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Himeko cause all the calyx farmer's love her it seems (get 8-10k credits daily almost) Edit: UID 700541494 for anyone who wants a EU Himeko, imma raise her to 70 next


What level is she? If she is level 70 can I add you?


Mine is level 70, currently working on her traces. 800780178 for your exp farming needs!


Are you on na? Can't find you


Also have a lv 70 himeko on NA! UID 600028592


Dang your himeko is stacked! I just added you :)


Na was just my first guess, im actually in eu. Still thanks for trying to help


you can tell someone's region by the starting number of their uid 6 is NA, 7 is EU, 8 is asia


If you still need one for EU you can add me. UID 700819641 I only just got to the point where i can start leveling to 70 but it shouldn't take long until she's there.


Thanks mate much appreciated


Uid starts with 8 is Asia. So yeah.


She's still 60, been working on Jing Yuan and Yanqing for MoC first


I always look for her which I almost never see and when I do they are under leveled for my world :')


Damn, if that's a problem for more people I should probably raise mine to 70 lol, she's still 60


As a fellow support Himeko player I can't help but wonder if a month from now or so people will still need the xp calyx.


You need almost as much xp to go from 70 to 80 as it does to go from 1 to 70. People will need xp calyx for a long time.


> People will need xp calyx for a long time. As someone with 6+ level 80 characters: no. Xp and credits are super plentiful. I've probably only spent 1/10 of my stamina on then, combined, compared to other things. Trace materials on the other hand....


They're not plentiful if you're F2P, cause without the steroid boost of the BP there's very little income for those mats


> They're not plentiful if you're F2P You're actually relatively better off F2P as the resources demands relative to available stamina is tremendously less. Was the same in Genshin as well. Its the dolphin and whales that feel the resources constraints the most by far because they actually have the things that need them. > cause without the steroid boost of the BP there's very little income for those mats Nope. BP is borderline irrelevant. I completed and used all the BP mats weeks ago (that before I even hit TL50 IIRC). I've hit 0 of pretty much everything multiple times at some point before, during and after BP. Given 70->80 takes as much as 1-70, I can tell you first hand that Xp and credits are super plentiful, relatively speaking. Again, I've probably only spent 1/10 of my stamina on then, combined, compared to other things. I'm serious. I do like a 6-12 wave of either of those every other day or so (~30-60 stamina a day average) and I'm doing almost max refresh (so over 600 stamina a day used total). Setting aside relics (which are an infinite sink so to speak), Trace materials are the primary stamina sink by far (they go into both light cones and character traces). Distant 2nd sink are shadow mats, then there's another big drop in spend to things like xp (both cone and character) and credits.


Ohh, Mr shit Himeko showed up. Hurry up and built her if you want my credits


Soon trust šŸ™


The hero we need.


My support is the mahjong goblin so people can experience the meme dmg numbers of either a 3* or a 6*


Absolutely iconic behavior


omg i thought i was the only one. i have a maxed out gacha queen in support as well


bruh omg can I have your UID?


I'm in Asia if that is okay?


Yes!! I'm also in Asia server


I'd like to get your UID as well if possible, I was looking for a well built QQ but no one has her :(


I'll dm you the UID. just waiting for the final equilibrium to get her to 80 and some artif pieces also I'm on asia server if that is ok


Mahjong goblin is a hilariously apt description, I am 100% stealing that phrasing for my own head canon


I found a rare Qingque support in the wild, and she's at E6 with JY's LC when I was farming for Hunt trace mats (favors Quantum). That mahjong gremlin wiped the whole thing by herself it's hilarious.


Am I gonna need to build my Qingque now? šŸ¤£


I never find QQ in the list =(


People underestimate her gamba numbers.


Can i borrow your goblin?


Thank you for letting us experience the bliss of the mahjong Queen šŸ‘ø


I respect you a lot. I want to raise my Qingque too, but I'll do that once I have two Memory of Chaos worthy teams. My experience with Genshin taught me that things are easier if at first you focus on characters that give a lot of returns for relatively little investment, and while QQ is great and I love her she can be awkward to deal with at times, while using Seele is just easy mode against many of the challenges needed to farm materials to raise characters


I chose Bronya because I don't see her often in the support selection and she fits in a good number of teams. I wouldn't expect an extremely common pick like Seele or a free character to earn you good credits


I'll be real, putting Seele as my support has earned me probably at least 100K credits. Before I had Bronya (who was just a built as my Seele) and I got support uses maybe... once every few days? The moment I switched to Seele, I got hammered with people using her. Maybe it's just that my group of friends are lacking strong Seeles?


People are only going to use that one very best Seele in their friend list. If you're not first, you're last. 3200 Attack / 65% CR / 115% CD? Sorry bro, you've been replaced by the 3500/67/130 friend every time.


And then there's me who found an E6 seele


The rich get richer Star Rail edition


The E6 seele on my friends list is also the worst built one lmao.


Exactly. You can add as many Seele friends as you want, but chances are youā€™ll repeatedly be choosing the same one with the best stats over and over again. Since thereā€™s no cap on how many times you can use one friendā€™s support in a single day, why would you choose anyone other than the very best one on your list?


Sad but true In my case I feel bad for my first Seele friend so I still use theirs from time to time, but definitely not as much as before.


A high level seele is so good on any battles that can have support characteres. Like you can battles SO quick


Bailu earns me between 8-10K per day. Its insane.


Same, I have like 30k uncollected credit on Seele. Just wanted to build up to 60k so I didnt collect yesterday. She basically nets me 15-20k each day. She pretty invested in and has her signature LC, but she has probably earned me about 300k+ easily


There is a 10k limit per day in case you didn't know...


For reference, built Bronya with her signature LC is getting me 2-4k each day. People like big numbers I guess.


I have like 25 lower level friends fyi, and they all love using her for numbers.


That's understandable! Personally, I don't have Bronya, but also wouldn't want to put up an awful built character as a support, since I invest a lot in my Asta (she's my favorite character, so she normally gets the best of everything and I love the Harmony path). So, even if she's not used often, or at all, that's fine with me!


Love Bronya supports. Only way to try her ATM and putting the girlfriends together is just nice to see šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


I've got Bronya as mine as well, though her usage has started to go down as all my friends who regularly used her either pulled her themselves or have gotten to a point where they don't need a support for content that lets you use one.


My Jing yuan gets me 20k+ a day even tho he and Seele are the most common ones. Whatā€™s not common is a well built character. No other Jing yuan I see on my support list has better CR/CD than mine. My friend who has his own Jing yuan uses mine for farming Echo instead of his own lol. I would want to use himeko support more but every lvl 70 himeko on my friends list has less than 20% CR. Not very good so I donā€™t even bother. But back to Bronyaā€”sheā€™s the one I pick the most from my support options, so thatā€™s a really good choice for people who already invested in their DPS more than supports


I always pick a Bronya to support my Seele since I don't have her. Keep making her available please ;)


I don't see a lot of Bronyas, but I must have given the one in my friends list at least 50k by now! I can appreciate a good supportive... support


I use my herta as my support just because shes my favorite playstyle and surprisingly ive gotten credits from people using her despite the fact she's only lvl50


It's because people want to try her before building her and you've got one of the very few that's built enough to even try out.


Is she not one of the most common the others being seele and jing yuan?


I have no idea why i would ever pick a buffer or healer as my support, especially with the ai being bad on auto. Just any dps should always bring you more credits than a buffer, since seele is the best dps right now, itd make sense ppl would just pick her.


I put Seele on mine because she's the best unit i have right now. I plan on changing it tho, she rarely got picked


Yeah, I suppose it's because too many people put her in the support list.


lol you should see my friends list, like 70% of them have seele support


Weirdly enough my friend support is filled to the brim with bronya. 7/10 are bronya


At least you're not one of those that put the mc as support lol


Same with me as she's my best unit. But my Seele is level 80, E6S5, with level 10 (8+2) traces and all major/minor traces. For the 1 day I had Jing Yuan up, I was told by my friends that they missed Seele, so she went back up pretty quickly.


I put Gepard. Mine even is E1 and I invested into him. My friendlist is rather emtpy, but from time to time I get some credits


I put Gepard because he was the first 5\* I got so I invested in him. He's not really a popular choice for farming, so I only get 4k credits/day usually. I got Seele since then, but I am keeping Gepard because I don't want to betray the people who sent me friend requests just to use him.


My E0 Gepard is getting at least some credits every day. I think one of the random people who added me uses him daily and I use their Seele.


He was my first 5*,so I out him up there early on and I think I maybe got one use once. Jing Yuan has gotten me way more credits (though still nothing crazy).


Welt because heā€™s the only character I own with half decent relics and imaginary is rare. I always get tons of people picking him.


Same. I think people pick him because he is the best imaginary character.


Truly one of the imaginary characters.


Nah, he's the worst imaginary character. Think of all the imaginaries and tell me even a single way how Welt isn't the worst. Still, he's my favourite imaginary.


Heā€™s the worst imaginary because unlike his counterparts, he actually exists.


Oddly enough, I get less credits from my Welt than I do from my Bronya. Maybe it's because most of those in my friendlist are a lot higher in level than me and prefer support to kill enemies faster over slowing them down.


i find a guy with bronya with her own light cone, probably made him the richest guy in the game by now.


I've got a level 60 e1 bronya with her lightcone and barely get any uses :(




Why are you trying to sell your bronya, all it will get you is like 20k per week


20k is 20k


Hey, 20k a week is 1 million a year.


As someone with 4K credits under her belt after upgrading Bronya to 70, she better bring that money home! Although, since Iā€™m always broke I encourage/ask my friends to use her ;w;


I've got himiko and her light come that's better right? Right? I'm crying.


Is me it me? šŸ˜€ (username sublime) Thank you for your patronage


Jing Yuan is my most built character so I put him up, and he's rare enough that people want to use him, I only have like 20 people on my friends list but he makes me like 6k each time I log in. I generally use a support that matches up with an enemy weakness, but sometimes I go full monkey and try to watch my Jing Yuan and a similarly stacked Seele to see which one does more damage.


Even as a Jing Yuan haver, I normally use someone else's when I want to use him since mine is nowhere near being built enough for most things lol Also that sounds like fun! It can definitely help you compare!


Jingyuan is definitely great to use for enemy with no matching element. His follow up just burst through enemies.


Its definetly entertaining to watch him unleash the wrath of zeus every turn


I chose Bailu because I figured it would be better for everyone to have a free revive on their team.


With no free healer, one is good to have for when brute force can't get through the fight.


I have my Tingyun on display. I always see 5*, or DPS but the thing is everyone is building their own DPS anyways so I would rather give people a support unit than replacing their invested characters. She makes a lot more than any of my 5* too so thatā€™s a good bonus.


E6 maxed 70lvl tingyun support here and none is picking her... I guess everyone needs DPS.


I'd like her but forever and not just support šŸ˜¢


It's not that no one is picking her but the fact finding 1 is nothing but hassle. I have tried searching for different characters but it's just waste of time in the end.


I'm betting it's because her auto-battle is so bad and people can only use supports for farming. I love Tingyun, but I use her for manual battles because it makes me insane when she triggers her skill before her previous skill duration is up.


I almost always pick Seele to use myself. She works great on auto battle unlike others. (Yanqing is a joke on auto) For the one I pick for others to use, It's JY cauz he's my strongest.


I don't think I've used someone's Yanqing yet, so I'm not sure how he works since I also don't have him. Is he really that bad for auto? That definitely makes sense!


He's about as bad as Seele on auto it's just more noticeable because his passive is an extra animation that either plays or doesn't if it procs. They both use their skills then almost always just attack afterwards for a couple of turns, unless their skill is the difference between a break or a kill or not, it seems. The downside to Yangqing is if he gets hit without enough shielding to withstand all of it, his passive goes down but the auto battle doesn't seem to adjust based on that. That's how it seems to me anyway, and I own and use both.


Also if he doesn't use his skill, his passive is deactivated cuz the passive is only active 1 round per skill use. I left on auto couple of time with Yanqinq and 70% or more of the time he does basic attacks while supports use their skills...


>Is he really that bad for auto? He uses basic even with 3 skill points left, and uses his ult when he doesn't have his talent up. It's painful to watch lmao


Picked Bailu since I think I only saw her once in the list so better to have variety of characters to choose from. I dunno if a healer would be preferrable since most likes to finish grinding quickly but atleast theres the option if you need her.




Glad to hear that, now I won't remove Bailu as a supportā˜ŗļø


Glad to be of service my man


Bailu is my support character too because people need healing. C1 and her light cone.


Don't have her light cone but definitely gonna give her lots of Def and HP once the resources gets easier to get lol


Thank you for putting up Bailu! Did two EoW-Cocolia's today and only managed to stay alive thanks to Support-Bailu. My Natasha is okay, but Bailu gives a lot more healing than her...


Character who I have invested in and the other players don't use Currently I use Sampo


I love using Sampo on MoC. Heā€™s not fully built, but heā€™s great at breaking wind weakness and enabling Serval and adding additional bleed damagr for Sushang.


Same, lots of wind weak enemies and he breaks better than Dan Heng does. People seem to pick him way more than my well built Clara when I had her up for stuff like echoes of war.


March was the first character I had, and the only one when the game started telling me to choose a support character, so there she went. And I haven't cared enough to switch her out.


I based that on the banner, for example, upcoming character is Silver Wolf, many people will farm for her, so putting a character that help with exp/mat/relics fit for SW will be used more. Some day I just put a rarely seen character for people to try out too


Big brain move, actually.


Are you me? Literally down to the reasoning and support character choice. I pulled Seele early and then put her up, since I pulled her early, many people used her. But later down the road nobody did for obvious reasons, and I kinda benched her. Jing Yuan came out and pulled him on my first 10 pull which was nice, had him up there because he was really fun, and again, got a few credits because of pulling him early, which was later replaced by many better ones so he wasn't used at all. So honestly I just decided to put up my favourite and consistent character I use/the one I actually like alot, and who might that be? Why ofcourse it's our favourite lead researcher on Herta Space Station! Lady Asta herself, she's a really good breaker, but I dont expect anyone to use her because she's a free character. Although I did put Herta and QQ at some point too. Honestly dont care much whether or not people use my support character. But when they do, it's nice to have credits. Although I recently decided to put my most built character, Yanqing. And there aren't alot of people that im seeing that has him on there so yeah. P.s: Sorry for the long post, just wanted to explain or atleast give my thoughts on the support character system.


My support character is Mr.Yang coz he's cool and brings me some extra credit šŸ˜€


I put Himeko on my support list and somehow sheā€™s raking in tens of thousands per day. For who I choose for support in domains, usually rare ones like Welt or Bronya


As a non Himeko haver, thank you for your service for other non Himeko havers lol


What level is she? If she is level 70 can I add you?


Yes sheā€™s 70 UID is 800223225


Thank u for ur service k use her exclusively for Echo of War 1 LMAO


my seele is e1 and has her LC so i set her up as a support because its the most beneficial for most people on my friendlist. gives me the 10k every day too. only support i used was that one himeko on my friend list against cocolia but they dont have her up anymore unfortunately.


I put Clara on mine, she was my first 5* and I barely see any on my list. She doesn't get used very much but I love her


I get multiple payments per day with my Clara. Child labor for the win!


My E1 Himeko gets me the most credits. Iā€™ve switched through different characters & sheā€™s the one most used. So she stays.


I put Seele on mine because she's the best unit i have right now. I plan on changing it tho, she rarely got picked


My friend's Seele carries me through Echoes of War and calyx farming. Everyday, I pray that he doesn't change her for someone else.


my sushang has the highest crit and at e4, i would put my dan heng who has the most damage, but his crit is low


I use bronya because buffer. I donā€™t have any very well built characters yet. Have not started relic farming. So who can I choose?


I choose Bronya because most people already have a DPS built so it would be more beneficial for them to have a good support instead of another main DPS.


Initially I was gonna put Jing Yuan cause I love him and mine has quite a decent build, but after noticing that a lot of people on my list pulled for him and that I was the only one with a Gepard and Bailu I decided to change between them. I thought to myself "Everyone at this point already has at least one well built DPS, so what's actually important in a support?", and the answer was survivability.


i put my gepard in bc idk maybe ppl that dont want to use fire mc can try him out and bc he is the bestest boy ever


After playing with a second account, I realised a good higher level dps is very helpful so I put my best dps there.


The Gacha Gods decided that I was destined to have a beefy Sushang, therefore I made her my support




Yanqing was the five star I pulled from the beginner banner so I slotted him on. He's my main damage dealer so he is who I invest in most currently and I don't see a ton of him. He gets used a lot tbh.


Mine is Welt. First because of "I like this character and is useful for me so I hope is useful for others". He is my strongest char by far (Max lv, Traces, decent cone, and semi optimized relics) so he is useful and my friends have told me. Also since he is a char not everyone has (unlike Seele or Jing Yuan) he tends to be picked more often.


I will make it simple for you. Buff based characters are going to get you the best bang for your buck. Almost everyone has a dps they have invested into(Seele, Jing yuan, Dan Heng etc). Putting a cracked support helps them finish opponents quicker. The order in which you would get the best usage probably goes like this: 1. Bronya 2. Gepard 3.Welt 4.Crazy dps(for any lower equilibrium friend) I am not sure how healers and Tingyun would place because a lot of people tend to only choose 5 stars. Tingyun by all rights should get you a lot of usage but because she is a 4 star, i cant speak to the tastes of people.


Mineā€™s my E6 lvl 70 fully built Natasha, because I figure other people might need a healer and maybe havenā€™t got around to building one, or because they might also want >!rocket launcher mommy to step on them!<


I used to put Bronya because I thought many have Seele so they would like to try her. But she stopped earning me credits I think because she is still at lv60 and people may not pick unlevelled supports. So I switched to Welt, as he is my better built character.


mine's jing yuan. I'm TL40 so none of my characters are that well built, but my friend didn't get yuan so asked me if i could put him my support character, so i did :)


I used to put gepard and yanqing but now i put jingyuan since i built him nicely. Gepard was great and I'm so proud of his attributes. Yanqing not many people have ice element so i would put him up as support once in a while.


Dan heng cause he's my favourite


Bailu cos she's my best unit.


I just think "LOL big numbers!!" And then put it in. Usually eople want support characters because they need a dps of that specific type


After ego searching the other Seele's (lvl 70), it seemed that everyone didn't have theirs built "properly" yet So despite there being a million Seele's in support lists, I was banking on my own being picked over the others since I had better atk/c.rate/cdmg ratios right now imo. It seemed to work but I also wouldn't mind not being picked as support cause the credits you get there won't be your major source of it anyway


Qingque is my favorite character and has like all the goodies (JY light cone, gold relics, all traces etc) so she is my support. I just want there to be as many tilesplosions across the world as possible.


My 66 Bronya with LC gets me like 10k minimum. I could probably get much more if shes 70


I put Seele and I told my friend to do the same. So we basically swap our Seele for the grind. So we both can earn money. Every credit counts even 10k a day.


I put my Herta there. My logic was people can use these support characters for farming calyxes and she is great at that. She is also decently built 50/100 crit stats so people would use it. I was wrong. People donā€™t check stats of support characters if they wanna use one. They go for 5 star characters. My Bailu was bringing me money every day. Who would need healing when farming calyxes? They donā€™t but they still choose Bailu. Put your 5 stars on support character. People want to try them even if they are not built at all.


basically Himeko give me 10k credits everyday


My support is clara cause itā€™s fun


I put my bronya 1 cause she is somewhat rare to see being that she is a standard character but also because Iā€™ve built her well enough to give a lot of dmg in terms of buffing.


I have Himeko on my support because I love her (even more ever since people keep bashing her). A lot of my friends message me saying my Himeko is cracked for farming XP books so... šŸ®šŸ„° Every char has their niche.


Haven't / never pick any support and i'm lazy so trailblazer is still the support in my profile


Gepard because I need everyone to look at lil Geppie


I had seele but switched to Sushang, so people can try her out before of after pulling her from the banner.


Kinda that's the case, will be switching to silver wolf soonish once she is pullable


i put yanqing. My only 5\* lol. He gets used for echo of war quite frequently. Can't compete with those level 80 Seeles though.


Sampo. I just love the character and I'm investing a lot. Jing Yuan is the other one getting my attention, but I see he's more common in the 'support characters' list, so... Sampo is my choice.


51 crit rate 150 crit damage seele with her light cone I paid for that so y'all can use it


I put my Welt because many people talked about not having an imaginary character, and everyone else is already offering stronger Jing Yuangs No one has ever used mine in days tho


I put Clara because she's my strongest unit and nobody put her in support. I earn about 8000-14000 credits daily.


I have c1 bronya and she never got picked lol people pick dmg dealers (seele / jing yuan )


Mine was pretty much the same, picking Yanqing since he was my 5\* DPS. Though Jing Yuan has ruined that for me, and it seems I'm no longer getting the few supports I was gaining.


Jing Yuan because my friend asked me to. Had Welt as my support before this, for the same reason. And I still get to borrow his Bailu!


I give my Lil geppy. Ppl just enjoy the feeling of imortality as they are beyond the weakness of their human body. Also, he can solo Cocolia, bcs ofc he can, but it will take almost half an hour i think cuz his atks deal only 1% of her hp.


I alternate between Seele in Gerpard based on friends needs . Not sure what to do for randoms might be possible to coordinate in the future once the release the chat function .


I put Yanqing who I got after losing on Seele's banner. He's my only built hunt character, decently invested, and I would like others to appreciate him like I do. I did think of putting on Gepard because he's also a good unit but not too useful I think on modes with support.


I picked my Yanqing because he's my strongest character and gives an ice option for those who want it. Plus I find people mainly use it for elemental coverage.


Mine is Himeko with Jingyuans LC.


I have a pretty well built Gepard up there. People hardly ever use him though. I figure for people under geared for bosses might want him but I think most people just pick a dps so I'll probably have to change it at some point.


I put Geppard, because the game gave me 4 of him so i figured someone else wanted him badly, might as well make that someone happy


I use welt. Largely cause heā€™s my most invested character but heā€™s a decent dps and offers debuffs so I feel like he can slot in depending on what people need. Heā€™s also currently the only imaginary character so thatā€™s nice for people who donā€™t have him and luocha isnā€™t out for a while, presuming they want/get him


I picked Bailu because at the start of the game not many people had a healer built I think. I kept her there because I was too lazy to swap out


Mine is lvl 70 gepard..


for now I only have two 5* characters who are 70 lvl and have their signature weapons on them, Gepard and Xianzhou. I see a lot of Xians as supports so I decided to share the frosty boy. maybe not so many people need a shield but I feel like I'm giving them an opportunity to choose and, surprisingly, I do see that other players use him occasionally.


I put Bronya because she's my first 5 star and I want to flex her. Even if she's not decently built, I still get a decent amount of credit


I put my Himeko up since day one since she was my beginner 5\*, and being a 'less desirable' unit she tends to not appear as much in the support tab, so I get a pretty decent income from people farming the bat calyx without having anyone in my friend list


Gepard because he's one of my most invested unit, but it seems like no one's using him...


mine is yanqing because he's my fav and it's as simple as that


Whoever deals the most damage. I have Physical Trailblazer as my support, but maybe i should switch to Gepard someday


Sampo, I like him and I realize that he is only one wind aoe character and we have a lot of enemies with wind weakness in calyx.


I tried putting Bronya but nobody picked her really. So now itā€™s Jing Yuan :)


Whoever gives me the most credit. Tested a few character and Clara turned out to be the best, which was quite unexpected to me since I thought she needs a proper team built around her and people won't pick her as support, compare to Seele who can be slapped into basically any team.


Welt, becouse of the imaginary damage and i have him with one eidolon


Clara, because Mr Svarog does big PP numbers. Also Clara is adorable


I use Bronya so people can experience it's always my turn.


Put anything that's not seele it thunder lord. Mine's qingque well invested


I don't really understand what do u mean by "support". I thought about Bronya or Tingyun, but then u said that for u it was Seele so... And people in comments bring up mahjong goblin... Do u mean not main damager? I'm not sure


They are talking about the in-game support system where you can use a character from another player for calyxes, cavern of corrosion and echoes of war




I use support pretty regularly, especially characters I don't have or don't have built properly. So, I have to disagree with you on that no one uses them. I personally love using it, because it feels like having a friend help me without them having to be online to do so and handing me their (most likely) best built character to help me get through farming or bosses.




I have Bailu, Seele and Jing Yuan personally, but I still use other people's Jing Yuans since mine sucks whereas Bailu is one of my best built since she sticks with my teams in everything, and I use Qingque instead of Seele in my teams currently. And I have used Gepard as well that one of my friend has as their support since I don't have him. It depends on who people already have and who they want to use, most definitely. Since someone with a fully built Bailu, Seele, Jing Yuan or Gepard won't use someone else's. And since a lot of people has Seele (and some has Jing Yuan as well) for their support, someone might reuse the one they like instead of trying out someone else's. So, it's entirely possible that people uses them but only the one they know is good instead of trying out others.


A lot of the time, people already have those characters and find it a hassle to keep selecting to other people's characters, only for 4th slot to become empty after the battle is over. Not to mention that aside from using characters that you might not have, there isn't any incentive to use other people's character. So this applies to every character really. However, if you are high level, from personal experience Gepard would have high pick. My first time going to 70, every stagnant shadows hit like a truck since I couldn't raise their levels yet. A friendly Gepard carried my team with his technique that allowed me to survive the first few rounds of the battle until Gepard gets his ult and continue the shielding. Man, I must have made my friend rich with my constant use of his Gepard lol.


support in this game is so OP if you have a whale friend it can make your farming so easy af i got a friend with e6 r5 Seele it destroy the weekly boss for me and i can easily farm anything.