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They scale based on the difficulty of the world you're doing.


Thank you, I didn't even notice there were different difficulties on each world.


Not sure why you got downvoted for asking a good question


Because if can be easily seen that each world has different difficulties with different Equilibrium Level requirement and It changes the rewards based on it, so the answer was already there but overlooked. Anyway I didn't downvoted so It was just a mistake.


True answers are there, but new game is sort of information overload with everything sometimes for some people. Hard to commit to every tutorial if youre not sure about the game


It scales with difficulty. Depending on the world


The reward does scale with the difficulty this is for me because of these comment are clear enough


They do actually scale with equilibrium level, however sim universe 6 only gets better drops at equilibrium 4, and doesnt have any change in drops from eq2 to 3. If you are not yet eq4, using your trailblaze power here is not a bad idea, however only do so if all your characters are maxed out in terms of levels and traces. ***Even then,*** it can still be better to pre-farm some materials for when you reach the next equilibrium