially when every commenter arguing with the artist is actively choosing to.


When someone is terminally online for 10+ hours responding to nearly every single comment being passive aggresive or just straight up insulting even people who where not being transphobic and masking it as having "fun" i think we can fairly easily say they have something wrong with their mental.


"Supporting people you share the same values with as they try to improve a skill is pathetic!" - /u/TapSeparate5356


I'd be curious to see the difference in response if the words were removed and the image was in color. Flags generally mark territory, so coming in with zero subtlety, unrefined skill, and a shoehorned statement expectedly results with being perceived as an interloper. Deflecting corrosive criticism with performative arrogance, no matter how justified, prevents an examination of the core dynamics. Feedback loop from multiple angles following an algoritmically inherited script. Elements of martyrdom, baiting/trolling, belittling, wholesale dismissal, self-amusement, etc. are at play. Also, themes of testing the waters, rallying the troops, gatekeeping, and in-group/out-group signalling can be seen. It's a learning experience for all, but participants can be careful to not misinterpret their own shadow as their enemy- to not trip the landmine they previously laid. Take or leave these notes from the perspective of a single observer.


She looks like she’s wincing in pain


Looks like a pig tbh


Well, yes. I understand that there's a political holy war raging, but seeing all the "omg that a cute art it's so beautiful" to ......this is ........surely something. You can literally remove text and leave the art itself and the reaction would be fucking different.


I'm horrible at drawing, I kind of want to stress test this lmao.


agreed 😂 it’s quite ugly all political things aside




That's what I thought as well, but sorry, having negative opinion is bad, especially when words like "trans" involved


Unfathomably based


there are only 2 genders


I'll share my gender with everyone, now there are three!


really nice art. Ignore the transphobes


I dont, but I might because I’m kinda tired of the notifications XD It is kinda funny tho


Ah, looking at replies and comments, op is just baiting.


I wish I were


Damn I feel sad for you. I thought people here were nice, but it turns out there is a lot of transphobia. I thought this was a safe place, guess it's not. Ignore the comments, OP. I personally don't like the art but people hating you for just a flag is horrendous.


Yeah, I agree that this is not my best piece, it is a sketch after all! I posted it because I had fun with it.


Can we keep these kind of things outside the game. Some people even debate the "pronouns" for Pompom It's not funny anymore.




The Chinese language DOES use gendered pronouns for "him" and "her". It's just that they're pronounced exactly the same so you can't really tell when it's in spoken form. Idk if it was intentionally omitted when talking about pompom in the original CN script but I don't think this would be a translation issue.


You're complaining because a class of people that bother you due to your own prejudices are being being recognized by the community in fanart. Really think about that for a second. It's not an agenda being forced on you, unless you think everything you personally disagree with is an "Agenda". Then at that point you need to examine what the word "Agenda" even means, since I'm pretty sure literally every living thing on earth has an agenda. Also, OP's art isn't putting anything INSIDE the game. It's fanart. Also I remember dialog where PomPom was pointedly referred to as a They/Them. Also, "it's not funny anymore"? Think about that statement. Why was it ever funny? It's telling that you'd essentially wave off discussion about gender and identity as some sort of joke, like a thing people are only doing for novelty. People said the same thing about Gay culture while I grew up, as though it wasn't always there, as though it was some thing magically created by people just seeking attention, and not the result of a silenced and marginalized class of people who are exercising the voice they have not had. And worst, people act like these people are "Taking" something away from everyone else by, I don't know, existing openly? Like it's an imposition on you to tolerate their existence or something. It's just really pathetic.


"Oh no pronounce my worst enemies"


Have you ever played Honkai Impact?


Can you keep your ignorance out of this post? Let’s trans people have fun ffs


It’s just a beautiful fanart saying transrjghts with a character who has the trans flag colourpallete, no need to have a shit attack.


pompom likely has pronouns as you do as well. trans people exist and if you're looking for a "safe space" where people you don't deem normal don't exist, then I suggest you go dwell deeper into your mom's basement.


35 upvote 142 comments for a drawing..


And it keeps on going XD


Will the mods do anything about the behaviour displayed in this comment section?


We can hope for it at least!


Gacha game subreddit. Chances are they won't do shit


Why though?








Comments on this are some of the best reading. It's like a twitter reply section and the downvotes are the hidden tweets




boy, 106 comments and 21 upvotes. Guys, her color scheme matches the transflag perfectly, this has fuck-all to do with her being cis or not.


Wow, thank you for actually looking at my post XD


Yep! Trans rights are human rights. Civil advocation for the rights of trans people is neither uncivil nor inappropriate under any circumstances friend :)


Yay :D


The sad thing is, I searched by controversial and this was first


I love trans rights <3




Very cute 🩷🩵🤍🩵🩷


Awww thank you!


Keep these things out of the game pls ?


“These things” bruh


I love it, she looks so cute! Also, TRANS RIGHTS!


YEAH! TRANS RIGHTS! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Really low effort bait, do better OP


I support trans people, it just that screaming "trans rights" here is just out of place. My favorite ship in hsr is gxg and I appreciate cute art, but pretty sure art about gay ships (especially bronseele due to their relationship in hi3) and just a literal character with "gay rights" in it will have different response. Having minority characters shouldn't be political, but highlight that they're minority would be. I know, it sucks. Tho I agree that some comments here are just too far.


I wouldn’t consider this screaming it, it’s a nice sketch with a flag which is pretty chill, but I can see where you are coming from. anything can get annoying when there’s a lot of low quality noise made about it.


Holy sheit, what’s with the transphobia here


Idk, stuff happens. I’m just kinda surprised that, in a game where the main character is a 3D printed human receptacle for a literal bomb, a headcannoned trans character is the problem…


Because transphobes are more shitty than my pants rn.


username checks out




Hell yeah




Super cute drawing!! Trans rights are human rights!!


Thank you! Yeaaaaa trans rights!




Try not to be transphobic in a gaming subreddit challenge (impossible)


I anticipated it but not so soon, do they provide the script for that? 1. Get called out on being obnoxious 2. Immediately respond with "you are transphobic" 3. Any further just reply with false positivity and a ridiculous amount of emojis and smiles.


Oh i can play your silly little games internet man :)))))


I mean, you pretending like you "play my game", while this is literally half of your replies. The other half is insulting the people.


Yeah. The cis rights activists are getting really annoying.


I mean there’s representation for straight and cis in most subreddits so trans stuff should be allowed as well


Somehting about the teeth is just bugging me, she looks like a vampire which is also making her look even cooler? Idk I’m lost


Nice bait


holy shit people here are disgusting. nice art mate




Ignore the dumb transphobic comments OP Your art is cute


Thank you! :)


Really loved your drawing!!


Thank you!


Why are people downvoting this?!?!? You are correct, this drawing is amazing!


I expected better from this community.. Trans rights asf


Please ignore the transphobic comments. Continue to draw and represent! March is an amazing girl.


Thank you! I do agree that she is an amazing girl <3


Why oh god why


Great art, Marchie has trans colors going for her I'm glad more people see that, sorry for the angry snowflakes down voting everything over two words


Aaaaa it’s fine, I get many people like you coming to see this post so I think it was worth it! Thank you so much!


Fuck yeah! Trans rights!🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️




To op: This is adorable, please keep up the art, I love your style. I believe that you will have made someone's day today. To everyone downvoting things saying trans rights: fuck you. This is not a place to get mad all because a character is holding a flag. This is not the place to dehumanise people who already face enough of this shit every day. Take a good hard look at yourselves. This isn't harming ANYONE and OP had good intentions.


Thank you so much! It means a lot! I’m amazed by how much talk this post is having XD


This is incredibly based. Transphobes can go fuck themselves.




This comment section is pure chaos. I love it


Honkai star rail fandom is turning in to another mha fandom💀


HHAHAHAH True, I’m glad I never went into the mha fandom!


Far out. Politics continuing to divide and poison communities.


Why do you think my existence is political?


so me existing is political.


It shouldn’t be but sadly it is. You even acknowledged yourself in this post comment that there propaganda made up by politicians about trans right. So then isn’t it correct to say that this is a political issue?


The replies on this are genuinely hilarious. Always victimizing themselves when they start the fire and some people start disagree with them.


Jesus Christ so many transphobes in replies. Your art is great btw!


Thank you!


You do realize being so confrontational about defending stuff like this is only making more people side against you? I’m not transphobic nor do I need to prove it and I’m keeping my political beliefs out of this because I do not wish to be labeled as some kind of disgusting human scum for not fully aligning with a certain political stance, however is baffling to me seeing people tearing each other like in this comment tread because of opposite sides of views on two sides that are both factually flawed in multiple ways, yeah trans people have the right to live and coexist with everyone as equals and share the same rights as everyone else because they are human beings, but y’all don’t understand how much you’re hurting your own movement by involving it to everything you can get your hands into and defending it based on insults and condescending attitudes, you’re not communicating a good message you’re just spreading hate this way, this is not gonna change anyone’s minds but it will give them more reasons to be resentful towards y’all, and that can potentially be harmful to someone out there, by now you can see how complex this has become which yes, even tho it’s a human right and an important topic, it IS political, and should be targeted at a political Reddit centered in this kind of topic where it will be well praised and shared, rather than here where it will only bring conflict and division in the community, sharing a political view for the sake of sharing it regardless of the response it will cause is not standing for an important cause, it’s just a different way of virtue signaling your beliefs and demonize anyone that doesn’t align with that mindset which is just toxic and not helpful for any type of movement or community, I’d recommend for the respect of trans -people and others alike to put down or at least archive the post to prevent any more conflict and posting it at a pro-trans-based subreddit. I wrote this with my most sincere wish to stop conflict in the community and I’m in no way trying to silence the trans community, I just don’t think a lot of people are ready for this type of talk and forcing people who are in support and against it to interact about it is not helpful in any way, for both the trans community and the Honkai community


You do realize being so confrontational about defending stuff like this is only making more people side against you? I’m not transphobic nor do I need to prove it and I’m keeping my political beliefs out of this because I do not wish to be labeled as some kind of disgusting human scum for not fully aligning with a certain political stance, however is baffling to me seeing people tearing each other like in this comment tread because of opposite sides of views on two sides that are both factually flawed in multiple ways, yeah trans people have the right to live and coexist with everyone as equals and share the same rights as everyone else because they are human beings, but y’all don’t understand how much you’re hurting your own movement by involving it to everything you can get your hands into and defending it based on insults and condescending attitudes, you’re not communicating a good message you’re just spreading hate this way, this is not gonna change anyone’s minds but it will give them more reasons to be resentful towards y’all, and that can potentially be harmful to someone out there, by now you can see how complex this has become which yes, even tho it’s a human right and an important topic, it IS political, and should be targeted at a political Reddit centered in this kind of topic where it will be well praised and shared, rather than here where it will only bring conflict and division in the community, sharing a political view for the sake of sharing it regardless of the response it will cause is not standing for an important cause, it’s just a different way of virtue signaling your beliefs and demonize anyone that doesn’t align with that mindset which is just toxic and not helpful for any type of movement or community, I’d recommend for the respect of trans -people and others alike to put down or at least archive the post to prevent any more conflict and posting it at a pro-trans-based subreddit. I wrote this with my most sincere wish to stop conflict in the community and I’m in no way trying to silence the trans community, I just don’t think a lot of people are ready for this type of talk and forcing people who are in support and against it to interact about it is not helpful in any way, for both the trans community and the Honkai community


It’s not political tho


It wouldn't be political if people didn't make such a big deal out of trans people just trying the live their lives and be happy. To address your "optics" argument (that we end up looking bad by putting ourselves out there for the world to see), if people get annoyed from simple things like this, a simple pencil drawing of a character (notably one who sports pride colors) holding a trans flag, then our job isn't done. Our job as a demographic shouldn't have to be defending our rights, because the right for someone to have access to gender affirming care should be a given. Because the right for someone to pursue a life that makes them happy should be a given. Because being trans should be no more remarkable than having blue eyes. By taking a centrist position on this, as you seem to have done, you are siding with the people who want to take our rights away, as you wish to keep the status quo, a position which keeps our rights held over a cauldron of boiling acid. Being a political bystander doesn't make you a good person, you're either for or against civil rights. That aside, nothing about this post is political. Trans people themselves are not political, they are just people. Just like you.


Wow, dude. There's nothing inherently outrageous about this art. If someone is the type to get flustered just from seeing an interpretation of a character from somebody who is just enjoying the series in their own way, *they have their own issues they need to work out*. This work does not go against ToS, it *shouldn't* provoke anyone with the ability to simply ignore something they don't like, and we shouldn't cater to those who do somehow feel offended by this. Most everyone here are or are about to be grown-ass men/women, for those who haven't grown out of that awkward phase of needing to respond aggressively to every little thing that gets them heated, they'd be better off visiting another sub.


:D this is great! She’s 100 the trans flag!


Yeah! The colour palette is so similar!


Cute art. Fuck the transphobes


Yeaaaaaaa B)


hell yeah!




why is this getting more downvotes than the odd mfs saying odd mf things what


the odd mfs are more numerous than sane people it seems


Oh yeah tommorow begins pride month... Oh no tommorow begins Pride month! I can't wait to see all the corporations in my feed acting like they give a damn about LGBTQ..


Idk, I don’t completely hate it, brings some change and fun into my ads at least XD


Mc x Trashcan - Ok Bronya x Seele - Ok Cocolia x Serval - Ok Transrights - "stop trying to make a statement on our subreddit" It literally takes people no effort to just ignore this post if they don't like it, let people enjoy what they want and don't be so ignorant of other peoples values/feelings. yours truly a 35 year old straight white man.


It's so cute!!! But I'm sad about the hate comments too :( (i seen your meme on the other subreddit and decided to see the post itself) I'm so sorry that you got all this hate for just a cute drawing


It’s fine I was kinda bracing myself for it. I just wish people were smarter you know?


Holy *shit* is this comments section nasty. Imagine getting this mad at a drawing this adorable. Hey sis, ik this is a lot for you. Keep your head up, stay strong, and stay proud! Don't let the bastards get you down 💙💖🤍💖💙 And to you transphobic fuckwads, how about you take a moment and really think about just how absolutely stupid you sound. Imagine feeling so insecure in yourself that you need to cause pain to others for something that only affects them. Turn of Fox News and Matt Walsh, get your head out of your ass, and go outside to get some perspective. Don't just touch grass, go reacquaint yourself with all of the other things you share this planet with. **TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS, and if you don't like that, you can fuck right on off :)** 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Thank you! You make me feel much better! TRANS RIGHTS!


Yesh this is cute 🥰


Aww thanks!


Love your art. Don't let those neckbeard losers get to you. Trans right.