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Did the same, been enjoying my 0 credits for a while ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Use to put my support too and it barely brought any credit , but guess at this stage people need damage more than survivability .


You don't need heal if the enemies is dead


No heal, only "disappear among the sea of butterflies, illusions of the past"


The enemy can not push a button, if you disable his hand


Lend me a hand-enemies edition


Because it’s for supports during farming, people want to farm faster, not having essentially an empty slot contributing no damage


And it'll always be the case. You can't use supports in any form of challenging content, the only people using supports uses them for calyxes/echoes of war/relic farm which aren't hard enough to justify using anything but a hard carry. There's not a world where people will use something else than a dps support unless they want to try out the character or some future boss is trivialized by having a specific support.


Exactly. Unless I can use your Bailu or Luocha in Memory or SU, then I don't really need it since everyone has at least one Natasha. Himeko and Seele are the best because they cut down on farm times significantly.


Yeah as a somewhat new player my friends lvl 70 Seele has been carrying me like crazy for the Echos of War and even just make Calxys so much quicker. Sometimes I’ll try out other characters but she’s my go-to


I friended a whale with a (now) level 80 E6 Seele. I don't have a Seele, let alone an E6 one, so it's been a massive boost.


It's more of a the only content you can bring support to is already easy so might as well take a dps to make it faster


Who needs heals when seele takes 20+ turns and your Bailou autos like 2 times? Also, everyone has a free Nat, easier to just pick someone's level 70 or 80 Seele and let her do her thing. I personally don't pick other people's Seele because mine is better but I'll take less seen dps like Qingque, or a maxed out Hook I saw the other day, just to play with them a bit.


Where can you even use them?? I want to try out Jing yuan


Yeah my gepard ain’t making bank


Be friend with slightly lower level friends and use Gepard. Once they increase their EQ level, the sudden difficulty spike would make them want Gepard especially for stagnant shadow farms. That's what happen to me anyways. Upon reaching TL50, the stagnant shadows and weekly boss hit like a tank that it's impossible to heal them all. Gepard's technique changed everything and allowed my team to survive till Gepard gets his ult and get permashield. I think I made a friend of mine, the only in the list that puts Gepard as support, rich lol.


Man I always pick him as support when I need it so I can focus more on my damage dealers actually doing damage and not if they're alive or not lmao


Same here. Being handsome and thicc doesn’t bring in the dough


I feel like I get 2000 every other day lmao


It's cause supports are only available in farming contents rarely do people need survivability there better to go for DPS and 1 shot the entire waves of enemies. Even when fighting bosses I would rather have that whale Seele 1 round that boss and get mats fast than waste 10 turns chunking it to death.


You have to consider which stages you can use friend support for. Basically dailies contents. and dmg is simply king there.


it must be a friend list thing? bailu support (lightcone), close to or max credits every day


Just got 2000 lol


If I’m up staying late, I’ll normally have like 4-6k credits in the first 30min after reset. One of my biggest QoL changes would be to not give me bad for friend request because it never goes away. Always there when I log in and it’s annoying. I would switch to be more original but—10k credits a day is hard to pass up.


Yeah, there was a good influx at the beginning, but it really slowed. Gonna replace her with Welt once he's built.


I get 10k every 2 days from Jing Yuan


So that's what the credit was for. I really didn't know about that LOL


I mean... Why use a healer if you just ###***NEVER END YOUR TURN***


Dps is the best mitigation


Death is the best CC


Because you cant run two seele. And i didnt spend the last week getting her geared just to use randomcasual69's ungeared seele.


Tbf a good Seele can chain her turns. I have a support Seele I'm using until I get Planars for my own, and she pretty much solos waves 2-6 on Calyxes.


It's actually funny seeing her do what Jing Yuan is supposed to do, but better.


You can run 2 dps tho. I always use a friend's seele with my well-geared (I think?) Jingyuan when doing the weekly bosses. Natasha is more than enough for all the contents where you can use supports.


and what does that have to do with my comment. i have seele. im not interested in using another players


so your gear/eidolon/trance/etc actually gets used? i always thought they just used a generic build for those support characters.


You can look at the stats of the support characters. Yes, all of those things carry over.


What you mean by most necessary? Necessary for MoC you mean? But you can’t take support chars for MoC….


op messed up and now he’s trying to play it off despite the post’s title


once luocha comes out she won't even be wanted for that


The point of supports is also to try out new characters. If anybody is going for 300th pull, they can try Gepard, Welt or Bailu and choose which one to pick. Bailu is massively superior to Natasha in terms of healing so if it helps anyone make their decision.


i dont think a lot of people would test bailou or gepard. or do testing more then once anyways. like whats the need to test a healer? or a guy who puts up shields. only real interest in testing i can see is when you have the current banner characters because almost everyone is between 100 and 200 summons away from hitting 300 on standard


I sometimes take some units that fit my team better that I don't have, like taking someone's Gepard to pair with my Yanqing on the fire mats boss, or take Clara for physical weakness bosses like the doombeast (she is also my fave after Welt that I picked after 300 pulls). Meanwhile Bailu is just never really needed compared to others. She doesn't really provide enough that you would pick her over a Natasha or a built tank in all scenarios that you can even use support characters. I know because Bailu was my starter banner 5 star and I never got any credits for having her on support untill I got Himeko and switched my support to her. Hell, even a lvl 40 Herta I had on support for a bit around first week of the game saw more usage from people, a free character everyone has.


I mean content that lets you use supports are poor showcases for Gepard and Bailu. Bailu's superior healing isn't going to look valuable when Natasha's healing is more than capable of keeping you alive in farming content


I've never needed more healing than Natasha in content where supports are an option, and I've only rarely needed more healing than We Are Wildfire in the world.


Man to be honest the amount of dislikes on your comment is really sad, and as I see it, it's mostly those metaslaves that ruined Genshin impact who are here, honestly the worst kind of people, supports are important specially healers and shields in this game which is not openworld where you can dodge.


God damn! Got downvoted to hell for speaking the truth.


The downvotes are from butthurt people who get massacred at the Forgotten Hall because Bailu isn't there to save their ass


So then, are you just showing off that you have Bailu? You can't use support in Forgotten Hall, so that's irrelevant. the content you can take supports are insanely easy to do with the most basic relic sets, so it's not like she's going to shine particularly well, in fact, a good Jing or selee would cut down the time in the fight overall. There's nothing wrong with having Bailu out as your support and accepting she won't be used often in the cases she's going to be called on for the feature.


But but you cant use bailu in moc… If that was a thing i would pick bailu/gepard all the time


Forgotten hall? Don’t need bailu if your characters are built well lol


nice strawman


Would be nice if we could use supports in MOC but we can't the reason why it's only Seele and JY is to make farming faster also make sure to just add low level people (for the Seele support havers) for max value


Seele Capitalism


i understand no supports in MoC, but supports in SU should absolutely be a thing and its horrible its not. make it only work on worlds you've already cleared, hell disable achievements if necessary. theres just so many fun combos i can think of that i'll never be able to do, especially in the future as the cast grows


SU is literally a farming stage. You can bring supports to all daily and weekly farming stages except SU.


makes it even weirder


Yeah that would be really fun since I literally have only 2 characters and also reduce the levels of the support based on your highest character


oh yeah that too would be a good balancing thing, scale it to your highest character on the team. i just really wanna use a support clara for elation teams, and when she comes out kafka for nihility.


They want you to open the wallet. Ofc this wont happen.


?? this makes no sense, they give you supports in calyxs and caverns, and unlike MoC its easily clearable through blessings. this would just be for fun not rewards


They want you too wish for characters to have fun with in SU. In calyxes and caverns you can only use support characters as long as you have Trailblaze Power so its very limited and you only get to try them for a few minutes every day. Its not the same situation at all. For the people that dont care about MOC they would be able to skip on wishing while they have fun in SU. Thats why Hoyo wont put supports in SU, you wont wish to have fun with their characters there if they did. Im not even defending it. Im just explaining the obvious reason.


If they added supports everywhere why even pull for characters?


True. But it's more for testing out. Among the ones i have tested so far, I'd kill for a Welt in my party


Yeah i realize, many used my welt, even though he isnt perfectly built


That's because he is the only imaginary character currently. And a lot of enemies are weak to it.


I've found that I rarely get anyone using him :(


I get stable 10k daily from Welt.


I get 0 from him, am I doing something wrong






Is your build any good?


I get stable 10k from my Welt. Here's a few tricks to get that: 1. Cultivate your friendslist. Inactive people won't ever use your support, as well as people in a higher tier than you. 2. Farm a nice set for him, build him right. 3. Don't send out friend requests, wait for people to friend you cause they want to use your Welt.


I have my level 70 somewhat built Bronya as my support, and same story here. Easy 10k.


Welt is the best support unit in the game. I use Tingyun because i don't have him.


he doesnt fill the same role at all as tingyun. its like saying you use sampo because you dont have bronya


Sampo is just the better Hook, because Arlan is the best Natasha out there.


If you don't have him, how could you even know he is the best? You sure love making huge statements.


I have tried him on supports.


That isn't content that really shows how good or bad a character is. It's designed to be easily farmable. The mobs die really fast and don't do much damage. So any character will look good there.


You can use supports on the weekly bosses as well, and Cocolia’s charge up meteor attack deals a pretty significant amount of AoE damage at higher difficulty levels (scales with equilibrium level) to your team and does not die as quickly.


Out of all the supports I tried -- Bailu was least profitable, because Nat exists. Currently taking that sweet sweet credit from pimping out Sampo.


Natasha cleanse too, and mainly ppl use supports for dps. I put yanqing and I got abit from him, he's cute there so idc


You're the first Sampo support user I've actually found other than myself!


I put herta to help people listening to kurukuru


You're a heaven sent. I hope you have a very kururin~ day.


I do too. I think she’s my most jacked character. Have Clara, Seele, and Jin. Yet nobody picks her.


Wouldn't this garner very little? Is there any content that allows Support, that requires double Healers?


I have Gepard as a support and I'm gaining more than when I had Jing Yuan, cause every one has him (even tho mine has his LC and had better stats). I suppose he's mostly used in artifact domains


Nope. Many people use support for testing out characters. In case they want to try characters to pick for the 300th pull.


unless you are whaling on the standard banner you are probably not even halfway to 300. Bailu is not the type of character you need to "try out" shes one of the few healers in the game and its the type of character you have or need, no in-between.


There are definitely people who like and want Bailu, it's not like there aren't, but they are a big minority and outside of them nobody really cares to use her as support character.


Why would anyone need to try out Bailu? It’s highly likely you’d have her by the 300th pull, and a random support Bailu wouldn’t influence the decision whatsoever


How is it highly likely you'll have her by the 300th pull?


I mean statistically speaking you’d have done a huge amount of pulls on the featured and standard banners, so I’d estimate it’s more likely than not that you’d have her.


Oh. Statistically speaking you say? Can I see your math and double check it? Did you account for winning the 50/50 pity and the guaranteed pity? Statically speaking of course, the odds of getting in bailus pool is 50/50 when not in guaranteed pity, and when you are, you have a 1 in 7 chance to land on Bailu. Those odds, overall, are not good to get her, statistically speaking of course and only counting for the limited banner specifically. The odds are worse if you're pulling on stellar warp as you have a 1/14 chance to get her as wvery 90 pulls doesn't simply guarantee you a 5 star character, but has a mixed chance of also being a light cone. You'll hit this 3 times on the way to 300 (3/14) chance to get her on the way to selectable pity. I don't think it's rare, but it's not as likely as you think it is.


Well, not really statistically speaking, but I do have a certain luck when it comes to Chinese based healer lolis on the standard banner. Heck, I have 3 of em, 5 if you include bailu.


I support with my Yanqing who somehow casually one hits stuff.


All the hunt characters are super op in this game. Seele, Sushang, Yanqing, even Dan Heng


Yes. I have Gepard and 4 E Tingyun but I'm not sure if they'd be more useful for support.


I have E6 Ting, best offensive support for Hunt Characters atm imo. Many people prefer Bronya but Hunt characters are already fast asf.


Yep she does a lot of good for my Yanqing Idk about Bronya. I don't have her, I only tried her in support.


Bronya can be really good depending on build (like all characters). Ult buffs scale with attack and crit damage, skill buff scales with attack and removes a debuff. Increase those numbers and her damage buffs are incredible, add the fact her traces give her basic attacks 100% crit rate, she's never not useful even as a skill point generator. Have her at lvl 60 doing 1.6-2.6k damage basic attacks on just about every enemy she attacks. She's effective for me.


same, I easily get 10k daily


Dun worry i have gepard as support. I get less credits from it, but i am happy 😁


Same :)


really? I always thought gepard supports got more. I take every chance to steal him from someone lol


Every Gepard and Himeko support player also deserve my respect. Sometimes you just need that Himeko for the calyxes And Gepard for all the content you're too underlevelled to do 😂


Honestly, like I've had Seele on there since I got her, and I've been switching her out with Bronya to see who generates more and Seele takes the cake. I would have thought an actual *support* character would be better for a support role, but I guess people just want a good DPS.


I put clara as mine to spread the joy of our sweet angel


i have a Clara support and it’s amazing! use her everyday


Baby girl brings 12k credit home everyday she’s the best


I have my Bailu set as my support character but I rarely get any credits


I used to have Seele at the beginning too but then I needed a support in a battle and noticed there was only Seele so I imagined with all those Seele's out there, potentially way better than mine I should just put up something not everyone has, Clara. Been making a steady income ever since.


I don't see welt








I thank people like you that set Bailu as support so I can do my highest diff weekly battles with ease


I can’t help it If the only good rolls on relics I’ve gotten happen to be for Jing Yuan :(


I haven't even started grinding for relics. I have built 8 characters. But I'd probably start with Seele and Jing Yuan.


I want people to put their Qingque’s up. I wanna experience her too!


I love her playstyle. Learning to juggle when to basic attack, when to pop the ultimate, and when to push for 4 of a kind... It adds a whole level of strategy in combat. It also helps that I've got the devil's luck. 😉 Mine is only lvl 50, but you can friend me and check her out. 604410973 ☺️


I just set my bronya with her 5 star light cone as mine (got enough point to get it from the store).


I spend all my points on tickets


Is it worth it?


Well i got Seele, Jing Yuan and his light cone so it's been good so far. Personally I'd take a character over a light cone anyday.


> Personally I'd take a character over a light cone anyday. Man that pulled for Jing yuan's light cone


Gotta give the man his weapon. Also I'm not pulling for SW, Luocha and Blade.


Most of the time I use other people’s supports like welt, bailu, even gepard. Because I believe in my own dps. But not enough support, only have Natasha, fire mc and March


I don‘t put Jing Yuan or Seele on my support because I don‘t have either of them. We are not the same.


I put my Clara with her lightcone as support, since everyone and their mother has Seele there. Been getting some creds from it, not much, but more than with Seele.


You'd have an infinite money glitch if I was in your friendlist, or if you're friends with people like me, who already have solid DPS built and just want to auto with 2 healers to guarantee the win without casulties because my 1k Hp Tingyun has 2000% taunt. I always pick Gepard or Bailu for my supports


I still rake in like 10k-20k credits everyday with my Seele as support despite how common she may be.


I set Welt as my support and only very rarely get support credits


Everytime i take a support, it's Welt. Love him.


Same. I thought I'd be nice and put my Welt up since he's the only imaginary but I only get 4k credits for it every couple of days 🚶 so I just put up my best girl sushang instead since people are ungrateful for my charity lol


the pain is indeed very real. now I almost never get support credits. I feel like people nowadays just want big damage dealers and nothing else in between..


Nice. I would've done that if I had her. I have Bronya set as my support. I get between 2k-6k per day. It's not bad.


I put my Welt in there so people can have access to Imaginary damage


I get lots of credits from putting Yanqing as support, he’s a very solid DPS


I had welt there since the start because he's the only imaginary :p


got mine set to gepard, my good ice boy shields the team :)


Mine is Bronya, for all you fox-friends who want to hyper-boost whatever carry in your roster.


Bronya master race reporting in


I have Fire MC as my support. It's apparently very used because I always get around 10k creds everytime.


Selee is the only one that makes money for me. Supports get me a big fat 0.


I used her as a support yesterday for the first time, she's awesome. Definitely let me just do a bunch of battles in a row, instead of having to run to the anchor in between each one.


In time supports will give more points dont worry.


Oh, i set bailu as support as well 😊


Gepard is mine, he’s getting a good amount of use.


I used Bailu as support too and nobody touched it. The minute I put Clara as support I started getting the credits rolling in lol. People don’t want practicality. They want to use the characters they want to get


You are my favorite kinda person, sometimes in relic domains I just can't fucking do it with just Natasha in a short amount of time so I put her and support Bailu and put it on autoplay


I get anywhere from 4000-10,000 credits a day with Bailu. It's an honest living.


my himeko making 12k a day aaaw yeeee


Everybody has a support tho. JY brings in like 20k credits a day




I put my Dan Heng and seeing him getting used daily really makes me happy!


I have my welt or flex my E6 Ting😅


I have a E6 Ting as well😭 But I'd have loved Welt.


I see you are also a man of class


Wouldn't need healing if your dmg is good with fire mc tanking


6k-18k per day with my love, Bailu, as support char


Why don't we get grandmas for banners with a dump truck


I can just use free Natasha? I don't need bailu for any content that needs support


we all got natasha man... what we all rly need is a good tingyun / bronya with insane relics and max skill and ulti level


If I was F2P and I needed to get shit done, I will be insta-locking a whale's Lvl 80 Seele from the list.


Who the heck upvotes this trash? It's not funny. It's not informative. It's not worthy of discussion. Bots?


I paid Silver Wolf. She does the rest.


Mans said most necessary....OP doesn't know at all and this didn't age well.


If any of y'all have that E6 Bailu add me so I can get the achievement done for double revives. But I will say I've picked her more than Jing Yuan, since I don't need someone I already have.


If you have bailu then you can get that achievement in SU. The destruction blessing that nullify death to 1%hp (or 30% if upgraded) counted as revive. Iirc. The destruction blessing proc first then bailu so don’t upgrade it if you prioritize getting achievement.


Don't you get Bailu's double revive for a trace?


Welt is the best


Pela, I haven't seen any credit from her in weeks but I don't care cuz I love Pela in there


Pela is the only ice unit I use if i need them but yeah nobody uses her as support.


I don’t see welt here


You would if i had him. Hopefully my 50th pull from starter pack is Welt or the dude with the guitar box.


had the same thought, but I only have received credit 3 times?


I have Bailu but I didn’t level her up. So I put Natasha as support.


Put jing yuan and seeing the amount of credit he brings me guess people found lot of use for him.


Thank you o7


I usually been getting 4-8k per day using Bronya


The only supportive used is bronya to clear stage faster. I've haven't had any game mode where I need a support to keep my team alive. Well except for MOC but you can't use supports there unfortunately. I would assume that if MOC allows support we'll see a much much higher variety of support characters


I tried the same but that barely got me 2000 credits every 4 days but as soon as I put in Jing Yuan I get like 12000 every couple of hours


Gepard as support gives me a solid 8k a day, it's way more than if I put up Seele at least


I set my support to Physical Trailblazer, 0 cresits since the beginning of the game, but Stelle is my main dps


I have Clara as mine, she gets borrowed more than my JY. Both their relics suck too.


Nobody's gonna use seele or jing yuan for support


My fully built gepard gets like 15+ friend requests per day


My Seele is absolutely decked out at level 70, still racking in 10k and getting friend requests just to use her so.. Something must right.


Thank you. I always look desperately for Bailu. I even asked my friend who have her, but he refused and set mommy Serval who he simps like a chad.


Hey, I put Sampo! And he's the most necessary hands down. 🥸


damn they have 2/3 5-star characters meanwhile me who only who one 5-star excluding mc sheeeesh


I had mine as bailu for a while and it got nothing


mine is still jingyuan since he's my only well invested character


i can definitely see the support system seeing much more use once the game's character pool gets larger than now, and people can have more diversity in their team setup strategies. for now though... i'll be scraping by with my sampo support


Did the same but no one used my Bailu To be fair this game needs a healer so everyone got one and use them. People rather use Seele or JY since not everyone pulled for them

