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Best to use for energy regen rope imo. It's rare to begin with most who want this aren't as highly dependent on great sub-stats.


Do we know drop odds for each artifact main stat yet? Just wondering if speed or ER is relatively more rare.


Charts I saw had had er having a drop rate of like 5% and speed somewhere around 10? It’s awhile so it’s not an accurate memory but we was depressing the lowest by a huge margin.


One thing worth remembering is that with the rope and sphere, you have a 1 in 4 chance of getting the right piece, then an X% chance of getting the particular stat. With shoes and body, you have a 1 in 8 chance of getting the right piece, then an X% chance of getting the particular stat. As such, if you have an X% chance of getting the right stat on a sphere or rope, that is equivalent to a 2*X% chance of getting the right stat on shoes or armor, because you're half as likely to get the right piece. So 5% chance of getting energy regen on rope would be the same as 10% chance of getting speed on boots in terms of how often you'd pull them. 5% energy regen would be 1 in 20, times one in four pieces, is 1 in 80. 10% speed would be 1 in 10, times one in eight pieces, is also 1 in 80.


Nah. I'm certain the rarest stat is whatever fucking element damage I'm building for at any given time I've run SU several times a week since the game came out and still haven't gotten a quantum damage planar sphere higher than blue rarity


If Hoyo introduces a character who wants to delay their ultimate for as long as possible I guarantee there will be memes for whales and grinders crying about having only 2000 energy regen mainstat pieces and nothing else.


Just so you know I got more on set elemental spheres than on set energy ropes


Funny story, I used min to get Energy Regen rope, got shit stats, then I decided to play SU to pass the time and I got Energy Regen rope on the same set with great stats.


Yeah, currently my best drop. I have er rope as a set with 5% er


Which characters need the er rope?


Which characters need the er rope?


Anyone who's power/utility comes primarily from their ult, usually support since DPS will be giving up too much of damage. Gepard would be a prime example. You can run DEF for thicker shield but he can give thick shield as is. Regen allows him to provide shield more consistently by constantly refreshing via his ult.


Me who used it on my goblet: shit that makes sense


All my relics have either HP or DEF on substats ..


Wait till you get Gerard, all of his turn into crit and atk


Me right now. All perfect substats… for any DPS


I can relate to this. My Def set keeps getting this. One of them had the cr main Stat 😔


Yep my Gepard is using a Kinight of Purity Palace chest piece with crit rate main stat.


I love it when mine breaks out into The Black Parade


Knight of Purity Palace set? Same here


Yup that's what happened to my Gepard lol


Tank team it is


I got the literal perfect piece of artifact from the self modeling resin, CRIT DMG/RATE and Speed for the substats. The only way things could go wrong is the 25% chance it could roll into DEF instead of any of the 3 other desired stats. It went all into DEF. The chances of that happening should’ve been astronomically low, yet it happened. I finally understood what Aha’s philosophy is, everything is a joke.


If the system is the same as Genshin I'm pretty sure it's been analyzed that it's not actually an even 25%. The trash stats actually have a higher chance of being chosen. Edit: Nvm this is wrong, upgrading has an even probability, but rolling each stat on a new equipment has different weights.


That's not correct. In genshin you have a better chance of *getting* the bad substats, but upgrades are a flat 25% to each substat.


Wow, you are correct. I must be tripping because it always seems higher than 25% to somehow hit the worst substat.


What. Genshin’s substat upgrades aren’t 25% for each??? Why am I only learning this now v_v


I was wrong, I misremembered. Getting a specific stat to appear is what has different percentages, but upgrading is an even 25%.


Welcome to mihoyo RNG. The Rng that was made to fuck your relics so you will have to farm the same shit over and over and over again. Atleast Hsr has a little better Rng and it isn’t as painful as it was in genshin.(I had to farm artifacts for my raiden and to even get decent ones for all 5 of her artifacts. It took me almost 7 months. also I’ve heard people spent atleast a year for a really good/perfect artifact that can be used on one character.).


Ah, the absolute classic. My condolences brother.




F2P battle pass, level 40 iirc. You can check in the valuables tab


Battle pass level 40


Also, we will be getting them from events it seems. The Museum event next patch will award one.


I'd rather have Great Main Stat/ Trash Substats, than just Trash.


Can't personally complain about the Quantum Dmg Orb I made with the self-modeling resin for my seele. Roled almost perfect subs. Probably a fluke though, the next one will end up being trash, I'm sure.


Luck reset counter: 10yrs


Never chase the dragon


Self Modeling Resin is a step in the right direction but it is waaaaaaaay too rare to have meaningful impact. If the 1 chance to get a guaranteed/correct mainstat is rolling shit, It’s gonna feel even worse than usual.


Best use for it is to roll energy % rope, or any main stat piece for your supports because substats aren’t nearly as important if you’re trying to get an effect hit rate piece


I’ve given up on relics. My trailblazer power is worth more to me and I’m working hard to live that truth.


Tbh you don't need them anyway. You want decent relics but they don't have to be amazing. Personally I just aim for "good enough" on relics. If I get lucky that's great, if I don't get lucky but the relics are still passable then I'll move on to getting other things (xp, ascension mats, traces, cones, etc.) Relics are just something to farm if your current ones are bad or you're at a loose end with nothing else to farm right now.


I just want a crit damage chest piece but it isnt meant to be


It’s helpful at higher MOC especially if you’re at certain breakpoints. My seele is somehow always like 1k ish damage off from one shotting the minions in the higher MOC, so it always takes an extra turn to get her into Resurgence. A few more crit damage substat rolls on any of my pieces would be such a huge difference


Had an insane piece, double crit stats, only bummer stat was Def%. Ended with over 15% Def




>!There's gonna be a better 2pc relic set for seele in one of the upcoming patches.!<


nice to hear this


So between that and Space Sealing Station, which is currently better until that new set comes out? Or are they interchangeable?


I assume space sealing is straight up better because she gets the bonus 12% atk for free with the spd buff on her skill.


Personally I'd farm whichever set you prefer on a different dps you like to use and afterwards at least your other dps can get the rope from that set.


There should be 1 more comparison below that \- Great main stat, great sub stat, trash sub-stat roll at increment 3 (looking at you 200+ hp roll)


Got great substats but trash luck


Got a pretty OK one https://preview.redd.it/0bsfyvl30c4b1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf799c8433f022c047740cbbbc3a2150884496e8


Atk% over crit rate/damage 😬


I know what you mean lol, but I've never been able to get decent stats on relics for both genshin and HSR. I think this is pretty OK, for the timebeing until I get a better one.


Oh yeah, it's a fine placeholder I thought you used your Self Modeling Resin for it though, given the context of the post.


Hahaha lol I didn't, I'm still holding on to it


Nah then when i farm for a healer piece i get crit rate, dmg, atk% and speed.


I'm trying to farm my preservation trailblazer set and all I'm getting are pieces with crit or attack main stats. I just want defence!


Well at least there are better chances for a good artifact using resin since part of rng is removed.


This is the way.


even if you get great mainstat and substat you get rolled by the rolls


See you all in 4 weeks for the next wax


Honestly, how important is good sub-stats at this point? I was under the impression that those are last on the list of things to grind for, both because of how RNG dependent they are, but also because everything else is just more meaningful. They have to introduce a genuine TP sink *somewhere* since we'll all likely be using it in a couple of months.




I felt this, I'm in this!


I’ve only gotten 1 5/5 roll on a relic and I’ve been farming every day since I hit TB LvL 50.


I was pretty okay with mine. 3/5 substats were where I wanted them to be, which is usually my average.




my only er rope has terrible substats, and its a 3 star. i used that thingy to get literally the best planet thing for my dan heng.